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Showing Collections: 161 - 180 of 666

Single Item

'Dares Phrygius & [fol. 64v] Brut y Brenhinoeo (late & amplified version)'

'Dares Phrygius & [fol. 64v] Brut y Brenhinoeo (late & amplified version)'
Shelfmark: MS. Welsh e. 5
Extents: 211 Leaves
Dates: Written perhaps in the 16th century
Single Item

'De difficultate Iusticiæ seruandæ in Reipublicæ administratione' and 'Panegyricus de quattuor uirtutibus cardineis [sic]'

'De difficultate Iusticiæ seruandæ in Reipublicæ administratione' and 'Panegyricus de quattuor uirtutibus cardineis [sic]'
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 523
Extents: 24 Leaves
Dates: Written about A.D. 1519 in England, by Robert Whittington [?]
Single Item

'De furoribus Gallicis ... ac inaudita piorum strage Parisijs edita sub Carolo'

'De furoribus Gallicis ... ac inaudita piorum strage Parisijs edita sub Carolo'
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 541
Extents: 12 Leaves
Dates: Written about A.D. 1600
Single Item

'Decada de la Passion de nuestro Señor lesu Cristo'

'Decada de la Passion de nuestro Señor lesu Cristo'
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 532
Extents: 111 Leaves
Dates: Written in A.D. 1590 in Madrid by Augustin de Horozco
Single Item

Dedication Copy of the ode by John Milton Ad Joannem Rousium Oxoniensis Academiae Bibliothecarium

Dedication Copy of the ode by John Milton Ad Joannem Rousium Oxoniensis Academiae Bibliothecarium.
Shelfmark: MS. Lat. misc. d. 77
Extents: 2 Leaves
Dates: 23 Jan. 1646/7
Single Item

'The Destruction of Troy ... rendered in English from book II of the Æneis of Virgil'

'The Destruction of Troy ... rendered in English from book II of the Æneis of Virgil', written about A.D. 1885 (?) by H. Edwards.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. d. 1
Extents: 48 Leaves
Dates: written about A.D. 1885 (?) by H. Edwards
Single Item

Devotional pieces in Middle English verse

Devotional pieces in Middle English verse
Shelfmark: MS. e Mus. 160
Extents: 176 Leaves
Dates: Written in the early 16th century in England
Single Item

Draft letter from Grosvenor C. Bedford to John C. Herries enclosing copy of letter from Robert Southey to Bedford

Draft letter from Grosvenor C. Bedford to John C. Herries enclosing copy of letter from Robert Southey to Bedford.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 6036, fols. 65-68
Extents: 4 Leaves
Dates: 1816
Single Item

Draft of 'Atropos' by John Buxton

Draft of 'Atropos' by John Buxton
Shelfmark: MS. Don. d. 147
Extents: 25 Leaves
Dates: 1943-1944
Single Item

Draft, with some corrections, of F. H. Troschel, Der elfte August, oder Rheinsberg und seine Umgebung, ein Gedicht

Draft, with some corrections, of F. H. Troschel, Der elfte August, oder Rheinsberg und seine Umgebung, ein Gedicht, 1828.
Shelfmark: MS. German f. 3
Extents: 55 Leaves
Dates: 1828
Single Item

Drafts and copies of poems by Octavia Walsh, some printed in Poems upon divine and moral subjects. By Dr. Patrick . .. and other ... hands (London, 1719)

Drafts and copies of poems by Octavia Walsh, some printed in Poems upon divine and moral subjects. By Dr. Patrick . .. and other ... hands (London, 1719).
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. e. 31
Extents: 165 Leaves
Dates: 1719
Single Item

Drafts and fair copies of poems by Walter Yeeling Evans-Wentz

Drafts and fair copies of poems by Walter Yeeling Evans-Wentz, n.d.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 2047
Extents: 94 Leaves
Dates: 1914-32, n.d.
Single Item

Drafts of four 'inscriptions' by Robert Southey

Drafts of four 'inscriptions' by Robert Southey.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. e. 129
Extents: 16 Leaves
Dates: 1838
Single Item

