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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 25

Single Item

Anthem, 'Praise God in his Sanctuary', by William Croft

William Croft: anthem, 'Praise God in his Sanctuary' (Psalm 150). Autograph manuscript, [1717].
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. b. 15, fols. 32-41
Extents: 10 Leaves
Dates: [1717]
Single Item

Anthem, 'The Lord hath appeared for us', by William Croft

William Croft: 'The Lord hath appeared for us'. Autograph manuscript, [1715].
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. b. 15, fol. 31
Extents: 1 leaf
Dates: [1715]

Autograph music manuscripts of Bryan Kelly

Autograph music manuscripts of Bryan Kelly, 1998-1999.
Extents: 0.45 Linear metres (3 boxes)
Dates: 1998-1999
Single Item

Carl Heinrich Graun: Te Deum in D major [GraunWV B:VI:2]

Te Deum in D major [GraunWV B:VI:2], for SATB solo voices, SATB chorus and orchestra, by Carl Heinrich Graun, early 19th cent.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. d. 279
Extents: 74 pages
Dates: early 19th-cent.
Single Item

Collection of Latin sacred music of the 16th-18th cent., copied by Rev. Charles Hayward

Latin sacred music of the 16th-18th cent., copied in score by Rev. Charles Hayward, c 1800.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. d. 293
Extents: 188 pages
Dates: c 1800
Single Item

Edmund Rubbra: 'The revival. Motet. Op. 58'

Autograph score of Edmund Rubbra's 'The revival', motet for unaccompanied SATB chorus, to words by Henry Vaughan, op. 58, 17 Aug 1944.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. c. 568
Extents: 12 pages
Dates: 17 Aug 1944
Single Item

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Op. 31, verses from Psalm CXIII [sic. Psalm 115]

Op. 31, verses from Psalm CXIII [sic] set to music by F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy, early 19th cent.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. d. 223
Extents: 43 Leaves
Dates: early 19th cent.
Single Item

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: 1st book of motets for 4 voices (Rome, 1563)

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525/5-1594): 1st book of motets for 4 voices (Rome, 1563), scored up by Giovanni Maria Casini and copied by Cosimo Scuffi, late 17th or early 18th cent.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. d. 287
Extents: 346 pages
Dates: late 17th or early 18th-cent.
Single Item

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Three sacred works in English copies

Three sacred works by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina in English copies, c 1840.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. b. 384
Extents: 61 Leaves
Dates: c 1840
Single Item

Harold Edwin Darke: 'Motet, Blessed is the man that endureth temptation. For four-part chorus' (SATB unaccompanied)

Autograph score of Harold Edwin Darke's 'Blessed is the man that endureth temptation', for unaccompanied SATB chorus, 6-8 Sep 1916.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. c. 596
Extents: 16 pages
Dates: 6-8 Sep 1916
Single Item

John Gordon Bissley: 'Content thyself with patience'. 'Anthem for general use, or at a memorial service'

'Content thyself with patience', anthem for SATB chorus and organ by John Gordon Bissley, c 1920.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. c. 612
Extents: 4 Leaves
Dates: c 1920
Single Item

'La morte di Gesù. Cantata posta in musica del Sigr. Carlo Enrico Graun, M.D.C. di S.M. Prussiana. Tradotto dal Tedesco'

'La morte di Gesù. Cantata posta in musica del Sigr. Carlo Enrico Graun, M.D.C. di S.M. Prussiana. Tradotto dal Tedesco', late 18th or early 19th cent.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. d. 289
Extents: 133 Leaves
Dates: late 18th or early 19th cent.
Single Item

Louis Spohr: 'The last judgement', oratorio for SATB soli, SATB chorus and orchestra

Full score of Die letzten Dinge by Louis Spohr [WoO 61] in the English translation of Edward Taylor, mid-19th cent.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. c. 591
Extents: 248 pages
Dates: mid-19th cent.
Single Item

Magnificat and Nunc dimittis ('Mode VIII') by [Robert Seymour ?] Bridges

Autograph ink score of Magnificat and Nunc dimittis by [Robert Seymour ?] Bridges, with separate voice parts in various hands, undated, [c 1900?].
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. b. 387
Extents: 1 box
Dates: [c 1900?]
Single Item

