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Showing Collections: 61 - 80 of 334

Single Item

Commonplace book of Cox Macro at Jesus College, Cambridge

Commonplace book of Cox Macro at Jesus College, Cambridge, 1699-1700.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Camb. e. 4
Extents: 191 Leaves
Dates: 1699-1700
Single Item

Commonplace book of James Davidson

Commonplace book of James Davidson
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 1281
Extents: 344 pages
Dates: 1832-1859
Single Item

Contemporary copy of 'An answere made by commande of Prince Henry to certaine propositions of warre and peace delivered to his highnesse by some of his military servants', by Sir Robert Cotton, 1609

Contemporary copy of 'An answere made by commande of Prince Henry to certaine propositions of warre and peace delivered to his highnesse by some of his military servants', by Sir Robert Cotton, 1609.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. d. 134
Extents: 101 Leaves
Dates: 1609
Single Item

Contemporary fair copy of 'A continuation of the historical accompt of the ... Order of the Garter'

Contemporary fair copy of 'A continuation of the historical accompt of the ... Order of the Garter'
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 29
Extents: 91 Leaves
Dates: Oct 1664-Aug 1685
Single Item

Copies in the hand of an amanuensis of 'Original letters, papers etc... . relative to English and other antiquities ... Vol. C', collected and annotated by A. C. Ducarel

Copies in the hand of an amanuensis of 'Original letters, papers etc... . relative to English and other antiquities ... Vol. C', collected and annotated by A. C. Ducarel
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. c. 436
Extents: 172 Leaves
Dates: 18th century

Copies made by the Rev. Andrew Clark in 1906 of seventy-four letters from Antony Wood at Oxford to William Fulman

Copies made by the Rev. Andrew Clark in 1906 of seventy-four letters from Antony Wood at Oxford to William Fulman
Extents: 0.15 Linear metres (3 boxes)
Dates: Written in A.D. 1906 by A. Clark
Single Item

Copies of documents relating to Cholsey collected as evidence in an Exchequer tithe suit, Wyatt Cottle, vicar of Cholsey v. Richard Parsons of Unwell Farm, begun in 1810

Copies of documents relating to Cholsey (1125-1704) collected as evidence in an Exchequer tithe suit, Wyatt Cottle, vicar of Cholsey v. Richard Parsons of Unwell Farm, begun in 1810.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Berks. b. 11
Extents: 133 Leaves
Dates: 1125-1704
Single Item

Copies of manuscript histories of Wallingford

Copies, early 19th century, of manuscript histories of Wallingford.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Berks. e. 19
Extents: 58 Leaves
Dates: early 19th century

A copy made by the Rev. Andrew Clark in Apr.-July 1893 of a MS. of Ballads marked 119 D 44 in Lord Macclesfield's Library at Shirburn Castle

A copy made by the Rev. Andrew Clark in Apr.-July 1893 of a MS. of Ballads marked 119 D 44 in Lord Macclesfield's Library at Shirburn Castle
Extents: 0.15 Linear metres (3 boxes)
Dates: Written in 1893 by A. Clark
Single Item

Copy, made for A. C. Ducarel and annotated by him, of answers of twenty-six Cambridgeshire incumbents to an ecclesiastical questionnaire of 1705

Copy, made for A. C. Ducarel (1713-1785) and annotated by him, of answers of twenty-six Cambridgeshire incumbents to an ecclesiastical questionnaire of 1705.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Camb. c. 6
Extents: 28 Leaves
Dates: 18th century
Single Item

A copy of a Register of Benefactions to the parish of St. Michael's at the North Gate, Oxford

A copy of a Register of Benefactions to the parish of St. Michael's at the North Gate, Oxford
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon c. 110
Extents: 46 Leaves
Dates: Written in 1894 by A. Clark
Single Item

Copy of answers of fifty-one Essex incumbents to an ecclesiastical questionnaire of 1705

Copy, made for A. C. Ducarel (1713-1785) and annotated by him, of answers of fifty-one Essex incumbents to an ecclesiastical questionnaire of 1705.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Essex c. 20
Extents: 53 Leaves
Dates: 18th century
Single Item

