Showing Collections: 41 - 60 of 61
Single Item
Pencil sketches by Elisha Biscoe of buildings in Berkshire and Oxfordshire
Pencil sketches by Elisha Biscoe of buildings in Berkshire and Oxfordshire, c.1790-1823.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. gen. c. 73
Extents: 80 Leaves
Single Item
Photograph album of Archibald Robertson, later Bishop of Exeter
Photograph album of Archibald Robertson, later Bishop of Exeter, 1870-1884.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. gen. c. 101
Extents: 36 Leaves
Photographs of Houses in Stanford-in-the-Vale, Oxfordshire
Photographs of Houses in Stanford-in-the-Vale, Oxfordshire, collected by Violet Mary Howse.
Extents: 0.15 Linear metres (3 boxes)
19th-20th century
Photographs of the Buildings and Inhabitants of Goosey, Berkshire
Photographs of the Buildings and Inhabitants of Goosey, Berkshire, collected by Violet Mary Howse.
Extents: 0.10 Linear metres (2 boxes)
19th-20th century
Single Item
Plan of the Seven Barrows at Lambourn, Berkshire, by E. Martin-Atkins
Plan of the Seven Barrows at Lambourn, Berkshire, by E. Martin-Atkins, 1852.
Shelfmark: [Maps] MS. C17:13 (36)
Extents: 1 box
Single Item
Plans, drawings, etc., chiefly of Roman and British remains
Plans, drawings, etc., chiefly of Roman and British remains, drawn, written, etc., in about 1840-1860.
Shelfmark: MS. Maps Top. gen. a. 1
Extents: 60 Leaves
drawn, written, etc., in about 1840-1860
Russell Family Deeds
Deeds and papers of the Russell family relating to Swallowfield, Mickle Trafford (Cheshire) and Co. Tipperary.
Extents: 27 shelfmarks
Single Item
Thirty-nine pencil drawings and two water-colour sketches of mansions, churches, and interesting scenes in Berkshire
Thirty-nine pencil drawings and two water-colour sketches of mansions, churches, and interesting scenes in Berkshire
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Berks d. 13
Extents: 43 Leaves
Drawn in 1807-1843 by J. P. Neale
Topographical Collections for Oxfordshire and Berkshire, Compiled by Henry Hinton and James Hunt
Topographical Collections for Oxfordshire and Berkshire
Extents: 2.09 Linear metres (19 boxes)
Topographical Collections of Henry Hinton and James Hunt
Topographical Collections of Henry Hinton and James Hunt, early 19th century
Extents: 1.35 Linear metres (21 boxes)
Early 19th century
Single Item
Topographical collections of John Pridden
Topographical collections of John Pridden (1758-1825).
Shelfmark: MS. Top. gen. d. 16
Extents: 264 Leaves
18th-19th century
Topographical Notes by J.M. Falkner
Topographical notes by J.M. Falkner (1858-1932).
Extents: 0.15 Linear metres (3 boxes)
Topographical Prints and Drawings
Topographical Prints and Drawings.
Extents: 1.00 Linear metres (5 boxes)
Single Item
Transcript of MS. Top. Berks. b. 41
Transcript of MS. Top. Berks. b. 41, late 19th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Berks. c. 33
Extents: 80 Leaves
late 19th century
Single Item
Transcripts and papers relating to Wallingford collected by F. P. Morrell
Transcripts and papers relating to Wallingford, 17th-19th century, collected by F. P. Morrell.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Berks. b. 10
Extents: 109 Leaves
17th-19th century
Single Item
Typed transcript, 1992, by S. Gillam of the parish registers of baptisms for Kennington, Berkshire, 1829-1965
Typed transcript, 1992, by S. Gillam of the parish registers of baptisms for Kennington, Berkshire, 1829-1965
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 3243
Extents: 93 Leaves
Single Item
Typescript copy by F. J. Western of the parish registers of Appleton, 1569-1839
Typescript copy, by F. J. Western, 1943, of the parish registers of Appleton, 1569-1839.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Berks. d. 31
Extents: 194 Leaves
Single Item
Volume of drawings and engravings of churches, monuments and brasses in Berkshire and Oxford city
Volume of drawings and engravings of churches, monuments and brasses in Berkshire and Oxford city, early 19th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. gen. b. 64
Extents: 505 Leaves
early 19th century
W. N. Clarke Manuscripts
Manuscripts by William Nelson Clarke relating to Berkshire, 18th-19th century.
