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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 24

Single Item

The abbey of St. Denis in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries by J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, 1938

The abbey of St. Denis in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries by J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, 1938.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. d. 239
Extents: 117 Leaves
Dates: 1938
Single Item

'Archbishop Winchelsey and the episcopate' by H. R. Leech (Kington-Oliphant Prize essay, 1946)

'Archbishop Winchelsey and the episcopate' by H. R. Leech (Kington-Oliphant Prize essay, 1946).
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. c. 379
Extents: 33 Leaves
Dates: 1946

Archive of John Macquarrie

Archive of Reverand Professor John Macquarrie, theologian, philosopher and priest
Extents: 2.54 Linear metres (7 boxes)
Dates: 1940-2007
Single Item

Correspondence of Rodney Needham and biographical record of Charles Staniland Wake

Correspondence of Rodney Needham and biographical record of Charles Staniland Wake, 1835-1972.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. d. 420
Extents: 201 Leaves
Dates: 1835-1972
Single Item

'Dunkirk in the seventeenth century', by R. G. E. Wood (Stanhope Historical Prize essay, 1960)

'Dunkirk in the seventeenth century', by R. G. E. Wood (Stanhope Historical Prize essay, 1960).
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. c. 398
Extents: 74 Leaves
Dates: 1960
Single Item

Essay by Sir Aurel Stein, entitled 'A Persian Bodhisattva'

Essay by Sir Aurel Stein, entitled 'A Persian Bodhisattva'
Shelfmark: MS. Don. d. 25
Extents: 35 Leaves
Dates: 1930

Essays by H.A. Prichard

Essays by H.A. Prichard
Extents: 0.22 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: 20th century

Essays Relating to W.H. White

Papers relating to W.H. White consisting of: Typescript essays concerning W.H. White, 'Mark Rutherford', by his second son J.H. White 'Notes', 1931, Extracts from Rutherford's letters to J.H. White and his wife, 1880-1912 'Notes' concerning Rutherford's correspondence with Thomas Hutchinson
Extents: 3 shelfmarks
Dates: 1880-1931
Single Item

Guard-book of literary manuscripts

Guard-book of literary manuscripts, late 19th-early 20th century
Shelfmark: MS. Don. c. 2
Extents: 146 Leaves
Dates: late 19th-early 20th cent.
Single Item

Guard-book of miscellaneous papers

Guard-book of miscellaneous papers
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 624
Extents: 211 Leaves
Dates: 17th-20th century
Single Item

Sidney Ball Memorial Lectures, University of Oxford, word-processed

Sidney Ball Memorial Lectures, University of Oxford, word-processed
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 7030
Extents: 60 Leaves
Dates: 1993-5
Single Item

Theological articles, essays and lectures by J. M. Thompson, c.1916-1920, manuscript and typescript

Theological articles, essays and lectures by J. M. Thompson, c.1916-1920, manuscript and typescript.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. th. d. 51
Extents: 109 Leaves
Dates: c.1916-1920
Single Item

'The title doctor', on the use of the name and title 'doctor', by Ethel Mellor

'The title doctor', on the use of the name and title 'doctor', by Ethel Mellor
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. a. 7
Extents: 64 Leaves
Dates: 1937-1949
Single Item

The treaty of 1281 between Peter of Aragon and Michael Palaeologus, by A. W. James

The treaty of 1281 between Peter of Aragon and Michael Palaeologus, by A. W. James, 1934.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. d. 230
Extents: 60 Leaves
Dates: 1934
Single Item

Two essays by Robert Lynd

Two essays by Robert Lynd
Shelfmark: MS. Don. d. 31
Extents: 22 Leaves
Dates: 1929/1930
Single Item

Two Typescript Essays by Miss W.H. Dawes

Two typescript essays by Miss W. H. Dawes.
Shelfmark: MSS. Eng. misc. c. 357-358
Extents: 1 box
Dates: 1947-1950
Single Item

Typescript essay by E. A. D. Manusson, Stonehenge avant la perte de l'Atlantide ..., with coloured diagrams

Typescript essay by E. A. D. Manusson, Stonehenge avant la perte de l'Atlantide ..., with coloured diagrams, 1968.
Shelfmark: MS. French c. 42
Extents: 10 Leaves
Dates: 1968
Single Item

Typescript essay by Francis Mayer, entitled 'Mental alchemy'

Typescript essay by Francis Mayer, entitled 'Mental alchemy'
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 626
Extents: 130 Leaves
Dates: 20th century
Single Item

Typescript essay by 'J. Shallow' (J. Y. A. Morshead), 'Conjectures on the Templar proces'

Typescript essay by 'J. Shallow' (J. Y. A. Morshead), 'Conjectures on the Templar proces', 1918.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. d. 109
Extents: 49 Leaves
Dates: 1918
Single Item

Typescript essay by Marian Kurdzialek, 'Davidis de Dinanto quaternulorum fragmenta', in English

Typescript essay by Marian Kurdzialek, 'Davidis de Dinanto quaternulorum fragmenta', in English
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 791
Extents: 83 Leaves
Dates: 20th century

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  • Indexed subjects: 20th century X
  • Indexed subjects: Essays X

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Indexed subjects
20th century 23
Essays 23
Literature 8
19th century 4
Poetry 3
Religion 3
Theology 3
17th century 2
History 2
Letters 2
Manuscripts 2
Philosophy 2
18th century 1
Academic writing 1
Anthropology 1
Authors 1
Chemistry 1
Christianity 1
Christianity -- 20th century 1
Church of England -- Bishops 1
∨ more  
Indexed names
Ball | Sidney | 1857-1918 | lecturer in classics and philosophy 1
Belloc | Joseph Hilaire Pierre | 1870-1953 | writer and historian 1
Bennett | Arnold | 1867-1931 | Writer 1
Blunden | Edmund Charles | 1896-1974 | poet 1
Boudon | Raymond | fl | 1995 | sociologist 1
Bridger | R. Lowther | fl. 1905-1918 1
Connolly | Richard Hugh | 1873-1948 | philologist 1
Dasgupta | Partha | fl. 1993 | Economist 1
Dawes | WH | fl 1947-1957 1
Hadrill | John Michael | Wallace- | 1916-1985 | Historian 1
Hutchinson | Thomas | fl 1880-1931 1
James | A. W. | fl. 1934 1
Kurdzialek | Marian | 1920-1997 | Polish priest 1
Lynd | Robert Wilson | 1879-1949 | Journalist and essayist 1
Manusson | E. A. D. | fl. 1968 1
Masefield | John Edward | 1878-1967 | poet and novelist 1
Mayer | Francis | fl. 20th century 1
Mellor | Ethel | fl. 1937-1949 1
Needham | Rodney | 1923-2006 | Anthropologist 1
Nevinson | Henry Wood | 1856-1941 | Essayist Philanthropist Journalist 1