Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 64
Single Item
An abridgement of Theodorus Janssonius ab Almelhoveen's List of books
An abridgement of Theodorus Janssonius ab Almelhoveen's List of books
Shelfmark: MS. Add. B. 72
Extents: 76 Leaves
Written about A.D. 1700
Single Item
An account book, apparently of Edward Sheldon Esq. (d. 1746)
An account book, apparently of Edward Sheldon esq. (d. 1746)
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. f. 6
Extents: 130 Leaves
Written in 1702-35/36 by E. Sheldon (?)
Single Item
Account book of a cobbler and a tailor
Account book
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 39
Extents: 44 Leaves
c. 1757-1805
Single Item
Account Book of Capt. Patrick Lawson
Account Book of Capt. Patrick Lawson, 1778.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. c. 331
Extents: 30 Leaves
May-Dec. 1778
Single Item
Account book of Hashabia Horsnell, curate of Pirbright and Frimley
Account book of Hashabia Horsnell, curate of Pirbright and Frimley, 1686-1701, with notes by a lawyer, 1733.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Surrey f. 2
Extents: 37 Leaves
1686-1701, 1733
Single Item
Account book of John and Pierre Condé, engravers
Account book of John and Pierre Condé, engravers
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 225
Extents: 101 Leaves
Single Item
Account book of John Bayzand for the Buckland estates of Thomas Thynne, Viscount Weymouth
Account book of John Bayzand for the Buckland estates of Thomas Thynne, Viscount Weymouth, 1730-1756.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Glouc. b. 4
Extents: 84 Leaves
Single Item
Account book of Sir Henry Russell, 1st baronet
Account book of Sir Henry Russell, 1st baronet
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 1634
Extents: 130 Leaves
Single Item
Account book of the steward of William Drake of Amersham, Buckinghamshire
Account book of the steward of William Drake of Amersham, Buckinghamshire
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 938
Extents: 62 Leaves
Single Item
Account book used by Richard Holmes, Hugh Trevanion and Thomas Noxon
Account book used by Richard Holmes, Hugh Trevanion and Thomas Noxon, 1768-1790.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Glouc. b. 3
Extents: 27 Leaves
Single Item
Accounts of Lionel Lampet as executor of Dr. George Freeman, rector of Steeple Aston, 1745-1754
Accounts of Lionel Lampet as executor of Dr. George Freeman, rector of Steeple Aston
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon. e. 524
Extents: 72 Leaves
Single Item
Accounts of personal expenditure of John Angell of Stockwell, Lambeth, and of expenses connected with Spurn Head lighthouses, Yorks.
Accounts of personal expenditure of John Angell of Stockwell, Lambeth, and of expenses connected with Spurn Head lighthouses, Yorks.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 233
Extents: 282 pages
Additional papers of the North family
Additional papers of the North family, including estate papers, 1707-1845, and estate papers of related families, 1573-1677.
Extents: 2.75 Linear metres (25 physical shelfmarks)
Alphabetical lists of printed books in certain College Libraries in Oxford, which are not found in the Bodleian printed catalogue of 1738
Alphabetical lists of printed books in certain College Libraries in Oxford, which are not found in the Bodleian printed catalogue of 1738, written chiefly in A. D. 1800.
Extents: 0.49 Linear metres (5 boxes)
Archive of William Beckford
Papers of William Beckford (1760-1844), author
Extents: 17.6 Linear metres (176 physical shelfmarks)
1515-19th cent., n.d.
Single Item
A book of payments to various persons on account of University fees
A book of payments to various persons on account of University fees
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon e. 67
Extents: 122 Leaves
Written in 1774-1786
Single Item
Catalogue des livres la bibliothèque de Mr. de Villeneuve, conseiller au grand conseil
Catalogue des livres la bibliothèque de Mr. de Villeneuve, conseiller au grand conseil
Shelfmark: MS. French c.46
Extents: 108 pages
c. 1740
Single Item
A catalogue of bp. John Moore's printed books
A catalogue of bp. John Moore's printed books
Shelfmark: MS. Add. D. 81
Extents: 641 Leaves
Chiefly written about A.D. 1710-1713
Single Item
Catalogue of the folio printed books in the library of John Moore (now in Cambridge University Library), in several hands
Catalogue of the folio printed books in the library of John Moore (now in Cambridge University Library), c.1700-1710.
