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Showing Collections: 41 - 60 of 396

Single Item

A Check-List of British Birds by H.F. Witherby, used and annotated by George Edward Lodge

A Check-List of British Birds by H.F. Witherby, used and annotated by George Edward Lodge.
Shelfmark: MS. 15322
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: 1941, n.d. [1940s-1950s]
Single Item

Circular letter, and report by Chris F. Mason, relating to the British Trust for Ornithology's pilot survey of the Inland Wader Enquiry

Circular letter, and report by Chris F. Mason, relating to the British Trust for Ornithology's pilot survey of the Inland Wader Enquiry.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 8413, fols. 16-29
Extents: 14 Leaves
Dates: 1971-1972
Single Item

Confidential report by M.G. Ridpath

Confidential report by M.G. Ridpath.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 8409, fols. 60-64
Extents: 5 Leaves
Dates: 16 Jan 1959
Single Item

Confidential report prepared by R.F. Dickens

Confidential report prepared by R.F. Dickens.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 8407, fols. 85-97
Extents: 13 Leaves
Dates: 1955
Single Item

Corn crake inquiry correspondence organised by C.A. (Tony) Norris

Corn crake inquiry correspondence organised by C.A. (Tony) Norris.
Shelfmark: MS. 15357
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: 1938-1941
Single Item

Corncrake survey data organised by C. James Cadbury

Corncrake survey data organised by C. James Cadbury.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 8405, fols. 8-19
Extents: 12 Leaves
Dates: 1978-1979
Single Item

Corrected and annotated draft copy of article by J.C. Guyomarch

Corrected and annotated draft copy of article by J.C. Guyomarch.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 8407, fols. 45-58
Extents: 14 Leaves
Dates: 1967
Single Item

Correspondence and notes of K.G. Spencer

Correspondence and notes of K.G. Spencer.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 8411, fols. 18-31
Extents: 14 Leaves
Dates: 1965
Single Item

Correspondence of C.M. Perrins relating to the Alexander Library of Ornithology

Correspondence of Christopher M. Perrins (born 1935), ornithologist, relating to the Alexander Library of Ornithology
Shelfmark: MS. 15565/1
Extents: 1 box
Dates: 1984-2001
Single Item

Correspondence of David Lack relating to the nesting season of 1957

Correspondence of David Lack relating to the nesting season of 1957.
Shelfmark: MS. 15276
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: 1957-1958
Single Item

Correspondence of Derek Goodwin

Correspondence of Derek Goodwin.
Shelfmark: MS. 14976
Extents: 1 box
Dates: 1986-2005
Single Item

Correspondence of Robert Aubrey Hinde

Correspondence of Robert Aubrey Hinde.
Shelfmark: MS. 14982
Extents: 1 box
Dates: 1946-1947
Single Item

Correspondence of Ronald Stuart Shuel

Correspondence of Ronald Stuart Shuel.
Shelfmark: MS. 15478
Extents: 1 box
Dates: 1931-1945
Single Item

Cyclostyled report by William Moreton Condry

Cyclostyled report by William Moreton Condry.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 8405, fols. 53-66
Extents: 14 Leaves
Dates: 1948
Single Item

D.A. Macalister's copy of The Blackbird by A.F.C. Hillstead

D.A. Macalister's copy of The Blackbird by A.F.C. Hillstead.
Shelfmark: MS. 15330
Extents: 1 folder
Dates: 1945, n.d. [1940s-1950s]
Single Item

Data on birds with a covering letter from N.C. Moore to Mr. Gibb

Data on birds with a covering letter from N.C. Moore to Mr. Gibb.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 8409, fols. 24-31
Extents: 8 Leaves
Dates: 1949

Data on owl pellet analysis

Data on owl pellet analysis, 1945-1956
Extents: 0.75 Linear metres (5 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1945-1956

Diaries of H.M. Wallis

Diaries of Henry Marriage Wallis (1854-1941), businessman, zoologist and author
Extents: 0.37 Linear metres (2 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1874-1924
Single Item

Diaries of Radivoj Obradović

Diaries of Radivoj Obradović.
Shelfmark: MS. 15043
Extents: 1 box
Dates: 1978-2007
Single Item