A copy of Richard Carew's Survey of Cornwall (Lond., 1602, 4°)

A copy of Richard Carew's Survey of Cornwall (Lond., 1602, 4°)
Shelfmark: MS. Cornish e. 1
Extents: 1 item
Dates: 1602
Single Item

A copy of the printed edition of Browne Willis's History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies

A copy of the printed edition of Browne Willis's History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies
Shelfmark: MS. Willis 111*
Extents: 1 item
Dates: 1718
Single Item

A copy of vols. 1, 2, 3, 5 and a part of which the original is lost, of John Leland's Itinerary

A copy of vols. 1, 2, 3, 5 and a part of which the original is lost, of John Leland's Itinerary
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 470
Extents: 127 Leaves
Dates: Written about A.D. 1632
Single Item

The corrected page-proofs of the first volume of Spelman's Glossarium

The corrected page-proofs of the first volume of Spelman's Glossarium
Shelfmark: MS. e Mus. 48
Extents: 594 pages
Dates: Written in 1626-1664 by Sir Henry Spelman and Sir William Dugdale

Correspondence and papers relating to the Gentleman's Magazine

Correspondence and papers relating to the Gentleman's Magazine
Extents: 0.20 Linear metres (4 boxes)
Dates: Written in A.D. 1819-1859
Single Item

Correspondence between Mary O'Hea and Charles Stonehill

Correspondence between Mary O'Hea and Charles Stonehill.
Shelfmark: MS. 22908
Extents: 1 box
Dates: 1949-1958 and 2023

Correspondence of A.C. Ducarel and John Loveday

Correspondence of A.C. Ducarel and John Loveday
Extents: 0.16 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: 1761-1785

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: Antiquarians X

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Additional filters:

