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Showing Collections: 101 - 120 of 169

Single Item

Guard-book of letters and papers

Guard-book of letters and papers
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. c. 143
Extents: 314 Leaves
Dates: 17th-20th century
Single Item

Guard-book of papers

Guard-book of papers
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. c. 513
Extents: 283 Leaves
Dates: 17th-20th century

Harcourt estate and family papers, late 12th cent.-1967

Papers relating to the estates of the Harcourt family of Stanton Harcourt and Nuneham Courtenay, Oxfordshire, late 12th cent.-1967, with other family papers.
Extents: 97.35 Linear metres (885 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: late 12th cent.-1967
Single Item

Journal of Edith Simcox

Journal of Edith Simcox
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. d. 494
Extents: 189 Leaves
Dates: May 1876-Jan 1900
Single Item

Journal of Lucy E. Farrer

Journal of Lucy E. Farrer
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 649
Extents: 91 Leaves
Dates: 1896-1900
Single Item

Journal of Mrs. M. Charlotte Fitzgerald, resident in Rome

Journal of Mrs. M. Charlotte Fitzgerald, resident in Rome
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 665
Extents: 245 pages
Dates: 1907-1912
Single Item

Journal of Sir Thomas Graham Jackson and Basil Champneys

Journal of Sir Thomas Graham Jackson and Basil Champneys
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 720
Extents: 63 Leaves
Dates: 1908

Journal of Vernon Vaughan Thomas

Journal of Vernon Vaughan Thomas.
Extents: 5.17 Linear metres (47 boxes)
Dates: 1942-1988

Journal of W.P. Emerton

Journal of W.P. Emerton.
Extents: 0.88 Linear metres (8 boxes)
Dates: 1863-1915

Journals of A. M. Cook

Journals of A. M. Cook
Extents: 0.35 Linear metres (7 boxes)
Dates: 1877-1921

Letters and Diaries of Revd. Ruthven Alexanderson Wright

Letters home, 1929-1934, and diaries, 1933-1955, as Canon of the Cathedral Church of Christ, Lagos, Nigeria.
Extents: 3 files, 9 volumes
Dates: 1929-1955
Single Item

Letters from Edna Brown, née Young, to P.A. Spalding (whom she married in 1938)

Letters from Edna Brown, née Young, to P.A. Spalding (whom she married in 1938)
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 5378
Extents: 117 Leaves
Dates: 1935-6

Letters to J.M. Thompson

Letters to J.M. Thompson
Extents: 0.10 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: 1902-50
Single Item

Memoirs of Denis Murray

Memoirs of Denis Murray (b. 1923), n.d. (before)
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 2193
Extents: 122.0 Leaves
Dates: n.d. (before 1990)

Miscellaneous Papers of William Bollaert with a Printed Pamphlet by W.M.F. Castle

Miscellaneous Papers of William Bollaert, with a Printed Pamphlet by W.M.F. Castle
Extents: 0.15 Linear metres (3 boxes)
Dates: 1830-1887

Nature diaries of R.H.D. Young

Nature diaries of R.H.D. Young (1909-1991), teacher and ornithologist
Extents: 3.88 Linear metres (36 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1949-1990
Single Item

Nature diary of Ethel Casson, later the travel diary and commonplace book of Stanley Casson

Nature diary of Ethel Casson, later the travel diary and commonplace book of Stanley Casson.
Shelfmark: MS. 15510
Extents: 1 volume
Dates: May 1898-c. Jun 1912
Single Item

Notebook containing details in the hand of Miss Hallowes, Joseph Conrad's secretary

Notebook containing details in the hand of Miss Hallowes, Joseph Conrad's secretary
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 578
Extents: 210 Leaves
Dates: 1915-1924
Single Item

Notebook containing verse, notes and dialogues by E. H. W. Meyerstein, dated 1917

Notebook containing verse, notes and dialogues by E. H. W. Meyerstein, dated 1917.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. poet. f. 26
Extents: 54 Leaves
Dates: 1917
Single Item

Notes and diary entries of Sir Michael Ernest Sadler, typescript and manuscript

Notes and diary entries of Sir Michael Ernest Sadler, typescript an manuscript
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. d. 3530
Extents: 97 Leaves
Dates: 1910-40

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: 20th century X
  • Indexed subjects: Diaries X

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Additional filters:

Indexed subjects
20th century 167
19th century 76
Diaries 67
Diaries -- 20th century 61
Diaries -- 19th century 34
18th century 12
Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 20th century 10
World War, 1914-1918 10
Authors -- 20th century 8
India -- Description and travel 7
Journalism 7
21st century 6
Humanities 6
Oxford (England) 6
17th century 5
Birds 5
Correspondence 5
English literature -- 20th century 5
Ornithology 5
Voyages and travels -- Diaries 5
∨ more
Diaries -- 18th century 4
Great Britain 4
India 4
Religion 4
United States -- Description and travel 4
Voyages and travels 4
World War, 1939-1945 4
Africa -- Description and travel 3
English diaries -- 19th century 3
English literature 3
Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 19th century 3
Ireland 3
Letters 3
Photographs 3
Poetry 3
Poetry -- 20th century 3
Russia -- Description and travel 3
Women 3
World War, 1914-1918 -- Diaries 3
16th century 2
Africa -- Officials and employees 2
Anthropology 2
Art, British -- 20th century 2
Australia -- Description and travel 2
Authors 2
Authors -- 19th century 2
Autobiography 2
Broadcasting -- Great Britain 2
Canada -- Description and travel 2
China -- Description and travel 2
Civil service 2
Colonial administrators -- -- -- Tanzania -- Diaries 2
Diplomatic and consular service -- British 2
East Asia -- Description and travel 2
Education -- England 2
France -- Description and travel 2
Great Britain -- Colonies -- India -- Administration -- 20th century 2
Hong Kong (China) -- Description and travel 2
Italy 2
Japan -- Description and travel 2
Journalists -- 20th century 2
Letters -- 20th century 2
Music 2
New Zealand -- Description and travel 2
Novelists 2
Oxfordshire (England) 2
Photograph albums 2
Poets 2
Politics and Government 2
Social sciences 2
South Africa -- Description and travel 2
South African War, 1899-1902 2
Sweden -- Description and travel 2
Switzerland 2
Tanzania -- Description and travel 2
Turkey -- Description and travel 2
University of Oxford 2
x - 15th century 2
13th century 1
14th century 1
1st century 1
Africa 1
Africa -- Discovery and exploration 1
Africa -- Pictorial works 1
Agricultural education -- South Africa -- Transvaal 1
Antiquarians 1
Apartheid -- South Africa 1
Archaeology 1
Architects 1
Art 1
Art, British -- 19th century 1
Art, British -- 20th century -- Exhibitions 1
Art, German 1
Art, Victorian -- England 1
Artists 1
Asia -- Description and travel 1
Asia -- Officials and employees 1
Astrology 1
Austria 1
Austria -- Description and travel 1
∧ less
Indexed names
Great Britain | Colonial Administrative Service 6
Asquith | Herbert Henry | 1852-1928 | 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith | statesman 2
Atkinson | James B | fl 1925-1985 | member of the World Council of Churches 2
Harcourt | Edward William | 1825-1891 | politician 2
Harcourt | Family | Nuneham Courtenay 2
Harcourt | Family | Stanton Harcourt 2
Harcourt | Lewis Vernon | 1863-1922 | 1st Viscount Harcourt | politician 2
Labour Party 2
Masefield | John Edward | 1878-1967 | poet and novelist 2
Popplewell | Geoffrey Douglas | b 1904 | District Officer Colonial Government 2
Sadler | Sir | Michael Ernest | 1861-1943 | Knight | educational pioneer and art patron 2
Spalding | Philip Anthony | 1911-1989 | writer 2
Thompson | James Matthew | 1878-1956 | Historian and Theologian 2
Thompson | Theodosia | 1892-1970 | Wife of Edward Thompson 2
University of Oxford 2
World Council of Churches 2
Ainslie-Williams | family 1
Alexander | Marjorie Eugene | b 1913 | pianist 1
Ambrose | W Gerald | fl 1900 | Travelling Commissioner in Southern Nigeria 1
Anderson | Ava | 1896-1974 | née Bodley | wife of Viscount Waverley 1
∨ more
Anderson | John | 1882-1958 | 1st Viscount Waverley | civil servant 1
Anderson | Sir | George | 1877-1943 | educationalist 1
Araquistain | Luis | 1856-1959 | Spanish statesman 1
Armstrong | Edward Allworthy | Reverend | 1900-1978 | ornithologist | priest 1
Asquith | family 1
Astor | Francis David Langhorne | 1912-2001 | newspaper editor and philanthropist 1
Astor | Nancy Witcher | 1879-1964 | née Langhorne | society hostess, politician and wife of 2nd Viscount Astor 1
Astor | family 1
Barrow | William | Naval Officer 1