Extents: 1.44 Linear metres (18 boxes)
18th-19th century
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Indexed subjects
- 18th century 25
- Oxfordshire (England) 24
- 17th century 15
- 20th century 15
- Antiquarians 10
- 16th century 7
- Great Britain -- Topography 7
- Maps -- Great Britain 7
- Buckinghamshire (England) 6
- Church buildings -- England -- Berkshire 5
- x - 15th century 5
- Genealogy 4
- Legal documents 4
- Oxford (England) 4
- 14th century 3
- Bedfordshire (England) 3
- Church buildings 3
- Engraving 3
- Lincolnshire (England) 3
- London (England) 3
- 13th century 2
- Abingdon (England) -- History 2
- Antiquities 2
- Architectural drawing 2
- Cheshire (England) 2
- Church buildings -- England -- Oxfordshire 2
- Church records and registers 2
- Derbyshire (England) 2
- Devon (England) 2
- Drawings 2
- Gloucestershire (England) 2
- Heraldry 2
- Hertfordshire (England) 2
- Ireland 2
- Literature 2
- Northamptonshire (England) 2
- Parishes -- England 2
- Photograph collections 2
- Photographers -- England 2
- Photographs 2
- Rutland (England) 2
- Scotland 2
- Surrey (England) 2
- Swallowfield (England) 2
- Warwickshire (England) 2
- Worcestershire (England) 2
- x - 12th century 2
- Abingdon (England) 1
- Africa, North 1
- Archaeology 1
- Architectural drawing -- England 1
- Biography 1
- Blewbury (England) 1
- Buckinghamshire -- England 1
- Cambridgeshire (England) 1
- Cassington (England) 1
- Chantries 1
- Church 1
- Church buildings -- England -- Buckinghamshire 1
- Church of England -- Bishops 1
- College buildings 1
- Cornwall (England) 1
- Correspondence 1
- Cumberland (England) 1
- Deeds -- England 1
- Dorset (England) 1
- Drayton (England) 1
- Durham (England) 1
- East Hendred (England) 1
- England -- Social life and customs -- 19th century 1
- English literature -- Old English, c. 450-1100 1
- Essex (England) 1
- Eynsham (England) 1
- Fonts 1
- France -- Description and travel 1
- Geography 1
- Germany 1
- Goosey (England) 1
- Great Britain -- Exchequer 1
- Great Britain -- History -- Roman period, 55 B.C.-449 A.D. 1
- Hampshire (England) 1
- Herefordshire (England) 1
- History 1
- Huntingdonshire (England) 1
- Hyderabad (India) 1
- India 1
- Italy -- Description and travel 1
- Kent (England) 1
- Lancashire (England) 1
- Lawyers 1
- Leicestershire (England) 1
- Letters 1
- Liturgies 1
- Local history 1
- Manors -- England -- Berkshire 1
- Maps England 1
- Mickle Trafford (England) 1
- Middlesex (England) 1 ∧ less
- Indexed names
- Hinton | Henry | 1749-1816 | Oxfordshire Antiquary 5
- Hunt | James | 1795-1857 | Oxfordshire Antiquary 5
- Buckler | John Chessell | 1793-1894 | Architect and Antiquary 3
- Atkins | Edwin | Martin- | fl. 1852 2
- Howse | Violet Margaret | b. 1906 2
- Mallam | family | 1729-1905 | Milton and Sutton Courteney 2
- Acland | Sarah Angelina | 1849-1930 | Fellow of Royal Photographic Society and Royal Society of Arts 1
- Acland | family | baronets | Oxford 1
- Ballard | W | fl. 1830-1870 1
- Bell | Charles Francis | 1871-1966 | Art Historian 1
- Bertie | Earls of Abingdon 1
- Biddle | John | fl. 1823 1
- Biscoe | Elisha | 1754-1829 1
- Buckle | William | fl. 1803-1806 | vicar of Shirburn 1
- Caley | John | 1763-1834 | archivist, antiquary and secretary to Record Commission 1
- Chester | Joseph Lemuel | 1821-1882 | Genealogist 1
- Church of England 1
- Church | family 1
- Clarke | William Nelson | 1799-1855 | Antiquary 1
- Cooke | William | 1757-1832 | legal writer 1
