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Showing Collections: 61 - 78 of 78


M.T.H. Sadleir Manuscript

M.T.H. Sadleir Manuscript, c. 1927
Extents: 0.44 Linear metres (4 boxes)
Dates: c. [1927?]

Nicholson Papers

Nicholson Papers
Extents: 14.74 Linear metres (134 boxes)
Dates: 1818-1912
Single Item

Notebook of Andrew Clark containing copies by him, 1879 and 1916, of models of Latin prose composition given by college tutors to passmen in Oxford

Notebook of Andrew Clark containing copies by him, 1879 and 1916, of models of Latin prose composition given by college tutors to passmen in Oxford.
Shelfmark: MS. Lat. misc. e. 44
Extents: 130 Leaves
Dates: 1876-1879
Single Item

Notebook of Sir Edmund Kerchever Chambers

Notebook of Sir Edmund Kerchever Chambers, containing fair copies of poems by him, 1885-1919, with later amendments, 1940-1948.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. d. 257
Extents: 112 Leaves
Dates: 1885-1919, 1940-1948

Papers of Ernest Walker

Papers related to Ernest Walker in the archive of Albi and Maud Rosenthal, 1889-1963, n.d.
Extents: 0.5 Linear metres (3 boxes)
Dates: 1889-1963, n.d.

Papers of Robert Ross and Vyvyan Holland relating to the Literary Estate of Oscar Wilde

Papers relating to the administration of the literary estate of the poet and playwright Oscar Wilde (1854-1900).
Extents: 1.35 Linear metres (9 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1890-1936

Papers of T.E. Lawrence and A.W. Lawrence

Papers of T.E. Lawrence, with some related material c.1894-1970, and the correspondence and papers of A.W. Lawrence relating to his brother T.E. Lawrence, 1917-85
Extents: 6.6 Linear metres (62 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: c.1894-1985
Single Item

Photocopies of transcripts made from letters relating to J. W. Lambert

Photocopies of transcripts made from letters relating to J. W. Lambert.
Shelfmark: MS. Facs. c. 161
Extents: 59 Leaves
Dates: 1940, 1989-1997
Single Item

Records of the proceedings of two University college literary societies

Records of the proceedings of two University college literary societies
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon d. 95/1
Extents: 137 Leaves
Dates: Written in A.D. 1892-1903

Shelley Manuscripts and Relics (additions)

Literary notebooks and papers, correspondence and other papers, portraits and relics of Percy and Mary Shelley, with further materials of their family and circle, including earlier and contemporary estate documents of the Shelley family and related families, and later secondary materials.
Extents: 82 shelfmarks and 37 objects
Dates: 1577-1992 (predominantly 18th-20th cent.)
Single Item

Signature, photograph and lock of hair of A. C. Swinburne

Signature, photograph and lock of hair of A. C. Swinburne.
Shelfmark: MS. Autogr. d. 26
Extents: 10 Leaves
Dates: c. 1837-1909
Single Item

Signed copy of two sonnets by A. C. Swinburne addressed to John Nichol

Signed copy of two sonnets by A. C. Swinburne addressed to John Nichol
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. c. 16
Extents: 1 Leaves
Dates: May 1881, 1916
Single Item

A small group of letters addressed to Clara Deneke

A small group of letters addressed to Clara Deneke (1847-1933), 1888-1902, n.d.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 8418, fols. 78-89
Extents: 12 Leaves
Dates: 1888-1902, n.d.
Single Item

Translation into English rhymed verse by A. W. Forman of the Agamemnon of Aeschylus

Translation into English rhymed verse by A. W. Forman of the Agamemnon of Aeschylus
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. d. 35
Extents: 97 Leaves
Dates: 1895, 1925
Single Item

Typescript copy of an article on John Masefield from the San Francisco Call

Typescript copy of an article on John Masefield from the San Francisco Call
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. c. 652, fols. 104-105
Extents: 2 Leaves
Dates: 1913
Single Item

Various documents

Various documents
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. c. 37
Extents: 1 box
Dates: 19th-20th century

Warton Papers

Archive of Warton Family, including Thomas and his brother Joseph.
Extents: 18.04 Linear metres (164 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1557-1956
Single Item

William Graily Hewitt's letters to L. Haberley, Mrs. G.M. Durnford and Miss Agatha Walker

William Graily Hewitt's letters to L. Haberley, Mrs. G.M. Durnford and Miss Agatha Walker.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lett. c. 756
Extents: 40 Leaves
Dates: Date not recorded at time of cataloguing

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: 20th century X
  • Indexed subjects: Literature X
  • Indexed subjects: 19th century X

