Showing Collections: 341 - 360 of 4886
Archive of Joanna Trollope
Archive of Joanna Trollope (born 1943), writer, including literary and personal papers, [1908]-2019.
Extents: 5.26 Linear metres (109 boxes)
[1908]-2019; Majority of material found within 1952-2019
Archive of John Allsebrook Simon, 1st Viscount Simon, mainly
Papers of John Allsebrook Simon, 1st Viscount Simon (1873-1954), statesman and Lord Chancellor.
Extents: 31.24 Linear metres (284 physical shelfmarks)
Archive of John Everett Butt
Correspondence and notes of John Everett Butt, 1932-64.
Extents: 0.75 Linear metres (5 physical shelfmarks)
Archive of John Hodgkin
Archive of John Hodgkin
Extents: 1.59 Linear metres (27 boxes)
18th-20th century
Archive of John Hungerford Pollen and the Pollen Family
The archive of John Hungerford Pollen (1820-1902), decorative artist and Roman Catholic convert, and the Pollen family, 1828-2017.
Extents: 6.0 Linear metres (44 boxes; 2 digital shelfmarks)
Archive of John le Carré (David Cornwell)
Literary archive of author John le Carré (David Cornwell)
Extents: 137 Linear metres (918 boxes)
Archive of John Lea
Diaries and other papers of John Lea, 1871-1971, n.d.
Extents: 0.75 Linear metres (5 boxes)
1871-1971, n.d.
Archive of John Masefield
The archive of the poet, novelist and playwright John Masefield (1878-1967), Poet Laureate from 1930-1967.
Extents: 7.188 Linear metres (135 boxes)
Archive of John Morley, 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn
Papers of John Morley, 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn (1838-1923), statesman and man of letters.
Extents: 12.0 Linear metres (110 physical shelfmarks)
Archive of John Randal Baker, FRS, (1900-1984)
The material in this collection includes notebooks on laboratory research, notes (both typed and handwritten) for lectures and practical classes, and a series of cytology notebooks.
Extents: 6 shelfmarks
Archive of John Randolph Lucas
Archive of John Randolph Lucas (1929-2020), philosopher and tutor of Merton College.
Extents: 6.90 Linear metres (46 boxes)
1953-2011, n.d.
Archive of John Richard Magrath
Letters to John Richard Magrath (1839-1930), Provost of the Queen's College, Oxford, with four groups of letters (found with Magrath's papers) to Edith Simcox, George and William Simcox, Amy Lefroy and Eleanor Grove, 1861-1920.
Extents: 0.1 Linear metres (9 Shelfmarks)
Archive of John Sankey, Viscount Sankey of Moreton
Archive of the papers of John Sankey, Viscount Sankey of Moreton
Extents: 14.7 Linear metres (147 physical shelfmarks)
Archive of John Satterfield Sandars, including papers of Arthur James Balfour and Henry Matthews
Papers of John Satterfield Sandars (1853-1934), Private Secretary to Arthur James Balfour, including papers of A.J. Balfour and Henry Matthews, 1809-1929.
Extents: 6.82 Linear metres (62 physical shelfmarks)
Archive of Joseph E. Josephs
Archive of Joseph E. Josephs, 1923-1985, with further notes provided by Francis Josephs, 2008 and 2011.
Extents: 0.26 box (2 boxes)
1923-2011, n.d.
Archive of Joseph Wright
Archive of Joseph Wright, 1878-1955
Extents: 4.19 Linear metres (73 boxes)
Archive of Joyce Cary
Archive of Joyce Cary, (1888-1957), Author.
Extents: 38.4 Linear metres (384 physical shelfmarks)
Archive of J.W. Hely-Hutchinson
Archive of J.W. Hely-Hutchinson
Extents: 1.92 Linear metres (18 boxes)
Archive of J.W. Lambert
Correspondence and working papers of Jack Walter Lambert (1917-86), literary and arts editor for the Sunday Times.
