Showing Collections: 181 - 200 of 350
Single Item
Journal by an unidentified English boy of a visit to Rome
Journal by an unidentified English boy of a visit to Rome
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 731
Extents: 177 pages
Single Item
Journal by F. T. Palgrave of a visit to Paris with Benjamin Jowett, A. P. Stanley and R. B. Morier
Journal by F. T. Palgrave of a visit to Paris with Benjamin Jowett, A. P. Stanley and R. B. Morier
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 249
Extents: 177 Pages
Single Item
Journal kept by Nisbet Glen, midshipman, on board HMS Leviathan, 1793-5, and HMS Sans Pareil
Journal kept by Nisbet Glen, midshipman, on board HMS Leviathan, 1793-5, and HMS Sans Pareil, 1795-6
Shelfmark: MS. Don. c. 70
Extents: 197 Leaves
Single Item
Journal of a tour down the Rhine from Ostend, by H. C. of Camberwell, London, and his wife
Journal of a tour down the Rhine from Ostend, by H. C. of Camberwell, London, and his wife
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. f. 412
Extents: 84 Leaves
Oct-Nov 1846
Single Item
Journal of a tour in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands
Journal of a tour in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 250
Extents: 60 Leaves
Late 18th century
Journal of a Tour in the Mediterranean Area
Journal of a Tour in the Mediterranean Area
Extents: 0.22 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Single Item
Journal of a tour in the Mediterranean by 'S. E. B.'
Journal of a tour in the Mediterranean by 'S. E. B.'
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 563
Extents: 151 Leaves
Single Item
Journal of a tour in the south of France, 1784-5, probably (see fols. 99v, 101) by a Mr. Cage
Journal of a tour in the south of France, 1784-5, probably (see fols. 99v, 101) by a Mr. Cage
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. f. 55
Extents: 102 Leaves
Single Item
Journal of a tour in Yorkshire and the Lake District by John Stuart Mill
Journal of a tour in Yorkshire and the Lake District by John Stuart Mill
Shelfmark: MS. Don. d. 26
Extents: 57 Leaves
Single Item
Journal of a tour on the Continent by Eleanor Powys, daughter of 2nd Baron Lilford
Journal of a tour on the Continent by Eleanor Powys, daughter of 2nd Baron Lilford
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. g. 14
Extents: 93 Leaves
3 Jul-14 Oct 1824
Single Item
Journal of a tour on the Continent by William Bennet (later Bishop of Cloyne)
Journal of a tour on the Continent by William Bennet (later Bishop of Cloyne)
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. f. 54
Extents: 210 Leaves
Single Item
Journal of a young lady, possibly Elizabeth FitzGerald
Journal of a young lady, possibly Elizabeth FitzGerald.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 477
Extents: 286 Leaves
Oct 1872-Oct 1873
Single Item
Journal of Anthony Blagrave of Bulmersh Court, Sonning, Berks.
Journal of Anthony Blagrave of Bulmersh Court, Sonning, Berks.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 118
Extents: 107 Leaves
Mar 1651-Jul 1653, 1674
Single Item
Journal of Charles Stuart, later Baron Stuart de Rothesay, of travels through Northern Europe to St. Petersburg, and thence to Vienna
Journal of Charles Stuart, later Baron Stuart de Rothesay, of travels through Northern Europe to St. Petersburg, and thence to Vienna
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. c. 256
Extents: 196 Leaves
Jul-Sep 1801
Single Item
Journal of Edith Simcox
Journal of Edith Simcox
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 494
Extents: 189 Leaves
May 1876-Jan 1900
Single Item
Journal of Edward Mangin in Paris, 1815, 1819, with pen-and-ink sketches
Journal of Edward Mangin in Paris, 1815, 1819, with pen-and-ink sketches
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 608
Extents: 124 Leaves
1815, 1819
Single Item
Journal of Elizabeth (nee Chater), wife of Thomas Peck, surgeon, of Wellingborough, Northants.
Journal of Elizabeth (nee Chater), wife of Thomas Peck, surgeon, of Wellingborough, Northants.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. th. e. 183
Extents: 212 Leaves
23 Dec 1804 - 2 Jan 1811
Single Item
A journal of George Fox the quaker's travels from London to the West Indies and New England, and back to Bristol
A journal of George Fox the quaker's travels from London to the West Indies and New England, and back to Bristol, written in or soon after A.D. 1673.
Shelfmark: MS. Add. A. 95
Extents: 24 Leaves
written in or soon after A.D. 1673
Single Item
Journal of George Mercer on two tours in Italy
Journal of George Mercer on two tours in Italy, 1740, 1750.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. gen. e. 98
Extents: 369 pages
1740, 1750
Single Item
Journal of Harriette Anne Morrell (née Wynter)
Manuscript journal of Harriette Anne Morrell (née Wynter), 1885 and 1890.
