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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 28


Archive of Henry Minn

Archive of Henry Minn, 19th-20th century.
Extents: 2.25 Linear metres (39 boxes)
Dates: 19th-20th century

Archive of the Oxford Ladies Musical Society

Archive of the Oxford Ladies Musical Society, 1897-1968.
Extents: 1.16 Linear metres (22 shelfmarks)
Dates: 1897-1968
Single Item

A brief register of deaths in Oxford or the neighbourhood

A brief register of deaths in Oxford or the neighbourhood
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon e. 47
Extents: 20 Leaves
Dates: Written in about 1750-1770

Business Records of Roy John Bruce, Plumber

Business Records of Roy John Bruce, Plumber
Extents: 1.87 Linear metres (17 boxes)
Dates: 1946-69

Catalogue of Prints and Drawings in the Bodleian Library relating to Oxford, Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire

Catalogue of prints and drawings in the Bodleian Library relating to Oxford, Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire, compiled by W.P. Ellis, 1916-19. This catalogue (R. 6. 264-265) has been largely superseded by the card-index of drawings of Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire begun in 1955.
Extents: 2 shelfmarks
Dates: 1916-1919

Day-books of J.H. Bruce

Day-books of John Henry Bruce, 1907-1917.
Extents: 0.55 Linear metres (5 boxes)
Dates: 1907-1917

Drawings of Oxford Buildings by J.C. Buckler

Drawings of Oxford Buildings by J.C. Buckler, 1810-1830
Extents: 0.22 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: 1810-1830
Single Item

Guard-book of letters and papers relating to Oxford and Oxfordshire

Guard-book of letters and papers relating to Oxford and Oxfordshire, 18th-20th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon. d. 511
Extents: 246 Leaves
Dates: 18th-20th century
Single Item

Guard-book of material relating to Oxford and Oxfordshire

Guard-book of material relating to Oxford and Oxfordshire, 19th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon. e. 290
Extents: 26 Leaves
Dates: 19th century

Henry Minn Collection

The principal part of the collection consists of photographs (and original negatives) taken by Henry Minn. It also contains photographs taken by Sarah Angelina Acland and Henry Taunt. There are photographs belonging to C.F. Bell (possibly Charles Francis Bell).
Extents: 24.1 Linear metres (241 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 19th-20th century

Historical and topographical notes, relating to Oxford, by John Gilbert

Collections of miscellaneous notes and newspaper cuttings, chiefly historical and topographical, relating to Oxford and its neighbourhood, made by John Gilbert in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Extents: 2 shelfmarks
Dates: 19th-20th century

Hurst Papers

Hurst papers chiefly consisting of historical and topographical collections relating to Oxford and the neighbouring districts.
Extents: 3.74 Linear metres (34 boxes)
Dates: 1885-1912

John Dunkin's collections for Oxfordshire

Extracts made by John Dunkin (1782-1846), topographer, from various sources relating to Oxfordshire.
Extents: 0.6 Linear metres (12 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: early 19th cent.
Single Item

Legal copies of the wills of fifteen persons of Oxford or the neighbourhood

Legal copies of the wills of fifteen persons of Oxford or the neighbourhood
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon b. 31
Extents: 54 Leaves
Dates: Written about 1840-1850

Notes and Collections of the Rev. H.E. Salter

Notes and collections of the Rev. H.E. Salter, consisting of: Charters relating to Oxford Maps Material relating to other counties
Extents: 170 shelfmarks
Dates: 19th-20th cent.
Single Item

Papers [and plans] relateing to the Repairs of the Publick Library and Divinity School [at Oxford] 1701 & 1702

'Papers [and plans] relateing to the Repairs of the Publick Library and Divinity School [at Oxford] 1701 & 1702,' written early in the 18th century
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 907
Extents: 27 Leaves
Dates: written early in the 18th century

Photographs of listed buildings in Oxfordshire taken by P.S. Spokes

Photographs of listed buildings in Oxfordshire taken by P.S. Spokes
Extents: 4.1 Linear metres (41 boxes)
Dates: c.1940-1971

Rawlinson Manuscripts

Richard Rawlinson's collection of manuscripts, 8th-18th century.
Extents: 3571 boxes (392.81 linear metres)
Dates: 8th-18th century

