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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 460

Single Item

6 letters from Alfred Fairbank to Desmond Flower

6 letters from Alfred Fairbank to Desmond Flower.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lett. c. 575
Extents: 7 Leaves
Dates: 1932, 1936
Single Item

19 letters to Albert Frederick Pollard

19 letters to Albert Frederick Pollard.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lett. c. 463, fols. 210-237 = Cons. Res.
Extents: 28 Leaves
Dates: 1916-1947
Single Item

82 letters from Clement Attlee, 1st Earl Attlee, to Patricia Beck, with 1 letter to Douglas Jay

82 letters from Clement Attlee, 1st Earl Attlee, to Patricia Beck, with 1 letter to Douglas Jay
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lett. c. 571
Extents: 156 Leaves
Dates: 1957-1967
Single Item

135 letters and notes of Walter de la Mare to John Freeman and to his wife Gertrude

135 letters and notes of Walter de la Mare to John Freeman and to his wife Gertrude.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lett. d. 462
Extents: 181 Leaves
Dates: 1906-1952
Single Item

Additional letters of condolence to Herbert Henry Asquith on the death of his eldest son, Raymond Asquith (1878-1916), and additional papers of Anthony Asquith

Additional letters of condolence to Herbert Henry Asquith on the death of his eldest son, Raymond Asquith (1878-1916), and additional papers of Anthony Asquith.
Shelfmark: MS. 14910
Extents: 1 box
Dates: 1776, 1916-1945

Additional papers of Ava Anderson, Viscountess Waverley and miscellaneous papers of John Anderson, 1st Viscount Waverley

Correspondence and papers of Ava Anderson, Viscountess Waverley (1896-1974) and miscellaneous correspondence and papers of her husband, John Anderson, 1st Viscount Waverley (1882-1958), civil servant, statesman.
Extents: 2.6 Linear metres (26 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1907-1974

Additional papers of Bruce Chatwin

Additional papers of (Charles) Bruce Chatwin (1940-1989), writer
Extents: 5.16 Linear metres (36 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: Majority of material found within Bulk, 1957-1989; [c. 1895-c. 2017]. Bulk c. 1957-c. 1989
Single Item

Album of autographs compiled by R.T. Wragg, interleaved with several letters and a newspaper cutting

Album of autographs compiled by R.T. Wragg, interleaved with several letters and a newspaper cutting
Shelfmark: MS. Autogr. d. 46
Extents: 312 Leaves
Dates: 1851-1914
Single Item

Album of letters and papers, concerning George Butterworth, collected by his father after his death in 1916

Album of letters and papers, concerning George Butterworth, collected by his father after his death in 1916
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. c. 453
Extents: 583 Leaves
Dates: 1896, 1913-1922
Single Item

Album of the Margoliouth family

Album of the Margoliouth family
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 669
Extents: 239 Leaves
Dates: c. 1907-1958
Single Item

Archive of Donald Bradley Somervell, Baron Somervell of Harrow

Archive of Donald Bradley Somervell, Baron Somervell of Harrow.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 6565, fols. 1-325
Extents: 325 Leaves
Dates: 1934-1954
Single Item

Archive of Donald Bradley Somervell, Baron Somervell of Harrow

Archive of Donald Bradley Somervell, Baron Somervell of Harrow.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 6565, fols. 326-351
Extents: 51 Leaves
Dates: 1936-1937

Archive of Hilary Bailey

Archive of Hilary Bailey, (1936-2017) writer and editor.
Extents: 11.85 Linear metres (79 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1963-2009, n.d.

Archive of James Cawthorn

James Cawthorn (1929-2008) was an illustrator, critic and author.
Extents: 2.96 Linear metres (55 boxes)
Dates: 1912-2021, n.d.

