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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 72

Single Item

'An abstract of a book now in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt of Exchequer ...', c. 1700

'An abstract of a book now in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt of Exchequer ...', c. 1700
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. f. 11
Extents: 75 pages
Dates: c.1700

Account and day books of John Redwood and John Wolston, merchants, of Exeter, Devon

Account and day books of John Redwood and John Wolston, merchants, of Exeter, Devon
Extents: 0.30 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: 1676-1725
Single Item

An account book, apparently of Edward Sheldon Esq. (d. 1746)

An account book, apparently of Edward Sheldon esq. (d. 1746)
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. f. 6
Extents: 130 Leaves
Dates: Written in 1702-35/36 by E. Sheldon (?)
Single Item

Account book of a cobbler and a tailor

Account book
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 39
Extents: 44 Leaves
Dates: c. 1757-1805
Single Item

Account Book of Capt. Patrick Lawson

Account Book of Capt. Patrick Lawson, 1778.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. c. 331
Extents: 30 Leaves
Dates: May-Dec. 1778
Single Item

Account book of Hashabia Horsnell, curate of Pirbright and Frimley

Account book of Hashabia Horsnell, curate of Pirbright and Frimley, 1686-1701, with notes by a lawyer, 1733.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Surrey f. 2
Extents: 37 Leaves
Dates: 1686-1701, 1733
Single Item

Account book of John and Pierre Condé, engravers

Account book of John and Pierre Condé, engravers
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 225
Extents: 101 Leaves
Dates: 1790-1820
Single Item

Account book of John Bayzand for the Buckland estates of Thomas Thynne, Viscount Weymouth

Account book of John Bayzand for the Buckland estates of Thomas Thynne, Viscount Weymouth, 1730-1756.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Glouc. b. 4
Extents: 84 Leaves
Dates: 1730-1756
Single Item

Account book of Sir Henry Russell, 1st baronet

Account book of Sir Henry Russell, 1st baronet
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 1634
Extents: 130 Leaves
Dates: 1768-1809
Single Item

Account book of the steward of William Drake of Amersham, Buckinghamshire

Account book of the steward of William Drake of Amersham, Buckinghamshire
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 938
Extents: 62 Leaves
Dates: 1735-1740
Single Item

Account book used by Richard Holmes, Hugh Trevanion and Thomas Noxon

Account book used by Richard Holmes, Hugh Trevanion and Thomas Noxon, 1768-1790.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Glouc. b. 3
Extents: 27 Leaves
Dates: 1768-1790
Single Item

Account by John Hornby of the rents and customs of the manor of Cawood

Account by John Hornby of the rents and customs of the manor of Cawood, 1759, with annotations to 1773.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Yorks. f. 2
Extents: 17 Leaves
Dates: 1759-1773
Single Item

Account by Richard Gough of a tour into Wales

Account by Richard Gough of a tour into Wales
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 115
Extents: 37 Leaves
Dates: 1761
Single Item

Account of the embassy of John Russell, consul at Tetuan, to the Emperor of Morocco

Account of the embassy of John Russell, consul at Tetuan, to the Emperor of Morocco, 1729.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. d. 153
Extents: 32 Leaves
Dates: 1729
Single Item

An account of the migrations of the tribes which colonized Ireland

An account of the migrations of the tribes which colonized Ireland
Shelfmark: MS. Irish e. 6
Extents: 104 pages
Dates: Written perhaps in the 18th century
Single Item

Account of the proceedings of the Tusculan Society, a London literary and debating society

Account of the proceedings of the Tusculan Society, a London literary and debating society
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 261
Extents: 80 Leaves
Dates: Jan 1739-Feb 1742
Single Item

Accounts of Lionel Lampet as executor of Dr. George Freeman, rector of Steeple Aston, 1745-1754

Accounts of Lionel Lampet as executor of Dr. George Freeman, rector of Steeple Aston
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon. e. 524
Extents: 72 Leaves
Dates: 1705-1754
Single Item

Accounts of personal and household expenditure of Charles Round of Colchester

Accounts of personal and household expenditure of Charles Round of Colchester
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Essex e. 48
Extents: 177 pages
Dates: 1796-1802
Single Item

Accounts of personal expenditure of John Angell of Stockwell, Lambeth, and of expenses connected with Spurn Head lighthouses, Yorks.

Accounts of personal expenditure of John Angell of Stockwell, Lambeth, and of expenses connected with Spurn Head lighthouses, Yorks.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 233
Extents: 282 pages
Dates: 1699-1705
Single Item

Accounts of rent and taxes relating to a malthouse in Kingsbury st.

Accounts of rent and taxes relating to a malthouse in Kingsbury st.
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Wilts d. 1
Extents: 25 Leaves
Dates: Written in A.D. 1734-1776, chiefly by J. Pocock

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: Accounts X
  • Indexed subjects: 18th century X

