Showing Collections: 121 - 140 of 191
Microfilms of the Papers (1914-1919) of Baron Sidney Sonnino
Microfilms of the Papers (1914-1919) of Baron Sidney Sonnino as Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Extents: 54 shelfmarks (2.7 linear metres)
Microfilms of unpublished catalogues of manuscripts in Italian libraries
Microfilms of unpublished catalogues of manuscripts in Italian libraries
Extents: 2.60 linear metres (52 items)
20th cent.
Montagu Manuscripts
Manuscripts collected by Captain Montagu, 15th-19th century.
Extents: 3.52 Linear metres (62 boxes)
15th-19th century
Single Item
The municipal statutes of Castelluccio in the duchy of Sora
The municipal statutes of Castelluccio in the duchy of Sora, written in or soon after 1580 at Castelluccio.
Shelfmark: MS. Ital. e. 4
Extents: 59 Leaves
written in or soon after 1580 at Castelluccio
Music Collected by the Blount Family, Mapledurham
Music collected during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries by the Blount family at Mapledurham. Most of the music consists of English, Italian and French songs and operatic arias, late seventeenth to early eighteenth century. Parts for one or two voices, bass line, and (rarely) other accompaniments are given in score. Some teaching notes are included.
Extents: 17 shelfmarks
18th-19th cent.
Music collected during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries by the Blount family at Mapledurham
Music collected during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries by the Blount family at Mapledurham, late 17th-early 19th cent., n.d.
Extents: 17 boxes (0.85 linear metres)
late 17th-early 19th cent., n.d.
Music manuscripts from the Library of St Michael's College, Tenbury Wells
Music manuscripts from the Library of St Michael's College, Tenbury, Worcestershire, [c 1600]-1930.
Extents: 127.16 Linear metres (1136 physical shelfmarks)
[c 1600]-1930
Musical collections of Harry Ellis Wooldridge
A collection of music, including transcripts mainly of 17th and 18th-century Italian music, nearly all from sources in the British Museum.
Extents: 3.74 Linear metres (34 boxes)
1870-1906, n.d.
Single Item
Notebook containing Latin prose and verse and English verse, in two or more different hands
Notebook containing Latin prose and verse and English verse, in two or more different hands
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. e. 3381
Extents: 100 Leaves
17th cent.
Single Item
Notebook of George Eliot
Notebook of George Eliot
Shelfmark: MS. Don. g. 8
Extents: 51 Leaves
Notebooks of Geoffrey Baskerville
Notebooks of Geoffrey Baskerville
Extents: 1.69 Linear metres (29 boxes)
[?20th century]
Notebooks of Sir William Hamilton
Notebooks of Sir William Hamilton, 1747-1793
Extents: 0.55 Linear metres (11 boxes)
Single Item
Notice of excommunication
Notice of excommunication.
Shelfmark: MS. Lat. misc. d. 96
Extents: 1 leaf
15 Jan. 1546/7
Single Item
An official copy of a decree whereby the Piazza di Seggia di Porto
An official copy of a decree whereby the Piazza di Seggia di Porto
Shelfmark: MS. Ital. a. 1 (R)
Extents: 1 roll
Written in A.D. 1664 at Naples
Single Item
'Opinioni del P. F. Paolo Seruita [i.e. Pietro Sarpi]...'
'Opinioni del P. F. Paolo Seruita [i.e. Pietro Sarpi]...'
Shelfmark: MS. Add. C. 195
Extents: 55 Leaves
Written in the second half of the 17th century
Papers of Dr. Edward Rigby
Papers of Dr. Edward Rigby, physician.
