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Showing Collections: 61 - 80 of 91

Single Item

Photograph of the Oxford and Cambridge Relay Teams

Photograph of the Oxford and Cambridge Relay Teams.
Shelfmark: MS. 12422
Extents: 1 item
Dates: 1936

Photographs by Frank Arthur Bellamy and Henry William Taunt of Oxford and its environs

Photographs from negatives in Oxford Central Library by Frank Arthur Bellamy and Henry William Taunt of Oxford and its environs.
Extents: 0.10 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: [c. 1895-1902]
Single Item

Photographs by Markéta Luskačová documenting the Oxford Schools Sculpture Project

32 black and white silver bromide photographs documenting the Oxford Schools Sculpture Project by Markéta Luskačová. Commissioned in 1983 by the Museum of Modern Art, Oxford and exhibited at MOMA between 1 April and 20 May 1984. Also included are various documents relating to the project.
Extents: 1 box
Dates: 1983-1984

Photographs of listed buildings in Oxfordshire taken by P.S. Spokes

Photographs of listed buildings in Oxfordshire taken by P.S. Spokes
Extents: 4.1 Linear metres (41 boxes)
Dates: c.1940-1971

Photographs of Oxford city

Photographs of Oxford city, c.1870-c.1930.
Extents: 0.22 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: c.1870-c.1930
Single Item

Plan of Black Friars and Grey Friars, Oxford, by A. G. Little

Plan of Black Friars and Grey Friars, Oxford, by A. G. Little, 20th century.
Shelfmark: [Maps] R. MS. C17:70 Oxford (94)
Extents: 1 box
Dates: 20th century
Single Item

Press identification card, with black and white photograph, for Reginald John Owen, reporter

Press identification card, with black and white photograph, for Reginald John Owen, reporter, valid for the visit to Oxford of Nikolai Alexandrovich Bulganin and Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, Apr. 1956.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. c. 943, fols. 1-2
Extents: 2 Leaves
Dates: Apr. 1956

Record of graves in Holywell Cemetery, Oxford, compiled by Canon Peter Bostock

Record of graves in Holywell Cemetery, Oxford, compiled by Canon Peter Bostock
Extents: 0.33 Linear metres (3 boxes)
Dates: 1986-1988

Records of the Oxford and County Club

Records of the Oxford and County Club, consisting of minute books, 1904-1953, and a candidates book, 1906-1941.
Extents: 4 shelfmarks
Dates: 1904-1953

Records of the Oxford Carlton Club

Minute books and suggestions book of the Oxford Carlton Club, 1914-55.
Extents: 2 shelfmarks
Dates: 1914-55

Records of the Oxford Exiles Rugby Football Club

Records of the Oxford Exiles Rugby Football Club, including minutes, 1947-56, and the Hon. Secretary's Annual Reports, 1947-1954.
Extents: 4 shelfmarks
Dates: 1947-1956

Records of the Park Town, Oxford, Trustees and Estate Company

Records of the Park Town, Oxford, Trustees and Estate Company
Extents: 0.77 Linear metres (7 boxes)
Dates: 1853-1951
Single Item

Signatures of persons receiving honorary degrees at Oxford at the Encaenia

Signatures of persons receiving honorary degrees at Oxford at the Encaenia
Shelfmark: MS. Autogr. f. 2
Extents: 89 Leaves
Dates: Written in A.D. 1904
Single Item

Silver gelatine print by Henri Cartier-Bresson and associated documents

'Sunday on the Banks of the River Seine'; a silver gelatine print by Henri Cartier-Bresson; signed and dedicated to Dr. Hazel Rossotti, as thanks for her nomination of Cartier-Bresson for an honorary doctorate at Oxford University. Also included are the order of proceedings from the 1975 Encaenia ceremony and transcripts of the address that the university orator John G. Griffith gave to Cartier-Bresson.
Extents: 1 box
Dates: Majority of material found within Bulk, 1974-1975; 1938-1975
Single Item

Tables of Affinity and Constitutions in Oxford Prayerbooks, 1675--1700'

Tables of Affinity and Constitutions in Oxford Prayerbooks, 1675--1700'
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. liturg. d. 2
Extents: 17 Leaves
Dates: Written in 1912 by G. D. Amery

Thesis on the development of wrought ironwork in Oxford

Thesis for the R.I.B.A. final examination, 1937, entitled 'The development of wrought ironwork in Oxford'.
Extents: 2 shelfmarks
Dates: 1937

Topographical Collections of Charles Francis Wyatt

Topographical Collections of Charles Francis Wyatt (1820-1906).
Extents: 1.16 Linear metres (14 boxes)
Dates: 1704-1908

Topographical Collections of Henry Minn

Topographical collections of Henry Minn consisting of: A photographic record, with annotations, of the streets and buildings of Oxford. The arrangement of the volumes is based on the old ward boundaries within the city walls Correspondence, notes, and an annotated and illustrated catalogue of the Oxford Millenary Exhibtion, 1912 Notes on Cassington, Yarnton and Eynsham…
Extents: 24 shelfmarks
Dates: 20th century

