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Showing Collections: 541 - 546 of 546


Works of Paget Toynbee

Works of Paget Toynbee
Extents: 0.10 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: 1920-1921

X-rays of Anglo-Saxon and 12th-century English Bookbindings

X-rays of Anglo-Saxon and 12th-century English Bookbindings.
Extents: 0.22 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: Nov 1974 - Feb 1975
Single Item

Xerographic copy of typescript verses, 'Mr. John Aubrey’s Brief Lives, now newly arranged and versified by R[ichard] G[ilbertson]'

Xerographic copy of typescript verses, 'Mr. John Aubrey’s Brief Lives, now newly arranged and versified by R[ichard] G[ilbertson]', 1986.
Shelfmark: MS. Facs. c. 109
Extents: 29 Leaves
Dates: 1986
Single Item

Xerox copies of early poems by Dame Edith Louisa Sitwell

Xerox copies of early poems by Dame Edith Louisa Sitwell.
Shelfmark: MS. Facs. b. 57
Extents: 95 Leaves
Dates: c. 1911, n.d.
Single Item

Xerox copy of Edward Thomas: 'A Castle of Cloud'

Xerox copy of Edward Thomas: 'A Castle of Cloud'.
Shelfmark: MSS. Facs. c. 42, fols. 40-45
Extents: 6 Leaves
Dates: 1906-1908
Single Item

Xerox copy of the manuscript of C.S. Lewis', Spenser’s Images of Life

Xerox copy of the manuscript of C.S. Lewis', Spenser’s Images of Life.
Shelfmark: MS. Facs. d. 135
Extents: 89 Leaves
Dates: 1967

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: 20th century X
  • Indexed subjects: 20th century X
  • Indexed subjects: Literature X