Archive of Michael Sayers

Archive of Michael Sayers (1911-2010), writer
Extents: 12.45 Linear metres (88 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1878, c. 1922-2015

Archive of the Macirone Family

Correspondence and papers of the Macirone Family, principally George Macirone (1788-1858), his wife Mary Ann Macirone (1791-1869) nee Perriman, and their three children, Clara Macirone (1821-1914), Emily Macirone (1821-1888) and George Augustus Macirone (1834-1910) with born-digital transcriptions of their letters and diaries by Patricia Neate.
Extents: 1.54 Linear metres (14 physical shelfmarks; 1 digital shelfmark)
Dates: 1584-2016

Archive of Winifred Gill

Papers of Winifred Gill, artist, writer and social reformer
Extents: 11.08 Linear metres (73 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1st century and 1880s-2008
Single Item

Autograph book of Peggy Hardaker

Autograph book compiled by Margaret (Peggy) Hardaker containing signatures and letters, primarily from authors, c.1931-1980.
Shelfmark: MS. 16096
Extents: 1 box
Dates: c.1931-1980
Single Item

Bibliography by Falconer Madan of H. W. Pullen, The fight in Dame Europa's school

Bibliography by Falconer Madan of H. W. Pullen, The fight in Dame Europa's school
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 284
Extents: 454 Leaves
Dates: c. 1870-1908

Archive of John Macquarrie

Archive of Reverand Professor John Macquarrie, theologian, philosopher and priest
Extents: 2.54 Linear metres (7 boxes)
Dates: 1940-2007

