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Showing Collections: 101 - 104 of 104

Single Item

Stencils and sketches, 19th century, collected by F. R. Martin

Stencils and sketches, 19th century, collected by F. R. Martin.
Shelfmark: MS. Drawings gen. c. 6 (R)
Extents: 36 Leaves
Dates: 19th century

Two Commonplace Books of J. Stockdale Hardy (of Leicester?)

Two Commonplace Books of J. Stockdale Hardy (of Leicester?)
Extents: 0.10 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: Written in A.D. 1824-1834 by J. S. Hardy
Single Item

Two volumes containing a catalogue of black-letter and other books printed before 1600 in the possession of William Bayntun of Gray's Inn

Two volumes containing a catalogue of black-letter and other books printed before 1600 in the possession of William Bayntun of Gray's Inn
Shelfmark: MSS. Eng. misc. e. 80-81
Extents: 1 box
Dates: c. 1768-1770
Single Item

Volume of letters to Richard Page, 1819-40, with portraits of, and press cuttings concerning him

Volume of letters to Richard Page, 1819-40, with portraits of, and press cuttings concerning, him
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lett. b. 3
Extents: 124 Leaves
Dates: 1819-1840

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: Books X
  • Indexed subjects: 19th century X

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Indexed subjects
Commonplace books 25
Account books 24
Books 17
Literature 17
18th century 16
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 15
Books -- Catalogs 11
20th century 10
History 8
Humanities 8
Antiquarians 6
English literature 6
Illumination of books and manuscripts 6
Letters 5
Religion 5
17th century 4
English language 4
English poetry 4
Library catalogs 4
Universities and colleges -- England -- Oxford 4
∨ more
Books and reading 3
Drawings 3
Early printed books 3
English literature -- 19th century 3
Poetry 3
Authors 2
Bibliography 2
Books of hours 2
Diaries -- 19th century 2
England -- Social life and customs -- 19th century 2
English poetry -- 19th century 2
Engraving 2
Essex (England) 2
Illustration of books 2
Libraries -- Great Britain 2
Medicine 2
Northamptonshire (England) 2
Oxford (England) 2
Oxfordshire (England) 2
Parishes -- England 2
Photographs 2
Poets 2
Printers 2
Schools -- Great Britain 2
Societies 2
University of Oxford -- Libraries 2
13th century 1
14th century 1
16th century 1
Abingdon (England) 1
Academic costume 1
Account books -- England -- 19th century 1
Accounts 1
Administration of estates 1
Appointment books 1
Art 1
Authors -- 19th century 1
Ballads 1
Bible 1
Bible -- O.T. -- Psalms 1
Bodleian Library 1
Book -- printing 1
Booksellers and bookselling 1
Business 1
Butchers 1
Canada 1
Catalogs, Book 1
Children 1
Christianity -- 19th century 1
Church 1
Church of England. Book of common prayer 1
Collectors and collecting 1
Correspondence 1
Country dances 1
Deeds 1
Drama -- 19th century 1
Drawing 1
Education 1
Education -- England 1
England -- Social life and customs -- 17th century 1
England -- Social life and customs -- 18th century 1
English Literature 1
English literature -- 18th century 1
English literature -- 20th century 1
French literature 1
Genealogy 1
Greek literature 1
Horspath | Oxfordshire | SP 5704 1
Households -- England 1
India -- Description and travel 1
Journalism 1
Labour unions 1
Lancashire (England) 1
Latin language -- Grammar 1
Latin literature 1
Latin prose literature 1
Law 1
Libraries 1
Liturgies 1
∧ less
Indexed names
Clark | Andrew | 1854-1922 | Clergyman and Antiquary 4
Bodleian Library 3
Proctor | Robert George Collier | 1868-1903 | bibliographer 3
University of Oxford 3
Ackermann | Rudolph | 1764-1834 | publisher 1
Adlard | Charles | fl 1825-1832 | printer 1
Adlard | James W. | fl 1825-1832 | printer 1
Ann Alworth School | Oxford | also called St Michael's School 1
Aristotle | 384-322 BC | Greek philosopher 1
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 1
Bacon | Roger | ? 1214-1294 | philosopher 1
Bandinel | Bulkeley | 1781-1861 | Bodley's Librarian 1
Banks | J. C. | fl. 1810-1822 1
Barrett | John | 1753-1821 | Antiquary Biblical Scholar 1
Bayntun | Sir | William | 1766-1840 | Knight and admiral 1
Beckford | William | 1760-1844 | author, MP, art collector 1
Beeby | W T | fl 1823-1835 1
Bennet | James | b.1773 | employee of the East India Company 1
Blackwood | James | fl. 1840-1893 | publisher 1
Bliss | Philip | 1787-1857 | Antiquary and Editor 1