Drafts of poems by Leigh Hunt

Drafts of poems by Leigh Hunt, c.1815-1819, mainly printed in Foliage (London, 1818).
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. e. 38
Extents: 47 Leaves
Dates: c.1815-1819
Single Item

Drafts of poems, with some typescript copies, by Kathleen Raine

Drafts of poems, with some typescript copies, by Kathleen Raine, 1960s.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. d. 193
Extents: 45 Leaves
Dates: 1960s
Single Item

Drawing of Ruth Pitter by Sir William Rothenstein

Drawing of Ruth Pitter by Sir William Rothenstein, c.1938.
Shelfmark: MS. 18649
Extents: 1 box
Dates: c.1938
Single Item

'An early 17th century MS. of Welsh poems by:--Davyd ap Gwilim...'

'An early 17th century MS. of Welsh poems by:--Davyd ap Gwilim...'
Shelfmark: MS. Welsh e. 1
Extents: 165 Leaves
Dates: Written in several hands of the 16th century
Single Item

Early 19th-cent. copies of letters from Frances Seymour, Duchess of Somerset, mainly to Henrietta Knight, Lady Luxborough

Early 19th-cent. copies of letters from Frances Seymour, Duchess of Somerset, mainly to Henrietta Knight, Lady Luxborough
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lett. d. 73
Extents: 62 Leaves
Dates: 1742-1754
Single Item

Early 19th-cent. notebook containing poems of Edward Thomas

Early 19th-cent. notebook containing poems of Edward Thomas
Shelfmark: MS. Don. d. 28
Extents: 127 Leaves
Dates: 1915-1916
Single Item

Early 19th century transcript of 'An epistle to Florio at Oxford' by Thomas Tyrwhitt, copied from the printed edition (London, 1749)

Early 19th century transcript of 'An epistle to Florio at Oxford' by Thomas Tyrwhitt, copied from the printed edition (London, 1749). In Crum.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. e. 46
Extents: 21 Leaves
Dates: Early 19th century.

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  • Indexed subjects: Poetry X
  • Indexed subjects: Poetry X
  • Indexed subjects: Poetry X
  • Indexed subjects: Poetry X
  • Indexed subjects: Poetry X
  • Indexed subjects: Poetry X

