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Showing Collections: 161 - 180 of 335

Single Item

Letters from Samuel and Daniel Lysons to William Nicholls

Letters from Samuel and Daniel Lysons to William Nicholls
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lett. d. 216
Extents: 456 pages
Dates: 1803-1809

Letters from the Rev. John Rouse Bloxam to Major General Gibbes Rigaud

Letters from the Rev. John Rouse Bloxam, written in 1877-1884.
Extents: 0.66 Linear metres (6 boxes)
Dates: 1877-1884

Letters, notices and notes of all kinds received by William Henry Turner

Letters, notices and notes of all kinds received by William Henry Turner, written chiefly in 1860-1880.
Extents: 1.32 Linear metres (12 boxes)
Dates: written chiefly in 1860-1880

Letters of Antiquarians

Letters of Antiquarians
Extents: 0.10 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: 19th-20th cent.

Letters of Humfrey Wanley

Typescript copies of some 200 letters of Humfrey Wanley (1672-1726), edited and annotated by P. L. Heyworth, but excluded from Heyworth's edition of Letters of Humfrey Wanley 1672-1726 (Oxford, 1989).
Extents: 0.6 Linear metres (4 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1695-1725
Single Item

Letters of the 19th century, chiefly of the second half

Letters of the 19th century, chiefly of the second half
Shelfmark: MS. Autogr. d. 8
Extents: 122 Leaves
Dates: Written in 1806-1898
Single Item

Letters to and drafts of letters from Sir Symon Archer, 1627-46, including many from Sir William Dugdale

Letters to and drafts of letters from Sir Symon Archer, 1627-46, including many from Sir William Dugdale
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lett. b. 1
Extents: 440 Leaves
Dates: 1627-1646
Single Item

Letters to Andrew Clark

Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lett. e. 27
Extents: 263 Leaves
Dates: 1889-1891
Single Item

Letters to Frances Rose-Troup

Letters to Frances Rose-Troup
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 238
Extents: 50 Leaves
Dates: 1903
Single Item

Letters to George Scaum and George Poulson concerning their Beverlac; or the antiquities and history of the town of Beverley

Letters to George Scaum and George Poulson concerning their Beverlac; or the antiquities and history of the town of Beverley, 1827-1829, including letters from subscribers, engravers and printers.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Yorks. d. 18
Extents: 174 Leaves
Dates: 1827-1829
Single Item

Letters to H. O. Coxe, 1856-8, relating to his tour in the Levant in search of Greek manuscripts

Letters to H. O. Coxe, 1856-8, relating to his tour in the Levant in search of Greek manuscripts
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lett. d. 75
Extents: 143 Leaves
Dates: 1856-1858
Single Item

Letters to Richard Caulfield

Letters to Richard Caulfield
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 108
Extents: 403 Leaves
Dates: 1864-1877
Single Item

Letters to the Oxfordshire antiquary Charles Richardson (d. 1827) and to his son Charles

Letters to the Oxfordshire antiquary Charles Richardson (d. 1827) and to his son Charles
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 92
Extents: 130 Leaves
Dates: 1799-1831
Single Item

Letters to Thomas Fitzroy Fenwick about Phillipps manuscripts

Letters to Thomas Fitzroy Fenwick about Phillipps manuscripts, 1891, 1926-1931.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 6579, fols. 5-24
Extents: 20 Leaves
Dates: 1891, 1926-1931
Single Item

Letters to Thomas Percy, Bishop of Dromore, from Jane West, wife of his agent in Northamptonshire

Letters to Thomas Percy, Bishop of Dromore, from Jane West, wife of his agent in Northamptonshire
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lett. d. 71
Extents: 121 Leaves
Dates: 1800-1821
Single Item

'Lincoln College Notes...'

'Lincoln College Notes...'
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon e. 97
Extents: 69 Leaves
Dates: Written in 1905 by A. Clark
Single Item

List of gifts made to the Anatomy School, Oxford

List of gifts made to the Anatomy School, Oxford, 1657-1713.
Shelfmark: MS. Rawl. Q. e. 36
Extents: 77 Leaves
Dates: 1657-1713
Single Item

A list of mediaeval owners of manors in Oxfordshire

A list of mediaeval owners of manors in Oxfordshire, written about 1870-1880 at Oxford by W. H. Turner.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon d. 11
Extents: 159 Leaves
Dates: written about 1870-1880 at Oxford by W. H. Turner
Single Item

A list of Thomas Hearne's printed books

A list of Thomas Hearne's printed books
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 49
Extents: 400 pages
Dates: Written in A.D. 1709-about 1733 in Oxford by T. Hearne
Single Item

List, transcribed by A. C. Madan from a 17th-century benefactors' register of Gloucester Cathedral Library and catalogue of the manuscripts in Hereford Cathedral Library

List, transcribed by A. C. Madan from a 17th-century benefactors' register of Gloucester Cathedral Library and catalogue of the manuscripts in Hereford Cathedral Library.
Shelfmark: MS. Lat. misc. c. 47
Extents: 20 Leaves
Dates: 1722, 1916

