Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 38
Single Item
Accounts of life in Tanganyika by John Allen and his family
Accounts of life in Tanganyika by John Allen and his family.
Shelfmark: MS. 13151
Extents: 1 box
Single Item
African Voyage Album
Album of postcards, photographs and other souvenirs of a journey from Port Elizabeth to London via the east coast of Africa and the Suez Canal. Includes views of Port Elizabeth, East London, Durban, Lourenco Marques, Beira, Zanzibar, Mombasa, Aden, Port Sudan, Naples, Pompeii, Marseilles, Paris and London, with, at the end, pictures of Harrogate, York, Madeira, Cape Town, Victoria Falls and Kimberley, [20th century].
Shelfmark: MSS. Afr. s. 2325
Extents: 1 volume
20th century
Archive of Arthur Theodore Culwick
Correspondence and papers of Arthur Theodore Culwick (b. 1905)
Extents: 1.05 Linear metres (15 boxes)
Archive of Sir Clement Pleass
Personal and political papers of Sir Clement Pleass (1901-1988), colonial governor
Extents: 5.97 Linear metres (17 boxes)
Single Item
Correspondence of Leonard Heaney
Typescript transcription of letters written by Heaney from Tanganyika to his parents in England, compiled under the title Letters and Notes from Tanganyika 1929-1943.
Shelfmark: MSS. Afr. s. 2271
Extents: 141 pages
Single Item
Journal, notebooks and photographs of Major-General Stephen Seymour Butler
Eleven personal notebooks, with accounts of, and notes on, military service in East Africa, 1939-1943, with manuscript journal of journey into "unknown Arabia", 1907-1908, and photographs of Butler in uniform of Bimbashi or the Egyptian Army, c.1909.
Shelfmark: MSS.Afr.r.199
Extents: 1 box
1907-1909, 1939-1943
Single Item
Letters from Noel Smith (microfilm)
Letters written home as settler in Soy, Kenya, and about First World War service on the East African Front.
Shelfmark: Micr.Afr.599
Extents: 1 item
Single Item
Maps of Dr. Kenneth R.S. Morris
Maps of sleeping sickness areas of West and East Africa.
Shelfmark: MSS.Afr.t.34
Extents: 1 file
Maps of East Africa
Maps of East Africa, 1899-1904
Extents: 0.88 Linear metres (8 boxes)
Single Item
Papers of Alfred Dalton
The collection largely consists of diaries and correspondence relating to Dalton's career with the Tanganyika railways, the Kenya and Uganda Railways and Harbours Administration, and the East African Railways and Harbours Administration. There are also a small amount of papers relating to Dalton's Army service; reports and correspondence of the Maize and Produce Control Board; East African photographs and postcards (mainly of scenes/views, most of which belonged to Dalton's…
Shelfmark: MSS.Afr.s.2134
Extents: 5 boxes
1924-1966, 1984
Papers of Colonel Charles William G. Walker
Correspondence, minutes, agenda etc. relating to the Conference of Governors of the East African Dependencies, the Royal Commission, and the Joint Select Committee; Colonel Walker's journal (1922-1936) which includes details of his work on the Committee of Imperial Defence and the Conference of Governors; papers about Lord de la Warr's mission to Ethiopia.
Extents: 8 boxes
Single Item
Papers of Donald H. Laycock
Detailed memorandum on service in tea research stations, 1947-1978.
Shelfmark: MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 476 (24)
Extents: 51 ff.
Papers of Elspeth Josceline Huxley (1)
Papers of the writer Elspeth Josceline Huxley, 1901-1960.
Extents: 0.6 Linear metres (4 boxes)
Papers of Elspeth Josceline Huxley (2)
Papers of the writer Elspeth Joceline Huxley, 1900-1989.
Extents: 4.2 Linear metres (28 boxes)
Papers of Elspeth Josceline Huxley (3)
Papers of the writer Elspeth Josceline Huxley, 1929-1996.
Extents: 0.45 Linear metres (3 boxes)
Papers of F. de V. Joyce; records of Kilima Kiu Estate/Joyce Ltd.
Correspondence, printed memoranda, notes, press cuttings concerning political developments in Kenya, 1921-1950s
Correspondence, memoranda and notes concerning European settlement, land control, etc., Kenya, 1932-1946
Memoranda, correspondence, notes, reports, etc. relating to agriculture and livestock, industry, soil conservation, land use, etc., Kenya, 1931-1963
Extents: 12 boxes
Single Item
Papers of Geoffrey H.S. Wood
Letters and press cuttings from and about Wood, 1952-1957.