Extents: 0.16 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Papers of John Fane, 11th Earl of Westmorland
Papers, mainly correspondence, of John Fane, 11th Earl of Westmorland, 1805-58, mainly relating to his diplomatic posting in Florence
Extents: 0.6 Linear metres (4 physical shelfmarks)
Papers of John George Haggard
Papers concerning consular service in Kenya, Zanzibar, Madagascar, Brest, Trieste, Malaga and New Caledonia, 1883-1908
Correspondence, including typed transcripts, 1881-1907
Horoscopes and solicitors' bills for marriage settlement, 1883-1904
Passports, [c1880-1910?]
Letters from Agnes
Marion Haggard, his wife, 1885-1888
Journals of…
Extents: 2 boxes
Papers of Phoebe Somers
Sketchbooks and sketches of travels in and inhabitants of various, mainly African locations, 1953-1972.
Extents: 17 vols., 18 ff.
Papers of Sir Harry Charles Luke
The collection contains papers relating to the eight years that Sir Harry Luke held the office of Lieutenant-Governor of Malta. Included are despatches, telegrams and correspondence (including correspondence between Luke and Secretaries of State, Governors of Malta, and dignitaries of the Roman Catholic Church). There are also papers relating to Lord Strickland and his relationship with the Roman Catholic Church and with the British Government, and papers dealing with the threat…
Extents: 3 boxes
Filtered By
- Indexed subjects: Italy X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Indexed subjects
- 19th century 60
- 18th century 55
- 16th century 39
- 17th century 39
- Italy 38
- 20th century 34
- Italy -- Description and travel 20
- Music 15
- France -- Description and travel 14
- Venice (Italy) 14
- Italian literature 13
- Literature 12
- Local history 12
- 15th century 10
- Florence (Italy) 10
- Manuscripts -- Italy 10
- Italy -- History 9
- x - 15th century 9
- Diaries 8
- Politics and Government 8
- Humanities 7
- Madrigals, Italian 7
- Religion 7
- Voyages and travels 7
- 14th century 6
- Authors, Classical 6
- Genoa | Italy 6
- History 6
- Poetry, Italian 6
- Diaries -- 19th century 5
- Italy -- Description and travel -- 19th century 5
- Music -- Manuscripts -- 18th century 5
- Music -- Manuscripts -- 19th century 5
- Switzerland -- Description and travel 5
- Austria -- Description and travel 4
- Correspondence 4
- England -- Description and travel 4
- France -- Description and travel -- 1800-1918 4
- Germany -- Description and travel 4
- Motets 4
- Poetry 4
- Rome (Italy) -- Description and travel 4
- Rome -- History 4
- Statutes -- Italy 4
- Switzerland -- Description and travel -- 19th century 4
- Turkey -- Description and travel 4
- Voyages and travels -- Diaries 4
- 13th century 3
- Accounts 3
- Anthems 3
- Antiquarians 3
- Belgium -- Description and travel 3
- Composers, Italian 3
- Egypt -- Description and travel 3
- Europe -- Description and travel -- 1800-1918 3
- France 3
- Heraldry 3
- Italy -- Description and travel -- 1800-1918 3
- Latin literature 3
- Letters 3
- Manuscripts 3
- Naples (Italy) 3
- Sicily (Italy) 3
- Songs, English 3
- Songs, Italian 3
- Travel -- 19th century 3
- Voyages and travels -- 19th century 3
- x - 12th century 3
- x - 14th century 3
- Architectural drawing -- Italy 2
- Architecture 2
- Artists 2
- Asia 2
- Bible -- O.T. -- Psalms 2
- Bologna (Italy) 2
- Books 2
- Cantatas, Sacred 2
- Catalogs 2