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Indexed subjects
Accounts 48
Account books 22
17th century 16
19th century 15
Letters 5
Oxfordshire (England) 4
16th century 3
Antiquarians 3
Humanities 3
Literature 3
Oxford (England) 3
Social sciences 3
Surrey (England) 3
20th century 2
Business 2
Correspondence 2
Drawings 2
Gloucestershire (England) 2
History 2
Household expenses 2
∨ more  
Indexed names
England and Wales | Exchequer 2
Great Britain | Exchequer 2
Hyde | Edward | 1609-1674 | 1st Earl of Clarendon | Lord Chancellor 2
Louis XV | 1710-1774 | King of France 2
Angell | John | fl. 1699-1705 | Of Stockwell, Lambeth 1
Ansell | John Jordan | fl. 1807-1846 | attorney of Burford, Oxfordshire 1
Astle | Thomas | 1735-1803 | Archivist, antiquary and paleography 1
Austen | John | fl. 1621-1626 1
Austen | George | fl. 1614-1621 | of Shalford, Surrey 1
Austen | George | fl. 1718-1727 1
Bayzand | John | fl. 1730-1756 1
Belson | Maurice | fl 18th century | of Stokenchurch, Oxon. 1
Belson | family | Aston Rowant and Kingston Blount, Oxon 1
Billington | William | fl. 18th century 1
Blayney | Benjamin | 1727/8-1801 | Hebraist and Church of England clergyman 1
Blomfield | James Charles | 1821-1895 | Rector of Launton Antiquary 1
Bond | John | fl. 1762-1777 1
Bowman | Walter | d. 1782 | Antiquary 1
Brettingham family 1
Brooke| Nathaniel | fl. 18th century 1
∨ more
Browne | family | of Launton 1
Buckland | William | 1784-1856 | Dean of Westminster, geologist 1
Carpenter | George | 1750-1805 | 2nd Earl of Tyrconnell | politician 1
Charlewood | Charles Benjamin | 1770-1842 | clergyman 1
Condé | John | fl. 1790-1820 | Engraver 1
Condé | Pierre | fl. 1790-1820 | Engraver 1
Cressener | George | fl. 18th century | Envoy at Bonn 1
Croft | William | 1677-1727 | Composer and organist 1
Curson | Sir | Francis | d. 1750 | 3rd Bart. of Waterperry, Oxon. | 1
Curson | Sir | John | d. 1727 | 2nd Bart. of Waterperry, Oxon. 1
Dampier | John Lucius | 1792-1853 | Vice-Warden of the Stannaries Court 1
Day | Henry | d. 1777 | Of London 1
Drake | William | fl.1735-1740 | of Amersham, Buckinghamshire 1
Gibson | Strickland | 1877-1958 | Librarian and Bibliographer 1
Gough | Richard | 1735-1809 | antiquary 1
Great Britain | Army 1
Gutch | John | 1746-1831 | clergyman, antiquary, Registrar of Oxford University 1
Hall Family | fl. 1686-1719 1
Harropp | David | fl. 1697-1722 | of Oldham, Lancashire 1
Hawksmoor | Nicholas | 1661-1736 | Architect 1
Healey | family | of Burringham, Lincolnshire 1
Herbert | Charles | fl. 1782-1783 | Secretary and acting paymaster to the Duke of Manchester, Lord Chamberlain of the Household 1
Hodgson | Bernard | bap. 1743-1805 | college head 1
Holmes | Richard | fl. 1773-1790 | overseer of the poor at Chipping Campden 1
Hornby | John | fl. 1759-1773 1
Horsnell | Hashabia | fl. 1686-1701 | curate of Pirbright and Frimley 1
Howe | Scrope | 1648-1712 | 1st Viscount Howe 1
Jaynes | Henry | fl. 1715 1
Keate | William | fl. 1775-1787 | master of Stamford school 1
Kendall | Diana | fl. c.1954 1
Lawson | Patrick | fl. 1778 | Trader in East Indies 1
Lockyard | Samuel | fl 1704-1705 1
Lowndes | Thomas | fl. 1725-1788 | Bookseller 1
Lowndes | William | c. 1753-1823 | Bookseller 1
Macray | William Dunn | 1826-1916 | Rector of Ducklington, Antiquary, and Archivist 1
Montagu | Edward | 1602-1671 | 2nd Earl of Manchester 1
Moore | Thomas | fl 1713-1714 | paymaster general of Her Majesty's forces abroad 1
Newcome | William | 1729-1800 | Church of Ireland archbishop of Armagh and theologian 1
Noxon | Thomas | fl. 1768-1769 | solicitor 1
O'Rorke | Ternan | fl 1762-1771 | small tradesman | of Dublin 1
Oxford University | Corpus Christi College 1
Oxford University | Trinity College 1
Parkinson | William | fl. 1665-1675 | of Brunby 1
Parkinson | family 1
Phillipps | Sir | Thomas | 1792-1872 | Baronet | Antiquary, and Collector of MSS and Books 1
Pocock | John | 1734-1776 1
Poole | Richard | fl. 1912 1
Randolph | Thomas | 1701-1783 | President of Corpus Christi College, Oxford 1
Redwood | John | fl 1676-1725 | merchant of Exeter 1
Russell | Sir | Henry | 1751-1836 | 1st baronet | judge in India 1
Sheldon | Edward | d 1746 | Antiquary 1
Spencer | Robert | 1641-1702 | 2nd Earl of Sunderland | nobleman and politician 1
Thynne | Thomas | 1710-1751 | second Viscount Weymouth | landowner 1
Tonson | Jacob | 1714-1767 | Bookseller and publisher 1
Trevanion | Hugh | fl. 1768-1769 | solicitor 1
Tusculan Society (literary and debating), Oxford 1
University of Oxford 1
University of Oxford | The Club 1
Wellesley | Arthur | 1769-1852 | 1st Duke of Wellington | Field Marshal, statesman 1
Wilberforce | William | 1759-1833 | MP, Philanthropist 1
Wolston | John | fl 1676-1725 | merchant of Exeter 1
∧ less
English 65
French 4
Latin 2
Irish 1
Italian 1
Undetermined 1