Indexed subjects
Antiquarians 319
19th century 149
18th century 145
17th century 89
20th century 56
Letters 40
Literature 32
16th century 28
Great Britain -- Topography 22
Oxford (England) 20
x - 15th century 16
Religion 14
Antiquarians -- Great Britain -- Correspondence 13
Genealogy 13
History 13
Correspondence 12
Oxfordshire (England) 12
Berkshire (England) 11
Essex (England) 10
14th century 9
∨ more
Church of England -- Clergy 8
Humanities 8
Church 7
Devon (England) 7
Diaries 7
Manuscripts 7
Accounts 6
Antiquities 6
Library catalogs 6
13th century 5
Antiquarian booksellers 5
Church of England -- Bishops 5
Clergy 5
Heraldry 5
Nobility -- Great Britain 5
Parishes -- England 5
x - 12th century 5
Biography 4
Bodleian Library 4
Books -- Catalogs 4
Booksellers and bookselling 4
Buckinghamshire (England) 4
Church buildings 4
Gloucestershire (England) 4
Great Britain -- History 4
Letters -- Collections 4
Local history 4
Northamptonshire (England) 4
Poetry 4
Suffolk (England) 4
21st century 3
Archaeology 3
Authors 3
Bedfordshire (England) 3
Bibliography 3
Cartularies 3
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 3
Coins 3
Commonplace books 3
Deeds -- England 3
Dorset (England) 3
Historians 3
Legal documents 3
Norfolk (England) 3
Parishes -- England -- Gloucestershire 3
Religious literature, English 3
Royal family 3
Topographical drawing 3
Universities and colleges 3
Universities and colleges -- England -- Oxford 3
Warwickshire (England) 3
Wiltshire (England) 3
Academic writing 2
Antiquarian booksellers -- Correspondence 2
Architectural drawing 2
Books 2
Cambridgeshire (England) 2
Catalogs 2
Church history 2
Collectors and collecting 2
Crosses -- Ireland 2
Drawings 2
England 2
Essays 2
Geology 2
Great Britain -- History -- Medieval period, 1066-1485 2
Great Britain -- History -- Anglo-Saxon period, 449-1066 2
Greece -- Description and travel 2
Hampshire (England) 2
Herefordshire (England) 2
Language and languages -- Etymology 2
Law 2
Letters -- 18th century 2
Letters -- 19th century 2
Lincolnshire (England) 2
Literature -- Translations 2
London (England) 2
Manors -- England -- Oxfordshire 2
Manuscripts -- Indexes 2
Monasteries -- England 2
∧ less
Indexed names
Clark | Andrew | 1854-1922 | Clergyman and Antiquary 25
Gough | Richard | 1735-1809 | antiquary 20
Bliss | Philip | 1787-1857 | Antiquary and Editor 14
Ducarel | Andrew Coltee | 1713-1785 | Antiquary 10
University of Oxford 9
Dugdale | Sir | William | 1605-1686 | Knight | antiquary and herald 8
Hearne | Thomas | 1678-1735 | Antiquary and Nonjuror 8
Willis | Browne | 1682-1760 | Antiquary and Numismatist 8
Spelman | Sir | Henry | 1564-1641 | Knight | Historian and Antiquary 7
Tanner | Thomas | 1674-1735 | Bishop of St Asaph and antiquary 6
Phillipps | Sir | Thomas | 1792-1872 | Baronet | Antiquary, and Collector of MSS and Books 5
Wood | Anthony | 1632-1695 | Antiquary 5
Hurst | Herbert | 1834-? 1914 | Oxford Antiquary 4
Leland | John | c 1506-1552 | Antiquary 4
Madden | Sir | Frederic | 1801-1873 | Knight | antiquary and palaeographer 4
Neve | Peter Le | 1661-1729 | herald and antiquary 4
Nichols | John Bowyer | 1779-1863 | printer and antiquary 4
Percy | Thomas | 1729-1811 | Bishop of Dromore and antiquary 4
Selden | John | 1584-1654 | Jurist, MP, and Antiquary 4
Anstis | John | 1669-1744 | Herald, Antiquary, and MP 3
∨ more
Anstis | John | 1669-1744 | herald, antiquary, and MP 3
Ashmole | Elias | 1617-1692 | Antiquary and Astrologer 3
Ballard | George | 1705-1755 | Antiquary 3
Bliss | Philip | 1787-1857 | antiquary and editor 3
Buckler | John | 1770-1851 | topographical artist, architect, and antiquary 3
Camden | William | 1551-1623 | antiquary herald schoolmaster 3
Cotton | Sir | Robert | 1571-1631 | 1st baronet | Antiquary and politician 3
Douce | Francis | 1757-1834 | Antiquary 3
Harbin | George | c. 1665-1744 | nonjuror, historical writer and antiquary 3
Hinton | Henry | 1749-1816 | Oxfordshire antiquary 3
Hunt | James | 1795-1857 | Oxfordshire Antiquary 3
Macray | William Dunn | 1826-1916 | Rector of Ducklington, Antiquary, and Archivist 3