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Indexed subjects
20th century 77
19th century 73
Literature 35
Poetry 16
English literature -- 20th century 14
English literature 13
English literature -- 19th century 10
Authors -- 20th century 9
Poets 9
18th century 8
Humanities 8
Letters 8
17th century 6
21st century 6
Authors -- 19th century 6
English Literature 6
16th century 5
Authors 4
Diaries 4
Diaries -- 20th century 4
∨ more
Music 4
Religion 4
Correspondence 3
Lectures and lecturing 3
Art 2
Authors, English 2
Authors, English -- 19th century 2
Authors, English -- 20th century 2
Autographs 2
Bodleian Library 2
Childrens literature -- 20th century 2
Church Architecture | England 2
Classical literature 2
English poetry -- 20th century 2
Ireland 2
Journalism 2
Literature -- 20th century 2
Manuscripts 2
Photography 2
Playwriting -- Drama 2
Universities and colleges 2
University of Oxford 2
Women 2
Women authors, English -- 20th century 2
Academic writing 1
Art history 1
Art, British -- 19th century 1
Art, British -- 20th century 1
Art, British -- 20th century -- Exhibitions 1
Art, Victorian -- England 1
Artists 1
Austen -- Jane -- 1775-1817 1
Authors, German -- 20th century 1
Authors, Irish -- 20th century 1
Autograph book 1
Bible 1
Bibliography 1
Biography -- 18th century 1
Biography -- 19th century 1
Books 1
Books and reading 1
Catholic Church 1
Catholic Church -- England 1
Catholics -- England -- Intellectual life 1
China -- History 1
Chinese language -- Dictionaries -- English 1
Chinese literature -- Translations into English 1
Christianity -- 20th century 1
Church music -- Catholic Church 1
Church of England -- Clergy 1
Civil Service -- India 1
Classical literature -- Study and teaching 1
Colonial administrators -- Africa 1
Colonial administrators -- West Indies 1
Concerts -- England -- Oxford 1
Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321 -- Influence 1
Diaries -- 19th century 1
Dolls' houses 1
Drama -- 20th century 1
Editors -- 20th century 1
England -- Television and Film -- 20th century 1
English diaries -- 19th century 1
English language 1
English literature -- 16th century 1
English literature -- Criticism and interpretation -- 19th century 1
English literature -- History and criticism 1
English poetry 1
Essays 1
Fantasy fiction, English 1
Feminism 1
Fiction 1
France 1
French literature 1
Germany 1
Great Britain 1
Great Britain -- Politics and government 1
Great Britain -- Colonies -- India 1
Great Britain -- Colonies -- India -- Administration -- 20th century 1
Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 1
Great Britain -- Politics and Government -- 19th century 1
∧ less
Indexed names
Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | Poet Laureate 4
University of Oxford 4
Benson | Edward Frederic | 1867-1940 | author 3
Blunden | Edmund Charles | 1896-1974 | poet 2
Chambers | Edmund Kerchever | 1866-1954 | Sir | Knight and English Scholar 2
Deneke | Clara Sophie | 1847-1933 | Author 2
Deneke | Helena Clara | 1878-1973 | German scholar 2
Grahame | Elspeth S | 1862-1946 2
Masefield | John Edward | 1878-1967 | poet and novelist 2
Moore | Edward | 1835-1916 | Principal of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford 2
Shelley | Mary Wollstonecraft | 1797-1851 | née Godwin | writer 2
Shelley | Percy Bysshe | 1792-1822 | poet 2
Shelley | Sir | Percy Florence | 1819-1889 | 3rd Baronet 2
Swinburne | Algernon Charles | 1837-1909 | poet 2
Trollope | Anthony | 1815-1882 | novelist 2
Adcock | Arthur St John | 1864-1930 | Novelist 1
Adcock | Marion L | fl 1879-1890 1
Algarotti | Francesco | 1712-1764 | Poet and scholar 1
Arlott | (Leslie Thomas) John | 1914-1991 | writer and broadcaster 1
Beckford | William | 1760-1844 | Author, MP, and Art Collector 1
∨ more
Beddoes | Thomas Lovell | 1803-1849 | poet and physiologist 1
Belloc | Joseph Hilaire Pierre | 1870-1953 | writer and historian 1
Bennett | Arnold | 1867-1931 | Writer 1
Benson Arthur Christopher | 1862-1925 | Writer 1
Benson family 1
Benson | Edward White | 1829-1896 | Archbishop of Canterbury 1
Benson | Margaret | 1865-1916 | Egyptologist and religious philosopher 1
Benson | Robert Hugh | 1871-1914 | Roman Catholic writer and apologist 1
Bentley | Edmund Clerihew | 1875-1956 | Writer 1
Binyon | Laurence | 1869-1943 | Poet and art historian 1
Bishop | Elizabeth | b 1763 | nee Wollstonecraft 1
Blunt | Wilfrid Scawen | 1840-1922 | poet and writer 1
