Showing Collections: 41 - 60 of 104
Single Item
Commonplace book of W.T. Beeby, Calcutta
Commonplace book of W.T. Beeby, Calcutta
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. e. 3453
Extents: 44 Leaves
1823-c. 1835
Single Item
Comparative tables of Saints' Days
Comparative tables of Saints' Days
Shelfmark: MS. Add. C. 211
Extents: 36 Leaves
Written about A.D. 1845
Single Item
A copy of a Register of Benefactions to the parish of St. Michael's at the North Gate, Oxford
A copy of a Register of Benefactions to the parish of St. Michael's at the North Gate, Oxford
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon c. 110
Extents: 46 Leaves
Written in 1894 by A. Clark
Single Item
A copy of the printed 'Cash Book (to be kept by the treasurer)'
A copy of the printed 'Cash Book (to be kept by the treasurer)'
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon b. 34
Extents: 1 item
Single Item
A copy of the printed Daily Journal, with entries of the engagements of the Vice-chancellor of the University of Oxford
A copy of the printed Daily Journal, with entries of the engagements of the Vice-chancellor of the University of Oxford, written in A.D. 1830 by J. C. Jones.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon f. 5
Extents: 1 volume
written in A.D. 1830 by J. C. Jones
Diaries and a commonplace book collected by Margaret Crompton
Diaries and a commonplace book collected by Margaret Crompton
Extents: 0.20 Linear metres (4 boxes)
19th century
Douce Manuscripts
Douce Manuscripts.
Extents: 54.12 Linear metres (492 boxes)
8th-19th century
Single Item
'Essex Church Notes. I. Boreham Parish. Extracts from the old Register and Account-book. Andrew Clark: January 1896'
'Essex Church Notes. I. Boreham Parish. Extracts from the old Register and Account-book. Andrew Clark: January 1896'
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Essex c. 11
Extents: 45 Leaves
Written in A.D. 1895 by A. Clark
Single Item
Exercise book of Thomas Seccombe containing lists of books read, with comments on them
Exercise book of Thomas Seccombe containing lists of books read, with comments on them
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 523
Extents: 79 Leaves
Single Item
'Great Leighs National School account book'
'Great Leighs National School account book'
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Essex e. 43
Extents: 125 Leaves
Written in 1867-1894 by the rev. dr. Wm. Kay and others
Single Item
Guard-book of newspapers and large press cuttings from various manuscript collections
Guard-book of newspapers and large press cuttings from various manuscript collections.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. a. 18
Extents: 44 Leaves
Date not recorded at time of cataloguing
Single Item
Hobart-Hampden Papers
Hobart-Hampden Family Papers
Shelfmark: MS. D.D. Hobart-Hampden c.1
Extents: 1 box
Single Item
'Le Pot Pourri', commonplace book containing music and riddles, in English and French
'Le Pot Pourri', commonplace book containing music and riddles, in English and French
Shelfmark: MS. Don. d. 190
Extents: 12 Leaves
c. 1804
Single Item
Ledger account book of James W. and Charles Adlard, printers, London
Ledger account book of James W. and Charles Adlard, printers, London, 1825-1832
Shelfmark: MS. Don. c. 84
Extents: 699 pages
Single Item
'Les Aventures de Télémaque' by archbp. Fénelon
'Les Aventures de Télémaque' by archbp. Fénelon
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 1021
Extents: 118 pages
Written in A.D. 1802-1804 by C. Lovett (?) in England
Single Item
Letters of Joyce Cary, Edmund Blunden, Arthur Mee, and Gillie Potter
Letters of Joyce Cary, Edmund Blunden, Arthur Mee, and Gillie Potter, 1899-1956.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 8410, fols. 59-64
Extents: 4 Leaves
Single Item
A list of about 250 books printed in the 15th century and now in the library of All Souls college, Oxford
A list of about 250 books printed
Shelfmark: R. 13. 186 (Former reference: MS. Lat. misc. c. 2)
Extents: 30 Leaves
Written in A.D. 1887 or 1888 by E. G. Duff
Single Item
'List of books and editions printed in England before 1600 belonging to Queen's College Library [Oxford] which are not in the Bodleian, March 1881'
'List of books and editions printed in England before 1600 belonging to Queen's College Library [Oxford] which are not in the Bodleian, March 1881'