- Conservative Party (Great Britain) -- History 2
- Courts 2
- Diaries -- 20th century 2
- Egypt 2
- Genealogy 2
- Geography 2
- Germany 2
- Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- Greece 2
- Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- India 2
- Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- Italy 2
- Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 20th century 2
- Greece -- Description and travel 2
- Illumination of books and manuscripts 2
- Italy -- History -- 1476-1492 2
- Liturgies 2
- Madrigals, English 2
- Manuscripts -- Italy -- Catalogs 2
- Masses 2
- Middle East 2
- Milan | Italy 2
- Music -- Manuscripts -- 17th century 2
- Music, English 2 ∧ less
- Indexed names
- Bartleman | James | 1769-1821 | singer (bass) 2
- Buxton | Sir | Thomas Fowell | 1786-1845 | 1st Baronet | Philanthropist 2
- Douglas | Frederick Sylvester North | 1791-1819 | politician and classical scholar 2
- Ferrabosco | Alfonso | 1543-1588 | composer 2
- Handel | George Frederick | 1685-1759 | musical composer 2
- Hill | (Edith) Teresa | Noel- | 1890-1972 | née Hulton | wife of 8th Baron Berwick 2
- Hulton | Costanza ('Zina') Maria Orsola | 1863-1939 | née Mazini | wife of William Stokes Hulton 2
- Marenzio | Luca | 1553/4-1599 | composer 2
- University of Oxford 2
- Wallis | Henry | 1830-1916 | painter 2
- Adimari | Lodovico | 1644-1708 | poet 1
- Agostini | Leonardo | 1593-1669 | antiquary 1
- Albinoni | Tomaso Giovanni | 1671-1750/1751 | composer 1
- Albrici | Bartolomeo | c 1635-1688 | keyboard player and composer 1
- Aldrich | Henry | 1648-1710 | composer 1
- Alighieri | Dante | 1265-1321 | poet 1
- Amaseo | Giorgio | fl. 1511 1
- Anerio | Felice | c 1560-1614 | composer 1
- Arne | Thomas Augustine | 1710-1778 | composer 1
- Awbery | John | fl 1700-1799 | Fellow of New College, Oxford 1
- Bach | Johann Christian | 1735-1782 | composer 1
- Balbiani | Giovanni Antonio | fl. 1783-1797 | notary public of Bergamo and chancellor of the community of Alzano di Sopra 1
- Baskerville | Geoffrey | 1870-1944 | Historian 1
- Bassani | Giovanni Battist | c 1650-1716 | composer 1
- Batten | Adrian | d 1637 | English composer 1
- Beaumont | fl 1688-1730 | Nonconformist 1
- Beccadelli | Ludovico | 1501-1572 | archbishop and writer 1
- Beethoven | Ludwig van | 1770-1827 | German composer and pianist 1
- Bernabei | Ercole | 1622-1687 | composer 1
- Bianchi | (Giuseppe) Francesco | c 1752-1810 | English composer 1
- Biblioteca ambrosiana | Catalogs 1
- Biblioteca casanatense | Catalogs 1
- Biblioteca medicea laurenziana | Catalogs 1
- Biblioteca nazionale (Naples, Italy) | Catalogs 1
- Biblioteca nazionale braidense | Catalogs 1
- Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze | Catalogs 1
- Biblioteca palatina di Parma | Catalogs 1
- Biblioteca riccardiana | Catalogs 1
- Biblioteca universitaria di Padova | Catalogs 1
- Bibliotheca estense (Modena, Italy) | Catalogs 1
- Bichi | Alessandro | 1596-1657 | Cardinal 1
- Blount | family | Mapledurham 1
- Blow | John | 1648-1708 | composer 1
- Bonfadio | Iacopo | c. 1500-1550 | humanist 1
- Bowyer | Sir | George | 1811-1883 | 7th Baronet | Lawyer, MP 1
- Boyce | William | 1710-1779 | musician 1
- Bracton | Henry de | c 1210-1268 | Judge, Chancellor of Exeter Cathedral 1
- British and Foreign Bible Society 1
- Brown | Timothy Yeats | 1789-1858 | British consul at Genoa 1