Manuscript additions to a printed score of William Bennett's A new set of psalm tunes and anthems

Manuscript additions to a printed score, late-18th/early-19th-cent.
Shelfmark: Mus. 32 d. 236
Extents: 117 pages
Dates: 1770-19th century
Single Item

Manuscript copy of Missa Gabriel Archangelus by Giovanni da Palestrina and The lamentations of Jeremiah by Thomas Tallis, most likely transcribed by Henry Needler

Manuscript copy of Missa Gabriel Archangelus by Giovanni da Palestrina and The lamentations of Jeremiah
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. c.706
Extents: 1 volume
Dates: ca. 1720
Single Item

'Messa di Giuseppe Haÿden in C dur' for SATB soli, SATB chorus and orchestra

'Messa di Giuseppe Haÿden in C dur' (i.e. Missa Cellensis [Hob. XXII:5] by Franz Joseph Haydn), early 19th-cent.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. c. 593
Extents: 165 Leaves
Dates: early 19th cent.
Single Item

'Messe H moll von Sebastian Bach. Organo'

Organ part for the B minor Mass by Johann Sebastian Bach, mid-19th cent.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. c. 588
Extents: 80 pages
Dates: mid-19th cent.
Single Item

Nicolò Jommelli: 'La passione di Gesù Cristo', for SATB soli, SATB chorus and orchestra

Incomplete full score of Nicolò Jommelli's 'La passione di Gesù Cristo' [Hochstein Anh. 40] for SATB soli, SATB chorus and orchestra, c 1760-1780.
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. d. 292
Extents: 62 pages
Dates: c 1760-1780
Single Item

Peter Winter: Missa di Requiem in C minor, for SATB soli, SATB chorus and orchestra

Missa di Requiem in C minor, for SATB soli, SATB chorus and orchestra, by Peter Winter, [1820-1830?].
Shelfmark: MS. Mus. d. 288
Extents: 80 Leaves
Dates: [1820-1830?]

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices, 4 parts) X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Indexed subjects
19th century 12
Music -- Manuscripts -- 19th century 11
Music -- Manuscripts -- 18th century 10
18th century 9
Anthems 8
Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices, 4 parts), Unaccompanied 8
Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices, 4 parts) with orchestra 7
Composers -- England -- Manuscripts 7
20th century 6
Music -- Manuscripts -- 20th century 6
Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices, 4 parts) with organ 5
Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices, 4 parts) 4
Motets 4
16th century 3
17th century 3
Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices, 4 parts) with instrumental ensemble 2
Evening service music 2
Hymns, English 2
Masses 2
Music -- Manuscripts -- 17th century 2
∨ more  
Indexed names
Palestrina | Giovanni Pierluigi da | 1525?-1594 | composer 4
Croft | William | 1677-1727 | organist and composer 2
Graun | Carl Heinrich | 1703/4-1759 | composer and singer 2
Haydn | Franz Joseph | 1732-1809 | Austrian Composer 2
Allegri | Gregorio | 1582-1652 | composer and singer 1
Bach | Johann Sebastian | 1685-1750 | German organist, composer and Master Contrapuntist 1
Baj | Tommaso | c 1650-1714 | composer and singer 1
Bartholdy | Jacob Ludwig Felix | Mendelssohn- | 1809-1847 | composer 1
Bissley | John Gordon | 1884-1975 | composer 1
Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | Poet Laureate 1
Casini | Giovanni Maria | 1652-1719 | church musician and composer 1
Chetham | John | 1688-1746 | psalmodist 1
Child | William | 1606/1607-1697 | composer 1
Darke | Harold Edwin | 1888-1976 | organist 1
Gibbons | Orlando | 1583-1625 | composer 1
Jommelli | Niccolò | 1714-1774 | composer 1
Kelly | Bryan | b 1934 | composer 1
Knapp | William | 1698/9-1768 | psalmodist 1
Needler | Henry | 1685-1760 | musician and music transcriber 1
Osborne | Nigel | b 1948 | composer 1