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Showing Collections: 1 - 17 of 17

Single Item

Archive of Richard and William Lamborne

Archive of Richard and William Lamborne, 1623-1713, mainly relating to Cuddington.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Bucks. c. 11
Extents: 126 Leaves
Dates: 1623-1713
Single Item

Assessment of Wootton Hundred for the support of the Parliamentary forces commanded by Sir Thomas Fairfax

Assessment of Wootton Hundred for the support of the Parliamentary forces commanded by Sir Thomas Fairfax, 1647.
Shelfmark: MS. Rolls Oxon. 112
Extents: 1 item
Dates: 1647
Single Item

A collection of original papers relative to the Siege of Oxford, etc.

A collection of original papers relative to the Siege of Oxford, etc., written chiefly in 1643-1646 at Oxford.
Shelfmark: MS. Add. D. 114
Extents: 179 Leaves
Dates: written chiefly in 1643-1646 at Oxford

Collections of Nathaniel Johnston and Richard Frank

Collections of Nathaniel Johnston and Richard Frank, 16th-18th century.
Extents: 10.33 Linear metres (101 boxes)
Dates: 16th-18th century
Single Item

Commonplace book of Joseph Hobson of Clerkenwell, London

Commonplace book of Joseph Hobson of Clerkenwell, London, c 1655-c 1702
Shelfmark: MS. 9457
Extents: 287 pages
Dates: c 1655-c 1702

Dugdale Manuscripts

Dugdale Manuscripts
Extents: 5.50 Linear metres (50 boxes)
Dates: 15th-17th century
Single Item

Guard-book of miscellaneous papers

Guard-book of miscellaneous papers
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 247
Extents: 179 Leaves
Dates: 16th-20th century
Single Item

Guard-book of papers and letters

Guard-book of papers and letters, 15th-17th century
Shelfmark: MS. Don. c. 42
Extents: 42 Leaves
Dates: 15th-17th cent.
Single Item

An historical account of the town of Pontefract

An historical account of the town of Pontefract
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Yorks e. 3
Extents: 36 Leaves
Dates: Written in the 17th century
Single Item

Letters, mainly from Humphrey Wanley, Edward Thwaites, Arthur Charlett and William Stanley

Letters, mainly from Humphrey Wanley, Edward Thwaites, Arthur Charlett and William Stanley, written in 1696-1709.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. c. 6
Extents: 145 Leaves
Dates: written in 1696-1709

Massey Manuscripts

Miscellaneous manuscripts collected by Richard Middleton Massey, 15th-17th century.
Extents: 1.54 Linear metres (14 boxes)
Dates: 15th-17th century
Single Item

'A Miscelany of Meditations, sentences, observations, characters, and Essayes' by Robert Robinson, London, 1659

'A Miscelany of Meditations, sentences, observations, characters, and Essayes' by Robert Robinson, London, 1659
Shelfmark: MS. Don. e. 252
Extents: 636 Leaves
Dates: 1659

Papers of Hugh Barker

Papers of Hugh Barker, LL.D., Prebendary of Chichester and Chancellor of the diocese of Oxford, and of his widow and daughter, 1553-1647.
Extents: 0.22 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: 1553-1712, n.d.

Papers of Sir John Bankes

Papers of Sir John Bankes, attorney-general, c. 1622-1650
Extents: 7.59 Linear metres (69 boxes)
Dates: c. 1622-1650
Single Item

Papers of Sir Willoughby Aston, including satirical verse, news-letters and correspondence

Papers of Sir Willoughby Aston, including satirical verse, news-letters and correspondence
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 7019
Extents: 42 Leaves
Dates: late 17th cent.