Shelfmark: R. 13. 141 (Former reference: MS. Eng. misc. c. 9)
Extents: 50 Leaves
Written in 1881 in Oxford
Single Item
A list of dr. John Barrett's liturgical books
A list of dr. John Barrett's liturgical books
Shelfmark: MS. Add. A. 223
Extents: 55 Leaves
Written about A.D. 1830 by B. Bandinel
Single Item
Lists by E. Gordon Duff of books printed before 1600 in the libraries of All Souls and Wadham Colleges, Oxford
Lists by E. Gordon Duff of books printed before 1600 in the libraries of All Souls and Wadham Colleges, Oxford
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 26
Extents: 211 Leaves
Before 1884
Filtered By
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Indexed subjects
- Commonplace books 25
- Account books 24
- Books 17
- Literature 17
- 18th century 16
- Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 15
- Books -- Catalogs 11
- 20th century 10
- History 8
- Humanities 8
- Antiquarians 6
- English literature 6
- Illumination of books and manuscripts 6
- Letters 5
- Religion 5
- 17th century 4
- English language 4
- English poetry 4
- Library catalogs 4
- Universities and colleges -- England -- Oxford 4
- Books and reading 3
- Drawings 3
- Early printed books 3
- English literature -- 19th century 3
- Poetry 3
- Authors 2
- Bibliography 2
- Books of hours 2
- Diaries -- 19th century 2
- England -- Social life and customs -- 19th century 2
- English poetry -- 19th century 2
- Engraving 2
- Essex (England) 2
- Illustration of books 2
- Libraries -- Great Britain 2
- Medicine 2
- Northamptonshire (England) 2
- Oxford (England) 2
- Oxfordshire (England) 2
- Parishes -- England 2
- Photographs 2
- Poets 2
- Printers 2
- Schools -- Great Britain 2
- Societies 2
- University of Oxford -- Libraries 2
- 13th century 1
- 14th century 1
- 16th century 1
- Abingdon (England) 1
- Academic costume 1
- Account books -- England -- 19th century 1
- Accounts 1
- Administration of estates 1
- Appointment books 1
- Art 1
- Authors -- 19th century 1
- Ballads 1
- Bible 1
- Bible -- O.T. -- Psalms 1
- Bodleian Library 1
- Book -- printing 1
- Booksellers and bookselling 1
- Business 1
- Butchers 1
- Canada 1
- Catalogs, Book 1
- Children 1
- Christianity -- 19th century 1
- Church 1
- Church of England. Book of common prayer 1
- Collectors and collecting 1
- Correspondence 1
- Country dances 1
- Deeds 1
- Drama -- 19th century 1
- Drawing 1
- Education 1
- Education -- England 1
- England -- Social life and customs -- 17th century 1
- England -- Social life and customs -- 18th century 1
- English Literature 1
- English literature -- 18th century 1
- English literature -- 20th century 1
- French literature 1
- Genealogy 1
- Greek literature 1
- Horspath | Oxfordshire | SP 5704 1
- Households -- England 1
- India -- Description and travel 1
- Journalism 1
- Labour unions 1
- Lancashire (England) 1
- Latin language -- Grammar 1
- Latin literature 1
- Latin prose literature 1
- Law 1
- Libraries 1
- Liturgies 1 ∧ less
- Indexed names
- Clark | Andrew | 1854-1922 | Clergyman and Antiquary 4
- Bodleian Library 3
- Proctor | Robert George Collier | 1868-1903 | bibliographer 3
- University of Oxford 3
- Ackermann | Rudolph | 1764-1834 | publisher 1
- Adlard | Charles | fl 1825-1832 | printer 1
- Adlard | James W. | fl 1825-1832 | printer 1
- Ann Alworth School | Oxford | also called St Michael's School 1
- Aristotle | 384-322 BC | Greek philosopher 1
- Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 1
- Bacon | Roger | ? 1214-1294 | philosopher 1
- Bandinel | Bulkeley | 1781-1861 | Bodley's Librarian 1
- Banks | J. C. | fl. 1810-1822 1
- Barrett | John | 1753-1821 | Antiquary Biblical Scholar 1
- Bayntun | Sir | William | 1766-1840 | Knight and admiral 1
- Beckford | William | 1760-1844 | author, MP, art collector 1
- Beeby | W T | fl 1823-1835 1
- Bennet | James | b.1773 | employee of the East India Company 1
- Blackwood | James | fl. 1840-1893 | publisher 1
- Bliss | Philip | 1787-1857 | Antiquary and Editor 1
- Blunden | Edmund Charles | 1896-1974 | poet 1
- Bonaparte | Napoleon | 1769-1821 | Emperor of the French 1
- Burdett | Sir | Francis | 1770-1844 | 5th Baronet | politician 1
- Cary | Arthur Joyce Lunel | 1888-1957 | Author 1
- Casson | Ethel | fl 1898-1905 | sister of the archaeologist Stanley Casson 1