Diaries of William Raw

Diaries of William Raw.
Shelfmark: MS. 15468
Extents: 4 Volumes
Dates: 1916-1918

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: Birds X
  • Indexed subjects: Birds X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Indexed subjects
20th century 387
Ornithology 387
Birds 315
19th century 42
21st century 12
Birds -- Eggs 11
Photographs 9
Diaries 5
Hunting 4
Life sciences 4
Sea birds 4
Africa 3
Bass Rock (Scotland) 3
Bird pests 3
Birds -- Atlantic Ocean 3
Birds -- England 3
Birds -- England -- Oxfordshire 3
Birds -- Germany 3
Correspondence 3
Mammals 3
∨ more
Nature conservation 3
New Zealand 3
Nigeria 3
Scotland 3
Algeria 2
Bird banding 2
Birds -- Africa 2
Birds -- British Guiana 2
Birds -- England -- Hertfordshire 2
Birds -- England -- Lancashire 2
Birds -- France -- Corsica 2
Birds -- Guyana 2
Birds -- Kenya 2
Birds -- Libya 2
Birds -- Malta 2
Birds -- Migration 2
Birds -- Scotland -- East Dunbartonshire 2
Birds -- Soviet Union 2
Birds -- Wales -- Cardiganshire 2
Birds -- Wales -- Radnorshire 2
Birds -- Wales -- Skokholm Island 2
Drawing 2
Fowling 2
Greece 2
Hong Kong | China 2
Iceland 2
India 2
Iraq 2
Naturalist 2
Science 2
Seychelles 2
Skokholm Island | Pembrokeshire and Ynys Sgogwm | Sir Benfro 2
Somalia 2
17th century 1
18th century 1
Animals 1
Ascension Island (Atlantic Ocean) 1
Australia 1
Bird banding -- Portugal 1
Birds -- Aden, Gulf of 1
Birds -- Africa, West 1
Birds -- Algeria 1
Birds -- Antarctic Ocean 1
Birds -- Arctic regions 1
Birds -- Argentina 1
Birds -- Asia 1
Birds -- Balkan Peninsula 1
Birds -- Burma 1
Birds -- Cabo Verde 1
Birds -- Cameroon 1
Birds -- England -- Berkshire 1
Birds -- England -- Cambridgeshire 1
Birds -- England -- Derbyshire 1
Birds -- England -- Devon 1
Birds -- England -- East Sussex 1
Birds -- England -- Hampshire 1
Birds -- England -- Herefordshire 1
Birds -- England -- Isles of Scilly 1
Birds -- England -- Lizard, The 1
Birds -- England -- Worcestershire 1
Birds -- England -- Yorkshire 1
Birds -- Estonia 1
Birds -- Europe 1
Birds -- Finland -- Hailuoto Island 1
Birds -- France 1
Birds -- French Polynesia 1
Birds -- Greece 1
Birds -- Iceland 1
Birds -- Indonesia 1
Birds -- Ireland 1
Birds -- Lapland 1
Birds -- Migration -- Malta 1
Birds -- Nests 1
Birds -- Nigeria 1
Birds -- Oman 1
Birds -- Pacific Ocean 1
Birds -- Saint Helena 1
Birds -- Scotland -- East Lothian 1
Birds -- Scotland -- Lewis with Harris Island 1
Birds -- Scotland -- Perthshire 1
∧ less
Indexed names
Oxford University | Department of Zoology | Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology 5
Jourdain | Francis Charles Robert | 1865-1940 | ornithologist 4
Alexander | Wilfred Backhouse | 1885-1965 | ornithologist 3
Bannerman | David Armitage | 1886-1979 | ornithologist 3
Boswall | Jeffery | 1931-2012 | naturalist, broadcaster and educator 3
Buxton | Edward John Mawby | 1912-1989 | ornithologist 3
Lack | David Lambert | 1910-1973 | ornithologist 3
Moreau | Reginald Ernest | 1897-1970 | ornithologist 3
Alexander | Horace Gundry | 1889-1989 | Quaker envoy and mediator 2
Ash | John Sidney | 1925-2014 | ornithologist 2
Balfour | Henry | 1863-1939 | anthropologist and museum curator 2
Balfour | Lewis | 1887-1974 | ornithologist 2
Barrington | John S | fl 1960s | ornithologist 2
British Trust for Ornithology 2
Cramp | Stanley | 1913-1987 | ornithologist 2
Fitter | Richard Sidney Richmond | 1913–2005 | author and naturalist 2
Hancock | James Allitt | 1921-2004 | ornithologist 2
Herklots | Geoffrey Alton Craig | 1902-1986 | botanist 2
Isles of Scilly Bird Group 2
Kortlandt | Adriaan | 1918-2009 | ethologist 2
∨ more
Matthews | Geoffrey Vernon Townsend | 1923-2013 | ornithologist and conservationist 2
Monk | James Francis | 1915-2014 | ornithologist 2
Nicholson | Edward Max | 1904-2003 | environmentalist, ornithologist and internationalist 2
Oxford Ornithological Society | (ornithology) 2
Pease | Humphrey J R | fl 1957-1966 | ornithologist 2