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: Letters X
  • Indexed subjects: Letters X
  • Indexed subjects: 20th century X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Indexed subjects
20th century 457
Letters 322
Humanities 200
Letters -- 20th century 134
19th century 130
18th century 51
Literature 42
17th century 28
Poets 19
Letters -- 19th century 15
Poetry 15
Politics and Government 13
English Literature 12
Music 11
16th century 10
Novelists 10
English literature 9
Politicians 9
English literature -- 20th century 8
Authors 7
∨ more
Correspondence 7
Great Britain -- Politics and Government -- 20th century 7
History 7
Antiquarians 6
Art 6
Artists 6
Autographs 6
Manuscripts 6
Philosophy 6
Scholars 6
21st century 5
Authors -- 20th century 5
Historians 5
Journalism 5
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 4
Diaries 4
English poetry -- 20th century 4
Journalists 4
Lectures and lecturing 4
Letters -- Collections 4
Oxford (England) 4
Religion 4
Theology 4
Academic writing 3
Calligraphers 3
Calligraphy 3
Church of England -- Clergy 3
France 3
Great Britain -- Politics and government 3
India 3
Newspapers 3
Nobility -- Great Britain 3
Novelists -- 20th century 3
Photographs 3
Politics 3
Royal family 3
Russia 3
United States of America 3
World War, 1939-1945 3
Academics 2
Actors 2
Archaeology 2
Authors, English -- 20th century 2
Autobiography 2
Bibliography 2
Composers -- Correspondence 2
Composers, English 2
Drawing 2
Essays 2
Great Britain 2
Great Britain -- Colonies -- South Africa -- Administration 2
Great Britain -- Politics and Government -- 19th century 2
Ireland 2
Law 2
Literature -- 20th century 2
Music -- 20th century 2
Philosophers 2
Poems 2
Political activists 2
Politics and government 2
Science fiction 2
Soldiers -- Correspondence 2
University of Oxford 2
World War, 1914-1918 2
1st century 1
Accounts 1
Africa -- Description and travel 1
Africa -- History, military 1
Africa, West 1
Anthropology 1
Antiquities 1
Architects 1
Argentina -- Description and travel 1
Art, British -- 20th century 1
Artists -- 20th century 1
Artwork 1
Asia -- Description and travel 1
Australia 1
Authors, English -- England -- London 1
Basque literature 1
∧ less
Indexed names
Lewis | Clive Staples | 1898-1963 | writer 22
Bryce | James | 1838-1922 | Viscount Bryce | jurist, historian and politician 21
Asquith | Margaret Emma Alice (Margot) | 1864-1945 | née Tennant | Countess of Oxford and Asquith | political hostess and diarist 7
Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | Poet Laureate 7
Asquith | Herbert Henry | 1852-1928 | 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith | statesman 6
Auden | Wystan Hugh | 1907-1973 | poet and writer 6
Lawrence | Thomas Edward | 1888-1935 | Soldier, Author, and Archaeologist known as Lawrence of Arabia 6
Masefield | John Edward | 1878-1967 | poet and novelist 6
Blunden | Edmund Charles | 1896-1974 | poet 4
Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | poet 4
Dodds | Eric Robertson | 1893-1979 | classical scholar 4
Pusey | Edward Bouverie | 1800-1882 | Canon of Christ Church Oxford 4
Starkie | Enid | 1897-1970 | scholar 4
Attlee | Clement Richard | 1883-1967 | 1st Earl Attlee | politician and prime minister 3
Chapman | Robert William | 1881-1960 | English Scholar and Editor 3
Clark | Andrew | 1854-1922 | Clergyman and Antiquary 3
Fairbank | Alfred John | 1895-1982 | calligrapher 3
Gibson | Strickland | 1877-1958 | Librarian and Bibliographer 3
Larkin | Philip Arthur | 1922-1985 | poet 3
Madan | Falconer | 1851-1935 | Bodley's Librarian, palaeographer and bibliographer 3
∨ more
Mare | Walter John de la | 1873-1956 | author and poet 3
Milner | Alfred | 1854-1925 | Viscount Milner | statesman 3
Sayers | Dorothy Leigh | 1893-1957 | playwright, author and humanist 3
Skinner | Martyn | 1906-1993 | Poet 3
University of Oxford 3
Williams | Charles Walter Stansby | 1886-1945 | author 3
Wordsworth | Christopher | fl. 1910 3
Acland | Sir | Thomas Dyke | 1809-1898 | 11th Baronet | Politician and educational reformer 2
Asquith | Anthony | 1902-1968 | film director and aesthete 2
Asquith | Raymond | 1878-1916 | scholar and army officer 2
Asquith | family 2
Beddoes | Thomas Lovell | 1803-1849 | poet and physiologist 2
Bliss | Philip | 1787-1857 | Antiquary and Editor 2
Blunden | Edmund Charles | 1896-1974 | poet and university teacher 2