Topographical Drawings collected by Henry Minn

Topographical drawings collected in two guard-books by Henry Minn (1870-1961).
Extents: 0.22 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: 19th-20th century

Topographical Prints and Drawings

Topographical Prints and Drawings.
Extents: 1.00 Linear metres (5 boxes)
Dates: 1755-1910

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: England X
  • Indexed subjects: Oxford (England) X
  • Indexed subjects: 20th century X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Indexed subjects
Oxford (England) 85
19th century 33
Oxfordshire (England) 17
18th century 9
Antiquarians 8
Photographs 8
Humanities 5
Oxford -- England -- History 4
Societies -- England -- Oxford 4
21st century 3
Architecture -- England -- Oxfordshire 3
Berkshire (England) 3
Diaries 3
Diaries -- 20th century 3
Letters 3
Topographical drawing 3
17th century 2
Architecture 2
Bibliography 2
Booksellers and bookselling 2
∨ more
Buckinghamshire (England) 2
Cambridge (England) 2
Cassington (England) 2
Diaries -- 19th century 2
Documentary photography 2
Eynsham (England) 2
Geography 2
Girl guides 2
Great Britain -- Topography 2
Local history 2
Photography 2
Plumbers -- England -- Oxford 2
Rugby football -- England -- Oxford 2
Schools -- Great Britain 2
Science 2
Scouts and scouting 2
Stained glass windows 2
Universities and colleges 2
Universities and colleges -- England -- Oxford 2
University of Oxford -- Students 2
Warwickshire (England) 2
World War, 1914-1918 2
Yarnton (England) 2
Abingdon (England) 1
Academic writing 1
Accounts 1
Africa, North 1
Air defenses 1
Apollo University Lodge no. 357 (Oxford, England) 1
Architects 1
Architectural drawing -- England 1
Architecture -- England -- Oxfordshire 1
Art -- Study and teaching -- England -- Oxford 1
Athletics 1
Banks and banking -- England -- Oxford 1
Birds 1
Blenheim Palace (England) 1
Blenheim Palace | Woodstock | Oxfordshire | SP 4416 xx Blenheim House xx Blenheim Castle 1
Bodleian Library 1
Books and reading 1
Botany 1
Broughton (Oxfordshire, England) 1
Burford (England) 1
Calendar 1
Canada -- Description and travel 1
Catalogs 1
Cemeteries -- England -- Oxford 1
China 1
Church Hanborough | Oxfordshire | SP 4212 xx Church Handborough 1
Church buildings 1
Church buildings -- England -- Oxford 1
Church buildings -- England -- Oxfordshire 1
Clifton Hampden (England) 1
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 1
College -- Theater 1
College buildings 1
College students 1
Correspondence 1
Deeds -- England 1
Devon (England) 1
Diaries -- 18th century 1
Dissertations, Academic 1
Drawing 1
Drawings 1
English diaries -- 19th century 1
English literature 1
English poetry 1
Engraving 1
Expedition 1
Exploration and discovery 1
France -- Description and travel 1
Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- Russia 1
Great Tew | Oxfordshire | SP 3929 1
Hertfordshire (England) 1
History 1
Iffley (England) 1
India -- Description and travel 1
Ironwork -- England -- Oxford 1
Journalists -- 20th century 1
∧ less
Indexed names
University of Oxford 7
Minn | Henry | 1870-1961 | Clockmaker and Antiquary 4
Gibson | Strickland | 1877-1958 | Librarian and Bibliographer 3
Hurst | Herbert | 1834-? 1914 | Oxford Antiquary 3
Bodleian Library 2
Clark | Andrew | 1854-1922 | Clergyman and Antiquary 2
Oxford Exiles Rugby Football Club 2
Oxford University Scout and Guide Group 2
Spokes | Peter Spencer | 1893-1976 | local historian and genealogist 2
Taunt | Henry William | 1842-1922 | photographer and antiquary 2
University of Oxford | Balliol College 2
University of Oxford | Christ Church 2
Acland | Sarah Angelina | 1849-1930 | Fellow of Royal Photographic Society and Royal Society of Arts 1
Acland | family | baronets | Oxford 1
Amery | G. D. | fl. 1912 1
Apollo University Lodge | Freemasons 1
Araquistain | Luis | 1856-1959 | Spanish statesman 1
Barrow | William | Naval Officer 1
Batty | Beatrice | 1833-1933 | Novelist and Diarist, author called Beatrice Stebbing 1
Belgian Refugee Committee 1
∨ more
Bell | Charles Francis | 1871-1966 | Art Historian 1