Shelfmark: MS. 20946
Extents: 1 volume
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Indexed subjects
- 19th century 196
- Diaries 182
- 20th century 167
- 18th century 72
- Diaries -- 19th century 71
- Diaries -- 20th century 61
- 17th century 35
- Humanities 28
- Diaries -- 18th century 23
- Voyages and travels 14
- Literature 13
- Oxford (England) 11
- Antiquarians 10
- France -- Description and travel 10
- Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 20th century 10
- Religion 10
- Travel 10
- Voyages and travels -- Diaries 10
- World War, 1914-1918 10
- Letters 9
- Poetry 9
- Authors -- 20th century 8
- Diaries -- 17th century 8
- India 8
- India -- Description and travel 8
- Italy -- Description and travel 8
- 16th century 7
- Journalism 7
- 21st century 6
- France 6
- Birds 5
- Correspondence 5
- English diaries -- 19th century 5
- English literature -- 20th century 5
- Europe -- Description and travel 5
- Germany 5
- Great Britain 5
- History 5
- Italy 5
- Ornithology 5
- Switzerland 5
- Switzerland -- Description and travel 5
- Women 5
- Autobiography 4
- Belgium -- Description and travel 4
- England -- Description and travel 4
- English literature 4
- Germany -- Description and travel 4
- Ireland 4
- Music 4
- Oxfordshire (England) 4
- Photographs 4
- Rome (Italy) -- Description and travel 4
- Sermons 4
- Theology 4
- Turkey 4
- United States -- Description and travel 4
- World War, 1939-1945 4
- Accounts 3
- Africa -- Description and travel 3
- Austria -- Description and travel 3
- Authors -- 19th century 3
- Biography 3
- Commonplace books 3
- Diplomatic and consular service -- British 3
- England -- Description and travel -- 1801-1900 3
- Great Britain -- Army 3
- Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 19th century 3
- Great Britain -- Royal Navy 3
- Great Britain -- Topography 3
- Greece 3
- Manuscripts 3
- Netherlands 3
- Norway 3
- Painting 3
- Photograph albums 3
- Poetry -- 20th century 3
- Poets 3
- Politics and Government 3
- Portugal -- Description and travel 3
- Royal family 3
- Russia 3
- Russia -- Description and travel 3
- Switzerland -- Description and travel -- 19th century 3
- Travel -- 19th century 3
- Turkey -- Description and travel 3
- University of Oxford 3
- Weather -- England -- History 3
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Diaries 3
- x - 15th century 3
- 13th century 2
- 14th century 2
- Africa -- Officials and employees 2
- Anthropology 2
- Armies 2
- Art 2
- Art, British -- 19th century 2
- Art, British -- 20th century 2
- Artists 2
- Australia 2 ∧ less
- Indexed names
- Great Britain | Colonial Administrative Service 6
- Senior | Nassau William | 1790-1864 | Economist 3
- University of Oxford 3
- Asquith | Herbert Henry | 1852-1928 | 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith | statesman 2
- Atkinson | James B | fl 1925-1985 | member of the World Council of Churches 2
- Eton College 2
- Harcourt | Edward William | 1825-1891 | politician 2
- Harcourt | Family | Nuneham Courtenay 2
- Harcourt | Family | Stanton Harcourt 2
- Harcourt | Lewis Vernon | 1863-1922 | 1st Viscount Harcourt | politician 2
- Hay | Sir | Robert Hay | Drummond- | 1846-1926 | Knight | Diplomat 2
- Hearne | Thomas | 1678-1735 | Antiquary and Nonjuror 2
- Labour Party 2
- Locke | John | 1632-1704 | philospher 2
- Masefield | John Edward | 1878-1967 | poet and novelist 2
- Popplewell | Geoffrey Douglas | b 1904 | District Officer Colonial Government 2
- Sadler | Sir | Michael Ernest | 1861-1943 | Knight | educational pioneer and art patron 2
- Smith | Thomas | 1638-1710 | Nonjuror Historian and Librarian 2
- Spalding | Philip Anthony | 1911-1989 | writer 2
- Thompson | James Matthew | 1878-1956 | Historian and Theologian 2
- Thompson | Theodosia | 1892-1970 | Wife of Edward Thompson 2
- University of Cambridge 2
- World Council of Churches 2
- Acworth | Harriet Garland | d 1846 | nee Miller | wife of William Acworth 1
- Acworth | William | 1803-1899 | Evangelical clergyman 1
- Ainslie-Williams | family 1
- Alexander | Marjorie Eugene | b 1913 | pianist 1
- Ambrose | W Gerald | fl 1900 | Travelling Commissioner in Southern Nigeria 1
- Anderson | Ava | 1896-1974 | née Bodley | wife of Viscount Waverley 1
- Anderson | John | 1882-1958 | 1st Viscount Waverley | civil servant 1