Rawlinson Manuscripts

Richard Rawlinson's collection of manuscripts, 8th-18th century.
Extents: 3571 boxes (392.81 linear metres)
Dates: 8th-18th century

Tanner Manuscripts

Thomas Tanner's collection of manuscripts, 10th-18th century.
Extents: 56.87 Linear metres (517 boxes)
Dates: 10th-18th century

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: England X
  • Indexed subjects: Great Britain -- History X
  • Indexed subjects: 17th century X

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Indexed subjects
17th century 16
16th century 7
Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 7
Great Britain -- History 6
18th century 5
x - 15th century 4
Genealogy 3
Law 3
Oxford (England) 3
Great Britain -- History -- Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660 2
Letters 2
Literature 2
Oxfordshire (England) 2
Poetry 2
Sermons 2
Sussex (England) 2
Theology 2
Yorkshire (England) 2
13th century 1
14th century 1
∨ more
19th century 1
20th century 1
Ambrosden (England) 1
Anabaptists 1
Antiquarians 1
Attorneys general 1
Authors, Classical 1
Bible 1
Bible -- O.T. -- Psalms 1
Books and reading 1
Buckinghamshire (England) 1
Church and state -- England -- History -- 17th century 1
Church of England -- Apologetic works 1
Church of England -- Clergy 1
Classical literature 1
Commonplace books 1
Constitutions 1
Correspondence 1
Deeds -- England 1
Diaries -- 18th century 1
Dissenters 1
Dissenters, religious 1
Dorset (England) 1
Drama 1
Durham (England) 1
Ecclesiastical courts 1
England and Wales -- Parliament -- Committee for the Relief of Plundered Ministers 1
English literature -- 17th century 1
English poetry -- 17th century 1
Essex (England) 1
Flanders (Belgium) 1
France 1
Great Britain -- Church History -- 17th century 1
Great Britain -- History -- Anglo-Saxon period, 449-1066 1
Great Britain -- History -- Charles I, 1625-1649 1
Great Britain -- History -- Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660 1
Great Britain -- History -- Restoration, 1660-1688 1
Great Britain -- History -- Stuarts, 1603-1714 1
Great Britain -- History, Military 1
Great Britain -- Political and Government -- 17th century 1
Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 1603-1714 1
Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 18th century 1
Hearth-money 1
Heraldry 1
History 1
Ireland 1
Italy -- Description and travel 1
Italy -- History 1
Law -- Great Britain -- 17th century 1
Liturgies 1
London (England) 1
Mysteries and miracle-plays, English -- England -- Chester 1
Newsletters -- England 1
Nonjurors 1
Norfolk (England) 1
Norfolk (England) -- History -- 17th century 1
Numismatics 1
Oxford (England) -- History 1
Oxford -- England -- History 1
Papal medals 1
Piddington (England) 1
Plague -- England 1
Political satire 1
Politics and Government 1
Presbyterian Church 1
Protestantism -- France 1
Religion 1
Statutes 1
Suffolk (England) 1
Sweden 1
Travel 1
Treaty of Utrecht 1
Warwickshire (England) 1
Wootton (England) 1
x - 10th century 1
x - 11th century 1
x - 12th century 1
∧ less
Indexed names
Sancroft | William | 1617-1693 | Archbishop of Canterbury 2
University of Cambridge 2
Allin | Sir | Thomas | 1612-1685 | Knight | Admiral 1
Aquinas | Thomas | 1225-1274 | Dominican friar, philosopher, Catholic Priest 1
Aston | Willoughby | Sir | 1640-1702 | 2nd Baronet of Aston 1
Bankes | Sir | John | 1589-1644 | Knight Attorney General 1
Barker | Hugh | d 1632 | lawyer, Dean of the Court of Arches 1
Beaumont | fl 1688-1730 | Nonconformist 1
Bracton | Henry de | c 1210-1268 | Judge, Chancellor of Exeter Cathedral 1
Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | Poet Laureate 1
Charlett | Arthur | 1655-1722 | Master of University College Oxford 1
Chaucer | Geoffrey | c 1340-1400 | Poet 1
Church of England | Diocese of Canterbury 1