Shelfmark: MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 556
Extents: 1 folder
Papers of Geoffrey Milne
Diaries, reports, memoranda, correspondence, etc. of Geoffrey Milne, as soil scientist in East Africa and the West Indies, 1924-1942; with "Soils of Sukumaland" (Tanganyika): a final report by C.G.T. Morrison, 1956, and miscellaneous printed material, 1924-1959.
Extents: 4 boxes
Single Item
Papers of Jane Fosbrooke
'Ambo': transcripts of letters to her parents from Tanganyika, 1934-1935; transcript of interview, 1972, with J.J. Tawney on her experiences as wife of Henry Fosbrooke; autobiography, etc. Typescript.
Shelfmark: MSS.Afr.s.1906
Extents: 1 box
Papers of John Ford
Reports, memoranda, diaries and notes relating to work on tsetse fly and sleeping sickness in various parts of East Africa, as ecologist, 1930s-1970s.
Extents: 5 boxes
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Indexed subjects
- 20th century 37
- Africa, East 13
- Africa -- History -- 20th century 5
- Kenya -- History -- 1895-1963 4
- Pioneers -- Africa, East 4
- 19th century 3
- Africa 3
- Africa -- Description and travel 3
- Agriculture -- Kenya 3
- Art teachers -- Africa, East 3
- Land settlement -- Kenya 3
- Literature 3
- Africa, East -- Description and travel 2
- Africa, East -- Pictorial works 2
- African trypanosomiasis 2
- Congresses and conventions -- Africa, East 2
- Farmers -- Kenya 2
- Farms -- Kenya 2
- Kenya -- History -- Mau Mau Emergency, 1952-1960 2
- Kenya -- Politics and government -- 20th century 2
- Literature -- 20th century 2
- Social sciences 2
- Tanganyika 2
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Africa, East -- Personal narratives, British 2
- 21st century 1
- Aerial photographs 1
- Aeronautics -- History -- Personal narratives 1
- Africa, East -- Biography -- 20th century 1
- Africa, East -- Constitutional history 1
- Africa, East -- Description and travel -- Views 1
- Africa, East -- History -- 20th century 1
- Africa, South -- Officials and employees 1
- Africa, Southern -- History 1
- Africa, Southern -- History -- 20th century 1
- Africa, West 1
- Agriculture -- Africa, East -- History 1
- Agriculture -- Ethiopia -- History -- 20th century 1
- Agriculture -- India -- History 1
- Agriculture -- Kenya -- History -- 20th century 1
- Agriculture -- Kenya -- Machakos District -- History -- 20th century 1
- Agriculture -- Malawi -- History 1
- Agriculture -- Somalia -- History -- 20th century 1
- Agriculture -- Tanganyika 1
- Arabian Peninsular -- Biography -- 20th century 1
- Arabian Peninsular -- Description and travel 1
- Asia -- History -- 20th century 1
- Autonomy and independence movements -- History -- 20th century 1
- Botanists -- Africa 1
- Botanists -- Africa, East -- Biography 1
- Botany 1
- Botswana -- Constitutional history 1
- Charities - - Great Britain 1
- Civil service -- Nigeria, Eastern -- Colonies 1
- Clubs -- Africa, East 1
- Colonial administrators 1
- Colonial administrators -- Africa 1
- Colonial administrators -- Nigeria 1
- Colonial administrators -- Nigeria -- Correspondence 1
- Colonial administrators -- Tanganyika 1
- Colonial administrators' spouses -- Africa, East -- Correspondence 1
- Colonial administrators' spouses -- Africa, East -- Personal narratives 1
- Communism -- History -- 20th century 1
- Decolonization -- Great Britain -- Colonies -- History -- 20th century 1
- Ecologists -- Africa, East 1
- Education -- Africa 1
- Education -- Africa, East 1
- Education -- Kenya 1
- Education -- Tanganyika 1
- Education, colonial -- Africa 1
- Egypt -- Biography -- 20th century 1
- Engineering 1
- Europe -- Description and travel -- Views 1
- Europe -- History -- 20th century 1
- Farmers -- Tanganyika 1
- Federal government -- Africa 1
- Foresters -- Nigeria 1
- Geology -- Photographs 1
- Great Britain -- Politics and government 1