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Indexed subjects
20th century 537
Literature 261
English literature -- 20th century 122
English literature 91
19th century 73
Letters 60
Poetry 59
Humanities 53
21st century 36
Poets 32
English Literature 31
English poetry -- 20th century 31
Literature -- 20th century 29
Authors -- 20th century 23
Children's literature 17
English poetry 17
Poems 17
Authors 16
Correspondence 16
Novelists -- 20th century 15
∨ more
Playwriting -- Drama 15
Letters -- 20th century 14
Manuscripts 12
Religion 12
18th century 10
English literature -- 19th century 10
Novelists 10
Literature -- Translations 9
Classical literature 8
Essays 8
Lectures and lecturing 8
Literary criticism 8
17th century 7
Art 7
Biography 7
Poetry -- 20th century 7
War poetry 7
Women authors, English -- 20th century 7
16th century 6
Authors -- 19th century 6
Authors, English -- 20th century 6
History 6
Journalism 6
Music 6
Poets -- 20th century 6
Poets, English -- 20th century -- Correspondence 6
Childrens literature -- 20th century 5
Diaries 5
Diaries -- 20th century 5
English language 5
German literature 5
University of Oxford 5
University of Oxford -- Intellectual life 5
World War, 1914-1918 5
Academic writing 4
Art, British -- 20th century 4
Artists 4
Authors, English 4
English poetry -- Women authors 4
Germany 4
Greek literature 4
Photographs 4
Publishers and publishing 4
Publishing 4
Sermons 4
Spanish literature 4
Theater -- England 4
Africa 3
Africa -- Description and travel 3
Africa -- History -- 20th century 3
Agriculture -- Kenya 3
Anthropology 3
Autobiography 3
Basque literature 3
Bodleian Library 3
Children's stories, English 3
Cricket 3
Dissertations, Academic 3
England -- Television and Film -- 20th century 3
English poetry -- 21st century 3
Fantasy fiction 3
French literature 3
Illustration of books 3
Illustrations 3
Ireland 3
Kenya -- History -- 1895-1963 3
Land settlement -- Kenya 3
Oxford (England) 3
Philosophy 3
Photography 3
Pioneers -- Africa, East 3
Politics and Government 3
Radio broadcasting -- Great Britain 3
Scholars 3
Science fiction 3
Theater 3
University of Oxford -- Societies, etc. 3
Art, British -- 20th century -- Exhibitions 2
Authors, English -- 19th century 2
Autographs 2
∧ less
Indexed names
Lewis | Clive Staples | 1898-1963 | writer 54
Auden | Wystan Hugh | 1907-1973 | poet and writer 13
Lawrence | Thomas Edward | 1888-1935 | Soldier, Author, and Archaeologist known as Lawrence of Arabia 12
Tolkien | John Ronald Reuel | 1892-1973 | philologist and author 11
Blunden | Edmund Charles | 1896-1974 | poet 10
Williams | Charles Walter Stansby | 1886-1945 | author 10
Larkin | Philip Arthur | 1922-1985 | poet 9
Mare | Walter John de la | 1873-1956 | author and poet 7
Cary | Arthur Joyce Lunel | 1888-1957 | Author 6
Masefield | John Edward | 1878-1967 | poet and novelist 6
Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | Poet Laureate 5
Pym | Barbara Mary Crampton | 1913-1980 | Novelist 5
University of Oxford 5
Benson | Edward Frederic | 1867-1940 | author 4
Coghill | Nevill Henry Kendal Aylmer | 1899-1980 | literary historian 4
Dodds | Eric Robertson | 1893-1979 | classical scholar 4
Dodgson | Edward Spencer | 1857-1922 | Bascologist 4
Grahame | Kenneth | 1859-1932 | writer and secretary of the Bank of England 4
Greene | Henry Graham | 1904-1991 | novelist 4
Lambert | Jack Walter | 1917-1985 | literary critic and editor 4
∨ more
MacNeice | Frederick Louis | 1907-1963 | poet and playwright 4
Sayers | Dorothy Leigh | 1893-1957 | playwright, author and humanist 4
Spender | Sir | Stephen Harold | 1909-1995 | Knight | poet 4
Amis | Sir | Kingsley William | 1922-1995 | Knight | novelist and literary critic 3
Chambers | Edmund Kerchever | 1866-1954 | Sir | Knight and English Scholar 3
Chapman | Robert William | 1881-1960 | English Scholar and Editor 3
Clark | Andrew | 1854-1922 | Clergyman and Antiquary 3
Coppard | Alfred Edgar | 1878-1957 | writer 3
Cornwell | David John Moore | 1931-2020 | writer, pseudonym John le Carré 3
Hooper | Walter McGehee | 1931-2020 | literary advisor 3
Huxley | Elspeth Josceline | 1907-1997 | née Grant | author and journalist 3