Shelfmark: MS. Add. D. 81*
Extents: 378 Leaves
compiled c.1700-1710
Single Item
A Common Place Book of references for descriptions of things and subjects
A Common Place Book of references for descriptions of things and subjects
Shelfmark: MS. Lat. misc. e. 27
Extents: 303 Leaves
Written in about A.D. 1700 in Italy
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Indexed subjects
- Account books 22
- Books 17
- 19th century 16
- Commonplace books 13
- Literature 12
- 17th century 11
- History 8
- Books -- Catalogs 5
- Antiquarians 4
- Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 4
- Theology 4
- 16th century 3
- Humanities 3
- Oxford (England) 3
- 20th century 2
- Collectors and collecting 2
- Gloucestershire (England) 2
- Illumination of books and manuscripts 2
- Letters 2
- London (England) 2
- Northamptonshire (England) 2
- Publishers and publishing 2
- Surrey (England) 2
- Universities and colleges 2
- Universities and colleges -- England -- Oxford 2
- x - 15th century 2
- 13th century 1
- 14th century 1
- Abingdon (England) 1
- Account books -- England -- 18th century 1
- Administration of estates 1
- Archaeology 1
- Authors 1
- Bologna (Italy) 1
- Book -- printing 1
- Books and reading 1
- Books of hours 1
- Business 1
- Cambridgeshire (England) 1
- Catalogs 1
- Catalogs, Book 1
- Catholic Church 1
- Chipping Norton, Englad 1
- Church of England -- Bishops 1
- Deeds 1
- Deeds -- United kingdom 1
- Denmark 1
- Diaries 1
- Diaries -- 18th century 1
- Diplomas 1
- Dissenters, religious 1
- Drawings 1
- England -- Social life and customs -- 17th century 1
- England -- Social life and customs -- 18th century 1
- England -- Social life and customs -- 19th century 1
- English language 1
- English literature -- 18th century 1
- Engraving 1
- Great Britain -- Army 1
- Great Yarmouth | Norfolk 1
- House of Commons -- Parliament -- Great Britain 1
- Iceland 1
- Italy 1
- Jacobites -- Early works to 1800 1
- Law 1
- Libraries 1
- Library catalogs 1
- Lighthouses -- Great Britain -- Finance 1
- Liturgies 1
- Local history 1
- Manuscripts, French 1
- Medicine 1
- Merchant mariners 1
- Names, personal 1
- Oxfordshire (England) 1
- Parishes -- England 1
- Poems 1
- Religion 1
- Religious literature, English 1
- Romances 1
- Rome -- History 1
- Scholars 1
- Sermons 1
- Service books (Music) 1
- Societies 1
- Sweden 1
- Travel -- 18th century 1
- Universities and colleges -- Finance 1
- University of Oxford 1
- University of Oxford -- Libraries 1
- Wroxton | Oxfordshire 1
- Yorkshire (England) 1
- x - 10th century 1
- x - 11th century 1
- x - 12th century 1
- x - 8th century 1
- x - 9th century 1 ∧ less
- Indexed names
- Moore | John | 1646-1714 | Bishop of Ely 1691-1707 2
- Alleyne | John | c. 1731-1792 | Fellow of University College, Oxford 1
- Almelhoveen |Theodorus Janssonius | ab | fl 1700 1
- Angell | John | fl. 1699-1705 | Of Stockwell, Lambeth 1
- Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 1
- Austen | John | fl. 1621-1626 1
- Austen | George | fl. 1614-1621 | of Shalford, Surrey 1
- Austen | George | fl. 1718-1727 1