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: Antiquarians X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Indexed subjects
Antiquarians 320
19th century 149
18th century 146
17th century 89
20th century 56
Letters 40
Literature 32
16th century 28
Great Britain -- Topography 22
Oxford (England) 20
x - 15th century 16
Religion 14
Antiquarians -- Great Britain -- Correspondence 13
Genealogy 13
History 13
Correspondence 12
Oxfordshire (England) 12
Berkshire (England) 11
Essex (England) 10
14th century 9
∨ more
Humanities 9
Church of England -- Clergy 8
Church 7
Devon (England) 7
Diaries 7
Manuscripts 7
Accounts 6
Antiquities 6
Library catalogs 6
13th century 5
Antiquarian booksellers 5
Church of England -- Bishops 5
Clergy 5
Heraldry 5
Nobility -- Great Britain 5
Parishes -- England 5
Suffolk (England) 5
x - 12th century 5
Biography 4
Bodleian Library 4
Books -- Catalogs 4
Booksellers and bookselling 4
Buckinghamshire (England) 4
Church buildings 4
Gloucestershire (England) 4
Great Britain -- History 4
Letters -- Collections 4
Local history 4
Norfolk (England) 4
Northamptonshire (England) 4
Poetry 4
21st century 3
Archaeology 3
Authors 3
Bedfordshire (England) 3
Bibliography 3
Cartularies 3
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 3
Coins 3
Commonplace books 3
Deeds -- England 3
Dorset (England) 3
Historians 3
Legal documents 3
Parishes -- England -- Gloucestershire 3
Religious literature, English 3
Royal family 3
Topographical drawing 3
Universities and colleges 3
Universities and colleges -- England -- Oxford 3
Warwickshire (England) 3
Wiltshire (England) 3
Academic writing 2
Antiquarian booksellers -- Correspondence 2
Architectural drawing 2
Books 2
Cambridgeshire (England) 2
Catalogs 2
Church history 2
Collectors and collecting 2
Crosses -- Ireland 2
Diaries -- 18th century 2
Drawings 2
England 2
Essays 2
Geology 2
Great Britain -- History -- Medieval period, 1066-1485 2
Great Britain -- History -- Anglo-Saxon period, 449-1066 2
Greece -- Description and travel 2
Hampshire (England) 2
Herefordshire (England) 2
Language and languages -- Etymology 2
Law 2
Letters -- 18th century 2
Letters -- 19th century 2
Lincolnshire (England) 2
Literature -- Translations 2
London (England) 2
Manors -- England -- Oxfordshire 2
Manuscripts -- Indexes 2
∧ less
Indexed names
Clark | Andrew | 1854-1922 | Clergyman and Antiquary 25
Gough | Richard | 1735-1809 | antiquary 20
Bliss | Philip | 1787-1857 | Antiquary and Editor 14
Ducarel | Andrew Coltee | 1713-1785 | Antiquary 10
University of Oxford 9
Dugdale | Sir | William | 1605-1686 | Knight | antiquary and herald 8
Hearne | Thomas | 1678-1735 | Antiquary and Nonjuror 8
Willis | Browne | 1682-1760 | Antiquary and Numismatist 8
Spelman | Sir | Henry | 1564-1641 | Knight | Historian and Antiquary 7
Tanner | Thomas | 1674-1735 | Bishop of St Asaph and antiquary 6
Phillipps | Sir | Thomas | 1792-1872 | Baronet | Antiquary, and Collector of MSS and Books 5
Wood | Anthony | 1632-1695 | Antiquary 5
Hurst | Herbert | 1834-? 1914 | Oxford Antiquary 4
Leland | John | c 1506-1552 | Antiquary 4
Madden | Sir | Frederic | 1801-1873 | Knight | antiquary and palaeographer 4
Neve | Peter Le | 1661-1729 | herald and antiquary 4
Nichols | John Bowyer | 1779-1863 | printer and antiquary 4
Percy | Thomas | 1729-1811 | Bishop of Dromore and antiquary 4
Selden | John | 1584-1654 | Jurist, MP, and Antiquary 4
Anstis | John | 1669-1744 | Herald, Antiquary, and MP 3
∨ more
Anstis | John | 1669-1744 | herald, antiquary, and MP 3
Ashmole | Elias | 1617-1692 | Antiquary and Astrologer 3
Ballard | George | 1705-1755 | Antiquary 3
Bliss | Philip | 1787-1857 | antiquary and editor 3
Buckler | John | 1770-1851 | topographical artist, architect, and antiquary 3
Camden | William | 1551-1623 | antiquary herald schoolmaster 3
Cotton | Sir | Robert | 1571-1631 | 1st baronet | Antiquary and politician 3
Douce | Francis | 1757-1834 | Antiquary 3
Harbin | George | c. 1665-1744 | nonjuror, historical writer and antiquary 3
Hinton | Henry | 1749-1816 | Oxfordshire antiquary 3
Hunt | James | 1795-1857 | Oxfordshire Antiquary 3