Extents: 10.20 Linear metres (68 physical shelfmarks)
Archive of Katherine Watson
Archive of Katherine Watson, (1918-2008) poet and bookseller.
Extents: 3.2 Linear metres (70 physical shelfmarks)
1924-2011, n.d.
Filtered By
- Indexed subjects: 20th century X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Indexed subjects
- 20th century 4862
- 19th century 1134
- Humanities 485
- Ornithology 385
- Letters 322
- 18th century 312
- Music 310
- Birds 307
- Literature 261
- 17th century 219
- 21st century 210
- Oxfordshire (England) 153
- Religion 144
- Music -- Manuscripts -- 20th century 142
- Letters -- 20th century 134
- Poetry 128
- 16th century 127
- Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 20th century 123
- English literature -- 20th century 122
- Church records and registers 119
- Local history 97
- Correspondence 95
- Composers -- England -- Manuscripts 93
- English literature 91
- Photographs 88
- Oxford (England) 85
- University of Oxford -- Examinations -- Music 74
- University of Oxford -- Societies, etc. 74
- Diaries 67
- Poets 64
- English poetry -- 20th century 62
- Science 62
- Diaries -- 20th century 61
- History 59
- Parishes -- England -- Oxfordshire 54
- World War, 1914-1918 51
- Genealogy 50
- Great Britain -- Colonies -- Administration 50
- Philosophy 47
- Antiquarians 46
- Authors -- 20th century 45
- Parish churches -- England -- Oxfordshire 43
- Manuscripts 39
- Songs with piano 37
- India 36
- Lectures and lecturing 35
- Nigeria -- Officials and employees 35
- Politics and Government 35
- University of Oxford 35
- Diaries -- 19th century 34
- Authors 33
- English poetry 33
- Parishes -- England 33
- English Literature 31
- Poetry -- 20th century 31
- Social sciences 31
- Theology 31
- Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 19th century 30
- Universities and colleges 30
- World War, 1939-1945 30
- Biography 29
- Literature -- 20th century 29
- Piano music 29
- Science -- History -- 20th century 29
- x - 15th century 29
- Africa 27
- Autobiography 27
- Bodleian Library 26
- Journalism 26
- Poems 26
- Medicine 25
- Speeches, addresses, etc. 25
- Art 24
- Berkshire (England) 24
- Colonial administrators 24
- Kenya -- History -- 1895-1963 24
- Orchestral music 24
- Conservative Party (Great Britain) 23
- Education 23
- Essays 23
- Library catalogs 23
- Academic writing 22
- Novelists 22
- Novelists -- 20th century 22
- Photography 22
- South Africa 22
- Universities and colleges -- England -- Oxford -- Societies 22
- 14th century 21
- Historians 21
- Playwriting -- Drama 21
- Bibliography 20
- Essex (England) 20
- Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 21st century 20
- Labour Party (Great Britain) -- History -- 20th Century 20
- University of Oxford -- Intellectual life 20
- Dissertations, Academic 19
- Great Britain -- Politics and Government -- 20th century 19
- Political planning 19
- Colonial administrators -- Nigeria 18
- Great Britain -- Topography 18 ∧ less
- Indexed names
- Great Britain | Colonial Administrative Service 106
- University of Oxford 99
- Church of England 77
- Lewis | Clive Staples | 1898-1963 | writer 72
- Conservative Party 64
- Clark | Andrew | 1854-1922 | Clergyman and Antiquary 39
- Conservative Party | Conservative Central Office 37
- Goadby | Frank Reginald Lindsay | 1899-1985 | Brigadier Historian of Standlake 36
- United Nations 32