Records of the Oxford and County Club

Records of the Oxford and County Club, consisting of minute books, 1904-1953, and a candidates book, 1906-1941.
Extents: 4 shelfmarks
Dates: 1904-1953

Records of the Park Town, Oxford, Trustees and Estate Company

Records of the Park Town, Oxford, Trustees and Estate Company
Extents: 0.77 Linear metres (7 boxes)
Dates: 1853-1951

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: Oxford (England) X
  • Indexed subjects: Oxfordshire (England) X

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Indexed subjects
Oxford (England) 27
19th century 18
20th century 17
18th century 9
Antiquarians 4
Berkshire (England) 4
Architecture -- England -- Oxfordshire 3
Correspondence 3
Great Britain -- Topography 3
Topographical drawing 3
Buckinghamshire (England) 2
Cassington (England) 2
Church buildings -- England -- Oxfordshire 2
Eynsham (England) 2
Genealogy 2
Geography 2
Heraldry 2
Plumbers -- England -- Oxford 2
Poetry 2
Societies -- England -- Oxford 2
∨ more  
Indexed names
University of Oxford 6
Minn | Henry | 1870-1961 | Clockmaker and Antiquary 3
Hurst | Herbert | 1834-? 1914 | Oxford Antiquary 2
Wyatt | Charles Francis | 1820-1906 | Rector of Broughton and Antiquary 2
Acland | Sarah Angelina | 1849-1930 | Fellow of Royal Photographic Society and Royal Society of Arts 1
Acland | family | baronets | Oxford 1
Albert | 1819-1861 | Prince Consort of Queen Victoria 1
Beaumont | fl 1688-1730 | Nonconformist 1
Bell | Charles Francis | 1871-1966 | Art Historian 1
Blayney | Benjamin | 1727/8-1801 | Hebraist and Church of England clergyman 1
Bracton | Henry de | c 1210-1268 | Judge, Chancellor of Exeter Cathedral 1
Bruce | John Henry | fl. 1907-1917 | plumber 1
Bruce | Roy John | fl. 1946-1981 | plumber 1
Buckland | William | 1784-1856 | Dean of Westminster, geologist 1
Buckler | John Chessell | 1793-1894 | Architect and Antiquary 1
Buckler | John | 1770-1851 | topographical artist, architect, and antiquary 1
Buxton | Leonard Halford Dudley | 1889-1939 | anthropologist 1
Carpenter | George | 1750-1805 | 2nd Earl of Tyrconnell | politician 1
Chaucer | Geoffrey | c 1340-1400 | Poet 1
Church of England | Diocese of London | Consistory Court 1
∨ more
Dampier | John Lucius | 1792-1853 | Vice-Warden of the Stannaries Court 1
Dunkin | John | 1782-1846 | topographer 1
England and Wales | Exchequer 1
England and Wales | Royal Navy 1
Eton College 1
Firth | Sir | Charles Harding | 1857-1936 | Knight | historian 1
Fitzwilliams | John | fl 1600-1699 | Nonjuror 1
Fleming | Robert | ? 1660-1716 | Presbyterian Minister 1
French Protestant Church 1
Gibson | Strickland | 1877-1958 | Librarian and Bibliographer 1
Gilbert | John | fl 19th century | antiquary 1
Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Ministry of Housing and Local Government 1
Grenville | Denis | 1637-1703 | Jacobite Archbishop of York | also known as Denis Granville 1
Gronovius | Jacobus | 1645-1716 | classical scholar 1
Gunning | Peter | 1614-1684 | Bishop of Ely 1
Hawes | Samuel | fl 1694-1700 | Nonjuror 1
Hawksmoor | Nicholas | 1661-1736 | Architect 1
Hearne | Thomas | 1678-1735 | Antiquary and Nonjuror 1
Hinton | Henry | 1749-1816 | Oxfordshire Antiquary 1
Hodgson | Bernard | bap. 1743-1805 | college head 1
Holman | William | d 1730 | Essex Antiquary Congregational Minister 1
Hunt | James | 1795-1857 | Oxfordshire Antiquary 1