Macray | William Dunn | 1826-1916 | Rector of Ducklington, Antiquary, and Archivist 3
Nichols | John Gough | 1806-1873 | printer and antiquary 3
Pointer | John | 1668-1754 | Antiquary 3
Westwood | John Obadiah | 1805-1893 | Entomologist and Antiquary 3
Aubrey | John | 1626-1697 | antiquary, topographer 2
Black | William Henry | 1808-1872 | Antiquary 2
Bodleian Library 2
British Museum 2
Bruce | John | 1802-1869 | Antiquary 2
Buckler | John Chessell | 1793-1894 | Architect and Antiquary 2
Caley | John | bap. 1760-1834 | antiquary 2
Elstrob | Elizabeth | 1683-1756 | Anglo-Saxon scholar and antiquary 2
Fosbroke | Thomas Dudley | 1770-1842 | Antiquary 2
Froude | James Anthony | 1818-1894 | historian 2
Gale | Samuel | 1682-1754 | antiquary 2
Grose | Francis | bap. 1731-1791 | antiquary 2
Gutch | John | 1746-1831 | clergyman, antiquary, Registrar of Oxford University 2
Haward | Sir | William | c. 1617-1704 | Knight | Courier and antiquary 2
Hinton | Henry | 1749-1816 | Oxfordshire Antiquary 2
Johnson | Maurice | 1688-1775 | Lincolnshire antiquary 2
Lee | Frederick George | 1832-1902 | Theologian and Antiquary 2
Lysons | Daniel | 1762-1834 | Antiquary 2
Martin | Thomas | 1697-1771 | antiquary 2
Nichols | John Gough | 1806-1873 | Printer and Antiquary 2
Nichols | John | 1745-1826 | printer, author and antiquary 2
Noble | Mark | 1754-1827 | Biographer, genealogist, and antiquary 2
Nowell | Laurence | 1530-c.1570 | antiquary 2
Pridden | John | 1758-1825 | Anglican clergyman, antiquary, architect, philanthropist 2
Rawlinson | Richard | 1690-1755 | Antiquary and Nonjuror 2
Richardson | Charles | d 1827 | antiquarian 2
Rosenthal | Julia | b 1953 | antiquarian book and music dealer 2
Turner | William Henry | d. 1880 | Oxfordshire antiquary 2
University of Oxford | Jesus College 2
University of Oxford | The Queen's College 2
Upcott | William | 1779-1845 | Antiquary and Autograph Collector 2
Wise | Francis | 1695-1767 | librarian and antiquary 2
A. Rosenthal Ltd. (antiquarian bookseller) 1
A.J. Coombes | booksellers 1
Adee | Swithin | 1703-1786 | Physician and antiquary 1
Agostini | Leonardo | 1593-1669 | antiquary 1
Allan | George | 1736-1880 | antiquary and topographer 1
Amand | James St | 1687-1754 | Antiquary 1
Amans | Jean Florimond | Boudon de Saint- | 1748-1831 | naturalist and antiquarian 1
Ames | Joseph | 1687-1759 | bibliographer and antiquarian 1
Ames | Joseph | c 1689-1759 | bibliographer and antiquary 1
Amyot | Thomas | 1775-1850 | Lawyer and antiquary 1
Archer | Sir | Simon | 1581-1662 | Antiquary and politician 1
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 1
Astle | Philip | 1768-1830 | Antiquary 1
Atterbury | Francis | 1662-1732 | Bishop of Rochester 1
Aubrey | John | 1626-1697 | antiquary and biographer 1
Ault | Mary | née O’Hea | 1928-2019 | Antiquarian bookseller (assistant) 1
Backhouse | William | 1593-1662 | alchemist and antiquary 1
Barlow | Thomas | 1607-1691 | Bishop of Lincoln 1
Barnes | Joshua | 1654-1712 | Greek scholar and antiquary 1
Bateman | Thomas | bap. 1821-1861 | archaeologist and antiquary 1
Bateman | William | 1787-1835 | antiquary 1
Bates | Thomas | fl. 1677 | musician 1
Bell | John | 1783-1864 | land surveyor and antiquary 1
Bellori | Giovanni Pietro | 1613-1696 | painter, antiquarian and biographer 1
Berkeley | family | 1100-2000 | Earls of Berkeley | Berkeley Castle 1
Berners | family 1
Bertram | J. F. A. | fl. 1975 1
Betham | William | 1749-1839 | Antiquary and clergyman 1
Bigland | Ralph | 1712-1784 | herald and cheesemonger 1
Birrell & Garnett Ltd | antiquarian booksellers | 1920-1942 1
Blackie | John Stuart | 1809-1895 | classical and Scottish Gaelic scholar 1
Blenheim Palace 1
Blomefield | Francis | 1705-1752 | topographical historian and Church of England clergyman 1
∧ less
English 310
Latin 67
French 14
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 6
Italian 4
Spanish; Castilian 4
German 3
Greek, Modern (1453-) 3
English, Old (ca.450-1100) 2
French, Old (842-ca.1400) 2
Irish 2
Arabic 1
Basa 1
English, Middle (1100-1500) 1
Hebrew 1
Persian 1
Romance languages 1
Scots 1
Welsh 1