- Lawrence | Thomas Edward | 1888-1935 | Soldier, Author, and Archaeologist known as Lawrence of Arabia 24
- Bodleian Library 23
- Rhodes | Cecil John | 1853-1902 | imperialist, colonial politician and mining entrepreneur 23
- Conservative Party | professional headquarters 22
- Masefield | John Edward | 1878-1967 | poet and novelist 22
- Bryce | James | 1838-1922 | Viscount Bryce | jurist, historian and politician 21
- Larkin | Philip Arthur | 1922-1985 | poet 18
- Harris | C. G | Oxfordshire Family History Society 17
- Blunden | Edmund Charles | 1896-1974 | poet 16
- Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | Poet Laureate 15
- Mare | Walter John de la | 1873-1956 | author and poet 15
- Asquith | Herbert Henry | 1852-1928 | 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith | statesman 14
- Auden | Wystan Hugh | 1907-1973 | poet and writer 14
- Butterworth | George Sainton Kaye | 1885-1916 | composer and folk song collector 14
- Oxfam GB 13
- Williams | Charles Walter Stansby | 1886-1945 | author 13
- Tolkien | John Ronald Reuel | 1892-1973 | philologist and author 12
- Asquith | Margaret Emma Alice (Margot) | 1864-1945 | née Tennant | Countess of Oxford and Asquith | political hostess and diarist 11
- Conservative Party | Conservative Research Department 11
- Conservative Party | National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations 11
- Gibson | Strickland | 1877-1958 | Librarian and Bibliographer 11
- Madan | Falconer | 1851-1935 | Bodley's Librarian, palaeographer and bibliographer 11
- Finzi | Gerald Raphael | 1901-1956 | composer 10
- Labour Party 10
- Hodgkin | Dorothy Mary Crowfoot | 1910-1994 | nee Crowfoot | chemist 9
- Ker | Neil Ripley | 1908-1982 | palaeographer and bibliographer 9
- Oxford University Dramatic Society 9
- Salter | Herbert Edward | 1863-1951 | Historian 9
- Cary | Arthur Joyce Lunel | 1888-1957 | Author 8
- Chapman | Robert William | 1881-1960 | English Scholar and Editor 8
- Collingwood | Robin George | 1889-1943 | philosopher and historian 8
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 8
- Milner | Alfred | 1854-1925 | Viscount Milner | statesman 8
- Sadler | Sir | Michael Ernest | 1861-1943 | Knight | educational pioneer and art patron 8
- University of Oxford | Christ Church 8
- Anderson | Ava | 1896-1974 | née Bodley | wife of Viscount Waverley 7
- Attlee | Clement Richard | 1883-1967 | 1st Earl Attlee | politician and prime minister 7
- British South Africa Company 7
- Coghill | Nevill Henry Kendal Aylmer | 1899-1980 | literary historian 7
- Dodds | Eric Robertson | 1893-1979 | classical scholar 7
- Fairbank | Alfred John | 1895-1982 | calligrapher 7
- Hailey | William Malcolm | 1872-1969 | 1st Baron Hailey 7
- Jennings | Elizabeth Joan | 1926-2001 | poet 7
- MacNeice | Frederick Louis | 1907-1963 | poet and playwright 7
- Murdoch | Dame | Iris | 1919-1999 | novelist and philosopher 7
- Sayers | Dorothy Leigh | 1893-1957 | playwright, author and humanist 7
- Skinner | Martyn | 1906-1993 | Poet 7
- United Nations Career Records Project | 1989-1992 7
- Warner | Stephen Alfred | fl. 1907-1948 | Antiquary 7
- Wellesz | Egon | 1885-1974 | composer, lecturer 7
- Aristotle | 384-322 BC | Greek philosopher 6
- Church Missionary Society 6
- Conservative Party | Conservative Political Centre 6
- Conservative Party | affiliated organisations 6
