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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 45


Adversaria Grabii

Adversaria Grabii
Extents: 6.05 Linear metres (55 boxes)
Dates: 16th-18th century
Single Item

Album of photographs of clergymen, mainly of the Church of England

Album of photographs of clergymen, mainly of the Church of England
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 707
Extents: 26 Leaves
Dates: c. 1868

Archive of the Bickersteth family

Papers of the Bickersteth family, 1815-1976, including papers of Edward Bickersteth (1786-1850), rector of Watton, Hertfordshire, and his son Edward Henry Bickersteth (1825-1906), Bishop of Exeter, poet and hymnographer, and grandson, Samuel Bickersteth (1857-1937), priest.
Extents: 43.89 Linear metres (399 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1815-1976

Archive of the Clough family

Papers relating to the Clough family, principally Reverend John Clough (1835-1920), his wife Amy Louisa Clough (1852-1934) née Kenny, and four of their fifteen children: Mabel, Henry, Margret, and Joan. There is also material relating to the connected Kenny and Bland families.
Extents: 3.0 Linear metres (19 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1682-2007
Single Item

Articuli ... ecclesiae Anglicanae (London, 1575) interleaved with a copy of the English version of the 1562 articles

Articuli ... ecclesiae Anglicanae (London, 1575) interleaved with a copy of the English version of the 1562 articles
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 111
Extents: 50 Leaves
Dates: 1720
Single Item

Autobiography and travel journal of Henry Alfred Napier, rector of Swyncombe, Oxfordshire

Autobiography and travel journal of Henry Alfred Napier, Rector of Swyncombe, Oxfordshire.
Shelfmark: MS. 21829
Extents: 1 box
Dates: [1815]-1870
Single Item

'Biographical sketches of the four divines who are mentioned in the Parish Priest, with a short account of its author Dr. Burton' by Dawson Warren, late 18th century

'Biographical sketches of the four divines who are mentioned in the Parish Priest, with a short account of its author Dr. Burton' by Dawson Warren, late 18th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. e. 318
Extents: 52 Leaves
Dates: Late 18th century

The Book of Psalms, in varied (English) metrical versions

The Book of Psalms, in varied (English) metrical versions, written in or shortly before A.D. 1888.
Extents: 0.25 Linear metres (5 boxes)
Dates: c.1888
Single Item

Collectanea of Dr. Humphrey Hody

Collectanea of Dr. Humphrey Hody, written in about A.D. 1700 by H. Hody.
Shelfmark: MS. Add. C. 44
Extents: 129 Leaves
Dates: written in about A.D. 1700 by H. Hody
Single Item

Collection of hymns mainly taken, by Alexander Huish, from four English primers

Collection of hymns mainly taken, by Alexander Huish, from four English primers.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. e. 56
Extents: 152 pages : Calf, gilt, rebacked
Dates: c.1634-1638

Collections for biographical and bibliographical notices of Oxford Writers

Collections for biographical and bibliographical notices of Oxford Writers from the point where Wood's Athenæ Oxonienses leaves off, to about 1800, with additions to about 1815, written in about 1780-1815 by J. Gutch.
Extents: 0.44 Linear metres (4 boxes)
Dates: c.1780-1815
Single Item

Collections towards lists and biographical notices of abbots, priors, and other heads of religious houses in England

Collections towards lists and biographical notices of abbots, priors, and other heads of religious houses in England
Shelfmark: MS. Top. eccl. b. 1
Extents: 237 Leaves
Dates: Written in the last quarter of the 18th century (?)
Single Item

Commonplace book of Dr Ralph Baker

Commonplace book of Dr Ralph Baker.
Shelfmark: MS. Tanner 469
Extents: 53 Leaves
Dates: second half of the 17th century
Single Item

Copy in an unidentified hand of Edmund Gibson's charge to the clergy of London diocese at his visitation

Copy in an unidentified hand of Edmund Gibson's charge to the clergy of London diocese at his visitation, 1730.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. th. d. 66
Extents: 66 Leaves
Dates: 1730

Diplomas awarded to Professor James Bradley and a grant of one virgate of land and two tofts in Snareston

'Diplomas awarded to Professor James Bradley and a grant of one virgate of land and two tofts in Snareston, late 13th and 18th century.
Extents: 0.15 Linear metres (3 boxes)
Dates: late 13th and 18th century
Single Item

Drawings and engravings of details of ecclesiastical architecture

Drawings and engravings of details of ecclesiastical architecture, collected by Thomas Rackett 'to illustrate the progress of ancient architecture'early 19th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. gen. d. 37
Extents: 62 Leaves
Dates: early 19th century
Single Item

Ecclesiastical papers of the Rev. Jeremiah James Hunt

Ecclesiastical papers of the Rev. Jeremiah James Hunt
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. c. 866/7
Extents: 1 file
Dates: 1910-1945
Single Item

The eighty-nine 'principal clergy of London classified according to their opinions on the great Church question of the day'

The eighty-nine 'principal clergy of London classified according to their opinions on the great Church question of the day', written in A.D. 1844 in London.
Shelfmark: MS. Add. C. 290
Extents: 39 Leaves
Dates: written in A.D. 1844 in London

Folklore Notes of Rev. Addison Crofton

Folklore Notes of Rev. Addison Crofton
Extents: 0.20 Linear metres (4 boxes)
Dates: 1901
Single Item

Guard-book of letters

Guard-book of letters
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lett. e. 137
Extents: 46 Leaves
Dates: 17th-20th century

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: Church of England -- Clergy X

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Additional filters:

Indexed subjects
19th century 21
18th century 18
17th century 12
20th century 12
Religion 11
Antiquarians 8
Theology 5
Humanities 4
16th century 3
Letters 3
Literature 3
Authors 2
Autobiography 2
Church buildings 2
Religious literature, English 2
Sermons 2
13th century 1
Academic costume 1
Accounts 1
Architectural drawing -- British Isles 1
∨ more  
Indexed names
University of Oxford 3
Clark | Andrew | 1854-1922 | Clergyman and Antiquary 2
Inge | William Ralph | 1860-1954 | Dean of St. Paul's 2
Tanner | Thomas | 1674-1735 | Bishop of St Asaph and antiquary 2
Willis | Browne | 1682-1760 | Antiquary and Numismatist 2
Baring-Gould | Sabine | 1834-1924 | Church of England clergyman, author and folksong collector 1
Barker | Ralph | 1648-1708 | chaplain 1
Bickersteth | A.C | 1920-1948 | Gurkha Rifles 1
Bickersteth | Edward Henry | 1825-1906 | Bishop of Exeter | poet | hymnographer 1
Bickersteth | Edward Monier | 1882-1976 | priest 1
Bickersteth | Edward | 1786-1850 | author | Church of England clergyman | evangelical leader 1
Bickersteth | Family | Church of England 1
Bickersteth | Geoffrey | 1884-1974 | academic 1
Bickersteth | John Burgon | 1888-1979 | academic administrator | author 1
Bickersteth | Kenneth Julian | 1885-1962 | Clergyman | 1
Bickersteth | Ralph | 1894-1989 1
Bickersteth | Samuel | 1857-1937 | priest 1
Bickersteth | Stanley Morris | 1891-1916 1
Bland | Margret | 1890-1990 | nee Clough | daughter of John and Amy Louisa Clough 1
Bland | family 1
∨ more
Bradley | James | 1692-1762 | Chaplain to Bishop of Hereford, astronomer 1
Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | Poet Laureate 1
Church of England 1
Clough | Amy Louisa M | 1852-1934 | wife of John Clough 1
Clough | Henry Kenny | 1876-1970 | army officer 1
Clough | Joan Welcome | 1895-1987 | afterwards Kirby | daughter of John and Amy Louisa Clough 1
Clough | John | 1835-1920 | clergyman 1
Clough | family 1
Crofton | Addison | 1846-1904 | clergyman 1
Cumberland | family 1
Dearmer | Percy | 1867-1936 | liturgiologist and hymnologist 1
Delafield | Thomas | d 1755 | antiquary | of Great Haseley 1
Ducarel | Andrew Coltee | 1713-1785 | Antiquary 1
Edwards | Henry Edwards | fl. 1885-1888 | Rector of Banningham, Norfolk 1
Elliot | Gilbert | 1800-1891 | Dean of Bristol 1
Eton College 1
Fleming Family | fl. 17th century | Rydal, Westmorland 1
Gibson | Edmund | 1669-1748 | Bishop of Lincoln and London, jurist and antiquary 1
Gilpin | Bernard | 1517-1583 | Archdeacon of Durham 1
Grabe | Johann Ernst | 1666-1711 | Theologian 1
Great Britain and Ireland | Army | King's Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster) 1
Gutch | John | 1746-1831 | clergyman, antiquary, Registrar of Oxford University 1
Hele | Robert Hele Selby | 1765-1839 | vicar 1
Herbert | George | 1593-1633 | Anglican clergyman and public orator 1
Higgs | John | fl. 1571 | Vicar of Highley 1
Hody | Humphrey | 1660-1707 | Archdeacon of Oxford and Classical Scholar 1
Hooker | Richard | 1554-1600 | theologian and philosopher 1
Huggett | Roger | c 1711-1769 | Librarian of Eton College, Antiquary 1
Huish | Alexander | 1595-1668 | Biblical scholar 1
Jermyn | family 1
Johnson | Hewlett | 1874-1966 | Dean of Canterbury 1
Keble | John | 1792-1866 | Church of England clergyman and poet 1
Kenny | family 1
Langley | Adam | 1593-1663 | Fellow of St John's College Oxford; Vicar of Chesham 1
Marshall | Thomas | 1621-1685 | Dean of Gloucester 1
Milward | Margaret Emma | b 1859? 1
Mozley | James Bowling | 1813-1878 | theologian and journalist 1
Napier | Henry Alfred | 1797-1871 | Rector of Swyncombe, antiquary 1
Nixon | John Eccles | Sir | 1857-1921 | general 1
Noel | Conrad Le Despenser Roden | 1869-1942 | Church of England clergyman and socialist 1
Oxford Clerical Association 1
Oxford University | Lincoln College 1
Pusey | Edward Bouverie | 1800-1882 | Canon of Christ Church Oxford 1
Rackett | Thomas | 1755-1840 | Church of England clergyman and antiquary 1
Sclater | Mabel | 1874-1919 | nee Clough | daughter of John and Amy Louisa Clough 1
Spelman | Sir | Henry | 1564-1641 | Knight | Historian and Antiquary 1
Symonds | John Addington | 1840-1893 | Poet and literary critic 1
The Times | newspaper | London 1
Wallis | John | 1616-1703 | Mathematician 1
Wesley | John | 1703-1791 | Church of England clergyman and a founder of Methodism 1
Wilberforce | Samuel | 1805-1873 | Bishop of Oxford and Winchester 1
Wright | Abraham | 1611-1690 | Chuch of England clergyman and author 1
∧ less
Latin 7
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 2
French 1
Greek, Modern (1453-) 1