- Bull | John | 1562/1563–1628 | composer 1
- Bullard | Antonia | fl 1974-1975 1
- Burney | Charles | 1726-1814 | musician and author 1
- Buxton | family 1
- Byrd | William | c 1540-1623 | musical composer 1
- Byron | George Gordon | 6th Baron Byron | 1788-1824 | poet 1
- Calvert | George | d. 1865 | rector of All Saints, Beeby, Leicestershire 1
- Candela | Angelo | fl. 1501-1600 1
- Canonici | Matteo Luigi | 1727-1805 | Jesuit 1
- Carissimi | Giacomo | 1605-1674 | composer 1
- Carretto | A. A. | fl. 1592 1
- Cavalieri | Giovanni Battista | 1526-1597 | Italian engraver 1
- Cavalli | Francesco | fl 1830-1835 1
- Charles V | 1500-1558 | Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain 1
- Chaucer | Geoffrey | c 1340-1400 | Poet 1
- Child | William | 1606/1607-1697 | composer 1
- Church of England | Diocese of London | Consistory Court 1
- Cicada | Joannes Bapta | fl 1542 | Bishop of Albenga, Italy 1
- Ciccarelli | Alfonso | 1532-1583 | forger, historian, writer and genealogist 1
- Cimarosa | Domenico | 1749-1801 | Italian composer 1
- Circignano | Niccolò | 1517-1590 | Italian painter 1
- Clari | Giovanni Carlo Maria | 1677-1754 | composer and instrumentalist 1
- Clarke | Jeremiah | c 1743-1809 | composer 1
- Comyn | Sir | Robert Buckley | 1792–1853 | Knight | judge 1
- Conservative Party 1
- Conservative Party | Commonwealth Affairs Committee 1
- Conservative Party | Conservative Campaign Headquarters 1
- Conservative Party | Conservative Central Office 1
- Conservative Party | Conservative Commonwealth & Overseas Council 1
- Conservative Party | Conservative Commonwealth Council 1
- Conservative Party | Conservative Foreign & Commonwealth Council 1
- Conservative Party | Conservative Group for Europe 1
- Conservative Party | Conservative Overseas Bureau 1
- Conservative Party | Conservative Overseas Bureau Committee 1
- Conservative Party | Conservative Party International Office 1
- Conservative Party | Conservatives in the European Parliament 1
- Conservative Party | professional headquarters 1
- Coprario | John | c 1570/1580-1626 | composer 1
- Cross | Mary Ann | 1819-1880 | nee Evans | novelist and poet known as George Eliot 1
- De Lomenie De Brienne | Henri Auguste | 1594-1666 | Comte De Brienne | French Secretary of State 1
- Dering | Richard | c 1580-1630 | composer and organist 1
- Dicey | E.A. | fl 1887 1
- Donizetti | Domenico Gaetano Maria | 1797-1848 | Italian composer 1
- Douglas | Catherine Anne | 1760-1817 | nee North | wife of Baron Glenbervie 1
- Douglas | Sylvester | Baron Glenbervie | 1743-1823 | politician 1
- Douie | James Mccrone | 1854-1933 | Sir | Knight and Colonial Administrator 1
- Doveton | Ella Haggard | fl 1837-1866 | nee Doveton 1
- Dunbabin | Thomas James | 1911-1955 | archaeologist 1
- Dupuis | Thomas Sanders | 1733-1796 | composer 1
- Durante | Francesco | 1684-1755 | composer 1
- Edwardes | Edward Joshua | fl 1900-1916 | translator 1 ∧ less
- Language
- Italian 89
- English 84
- Latin 42
- French 14
- German 7
- Undetermined 6
- Greek, Modern (1453-) 4
- Arabic 3
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 3
- Hebrew 3
- Spanish; Castilian 3
- Danish 2
- Dutch; Flemish 2
- Portuguese 2
- English, Old (ca.450-1100) 1
- Armenian 1
- Catalan; Valencian 1
- Church Slavic; Old Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church Slavonic 1
- Irish 1
- Hungarian 1
∨ more
∨ more