Bridges | Mary Monica | 1863-1949 | née Waterhouse | wife of Robert Bridges 2
Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | poet laureate 2
Cary | Arthur Joyce Lunel | 1888-1957 | Author 2
Cobden | Richard | 1804-1865 | Manufacturer and politician 2
Collard | A. O. | fl. 1910-1946 2
Collingwood | Robin George | 1889-1943 | philosopher and historian 2
Disraeli | Benjamin | 1804-1881 | Earl of Beaconsfield | statesman 2
Dodds | Annie Edwards | 1886/7–1973 | née Powell | lecturer in English at Reading University 2
Dodgson | Edward Spencer | 1857-1922 | Bascologist 2
Eliot | Thomas Stearns | 1888-1965 | poet 2
Froude | James Anthony | 1818-1894 | historian 2
Furnivall | Frederick James | 1825-1910 | scholar, editor and oarsman 2
Gardner | Dame | Helen Louise | 1908-1986 | literary scholar 2
Gladstone | William Ewart | 1809-1898 | statesman 2
Haarmann | Erika | fl 1932-1937 2
Jowett | Benjamin | 1817-1893 | Master of Balliol College, Oxford 2
Lawrence | Arnold Walter | 1900-1991 | academic 2
Lawrence | Thomas Edward | 1888-1935 | known as Lawrence of Arabia | intelligence officer and author 2
Lennard | C. E. | Barrett- | fl 1864-1930 2
Lewis | Clive Staples | 1898-1963 | writer and scholar 2
Murray | [George] Gilbert Aimé | 1866–1957 | classical scholar and internationalist 2
Nevinson | Henry Wood | 1856-1941 | Essayist Philanthropist Journalist 2
Nichols | Robert | 1893-1944 | Writer, poet and playwright 2
Novikoff | Olga | 1848-1925 | Russian journalist 2
Pym | Barbara Mary Crampton | 1913-1980 | Novelist 2
Rhodes | Cecil John | 1853-1902 | imperialist, colonial politician and mining entrepreneur 2
Russell | John | 1792-1878 | 1st Earl Russell | statesman 2
Somervell| Baron | Donald Bradley| 24 Aug 1889–18 Nov 1960 | Somervell of Harrow, Life Peer, politician and judge 2
Spender | Michael | fl 1932-1937 2
Starkie | Enid Mary | 1897-1970 | French scholar 2
Taylor | Sir | Henry | 1800-1886 | Knight Author 2
Thompson | Edward John | 1886-1946 | Writer 2
Tolkien | John Ronald Reuel | 1892-1973 | philologist and author 2
Villiers | George William Frederick | 1800-1870 | 4th Earl of Clarendon | statesman 2
Wain | John Barrington | 1925-1994 | writer and poet 2
Watts | George Frederic | 1817-1904 | Painter and sculptor 2
Wells | Herbert George | 1866-1946 | novelist 2
Wilberforce | Samuel | 1805-1873 | Bishop of Oxford and Winchester 2
Wood | Anthony | 1632-1695 | Antiquary 2
Abbott | Claude Colleer |17 April 1889–17 Sept. 1971 | Professor of English Language and Literature in the University of Durham, 1932–54, Emeritus Professor, 1954 1
Acland | Arthur H. D. | 1847-1926 | 13th Baronet | Politician and educational reformer 1
Acland | Sarah Angelina | 1849-1930 | Fellow of Royal Photographic Society and Royal Society of Arts 1
Albert | 1819-1861 | Prince Consort of Queen Victoria 1
Aldwinkle | Stella | fl 1954 1
Algarotti | Francesco | 1712-1764 | Poet and scholar 1
Allan | Julian Phelps | 1892-1996 | formerly Eva Dorothy Allan | sculptor 1
Allen | Hope Emily | 1883-1960 | medieval scholar 1
Anderson | Ava | 1896-1974 | née Bodley | wife of Viscount Waverley 1
Anderson | John | 1882-1958 | 1st Viscount Waverley | civil servant 1
Anderson | family 1
Argov | Shlomo | 1929-2003 | Israeli diplomat 1
Armytage | Robert North | Green- | fl 1918-1956 | lawyer and book collector 1
Armytage | Walter Harry Green | 1915–1998 | educationist and historian 1
Ashby | Arthur Wilfred | 1886-1953 | agricultural economist 1
Asquith | Henry Herbert | 1852-1928 | 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith | prime minister 1
Asquith | Margaret Emma Alice 'Margot' | 1864-1945 | political hostess and diarist 1
Attlee | Earl | Clement Richard | 1883–1967 | prime minister 1
Attlee | Thomas Simons | 1880-1960 | pacifist 1
Bailey | Hilary | 1936-2017 | writer, critic and editor 1
Baily | Francis | 1774-1844 | Astronomer 1
Baldwin | James Mark | 1861-1934 | Philosopher 1
Bantock | Granville Ransome | 1868-1946 | composer 1
Baring-Gould | Sabine | 1834-1924 | Church of England clergyman, author and folksong collector 1
Barnes | Cecil H. R | fl.1920 | officer serving with the British Military Mission in South Russia 1
Barnett | Annie | d 1941 | nee Beeching, wife of Percy Arthur Barnett 1
Barnett | Percy Arthur | 1858-1941 | Chief Inspector of Training of Teachers 1
∧ less
English 459
French 4
German 4
Italian 2
Latin 2
Basque 1
Greek, Modern (1453-) 1
Spanish; Castilian 1