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Indexed subjects
Poetry 338
20th century 281
19th century 205
Literature 157
18th century 126
17th century 120
Poets 110
English poetry 73
English poetry -- 20th century 62
Letters 53
English literature 50
Humanities 42
16th century 40
Correspondence 31
Poetry -- 20th century 31
21st century 29
Poems 28
Latin poetry 27
Religion 20
English poetry -- 21st century 18
∨ more
English literature -- 20th century 17
Welsh poetry 17
English poetry -- 19th century 16
English poetry -- Women authors 15
Manuscripts 15
Poets -- 20th century 13
English Literature 12
Poets, English -- 20th century -- Correspondence 11
English poetry -- 17th century 10
Literature -- 20th century 10
Oxford (England) 10
Poetry, English 10
Political satire 10
Authors 9
Essays 9
Religious poetry 9
Latin literature 8
Literature -- Translations 8
Poetry -- 17th century 8
Poetry -- 18th century 8
Poetry -- 19th century 8
Sermons 8
University of Oxford 8
War poetry 8
English poetry -- 18th century 7
Letters -- 20th century 7
Literary criticism 7
Theology 7
World War, 1914-1918 7
Authors -- 20th century 6
Diaries 6
English literature -- 19th century 6
Epic poetry 6
Poetry, English -- 19th century 6
Poetry, Greek 6
Poetry, Italian 6
x - 15th century 6
Antiquarians 5
Commonplace books 5
English language 5
French literature 5
Greek literature 5
Music 5
Novelists 5
Playwriting -- Drama 5
Poetry, English -- 18th century 5
Poets -- 19th century 5
Poets, English -- 19th century 5
Politics and Government 5
Scholars 5
University of Oxford -- Intellectual life 5
University of Oxford -- Students 5
14th century 4
Bible 4
Classical literature 4
Diaries -- 18th century 4
Drama 4
Drama -- 20th century 4
Historians 4
Illumination of books and manuscripts 4
Law 4
Lectures and lecturing 4
Manuscripts, Latin 4
Medicine 4
Philosophy 4
Poetry, English -- 17th century 4
Poets laureate 4
Poets, English 4
Songs 4
Authors, Classical 3
Ballads 3
Biography 3
Children's literature 3
Cornwall (England) 3
Cricket 3
Diaries -- 20th century 3
Drama -- 19th century 3
Drawings 3
English literature -- 18th century 3
France 3
∧ less
Indexed names
Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | Poet Laureate 17
Larkin | Philip Arthur | 1922-1985 | poet 13
Blunden | Edmund Charles | 1896-1974 | poet 11
Masefield | John Edward | 1878-1967 | poet and novelist 11
Southey | Robert | 1774-1843 | poet, journalist, and biographer 8
Pitter | Ruth | 1897-1992 | poet 7
Swinburne | Algernon Charles | 1837-1909 | poet 6
Williams | Charles Walter Stansby | 1886-1945 | author 6
Mare | Walter John de la | 1873-1956 | author and poet 5
Beddoes | Thomas Lovell | 1803-1849 | poet and physiologist 4
Clare | John | 1793-1864 | Poet 4
Crabbe | George | 1754-1832 | Poet 4
Donne | John | 1573-1631 | Dean of St Paul's, poet 4
Donne | John | 1573-1631 | Dean of St. Paul's and poet 4
Eliot | Thomas Stearns | 1888-1965 | poet 4
Flecker | Herman James Elroy | 1884-1915 | poet and playwright 4
Jennings | Elizabeth Joan | 1926-2001 | poet 4
Jones | Monica Margaret Beal | 1922-2001 | lecturer in English 4
MacNeice | Frederick Louis | 1907-1963 | poet and playwright 4
Sassoon | Siegfried | 1886-1967 | poet 4
∨ more
Shelley | Percy Bysshe | 1792-1822 | poet 4
University of Oxford 4
Wain | John Barrington | 1925-1994 | writer and poet 4
Welcker | Adair | fl. 1886-1904 | Author 4
Woolner | Thomas | 1825-1892 | Sculptor and Poet 4
Aristotle | 384-322 BC | Greek philosopher 3
Betjeman | Sir | John | 1906-1984 | Knight | Poet Laureate and writer 3
Bottomley | Gordon | 1874-1948 | Poet and playwright 3
Carew | Thomas | 1594-1640 | Poet 3
Causley | Charles Stanley | 1917-2003 | poet 3
Cowper | William | 1731-1800 | poet 3
Dobell | Bertram | 1842-1914 | Bookseller and Man of Letters 3
Hayley | William | 1745-1820 | Poet 3