- Great Britain -- Armed Forces -- 20th century 1
- Great Britain -- Colonies -- Agriculture 1
- Great Britain -- Colonies -- Tanzania -- Administration -- Biography 1
- Great Britain -- Description and travel -- Views 1
- Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 20th century 1
- History 1
- Human services -- Africa, East 1
- Humanities 1
- India, North -- Biography -- 20th century 1
- Israel -- History -- 1948-1967 1
- Katanga (Congo) -- History 1
- Kavirondo (African people) 1
- Kenya 1
- Labor unions -- Great Britain -- Congresses 1
- Land use -- Kenya -- History -- 20th century 1
- Land use -- Kenya -- Machakos District -- History -- 20th century 1
- Landscape photography 1
- Livestock -- Kenya -- History -- 20th century 1
- Livestock -- Kenya -- Machakos District -- History -- 20th century 1
- Magadi (Kenya) 1
- Malawi -- Constitutional history 1
- Malawi -- History -- 20th century 1 ∧ less
- Indexed names
- Huxley | Elspeth Josceline | 1907-1997 | née Grant | author and journalist 3
- Butler | Stephen Seymour | 1880-1964 | Major-General 2
- Conference of Governors of the East African Dependencies 2
- Somers | Phoebe | d 1995 | art teacher 2
- Walker | Charles William Garne | 1882-1974 | Colonel 2
- Allen | John Richard | 1916-1998 | colonial officer 1
- Betts | Tristram Frederick (Jimmy) | 1908-1983 | forester and charity worker 1
- Burtt | Bernard Dearman | 1902-1938 | Botanist 1
- Buxton | Clarence Edward Victor | 1892-1967 | Colonial Administrator 1
- Central African Council 1
- Churchill | Winston Leonard Spencer | 1874-1965 | Sir | Knight Statesman and Historian 1
- Commission on Closer Union of the Dependencies in Eastern and Central Africa 1
- Culwick | Arthur Theodore | b 1905 | Colonial Administrator 1
- Dalton | Alfred | 1892-1984 | Colonial Railway Administrator 1
- Drury | Norman C | fl 1914-1963 | Government Printer in Kenya and Tanganyika 1
- East Africa Dinner Club 1
- East Africa European Pioneers' Society 1
- East African Agricultural Research Station 1
- Ford | John | fl 1930-1979 | ecologist 1
- Fosbrooke | Jane | fl 1934-1935 | wife of Henry Fosbrooke 1
- Gawler | A E | fl 1929-1947 1
- Great Britain | Army | Royal Fusiliers 1
- Great Britain | Colonial Administrative Service 1
- Great Britain | Colonial Office 1
- Great Britain | Committee of Imperial Defence 1
- Great Britain. War Office 1
- Harmer | Leslie B | fl 1942-1945 1
- Heaney | Leonard M. | b 1906 | colonial officer 1
- Huggins | Godfrey Martin | 1883-1971 | 1st Viscount Malvern | Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia 1
- Joyce Ltd. | | Kenya | Machakos District | livestock farm 1
- Joyce | Anne | | farmer in Kenya 1
- Joyce | Frank Horatio De Vere | 1888-1959 | farmer in Kenya 1
- Kilima Kiu estate | | Kenya | Machakos District | livestock farm 1
- Laycock | Donald H. | fl 1922-1978 | tea research officer 1
- Lutyens | W F | fl 1929-1947 | engineer 1
- Meinertzhagen | Richard | 1878-1967 | colonial administrator ornithologist 1
- Milne | Geoffrey | b 1898 | Agricultural Scientist Colonial Service 1
- Morris | Kenneth Robert Stacey | 1901-1980 | Entomologist 1
- Morrison | C G T | fl 1956 1
- Nepken | D | fl 1929-1947 1
- Oldham | Joseph Houldsworth | 1874-1969 | Missionary 1
- Oxfam GB 1
- Pleass | Sir | Clement | 1901-1988 | Knight | colonial governor 1
- Smith | Noel | fl 1914-1928 | settler in Kenya 1
- Smuts | Jan Christian | 1870-1950 | Statesman 1
- Somers | Phoebe Helen | d 1955 | art teacher 1
- Watkins | Oscar Ferris | 1877-1943 | soldier and colonial administrator 1
- Welensky | Sir | Roy Roland | 1907-1991 | Knight | Rhodesian Statesman 1
- Williams | Patrick Edward W | fl. 1943-1955 | teacher in East Africa 1
- Wood | Geoffrey H.S. | 1927-1957 | botanist 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 37
- Afrikaans 1
- German 1
- Swahili 1
- Undetermined 1
∨ more
∨ more