Perrins | Christopher Miles | b. 1935 | ornithologist 2
Peter Ian Rupert Maclaren | d 1956 | fisheries officer 2
Rennie | William | fl 1912-1946 2
Schifferli | Alfred | 1912-2007 | ornithologist 2
Selous | Edmund | 1857-1934 | ornithologist 2
Snow | David William | 1924-2009 | ornithologist 2
Suffern | Canning | 1892-1978 | doctor and naturalist 2
Tebbutt | C F | fl 1938 2
Ward | Peter | 1934-1979 | ornithologist 2
Whitaker | Arthur | 1881-1949 | ornithologist 2
Witherby | Harry Forbes | 1873-1943 | ornithologist 2
Aadler | fl 1922 | ornithologist 1
Acland | Clemence Margaret | 1889-1973 | ornithologist 1
Alexander | Christopher James | 1887-1917 | ornithologist 1
Allan | R G | fl 1962 | ornithologist 1
Aplin | Oliver Vernon | 1858-1940 | naturalist 1
Arendt | Wayne J | ornithologist 1
Armstrong | Edward Allworthy | 1900-1978 | ornithologist, priest 1
Armstrong | Edward Allworthy | Reverend | 1900-1978 | ornithologist | priest 1
Arn | Hans | fl 1932-1947 | ornithologist 1
Arnold | E L | fl 1939 | ornithologist 1
Arnold | R W | fl 1960 | ornithologist 1
Ashmole | Nelson Philip | b 1934 | zoologist and conservationist 1
Backhouse | James | 1861-1945 | ornithologist 1
Baker | Edward Charles Stuart | 1864-1944 | ornithologist 1
Baker | J R | fl 1927-1928 | ornithologist 1
Bannerman | Winifred Mary | 1894-1984 | ornithologist 1
Barnes | John Armstrong Godsmark | ornithologist 1
Barrett | Charles Leslie | 1879-1959 | journalist and naturalist 1
Barrett | John Henry | 1913-1999 | naturalist and conservationist 1
Bates | Richard Sydney Patrick | 1897-1961 | army officer and ornithologist 1
Bell | M F B | fl 1935 | photographer and ornithologist 1
Benington | Arnold | 1903-1982 | naturalist and teacher 1
Betts | Frederick Nicholson | 1906-1973 | Lieutenant-Colonel | ornithologist 1
Bickford | James Arscott Raleigh | 1917-2009 | Superintendent of De La Pole Hospital, East Yorkshire 1
Bilby | H A | fl 1956 | ornithologist 1
Birkhead | Timothy Robert | b 1950 | zoologist and ornithologist 1
Björnsson | Hálfdan | fl 1947 | ornithologist 1
Blathwayt | Francis Linley | 1875-1953 | clergyman, naturalist and ornithologist 1
Blockey | Robert Charles | 1909-1944 | Flight Lieutenant Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 1
Bloesch | Max | 1908-1997 | conservationist 1
Boase | Henry | 1892-1974 | ornithologist 1
Borodulina | T L | fl 1950s | ornithologist 1
Borovsky | Paul P | fl 1950 | ornithologist 1
Borrer | Clifford | fl 1921-1945 | ornithologist 1
Bourne | William Richmond Postle | b 1930 | ornithologist 1
Briggs | John Mindrum | d 1977 | Major 1
Bristol Naturalists' Society 1
British Empire Naturalists' Association 1
British Naturalists' Association 1
British Ornithologists’ Club 1
Brooke | R K | fl 1961-1971 | ornithologist 1
Brotherton | W | fl 1883 1
Brown | Geoffrey | fl 1948 | ornithologist 1
Brown | George | fl 1921-1950 | tea planter 1
Brown | Leslie Hilton | 1917-1980 | ornithologist 1
Brown | R G B | fl 1957 | ornithologist 1
Brown | R H | fl 1918-1942 | ornithologist 1
Browne | P W P | fl 1940s-1950s 1
Buchanan | K | fl 1894-1904 | ornithologist 1
Bundy | G | fl 1968 | ornithologist 1
Burkitt | James Parsons | 1870-1959 | civil engineer and ornithologist 1
Burton | J F | fl 1953 1
Byerly | T C | fl 1932 1
Cabot | David | b 1938 | writer, lecturer and ornithological researcher 1
Cadbury | C James | fl 1978-1979 | ornithologist 1
Cambridge Bird Club 1
Campbell | Bruce | 1912-1993 | ornithologist 1
Campbell | R P | fl 1957 | ornithologist 1
Centre for Overseas Pest Research, London. 1
Chambers | Barry | fl 1969 | ornithologist 1
Chance | Edgar Percival | 1881–1955 | ornithologist 1
Chapin | James Paul | 1889-1964 | ornithologist 1
Chapman | Abel | 1851-1929 | naturalist and hunter 1
Chapman | Alfred Crawhall | 1860-1896 | engineer and ornithologist 1
∧ less
English 380
German 14
French 2
Croatian 1
Hungarian 1
Italian 1
Russian 1