Bottomley | Gordon | 1874-1948 | Poet and playwright 1
Bridges | Edward Ettingdene | 1892-1969 | civil servant 1
Brooke | Stopford Augustus | 1832-1916 | preacher and writer 1
Bywater | Ingram | 1840-1914 | Regius Professor of Greek at Oxford 1
Cameron | Julia Margaret | 1815-1879 | photographer 1
Cape | Herbert Jonathan | 1879-1960 | Publisher 1
Cary | Arthur Joyce Lunel | 1888-1957 | Author 1
Casey | George Edward Comerford | 1846-1912 | clergyman, teacher and writer 1
Chandler | Raymond | 1888-1959 | writer 1
Chapman | Robert William | 1881-1960 | English Scholar and Editor 1
Church | Richard Thomas | 1893-1972 | poet and writer 1
Clark | Albert Curtis | 1859-1937 | Latin Scholar 1
Clark | Andrew | 1854-1922 | Clergyman and Antiquary 1
Colman | George | bap. 1732-d. 1794 | Playwright and theatre manager 1
Conrad | Joseph | 1857-1924 | novelist 1
Crabbe | George | 1754-1832 | Poet 1
David | Ottilie | b. 1892 1
Deneke | Margaret Clara Adele | 1882-1969 | Author and Musicologist 1
Deneke | Margaret Clara Adèle | 1882-1969 | author and musicologist 1
Dibdin | John | 1771-1841 | Playwright and actor 1
Dougall | Lily | 1858-1923 | novelist and religious author 1
EP Dutton & Co | New York | publishers 1
Eddison | Eric Rucker | 1882-1945 | Author 1
Firth | Sir | Charles Harding | 1857-1936 | Knight | historian 1
Flecker | Herman James Elroy | 1884-1915 | poet and playwright 1
Forman | A. W. | fl. 1895-1925 1
Gardner | Stanley | 1921-1996 | headmaster and writer 1
Godwin | Mary Jane | 1768-1841 | formerly Clairmont | nee de Vial | translator and bookseller 1
Godwin | William | 1756-1836 | philosopher and novelist 1
Godwin | family 1
Gosse | Sir | Edmund William | 1849-1928 | Knight | poet, biographer and literary critic 1
Grahame | Kenneth | 1859-1932 | Author and Secretary of the Bank of England 1
Grahame | Kenneth | 1859-1932 | writer and secretary of the Bank of England 1
Greene | Henry Graham | 1904-1991 | novelist 1
Greene | Vivien | 1904-2003 | nee Vivienne Dayrell-Browning | expert on antique dolls' houses 1
Greg | Sir | Walter Wilson | 1875-1959 | Knight | Bibliographer, Shakespearean Scholar, and Historian 1
Griffith | Llewelyn Wyn | 1890-1977 | writer and broadcaster 1
Haggard | Sir | (Henry) Rider | 1856-1925 | novelist 1
Hamilton | Sir | George Rostrevor | 1888-1967 | Knight, Poet, Writer, and Civil Servant 1
Hawker | Robert Stephen | 1803-1875 | vicar of Morwenstow, poet and antiquary 1
Henrey | Madeleine (Mrs Robert Henrey) | 13 Aug. 1906–25 April 2004 | authoress 1
Hewitt | William Graily | 1864-1952 | Novelist and calligrapher 1
Hill | (Edith) Teresa | Noel- | 1890-1972 | née Hulton | wife of 8th Baron Berwick 1
Hodgkin | John | 1857-1930 | Bibliophile 1
Holland | Vyvyan Beresford | 1886-1967 | author and translator 1
Hopkins | Gerard Manley | 1844-1889 | poet 1
Hulton | Costanza ('Zina') Maria Orsola | 1863-1939 | née Mazini | wife of William Stokes Hulton 1
Hulton | Gioconda Mary | 1887-1940 | daughter of William Stokes Hulton 1
Hulton | William Stokes | 1852-1921 | painter 1
Ingram | James | 1774-1850 | Anglo Saxon Scholar Antiquary Archaeologist 1
Johnson | Jane | 1798-1884 | nee Cleveland | x Williams | x Hogg 1
Jones | Walter David Michael | 1895–1974 | painter and poet 1
Jowett | Benjamin | 1817-1893 | Master of Balliol College, Oxford 1
Kafka | Franz | 1883-1924 | Writer 1
Keats | John | 1795-1821 | Poet 1
Keble | John | 1792-1866 | Vicar of Hursley and Tractarian poet 1
Kingsley | Mary Henrietta | 1862-1900 | Traveller and Writer 1
Knox | Ronald Arbuthnott | 1888-1957 | translator of the Bible 1
Kokovtsov | Vladimir Nicolaevich | 1853-1943 | Russian politician 1
Lambert | Catherine | nee Read | b. 1918 | vocal coach 1
Lambert | Jack Walter | 1917-1985 | literary critic and editor 1
Lawrence | Thomas Edward | 1888-1935 | Soldier, Author, and Archaeologist known as Lawrence of Arabia 1
Le Claire | Lesley | 1927-2012 | librarian 1
Legge | Hannah Mary | 1822-1881 | née Johnstone, second wife of Professor James Legge 1
Legge | James | 1815-1897 | missionary and sinologist 1
Lewis | Clive Staples | 1898-1963 | writer 1
Madan | Falconer | 1851-1935 | Bodley's Librarian, palaeographer and bibliographer 1
Mee | Arthur Henry | 1875–1943 | journalist and children's writer 1
∧ less
English 74
French 8
German 7
Latin 7
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 3
Italian 3
Chinese 1
Czech 1
Danish 1
Hebrew 1
Spanish; Castilian 1
Welsh 1