- Bayzand | John | fl. 1730-1756 1
- Beckford | William | 1760-1844 | author, MP, art collector 1
- Bennet | James | b.1773 | employee of the East India Company 1
- Bodleian Library 1
- Bonaparte | Napoleon | 1769-1821 | Emperor of the French 1
- Brooke| Nathaniel | fl. 18th century 1
- Burgess | Daniel | 1645-1713 | was a nonconformist 1
- Burn | John | fl. 1722 | undermaster at Merchant Taylors' School, London 1
- Condé | John | fl. 1790-1820 | Engraver 1
- Condé | Pierre | fl. 1790-1820 | Engraver 1
- Douce | Francis | 1757-1834 | Antiquary 1
- Drake | William | fl.1735-1740 | of Amersham, Buckinghamshire 1
- Formagliari | Alexander | fl. 1767 | chancellor of Bologna University 1
- Gilbert | William | 1544?-1603 | natural philosopher 1
- Gough | Richard | 1735-1809 | antiquary 1
- Great Britain | Army 1
- Hobart-Hamden Family 1
- Holmes | Richard | fl. 1773-1790 | overseer of the poor at Chipping Campden 1
- Horsnell | Hashabia | fl. 1686-1701 | curate of Pirbright and Frimley 1
- Howe | Scrope | 1648-1712 | 1st Viscount Howe 1
- Lawson | Patrick | fl. 1778 | Trader in East Indies 1
- Lewis | John | 1675-1747 | Antiquary 1
- Macray | William Dunn | 1826-1916 | Rector of Ducklington, Antiquary, and Archivist 1
- Marwicke |Thomas | fl. 1675 | Presbyterian 1
- Merchant Taylors' School | London 1
- Moore | Thomas | fl 1713-1714 | paymaster general of Her Majesty's forces abroad 1
- Nichols | John | 1745-1826 | printer, author and antiquary 1
- North Family | Barons North and Earls of Guilford 1
- North | Lady | Georgiana | 1798-1835 | daughter of 3rd Earl of Guilford 1
- Noxon | Thomas | fl. 1768-1769 | solicitor 1
- Oxford University | Balliol College 1
- Oxford University | Corpus Christi College 1
- Oxford University | Exeter College 1
- Oxford University | Jesus College 1
- Perrault | François | fl. 1773-1791 1
- Rafaelli | Filippo | fl. 1767 | Doctor of Civil and Canon Law from Bologna University 1
- Randolph | Thomas | 1701-1783 | President of Corpus Christi College, Oxford 1
- Rathband | William | fl. 17th century 1
- Russell | Sir | Henry | 1751-1836 | 1st baronet | judge in India 1
- Sheldon | Edward | d 1746 | Antiquary 1
- Sibthorp | Humphrey Waldo | 1713-1797 | botanist and Sherardian Professor of Botany at the University of Oxford 1
- Spencer | Mary | c1708-1770 | née Daliell 1
- Thynne | Thomas | 1710-1751 | second Viscount Weymouth | landowner 1
- Towers | Joseph | 1737-1799 | Biographer 1
- Trevanion | Hugh | fl. 1768-1769 | solicitor 1
- Tucker | Joseph | fl. 1718 1
- University of Oxford 1
- University of Oxford | Magdalen College 1
- University of Oxford | Oriel College 1
- Venuti | Ridolfino | 1705-1763 | Antiquarian, writer, draughtsman and abbot 1
- Wells | Samuel | fl. 1730 | of East Portlemouth. 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 51
- Latin 15
- French 7
- German 2
- Italian 2
- Arabic 1
- Dutch; Flemish 1
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 1
- Icelandic 1
- Persian 1
- Portuguese 1
- Provençal, Old (to 1500) 1
- Scots 1
- Spanish; Castilian 1
- Undetermined 1
∨ more
∨ more