Nichols | John Gough | 1806-1873 | printer and antiquary 3
Pointer | John | 1668-1754 | Antiquary 3
Westwood | John Obadiah | 1805-1893 | Entomologist and Antiquary 3
Aubrey | John | 1626-1697 | antiquary, topographer 2
Black | William Henry | 1808-1872 | Antiquary 2
Bodleian Library 2
British Museum 2
Bruce | John | 1802-1869 | Antiquary 2
Buckler | John Chessell | 1793-1894 | Architect and Antiquary 2
Caley | John | bap. 1760-1834 | antiquary 2
Elstrob | Elizabeth | 1683-1756 | Anglo-Saxon scholar and antiquary 2
Fosbroke | Thomas Dudley | 1770-1842 | Antiquary 2
Froude | James Anthony | 1818-1894 | historian 2
Gale | Samuel | 1682-1754 | antiquary 2
Grose | Francis | bap. 1731-1791 | antiquary 2
Gutch | John | 1746-1831 | clergyman, antiquary, Registrar of Oxford University 2
Haward | Sir | William | c. 1617-1704 | Knight | Courier and antiquary 2
Hinton | Henry | 1749-1816 | Oxfordshire Antiquary 2
Johnson | Maurice | 1688-1775 | Lincolnshire antiquary 2
Lee | Frederick George | 1832-1902 | Theologian and Antiquary 2
Lysons | Daniel | 1762-1834 | Antiquary 2
Martin | Thomas | 1697-1771 | antiquary 2
Nichols | John Gough | 1806-1873 | Printer and Antiquary 2
Nichols | John | 1745-1826 | printer, author and antiquary 2
Noble | Mark | 1754-1827 | Biographer, genealogist, and antiquary 2
Nowell | Laurence | 1530-c.1570 | antiquary 2
Pridden | John | 1758-1825 | Anglican clergyman, antiquary, architect, philanthropist 2
Rawlinson | Richard | 1690-1755 | Antiquary and Nonjuror 2
Richardson | Charles | d 1827 | antiquarian 2
Rosenthal | Julia | b 1953 | antiquarian book and music dealer 2
Turner | William Henry | d. 1880 | Oxfordshire antiquary 2
University of Oxford | Jesus College 2
University of Oxford | The Queen's College 2
Upcott | William | 1779-1845 | Antiquary and Autograph Collector 2
Wise | Francis | 1695-1767 | librarian and antiquary 2
A. Rosenthal Ltd. (antiquarian bookseller) 1
A.J. Coombes | booksellers 1
Adee | Swithin | 1703-1786 | Physician and antiquary 1
Agostini | Leonardo | 1593-1669 | antiquary 1
Allan | George | 1736-1880 | antiquary and topographer 1
Amand | James St | 1687-1754 | Antiquary 1
Amans | Jean Florimond | Boudon de Saint- | 1748-1831 | naturalist and antiquarian 1
Ames | Joseph | 1687-1759 | bibliographer and antiquarian 1
Ames | Joseph | c 1689-1759 | bibliographer and antiquary 1
Amyot | Thomas | 1775-1850 | Lawyer and antiquary 1
Archer | Sir | Simon | 1581-1662 | Antiquary and politician 1
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 1
Astle | Philip | 1768-1830 | Antiquary 1
Atterbury | Francis | 1662-1732 | Bishop of Rochester 1
Aubrey | John | 1626-1697 | antiquary and biographer 1
Ault | Mary | née O’Hea | 1928-2019 | Antiquarian bookseller (assistant) 1
Backhouse | William | 1593-1662 | alchemist and antiquary 1
Barlow | Thomas | 1607-1691 | Bishop of Lincoln 1
Barnes | Joshua | 1654-1712 | Greek scholar and antiquary 1
Bateman | Thomas | bap. 1821-1861 | archaeologist and antiquary 1
Bateman | William | 1787-1835 | antiquary 1
Bates | Thomas | fl. 1677 | musician 1
Bell | John | 1783-1864 | land surveyor and antiquary 1
Bellori | Giovanni Pietro | 1613-1696 | painter, antiquarian and biographer 1
Berkeley | family | 1100-2000 | Earls of Berkeley | Berkeley Castle 1
Berners | family 1
Bertram | J. F. A. | fl. 1975 1
Betham | William | 1749-1839 | Antiquary and clergyman 1
Bigland | Ralph | 1712-1784 | herald and cheesemonger 1
Birrell & Garnett Ltd | antiquarian booksellers | 1920-1942 1
Blackie | John Stuart | 1809-1895 | classical and Scottish Gaelic scholar 1
Blenheim Palace 1
Blomefield | Francis | 1705-1752 | topographical historian and Church of England clergyman 1
∧ less
English 309
Latin 67
French 14
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 6
Italian 4
Spanish; Castilian 4
German 3
Greek, Modern (1453-) 3
English, Old (ca.450-1100) 2
French, Old (842-ca.1400) 2
Irish 2
Arabic 1
Basa 1
English, Middle (1100-1500) 1
Hebrew 1
Persian 1
Romance languages 1
Scots 1
Welsh 1