Bellamy | Frank Arthur | fl 1870-1930 | pharmacist 1
Blayney | Benjamin | 1727/8-1801 | Hebraist and Church of England clergyman 1
Blenheim Palace 1
Bright | William | 1824-1901 | Ecclesiastical Historian 1
Bruce | John Henry | fl. 1907-1917 | plumber 1
Bruce | Roy John | fl. 1946-1981 | plumber 1
Buckland | William | 1784-1856 | Dean of Westminster, geologist 1
Buckler | John | 1770-1851 | topographical artist, architect, and antiquary 1
Bulganin | Nikolai Alexandrovich | 1895-1975 | Chairman of Council of Ministers of U.S.S.R. 1
Cambridge University Athletics Club 1
Cambridge | Hilda Margaret Pickard- | fl 1914-1946 1
Carpenter | George | 1750-1805 | 2nd Earl of Tyrconnell | politician 1
Cartier-Bresson | Henri | 1908 - 2004 | photographer 1
Casey | George Edward Comerford | 1846-1912 | clergyman, teacher and writer 1
Champneys | Basil | 1842-1935 | Architect and author 1
Cheke | A S | b 1945 | ornithologist 1
Church | Arthur Harry | 1865-1937 | botanist 1
Couch | Sir | Arthur Thomas Quiller- | 1863-1944 | known as Q | writer and anthologist 1
Crossley | Frederick Herbert | 1868-1955 | illustrator 1
Dampier | John Lucius | 1792-1853 | Vice-Warden of the Stannaries Court 1
Firth | Sir | Charles Harding | 1857-1936 | Knight | historian 1
Fletcher | Charles Robert Leslie | 1857-1934 | historian and academic 1
Gerrard | A.E. | fl 1937 1
Gilbert | John | fl 19th century | antiquary 1
Great Britain and Ireland | Royal Navy 1
Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Ministry of Housing and Local Government 1
Green | David Brontë | 1910-1985 | biographer and historian 1
Griffith | John Godfrey | 1913-1991 | classicist 1
Hawksmoor | Nicholas | 1661-1736 | Architect 1
Hawtrey | Miss | C. L. M. | fl. 1956-1960 1
Hodgson | Bernard | bap. 1743-1805 | college head 1
Holywell Cemetery | Oxford 1
Hughes | Ernest Richard | 1883-1956 | academic 1
Hutton | William Holden | 1860-1930 | Dean of Winchester and historian 1
Iredell | Anne | fl 1914-1918 1
Iredell | Elliott Ostreham | d 1964 | Vicar of St Clements Barnsbury 1
Iredell | family 1
Jackson | Sir | Thomas Graham | 1835-1924 | 1st Baronet | Architect 1
Jackson | Thomas Watson | 1839-1914 | Vice President Worcester College and Oxford Antiquary 1
Jaynes | Henry | fl. 1715 1
Joseph | Horace William Brindley | 1867-1943 1
Kendall | Diana | fl. c.1954 1
Khrushchev | Nikita Sergeyevich | 1894-1971 | Chairman of Council of Ministers of U.S.S.R. 1
Landon | Philip Aislabie | 1888-1961 | Bursar of Trinity College 1
Legge | Helen Edith | 1860-1946 | daughter of James Legge 1
Liddon | Henry Parry | 1829-1890 | Canon of St Paul's 1
Little | Andrew George | 1863-1945 | Mediaeval Historian 1
Luskačová | Markéta | b 1944 | photographer 1
Mabberley | David John | 1948- | botanist 1
Macray | William Dunn | 1826-1916 | Rector of Ducklington, Antiquary, and Archivist 1
Madan | Falconer | 1851-1935 | Bodley's Librarian, palaeographer and bibliographer 1
Martin | Robert Reginald | d. 1965 | Vicar of St Michael's, Oxford, and Local Historian 1
Maude | Daniel | fl. 1838-1911 | of Manchester 1
Maude | Marianne | fl. 1838-1911 1
Mccallum | Ronald Buchanan | 1898-1973 | historian 1
Ministry of Food | 1939-1955 1
Mitre Hotel | Oxford 1
Museum of Modern Art (Oxford, England) 1
Neale | CM | fl 1915-1916 1
Newcome | William | 1729-1800 | Church of Ireland archbishop of Armagh and theologian 1
Nicholas | Herbert George | 1911-1998 | historian 1
Norrington | Sir | Arthur Lionel Pugh | 1899-1982 | knight, university administrator, and publisher 1
Old Bank, Oxford 1
Owen | Reginald John | fl 1956 | journalist 1
Oxford Carlton Club 1
Oxford Ladies Musical Society 1
Oxford Magazine 1
Oxford Millenary Exhibition | 1912 1
Oxford Reading Society 1
Oxford Theatre Group 1
Oxford Times, newspaper 1
Oxford University 1
Oxford University Athletic Club 1
Oxford University Experimental Theatre Club. 1
Oxford University Exploration Club 1
Oxford University Exploration Council 1
Oxford Wartime Music Club 1
Oxford and County Club 1
Oxfordshire Architectural Record 1
∧ less
Latin 8