Lambert | Catherine | nee Read | b. 1918 | vocal coach 3
Lewis | Cecil | Day- | 1904-1972 | poet and novelist 3
Murdoch | Dame | Iris | 1919-1999 | novelist and philosopher 3
Pitter | Ruth | 1897-1992 | poet 3
Poynton | Arthur Blackburne | 1867-1944 | Greek scholar 3
Starkie | Enid | 1897-1970 | scholar 3
Wain | John Barrington | 1925-1994 | writer and poet 3
Aldiss | Brian Wilson | 1925-2017 | writer 2
Aldwinkle | Stella | fl 1954 2
Alighieri | Dante | 1265-1321 | poet 2
Barfield | Owen | 1898-1997 | author and poet 2
Beddoes | Thomas Lovell | 1803-1849 | poet and physiologist 2
Belloc | Joseph Hilaire Pierre | 1870-1953 | writer and historian 2
Betjeman | Sir | John | 1906-1984 | Knight | Poet Laureate and writer 2
Binyon | Laurence | 1869-1943 | Poet and art historian 2
Bladen | Peter | 1922-2001 | Poet 2
Bridges | Mary Monica | 1863-1949 | née Waterhouse | wife of Robert Bridges 2
Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | poet laureate 2
Coles | Jenny | nee Joseph | 1932-2018 | writer 2
Deneke | Clara Sophie | 1847-1933 | Author 2
Deneke | Helena Clara | 1878-1973 | German scholar 2
Dodds | Annie Edwards | 1886/7–1973 | née Powell | lecturer in English at Reading University 2
Flecker | Herman James Elroy | 1884-1915 | poet and playwright 2
Gibson | Wilfrid Wilson | 1878-1962 | Georgian poet 2
Gosse | Sir | Edmund William | 1849-1928 | Knight | poet, biographer and literary critic 2
Grahame (née Thomson) | Elspeth | 1862–1946 2
Grahame | Elspeth S | 1862-1946 2
Greene | Vivien | 1904-2003 | collector 2
Hardie | Frank Martin | fl. 1926-1977 | author 2
Heaney | Seamus | 1939-2013 | Poet and Lecturer 2
Henrey | Madeleine (Mrs Robert Henrey) | 13 Aug. 1906–25 April 2004 | authoress 2
Hermogenes | 161-180 | of Tarsus, Greek rhetorician 2
Hewitt | William Graily | 1864-1952 | Novelist and calligrapher 2
Jennings | Elizabeth Joan | 1926-2001 | poet 2
Kafka | Franz | 1883-1924 | Writer 2
Kennedy | Ludovic Henry Coverley | b 1919 | Writer and Broadcaster 2
Montgomery | Robert Bruce | 1921-1978 | Composer and writer as Edmund Crispin 2
Moore | Edward | 1835-1916 | Principal of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford 2
Needham | Rodney | 1923-2006 | Anthropologist 2
Newman | John Henry | 1801-1890 | theologian and cardinal 2
Oxford University Writers' Club. 2
Ridler | Anne Barbara | 1912-2001 | née Bradby | poet and writer 2
Sassoon | Siegfried | 1886-1967 | poet 2
Shakespeare | William | 1564-1616 | Dramatist 2
Shelley | Mary Wollstonecraft | 1797-1851 | née Godwin | writer 2
Shelley | Percy Bysshe | 1792-1822 | poet 2
Shelley | Sir | Percy Florence | 1819-1889 | 3rd Baronet 2
Spender | Natasha | 1919-2010 | née Litvin | concert pianist 2
Stallworthy | Jon (Howie) | 1935-2014 | poet and literary critic 2
Streatfeild | Mary Noel | 1895-1986 | author 2
Swinburne | Algernon Charles | 1837-1909 | poet 2
Thwaite | Ann Barbara | 1932 | née Harrop | biographer 2
Thwaite | Anthony | b. 1930 | poet and writer 2
Treby | Ivor | 1933-2012 | poet, gay literary activist and Michael Field researcher 2
Trollope | Anthony | 1815-1882 | novelist 2
Wells | Herbert George | 1866-1946 | novelist 2
Wordsworth | Christopher | fl. 1910 2
Abbott | Claude Colleer |17 April 1889–17 Sept. 1971 | Professor of English Language and Literature in the University of Durham, 1932–54, Emeritus Professor, 1954 1
Acland | Sarah Angelina | 1849-1930 | Fellow of Royal Photographic Society and Royal Society of Arts 1
Adams | Richard George | 1920-2016 | Author 1
Adcock | Arthur St John | 1864-1930 | Novelist 1
Adcock | Marion L | fl 1879-1890 1
Algarotti | Francesco | 1712-1764 | Poet and scholar 1
Amis | Martin Louis | b 1949 | author 1
Anderson | J G C | fl 1901 1
Aristotle | 384-322 BC | Greek philosopher 1
Arlott | (Leslie Thomas) John | 1914-1991 | writer and broadcaster 1
Armiger | Miles Christian | fl. 20th century 1
Ashbaugh | Dennis | 1946- | Artist 1
∧ less
English 527
French 26
German 21
Latin 13
Italian 11
Spanish; Castilian 8
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 7
Dutch; Flemish 6
Chinese 4
Polish 4
Russian 4
Czech 3
Danish 3
Japanese 3
Welsh 3
Basque 2
Greek, Modern (1453-) 2
Croatian 2
Norwegian 2
Swedish 2