Jaynes | Henry | fl. 1715 1
Kendall | Diana | fl. c.1954 1
L'Estrange | Hamon | 1605-1660 | theologian and historian 1
Lewis | John | c 1700-1799 | Minister of Margate 1
Livingstone | Sir | Richard Winn | 1880-1960 | classical scholar and university administrator 1
Livius | Titus | ? 59 BC-AD 17 | Roman historian 1
Locke | John | 1632-1704 | philospher 1
Macray | William Dunn | 1826-1916 | Rector of Ducklington, Antiquary, and Archivist 1
Mandeville | Sir | John | d 1372 | travel writer 1
Nedam | James | fl 1532-1543 | Royal Surveyor of Works 1
Neve | John Le | 1679-1741 | Antiquary 1
Newcome | William | 1729-1800 | Church of Ireland archbishop of Armagh and theologian 1
Ovidius Naso | Publius | 43 BC-AD 17 | Roman poet 1
Oxford Ladies Musical Society 1
Oxford Millenary Exhibition | 1912 1
Oxford Wartime Music Club 1
Oxford and County Club 1
Oxfordshire Architectural Record 1
Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society (formerly Oxford Architectural Society) 1
Oxfordshire Rural Community Council 1
Park Town Estate Co Ltd 1
Pepys | Samuel | 1633-1703 | MP, Diarist, Public Servant, Antiquary 1
Poole | Richard | fl. 1912 1
Price | Daniel | fl 1685-1706 | Dean of St Asaph 1
Pridden | John | 1758-1825 | Anglican clergyman, antiquary, architect, philanthropist 1
Rawlinson | Richard | 1690-1755 | Antiquary and Nonjuror 1
Roach | Richard | 1662-1730 | Anglican clergyman 1
Robinson | John | 1650-1723 | Bishop of London 1
Rogers | Annie Mary Anne Henley | 1856-1937 | promoter of women's higher education 1
Sallustius Crispus | Gaius | ? 86-? 34 BC | Roman historian 1
Salter | Herbert Edward | 1863-1951 | Historian 1
Samber | Robert | fl 1710-1729 | Poet 1
Sancroft | William | 1617-1693 | Archbishop of Canterbury 1
Smith | Thomas | 1638-1710 | Nonjuror Historian and Librarian 1
St Paul's Cathedral 1
Stanton | William | fl 1697-1704 1
Swadlin | Thomas | 1600-1670 | Royalist divine 1
Taunt | Henry William | 1842-1922 | photographer and antiquary 1
Terentius Afer | Publius | ? 195 BC-? 159 BC | Roman comic dramatist 1
Thurloe | John | 1616-1668 | Secretary to the Council of State 1
Tullius Cicero | Marcus | 106-43 BC | Roman orator and statesman 1
Turner | Francis | ? 1638-1700 | Bishop of Ely 1
Turner | Thomas | 1645-1714 | President of Corpus Christi College Oxford 1
Turner | William Henry | d. 1880 | Oxfordshire antiquary 1
University of Cambridge 1
University of Oxford | Botanic Garden 1
University of Oxford | The Club 1
University of Oxford | The Queen's College 1
Walpole | Spencer Horatio | 1806-1898 | politician 1
Wellesley | Arthur | 1769-1852 | 1st Duke of Wellington | Field Marshal, statesman 1
Wellesley | Arthur | 1769-1852 | 1st Duke of Wellington | Field Marshall and statesman 1
Wharton | Philip | 1613-1696 | 4th Baron Wharton 1
Wilkinson | Thomas | fl 1600-1699 | Anglican clergyman 1
Williams | John | fl 1709-1726 | Poet 1
Wren | Sir | Christopher | 1632-1723 | architect, mathematician, and astronomer 1
Wynter | Philip | 1793-1871 | President of St John's College Oxford 1
Zamboni | Giovanni Giacomo | fl 1723-1751 | resident in England for Duke of Modena 1
∧ less
Latin 6
French 2
Italian 2
Spanish; Castilian 2
English, Old (ca.450-1100) 1
Arabic 1
Catalan; Valencian 1
Danish 1
Dutch; Flemish 1
German 1
Irish 1
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 1
Greek, Modern (1453-) 1
Hebrew 1
Portuguese 1
Welsh 1