- Cottle | Wyatt | fl. 1810 | vicar of Cholsey 1
- Curson | family 1
- Deck | Norris | fl. 1843-1866 | Antiquary 1
- Dodwell | Robert | fl. 1860-1899 | of Littlemore, Oxfordshire 1
- Falkner | John Meade | 1858-1932 | Author and Antiquary 1
- Gaignieres | Francois Roger De | 1642-1715 | French genealogist, antiquary and collector 1
- Gough | Richard | 1735-1809 | antiquary 1
- Hinton | Henry | 1749-1816 | Oxfordshire antiquary 1
- Hyde | H. B. | fl. 1873 1
- Ingram | James | 1774-1850 | Anglo Saxon Scholar, Antiquary, and Archaeologist 1
- Kerry | Charles | d 1910 | Anglican clergyman and antiquary 1
- Lamborn | Edmund Arnold Greening | 1877-1950 | Antiquary 1
- Loveday | family | Williamscote 1
- Minn | Henry | 1870-1961 | Clockmaker and Antiquary 1
- Morrell | Baker | 1779-1854 | solicitor 1
- Morrell | Frederick Parker | 1837-1908 | solicitor 1
- Morrell | James | 1739-1807 | solicitor and brewer 1
- Neale | John Preston | 1780-1847 | architectural draughtsman 1
- Nicholas | James | Franklin-Littlegroom- | fl. 1806 1
- Ord | Craven | 1756-1832 | Antiquary 1
- Oxford University | Jesus College 1
- Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society (formerly Oxford Architectural Society) 1
- Parker | George | fl 1869-1897 | antiquary and Clerk of the Schools, University of Oxford 1
- Parsons | Richard | fl. 1810 | of Unwell Farm 1
- Phillipps | Sir Thomas | 1792-1872 | Baronet | Antiquary, and Collector of MSS and Books 1
- Phillipps | Sir | Thomas | 1792-1872 | Baronet | Antiquary, and Collector of MSS and Books 1
- Pratt | Benjamin | fl. 1830-1870 1
- Pridden | John | 1758-1825 | Anglican clergyman, antiquary, architect, philanthropist 1
- Richardson | William Henry | 1836-1909 | Schoolmaster and Antiquary 1
- Robertson | Archibald | 1853-1931 | bishop of Exeter 1
- Russell | Anne | 1788-1808 | daughter of Sir Henry Russell, 1st Baronet 1
- Russell | Charles | 1786-1856 | Bengal Army Officer and MP for Reading 1
- Russell | Charles | 1826-1883 | Sir | 3rd Baronet, Lieutenant Colonel, and MP 1
- Russell | Charles | fl 1806-1811 | first assistant Resident at Hyderabad 1
- Russell | Henry | 1751-1836 | Sir | 1st Baronet, Indian Judge 1
- Russell | Henry | 1783-1852 | Sir | 2nd Baronet, British Representative at Court of Hyderabad 1
- Russell | family | 1675-1904 | baronets | Swallowfield Park 1
- Russell | family | baronets | Swallowfield Park 1
- Scribo | Moor | d. 1808 | rector of Croyland, antiquary 1
- Serocold | Marie Pearce | 1861-1949 | Buckinghamshire antiquary 1
- Shuffrey | J Allen | fl 1860-1899 1
- Skirmer | Richard | fl. c.1720 | antiquary 1
- Smith | family | West Hanney 1
- Taunt | Henry William | 1842-1922 | photographer and antiquary 1
- Tomkins | Henry George | 1827-? 1908 | clergyman and antiquary 1
- Tomkins | family | Abingdon 1
- University of Oxford 1
- University of Oxford | Botanic Garden 1
- Unton | Henry | Sir | c.1558-1596 | Kinght | diplomat and soldier 1
- Waddell | Mary | fl. 1850 | of Littlemore, Oxfordshire 1
- Western | Frederick James | 1880-1951 | Bishop of Tinnevelly | antiquary 1
- Wilson | John | 1790-1873 | President of Trinity College and Oxford Antiquary 1
- Wintle | Thomas | fl. 1848-1852 | clergyman 1
- Wright | Edward | fl. 1852 1
- Wroughton | Blanche | fl. 1880-1915 | Antiquary 1 ∧ less
- Language
- Latin 5
- English, Old (ca.450-1100) 1
- Cornish 1
- French 1
∨ more
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