∨ more
Blunden | Edmund Charles | 1896-1974 | poet 1
Bonaparte | Napoleon | 1769-1821 | Emperor of the French 1
Burdett | Sir | Francis | 1770-1844 | 5th Baronet | politician 1
Cary | Arthur Joyce Lunel | 1888-1957 | Author 1
Casson | Ethel | fl 1898-1905 | sister of the archaeologist Stanley Casson 1
Casson | Stanley | 1889-1994 | archaeologist 1
Clarendon Press 1
Collier | John Payne | 1789-1883 | Shakespearean scholar and forger, antiquary, and journalist 1
Condé | John | fl. 1790-1820 | Engraver 1
Condé | Pierre | fl. 1790-1820 | Engraver 1
Cooper | Eliza | fl 1830-1870 | married Mr George, 2 Jan 1779 1
Coutts | Thomas | 1735-1822 | Banker 1
Davidson | James | 1793-1864 | antiquary and bibliographer 1
Davies | David | fl. 1802-1808 1
Douce | Francis | 1757-1834 | Antiquary 1
Duff | Edward Gordon | 1863-1924 | Bibliographer and librarian 1
East India Company 1
Edwards | E.M.A. | fl. 1824 1
Fenelon | Francois de Salignac de la Mothe | 1651-1715 | Archbishop of Cambrai 1
Foster | (Myles) Birket | 1825–1899 | painter and illustrator 1
Foster | John | fl. 1895 1
Garner | William | fl. 1829-1866 | Travelling preacher of the primitive Methodist Connexion 1
Giles | John Allen | 1808-1884 | historian, editor and translator 1
Gough | Henry | 1821-1905 | Antiquary and Bibliographer 1
Great Leighs National School 1
Guest | John | 1799-1880 | author 1
Gunning | Frances A. | fl. 1857-1875 1
Hawkes | Reverend | James | fl. 1815-1837 1
Hawkins | Adair | 19th century London surgeon 1
Hobart-Hamden Family 1
Holroyd | Benjamin | fl 1832-62 | butcher 1
Howitt | Mary | 1799-1888 | poet 1
Johnstone | Walter | fl 1874-1884 1
Jones | John Collier | 1770-1838 | Rector of Exeter College Oxford 1
Jones | John Pike | 1790-1857 | Antiquary 1
Kendal | Dame | Madge | real name Margaret Shafto Robertson | 1848-1935 | actress 1
Legge | Helen Edith | 1860-1946 | daughter of James Legge 1
Leigh | R. H. | fl. c.1820-1830 | of Wigan 1
Liddell | Henry George | 1811-1898 | Dean of Christ Church Oxford 1
Lindsay | Wallace Martin | 1858-1937 | Professor of Humanity St. Andrews University 1
Littledale | Olivia | fl 1973-1974 1
Macdonald | Anne | fl 1910-1956 1
Macray | William Dunn | 1826-1916 | Rector of Ducklington, Antiquary, and Archivist 1
Martin | F. R. | fl. 19th century 1
Mee | Arthur Henry | 1875–1943 | journalist and children's writer 1
Morris | William | 1834-1896 | Poet Artist and Socialist 1
Morris | William | 1834-1896 | poet, artist, and socialist 1
Munday | Alfred | fl. 1857-1858 | of Chilworth, Oxon 1
National Agricultural Labourers' Union | 1872-1896 1
Nicoll | Alexander | 1793-1828 | Orientalist 1
North Family | Barons North and Earls of Guilford 1
North | Lady | Georgiana | 1798-1835 | daughter of 3rd Earl of Guilford 1
Otway | Elizabeth Hannah | fl 1850-1875 | nee Batt 1
Oxford University | All Souls College 1
Oxford University | Balliol College 1
Oxford University | Corpus Christi College 1
Oxford University | Exeter College 1
Oxford University | Jesus College 1
Page | Richard | fl. 1819-1840 1
Parker | George | fl 1869-1897 | antiquary and Clerk of the Schools, University of Oxford 1
Peel | Hugh William | 1887–1975 | comedian and broadcaster known as Gillie Potter 1
Poe | Edgar Allan | 1809-1849 | American writer and poet 1
Reade | Charles | 1814-1884 | novelist and dramatist 1
Reading and Library Society | Abingdon 1
Russell | Sir | Henry | 1751-1836 | 1st baronet | judge in India 1
Seccombe |Thomas | 1866-1923 | Literary scholar and biographer 1
Surman | Benjamin | fl. c.1875-1902 | Horspath branch of the National Agricultural Labourers' Union secretary 1
Townsend | Lucy | 1781-1847 | née Jesse | slavery abolitionist 1
University of Oxford | Christ Church 1
University of Oxford | Magdalen College 1
University of Oxford | Oriel College 1
University of Oxford | The Queen's College | Library 1
University of Oxford | Wadham College 1
Uwins | Thomas | 1782-1857 | Painter, illustrator, and art administrator 1
Valentine | J. T | Tristram- | fl. 1881-1891 1
Victoria | 1819-1901 | Queen of Great Britain and Ireland 1
Wiffen | Benjamin Barron | 1794-1867 | biographer 1
Wilson | Horace Hayman | 1786-1860 | Sanskritist 1
∧ less
English 98
Latin 9
French 7
Italian 3
Spanish; Castilian 2
Arabic 1
Dutch; Flemish 1
German 1
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 1
Greek, Modern (1453-) 1
Persian 1
Portuguese 1
Provençal, Old (to 1500) 1
Scots 1