Hopkins | Gerard Manley | 1844-1889 | poet 3
Keats | John | 1795-1821 | Poet 3
Lewis | Cecil | Day- | 1904-1972 | poet and novelist 3
Shelley | Mary Wollstonecraft | 1797-1851 | née Godwin | writer 3
Skinner | Martyn | 1906-1993 | Poet 3
Addison | Joseph | 1672-1719 | poet and statesman 2
Alabaster | William | 1567-1640 | Latin Poet and Canon of St Paul's 2
Albert | 1819-1861 | Prince Consort of Queen Victoria 2
Alighieri | Dante | 1265-1321 | poet 2
Auden | Wystan Hugh | 1907-1973 | poet and writer 2
Austen | Jane | 1775-1817 | Novelist 2
Binyon | Laurence | 1869-1943 | Poet and art historian 2
Bridges | Edward Ettingdene | 1892-1969 | civil servant 2
Bridges | Mary Monica | 1863-1949 | née Waterhouse | wife of Robert Bridges 2
Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | poet 2
Burhill | Robert | bap. 1572-1641 | Church of England clergyman 2
Burns | Robert | 1759-1796 | poet 2
Butler | William Huxford | 1934-1977 | poet 2
Campbell | Thomas | 1777-1844 | Poet 2
Chaucer | Geoffrey | c 1340-1400 | Poet 2
Coleridge | Samuel Taylor | 1772-1834 | Poet and philosopher 2
Coles | Jenny | nee Joseph | 1932-2018 | writer 2
Colvil | Samuel | fl. 1640-1681 2
Daryush | Elizabeth | 1887-1977 | née Bridges | poet 2
Davis | Sir | Rupert Charles | Hart- | 1907-1999 | knight | author, editor, and publisher 2
Dee | John | 1527-1608 | Mathematician and Astrologer 2
Elizabeth I | 1533-1603 | Queen of England and Ireland 2
Firth | Sir | Charles Harding | 1857-1936 | Knight | historian 2
Fox | Adam | 1883-1977 | Canon of Westminster 2
Gardner | Dame | Helen Louise | 1908-1986 | literary scholar 2
Gibson | Wilfrid Wilson | 1878-1962 | Georgian poet 2
Gladstone | William Ewart | 1809-1898 | statesman 2
Guiney | Louise Imogen | 1861-1920 | American Poet and Essayist 2
Hardy | Thomas | 1840–1928 | novelist and poet 2
Hawker | Robert Stephen | 1803-1875 | vicar of Morwenstow, poet and antiquary 2
Heaney | Seamus | 1939-2013 | Poet and Lecturer 2
Heber | Reginald | 1783-1826 | Bishop of Calcutta 2
Herrick | Robert | 1591-1674 | poet 2
Jenkins | Margaret Elizabeth Heald | 1905-2010 | novelist and biographer 2
Jonson | Benjamin | c. 1573-1637 | poet 2
King | Henry | 1592-1669 | poet and bishop of Chichester 2
Lane | John | 1854-1925 | Publisher 2
Lewis | Alun | 1915-1944 | poet 2
Lewis | Cecil Day | 1904-1972 | poet 2
Locke | John | 1632-1704 | philospher 2
Madan | Judith | 1702-1781 | Poet 2
Maro | Publius Vergilius | c 70-19 BC | Roman poet known as Virgil 2
Marvell Press | publisher 2
Masefield | (Isabel) Judith | 1904-1988 | book illustrator 2
Mason | William | 1724-1797 | poet 2
Nichols | John Bowyer | 1779-1863 | printer and antiquary 2
Ovidius Naso | Publius | 43 BC-AD 17 | Roman poet 2
Parkyn | Robert | d.1569 | Church of England clergyman and writer 2
Pope | Alexander | 1688-1744 | Poet 2
Pope | Alexander | 1688-1744 | poet 2
Prokosch | Frederic | 1908-1989 | calligrapher and poet 2
Queen's University Belfast 2
Randolph | Thomas | 1605-1635 | poet 2
Rathbone | Gillian | fl 2010 | poet 2
Ridler | Anne Barbara | 1912-2001 | Writer and poet 2
Ridler | Anne Barbara | 1912-2001 | née Bradby | poet and writer 2
Rossetti | Christina Georgina | 1830-1894 | Poet 2
Rossetti | Dante Gabriel | 1828-1882 | Painter and Poet 2
Shelley | Sir | Percy Florence | 1819-1889 | 3rd Baronet 2
Skinner | Martyn | 1906-1993 | writer 2
Southwell | Robert | c 1561-1595 | Jesuit and poet 2
Spender | Sir | Stephen Harold | 1909-1995 | Knight | poet 2
∧ less
English 582
Latin 78
French 25
Welsh 23
German 14
Italian 14
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 12
Greek, Modern (1453-) 9
Spanish; Castilian 7
English, Old (ca.450-1100) 3
Cornish 3
Dutch; Flemish 3
English, Middle (1100-1500) 3
Irish 3
Russian 3
Undetermined 3
Danish 2
Icelandic 2
Polish 2
Portuguese 2