- Anderson | Sir | George | 1877-1943 | educationalist 1
- Araquistain | Luis | 1856-1959 | Spanish statesman 1
- Armstrong | Edward Allworthy | Reverend | 1900-1978 | ornithologist | priest 1
- Ashburnham | Bertrum | 1797-1878 | 4th Earl of Ashburnham 1
- Asquith | family 1
- Astor | Francis David Langhorne | 1912-2001 | newspaper editor and philanthropist 1
- Astor | Nancy Witcher | 1879-1964 | née Langhorne | society hostess, politician and wife of 2nd Viscount Astor 1
- Astor | family 1
- Bacon | Major | Francis D'Arcy | fl. 1823-1825 1
- Baker | Caroline Julia | 1828-1836 1
- Baker | George | 1794-1859 | colonel 1
- Baker | Thomas | fl 1677-1685 | British consul at Tripoli 1
- Bandinel | family 1
- Barrow | John | 1808-1898 | Lieutenant Colonel 1
- Barrow | William | Naval Officer 1
- Batty | Beatrice | 1833-1933 | Novelist and Diarist, author called Beatrice Stebbing 1
- Bayley | Elizabeth S | fl. 1890 1
- Baynes | Emma Katherine | d 1935 | nee Bigwood 1
- Baynes | Emma Katherine | fl 1862-1935 1
- Baynes | Norman Hepburn | 1877-1961 | historian 1
- Beaumont | fl 1688-1730 | Nonconformist 1
- Beer | Esmond Samuel de | 1895-1990 | Historical Scholar and Editor 1
- Behn | Aphra | 1640-1689 | poet and dramatist 1
- Bennet | William | 1746-1820 | Bishop of Cloyne and antiquary 1
- Bennett | Alan | b 1934 | author and playwright 1
- Bennett | James Robert Sterndale | 1847-1928 | maths and music teacher 1
- Bennett | Sir | William Sterndale | 1816–1875 | Knight | composer 1
- Benson | Samuel | 1799-1881 | Anglican clergyman, author vicar of St Saviour's, Southwark 1
- Bentley | Anne | fl 1884-1898 1
- Bentley | Edmund Clerihew | 1875-1956 | Writer 1
- Bentley | George | 1828-1895 | Publisher and Author 1
- Bentley | Lucy | fl 1936 1
- Bentley | Richard | 1794-1871 | Publisher 1
- Bentley | Richard | 1854-1936 | Publisher 1
- Birch | James Wheeler Woodford | 1826-1875 | Resident in Perak 1
- Birch | Sir | Ernest Woodford | 1857-1929 | Knight | Colonial Governor 1
- Bishop | Elizabeth | b 1763 | nee Wollstonecraft 1
- Blagrave | Anthony | fl 1651-1653 | Gentleman, Sonning 1
- Blunt | Wilfrid Scawen | 1840-1922 | poet and writer 1
- Bodley | John Edward Courtenay | 1853-1925 | Civil Servant and Historian 1
- Bodley | John | 1922-1944 1
- Bodley | Miles | 1921-1944 1
- Bollaert | William | 1807-1876 | Author and explorer 1
- Bonham Carter | family 1
- Boscawen | Frances | 1719-1805 | Diarist 1
- Bowen | Aylwin | fl. 1918-1950 | writer and printer 1
- Boys | Family | of Betteshanger 1
- Boys | Jefferay | c1643-1703 | of Betteshanger, Kent 1
- Bracton | Henry de | c 1210-1268 | Judge, Chancellor of Exeter Cathedral 1
- Bradley | Meta | fl 1879-1884 1
- Brinckman | Mary Alice | 1826-1901 1
- British Museum 1
- British Red Cross 1
- Brown | Edna | fl 1935-6 | nee Young | wife of Philip Anthony Spalding 1
- Bruce | Robert | 1829-1908 | Congregational Minister 1
- Brydges | Samuel Egerton | 1762-1837 | 13th Baron Chandos | Writer and genealogist 1
- Bullard | Antonia | fl 1974-1975 1
- Bulwer-Lytton | Rosina Doyle | 1802-1882 | wife of 1st Baron Lytton | novelist 1
- Bunsen | Berta Mary de | 1869-1954 | née Lowry-Corry 1
- Bunsen | Elizabeth de | d 1903 | née Gurney 1
- Bunsen | Sir | Maurice William Ernest de | 1852-1932 | 1st Baronet | diplomat 1
- Butler | Alfred Joshua | 1850-1936 | historian 1
- Butler | Rohan D'Olier | 1917-1996 | historian and civil servant 1
- Butler | Sir | Harold Beresford | 1883-1951 | civil servant 1
- Butterworth | George Sainton Kaye | 1885-1916 | composer and folk song collector 1
- Butterworth | Sir | Alexander Kaye | 1854-1946 | Knight | railway manager 1
- Byng | John | 1743-1813 | 5th Viscount Torrington 1
- Calvert | George | d. 1865 | rector of All Saints, Beeby, Leicestershire 1
- Cameron | Julia Margaret | 1815-1879 | photographer 1
- Capper | Louisa | 1776-1840 | married name Coningham | author 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 342
- Latin 19
- French 18
- German 10
- Italian 10
- Dutch; Flemish 4
- Spanish; Castilian 4
- Czech 3
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 3
- Greek, Modern (1453-) 3
- Hungarian 3
- Polish 3
- Arabic 2
- Danish 2
- Hebrew 2
- Portuguese 2
- Russian 2
- English, Old (ca.450-1100) 1
- Catalan; Valencian 1
- English, Middle (1100-1500) 1
∨ more
∨ more