Church of England | Diocese of London | Consistory Court 1
Church of England | Diocese of Norwich 1
Devereux | Robert | 1591-1646 | third earl of Essex | parliamentarian army officer 1
Dugdale | Sir | William | 1605-1686 | Knight | antiquary and herald 1
England and Wales | Exchequer 1
England and Wales | Royal Navy 1
Eton College 1
∨ more
Fairfax | Thomas | 1612-1671 | 3rd Baron Fairfax | politician, general, and Parliamentary commander-in-chief during the English Civil War 1
Fitzwilliams | John | fl 1600-1699 | Nonjuror 1
Fleming | Robert | ? 1660-1716 | Presbyterian Minister 1
Frank | Richard | 1698-1762 | Antiquary 1
French Protestant Church 1
Glemham | Sir | Thomas | 1595-1649 | royalist army officer 1
Grenville | Denis | 1637-1703 | Jacobite Archbishop of York | also known as Denis Granville 1
Gronovius | Jacobus | 1645-1716 | classical scholar 1
Gunning | Peter | 1614-1684 | Bishop of Ely 1
Hamper | William | 1776-1831 | Antiquary 1
Hawes | Samuel | fl 1694-1700 | Nonjuror 1
Hearne | Thomas | 1678-1735 | Antiquary and Nonjuror 1
Hobson | Joseph | d 1712 1
Holman | William | d 1730 | Essex Antiquary Congregational Minister 1
Johnston | Nathaniel | 1627-1705 | Physician and Antiquary 1
L'Estrange | Hamon | 1605-1660 | theologian and historian 1
Lamborne | family | 1623-1713 | of Cuddington, Buckinghamshire 1
Latymer | William | 1498/9-1583 | Dean of Peterborough and biographer of Anne Boleyn 1
Lenthall | Sir | William | 1591-1662 | Knight | Speaker of the House of Commons, Master of the Rolls 1
Lewis | John | c 1700-1799 | Minister of Margate 1
Livius | Titus | ? 59 BC-AD 17 | Roman historian 1
Locke | John | 1632-1704 | philospher 1
Mandeville | Sir | John | d 1372 | travel writer 1
Massey | Richard Middleton | 1678-1743 | Physician 1
Nedam | James | fl 1532-1543 | Royal Surveyor of Works 1
Neve | John Le | 1679-1741 | Antiquary 1
Ovidius Naso | Publius | 43 BC-AD 17 | Roman poet 1
Pepys | Samuel | 1633-1703 | MP, Diarist, Public Servant, Antiquary 1
Price | Daniel | fl 1685-1706 | Dean of St Asaph 1
Rawlinson | Richard | 1690-1755 | Antiquary and Nonjuror 1
Roach | Richard | 1662-1730 | Anglican clergyman 1
Robinson | John | 1650-1723 | Bishop of London 1
Robinson | Robert | c.1590-after 1660 | phonetician 1
Rupert | 1619-1682 | Prince | Duke of Cumberland 1
Sallustius Crispus | Gaius | ? 86-? 34 BC | Roman historian 1
Samber | Robert | fl 1710-1729 | Poet 1
Smith | Thomas | 1638-1710 | Nonjuror Historian and Librarian 1
St Paul's Cathedral 1
Stanley | William | ? 1647-1731 | Dean of St Asaph 1
Stanton | William | fl 1697-1704 1
Sulmona | Paul de Caputgrassis | de | fl. 1414 | Papal collector 1
Swadlin | Thomas | 1600-1670 | Royalist divine 1
Tanner | Thomas | 1674-1735 | Bishop of St Asaph and antiquary 1
Terentius Afer | Publius | ? 195 BC-? 159 BC | Roman comic dramatist 1
Thurloe | John | 1616-1668 | Secretary to the Council of State 1
Thwaites | Edward | ? 1671-1711 | Anglo-Saxon and Greek scholar 1
Tullius Cicero | Marcus | 106-43 BC | Roman orator and statesman 1
Turner | Francis | ? 1638-1700 | Bishop of Ely 1
Turner | Thomas | 1645-1714 | President of Corpus Christi College Oxford 1
University of Oxford 1
Wallis | John | 1616-1703 | Mathematician 1
Wanley | Humfrey | 1672-1726 | antiquary, archivist, librarian 1
Wharton | Philip | 1613-1696 | 4th Baron Wharton 1
Wilkinson | Thomas | fl 1600-1699 | Anglican clergyman 1
Williams | John | fl 1709-1726 | Poet 1
Zamboni | Giovanni Giacomo | fl 1723-1751 | resident in England for Duke of Modena 1
∧ less
Latin 7
French 4
Italian 3
English, Old (ca.450-1100) 2
Dutch; Flemish 2
Greek, Modern (1453-) 2
Hebrew 2
Portuguese 2
Spanish; Castilian 2
Arabic 1
Catalan; Valencian 1
Danish 1
French, Old (842-ca.1400) 1
German 1
Irish 1
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 1
Romance languages 1
Russian 1
Welsh 1