- Casson | Stanley | 1889-1994 | archaeologist 1
- Clarendon Press 1
- Collier | John Payne | 1789-1883 | Shakespearean scholar and forger, antiquary, and journalist 1
- Condé | John | fl. 1790-1820 | Engraver 1
- Condé | Pierre | fl. 1790-1820 | Engraver 1
- Cooper | Eliza | fl 1830-1870 | married Mr George, 2 Jan 1779 1
- Coutts | Thomas | 1735-1822 | Banker 1
- Davidson | James | 1793-1864 | antiquary and bibliographer 1
- Davies | David | fl. 1802-1808 1
- Douce | Francis | 1757-1834 | Antiquary 1
- Duff | Edward Gordon | 1863-1924 | Bibliographer and librarian 1
- East India Company 1
- Edwards | E.M.A. | fl. 1824 1
- Fenelon | Francois de Salignac de la Mothe | 1651-1715 | Archbishop of Cambrai 1
- Foster | (Myles) Birket | 1825–1899 | painter and illustrator 1
- Foster | John | fl. 1895 1
- Garner | William | fl. 1829-1866 | Travelling preacher of the primitive Methodist Connexion 1
- Giles | John Allen | 1808-1884 | historian, editor and translator 1
- Gough | Henry | 1821-1905 | Antiquary and Bibliographer 1
- Great Leighs National School 1
- Guest | John | 1799-1880 | author 1
- Gunning | Frances A. | fl. 1857-1875 1
- Hawkes | Reverend | James | fl. 1815-1837 1
- Hawkins | Adair | 19th century London surgeon 1
- Hobart-Hamden Family 1
- Holroyd | Benjamin | fl 1832-62 | butcher 1
- Howitt | Mary | 1799-1888 | poet 1
- Johnstone | Walter | fl 1874-1884 1
- Jones | John Collier | 1770-1838 | Rector of Exeter College Oxford 1
- Jones | John Pike | 1790-1857 | Antiquary 1
- Kendal | Dame | Madge | real name Margaret Shafto Robertson | 1848-1935 | actress 1
- Legge | Helen Edith | 1860-1946 | daughter of James Legge 1
- Leigh | R. H. | fl. c.1820-1830 | of Wigan 1
- Liddell | Henry George | 1811-1898 | Dean of Christ Church Oxford 1
- Lindsay | Wallace Martin | 1858-1937 | Professor of Humanity St. Andrews University 1
- Littledale | Olivia | fl 1973-1974 1
- Macdonald | Anne | fl 1910-1956 1
- Macray | William Dunn | 1826-1916 | Rector of Ducklington, Antiquary, and Archivist 1
- Martin | F. R. | fl. 19th century 1
- Mee | Arthur Henry | 1875–1943 | journalist and children's writer 1
- Morris | William | 1834-1896 | Poet Artist and Socialist 1
- Morris | William | 1834-1896 | poet, artist, and socialist 1
- Munday | Alfred | fl. 1857-1858 | of Chilworth, Oxon 1
- National Agricultural Labourers' Union | 1872-1896 1
- Nicoll | Alexander | 1793-1828 | Orientalist 1
- North Family | Barons North and Earls of Guilford 1
- North | Lady | Georgiana | 1798-1835 | daughter of 3rd Earl of Guilford 1
- Otway | Elizabeth Hannah | fl 1850-1875 | nee Batt 1
- Oxford University | All Souls College 1
- Oxford University | Balliol College 1
- Oxford University | Corpus Christi College 1
- Oxford University | Exeter College 1
- Oxford University | Jesus College 1
- Page | Richard | fl. 1819-1840 1
- Parker | George | fl 1869-1897 | antiquary and Clerk of the Schools, University of Oxford 1
- Peel | Hugh William | 1887–1975 | comedian and broadcaster known as Gillie Potter 1
- Poe | Edgar Allan | 1809-1849 | American writer and poet 1
- Reade | Charles | 1814-1884 | novelist and dramatist 1
- Reading and Library Society | Abingdon 1
- Russell | Sir | Henry | 1751-1836 | 1st baronet | judge in India 1
- Seccombe |Thomas | 1866-1923 | Literary scholar and biographer 1
- Surman | Benjamin | fl. c.1875-1902 | Horspath branch of the National Agricultural Labourers' Union secretary 1
- Townsend | Lucy | 1781-1847 | née Jesse | slavery abolitionist 1
- University of Oxford | Christ Church 1
- University of Oxford | Magdalen College 1
- University of Oxford | Oriel College 1
- University of Oxford | The Queen's College | Library 1
- University of Oxford | Wadham College 1
- Uwins | Thomas | 1782-1857 | Painter, illustrator, and art administrator 1
- Valentine | J. T | Tristram- | fl. 1881-1891 1
- Victoria | 1819-1901 | Queen of Great Britain and Ireland 1
- Wiffen | Benjamin Barron | 1794-1867 | biographer 1
- Wilson | Horace Hayman | 1786-1860 | Sanskritist 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 98
- Latin 9
- French 7
- Italian 3
- Spanish; Castilian 2
- Arabic 1
- Dutch; Flemish 1
- German 1
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 1
- Greek, Modern (1453-) 1
- Persian 1
- Portuguese 1
- Provençal, Old (to 1500) 1
- Scots 1
∨ more
∨ more