Batty | Beatrice | 1833-1933 | Novelist and Diarist, author called Beatrice Stebbing 1
Baynes | Emma Katherine | fl 1862-1935 1
Baynes | Norman Hepburn | 1877-1961 | historian 1
Beer | Esmond Samuel de | 1895-1990 | Historical Scholar and Editor 1
Bennett | Alan | b 1934 | author and playwright 1
Benson | Samuel | 1799-1881 | Anglican clergyman, author vicar of St Saviour's, Southwark 1
Bentley | Anne | fl 1884-1898 1
Bentley | Edmund Clerihew | 1875-1956 | Writer 1
Bentley | George | 1828-1895 | Publisher and Author 1
Bentley | Lucy | fl 1936 1
Bentley | Richard | 1794-1871 | Publisher 1
Bentley | Richard | 1854-1936 | Publisher 1
Birch | James Wheeler Woodford | 1826-1875 | Resident in Perak 1
Birch | Sir | Ernest Woodford | 1857-1929 | Knight | Colonial Governor 1
Bishop | Elizabeth | b 1763 | nee Wollstonecraft 1
Blunt | Wilfrid Scawen | 1840-1922 | poet and writer 1
Bodley | John Edward Courtenay | 1853-1925 | Civil Servant and Historian 1
Bodley | John | 1922-1944 1
Bodley | Miles | 1921-1944 1
Bollaert | William | 1807-1876 | Author and explorer 1
Bonham Carter | family 1
Bowen | Aylwin | fl. 1918-1950 | writer and printer 1
Brinckman | Mary Alice | 1826-1901 1
British Red Cross 1
Brown | Edna | fl 1935-6 | nee Young | wife of Philip Anthony Spalding 1
Bruce | Robert | 1829-1908 | Congregational Minister 1
Bullard | Antonia | fl 1974-1975 1
Bunsen | Berta Mary de | 1869-1954 | née Lowry-Corry 1
Bunsen | Elizabeth de | d 1903 | née Gurney 1
Bunsen | Sir | Maurice William Ernest de | 1852-1932 | 1st Baronet | diplomat 1
Butler | Alfred Joshua | 1850-1936 | historian 1
Butler | Rohan D'Olier | 1917-1996 | historian and civil servant 1
Butler | Sir | Harold Beresford | 1883-1951 | civil servant 1
Butterworth | George Sainton Kaye | 1885-1916 | composer and folk song collector 1
Butterworth | Sir | Alexander Kaye | 1854-1946 | Knight | railway manager 1
Cameron | Julia Margaret | 1815-1879 | photographer 1
Carter | Lady | Helen Violet | Bonham | 1887-1969 | née Asquith | Baroness Asquith of Yarnbury | Liberal political figure 1
Case | R. C | fl. 1920-1971 1
Casey | Mary | fl 1950-1966 | niece of John Cowper Powys 1
Cashmore | Hilda | 1876-1943 | university teacher and welfare worker 1
Casson | Ethel | fl 1898-1905 | sister of the archaeologist Stanley Casson 1
Casson | Stanley | 1889-1994 | archaeologist 1
Castle | Barbara Anne | 1910-2002 | Baroness Castle of Blackburn | Labour politician 1
Castle | William MacCoy Fitzgerald | fl 19th century 1
Cathedral Church of Christ | Lagos, Nigeria 1
Champneys | Basil | 1842-1935 | Architect and author 1
Clark | Andrew | 1854-1922 | Clergyman and Antiquary 1
Conrad | Joseph | 1857-1924 | novelist 1
Cook | Alfred Marshall | fl. 1877-1921 | surmaster of St. Paul's school, London 1
Cook | Sir | Edward Tyas | 1857-1919 | Knight | journalist 1
Corry | Montagu William Lowry- | 1838-1903 | Baron Rowton | politician and philanthropist 1
Costin | William Conrad | 1893-1970 | President of St John's College, Oxford 1
Coupland | Sir | Reginald | 1884-1952 | Knight | colonial historian 1
Crompton | Margaret Norah | fl 1914-1982 1
Crookshank | Henry Frederick Comfort | 1893-1961 | 1st Viscount Crookshank | statesman 1
D'Orville | Jacques Philippe | 1696-1751 | Classical Scholar 1
David | Ottilie | b. 1892 1
Dell | Edmund | 1921-1999 | Labour MP and historian 1
Deneke | Clara Sophie | 1847-1933 | Author 1
Deneke | Helena Clara | 1878-1973 | German scholar 1
Deneke | Margaret Clara Adele | 1882-1969 | Author and Musicologist 1
Dickinson | Henry Strahan | fl. 1826-1828 1
Dixey | Frederick Augustus | 1856-1934 | Physiologist 1
Dixey | Harold Giles | 1893-1974 | schoolmaster 1
Dixey | Isabel | d 1916 1
Dorville | Anne | b 1755 1
Dorville | Elizabeth | fl 1800-1899 | of Hammersmith 1
Dorville | family 1
Dragon School 1
Dudley | Robert | fl. 1500-1599 | binder 1
Duff | Sir | Charles Patrick | 1889-1972 | Knight | public servant 1
∧ less
English 167
French 9
German 8
Latin 5
Czech 3
Dutch; Flemish 3
Hungarian 3
Italian 3
Polish 3
Spanish; Castilian 3
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 2
Danish 1
Estonian 1
Hebrew 1
Hindi 1
Norwegian 1
Portuguese 1
Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 1
Russian 1
Swedish 1