- Conservative Party | parliamentary party 6
- Dodgson | Edward Spencer | 1857-1922 | Bascologist 6
- Eliot | Thomas Stearns | 1888-1965 | poet 6
- Farrer | Austin Marsden | 1904-1968 | philosopher and theologian 6
- Flecker | Herman James Elroy | 1884-1915 | poet and playwright 6
- Oxford University 6
- Oxford University Scout and Guide Group 6
- Pitter | Ruth | 1897-1992 | poet 6
- Pym | Barbara Mary Crampton | 1913-1980 | Novelist 6
- Spender | Sir | Stephen Harold | 1909-1995 | Knight | poet 6
- Starkie | Enid | 1897-1970 | scholar 6
- Thwaite | Ann Barbara | 1932 | née Harrop | biographer 6
- University of Oxford | Jesus College 6
- University of Oxford | Sir William Dunn School of Pathology x Dunn School 6
- Walker | Ernest | 1870-1949 | author, pianist, and composer 6
- Williams | Ralph | Vaughan | 1872-1958 | composer 6
- Austin | John Langshaw | 1911-1960 | philosopher 5
- Berlin | Sir | Isaiah | 1909-1997 | Knight | historian and philosopher 5
- Betjeman | Sir | John | 1906-1984 | Knight | Poet Laureate and writer 5
- Conservative Party | Conservative Campaign Headquarters 5
- Conservative Party | Conservatives in the European Parliament 5
- Conservative Party | Swinton College 5
- Deneke | Margaret Clara Adèle | 1882-1969 | author and musicologist 5
- Disraeli | Benjamin | 1804-1881 | Earl of Beaconsfield | statesman 5
- Elgar | Sir | Edward William | 1857-1934 | Baronet | composer 5
- Federation of University Conservative and Unionist Associations 5
- Fisher | Herbert Albert Laurens | 1865-1940 | historian and statesman 5
- Gladstone | William Ewart | 1809-1898 | statesman 5
- Grahame | Kenneth | 1859-1932 | writer and secretary of the Bank of England 5
- Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Foreign Office 5
- Great Britain | Colonial Office 5
- Lambert | Jack Walter | 1917-1985 | literary critic and editor 5
- Lambeth Palace Library 5
- Liberal Party 5
- Lugard | Frederick John Dealtry | 1858-1945 | Baron Lugard of Abinger | colonial administrator, soldier and author 5
- Mandela | Nelson Rolihlahla | 1918-2013 | statesman and philanthropist 5
- Minn | Henry | 1870-1961 | Clockmaker and Antiquary 5 ∧ less
- Language
- English 4696
- Latin 162
- French 148
- German 145
- Italian 69
- Spanish; Castilian 39
- Russian 27
- Dutch; Flemish 26
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 25
- Undetermined 23
- Greek, Modern (1453-) 21
- Chinese 19
- Arabic 16
- Polish 15
- Portuguese 15
- Welsh 15
- Afrikaans 14
- Hebrew 13
- Swedish 12
- Danish 11
- Hungarian 11
- Czech 10
- Japanese 10
- Norwegian 8
- Croatian 7
- Basque 4
- Irish 4
- Persian 4
- Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 4
- Catalan; Valencian 3
- English, Middle (1100-1500) 3
- Finnish 3
- Swahili 3
- Turkish 3
- Amharic 2
- Bengali 2
- Esperanto 2
- Estonian 2
- Hindi 2
- Malay 2
- Maltese 2
- Multiple languages 2
- Thai 2
- No linguistic content; Not applicable 2
- English, Old (ca.450-1100) 1
- Armenian 1
- Burmese 1
- Coptic 1
- Dzongkha 1
- Egyptian (Ancient) 1
- Georgian 1
- Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic 1
- Hausa 1
- Icelandic 1
- Korean 1
- Latvian 1
- Malagasy 1
- Panjabi; Punjabi 1
- Pushto; Pashto 1
- Romansh 1
- Romany 1
- Sanskrit 1
- Scots 1
- Slovenian 1
- Serbian 1
- Syriac 1
- Tamil 1
- Xhosa 1
- Yiddish 1
- Zulu 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more
∨ more