Showing Collections: 281 - 300 of 546
Single Item
Letters from writers to the Misses Mary and Evelyn Stanley-Smith
Letters from writers to the Misses Mary and Evelyn Stanley-Smith
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lett. c. 548, fols. 1-59
Extents: 59 Leaves
Single Item
Letters of Barbara Pym to Henry Harvey, with cartoons
Letters of Barbara Pym to Henry Harvey, with cartoons.
Shelfmark: MS. 9827
Extents: 1 box
Single Item
Letters of Edward John Thompson to Arthur St. John Adcock
Letters of Edward John Thompson to Arthur St. John Adcock.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lett. c. 463, fols. 69-93 = Cons. Res.
Extents: 25 Leaves
Letters of Iris Murdoch to David Hicks
Letters of Iris Murdoch to David Hicks
Extents: 0.33 Linear metres (3 shelfmarks)
1938-1991, n.d.
Single Item
Letters of Joyce Cary, Edmund Blunden, Arthur Mee, and Gillie Potter
Letters of Joyce Cary, Edmund Blunden, Arthur Mee, and Gillie Potter, 1899-1956.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 8410, fols. 59-64
Extents: 4 Leaves
Single Item
Letters relating to political and literary matters
Letters relating to political and literary matters
Shelfmark: MS. Don c. 155, fols. 1-24
Extents: 24 Leaves
Single Item
Letters to and from C.S. Lewis
Letters to and from C.S. Lewis
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 6825, fols. 41-80
Extents: 40 Leaves
1934-1961, n.d.
Single Item
Letters to and from C.S. Lewis, and other family correspondence
Letters to and from C.S. Lewis, and other family correspondence
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 6825, fols. 84-120
Extents: 37.0 Leaves
Letters to C.S. Lewis from American schoolchildren sent to his New York publishers, Macmillan
Letters to C.S. Lewis from American schoolchildren sent to his New York publishers, Macmillan, 1990-1991.
Extents: 0.22 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Single Item
Letters to Edmund Blunden
Letters sent to and by Edmund Blunden (1896-1974), poet and university teacher.
Extents: 1 box
Single Item
Letters to Edward Moore, mainly concerning his work on Dante
Letters to Edward Moore, mainly concerning his work on Dante
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 84
Extents: 158 Leaves
Single Item
Letters to E.R. Dodds
Letters to E.R. Dodds, 1964-1965.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 2720, fols. 103-107
Extents: 5 Leaves
Single Item
Letters to Lucia Valentine
Letters to Lucia Valentine.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 6761
Extents: 1 box
Single Item
Letters to Patrick and Joyce Knowles
Letters to Patrick and Joyce Knowles
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 6769
Extents: 304 Leaves
1931-80, n.d.
Single Item
Letters to Philip Larkin from Bruce and Ann Montgomery
Letters to Philip Larkin from Bruce and Ann Montgomery
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 2762
Extents: 108 Leaves
1943-80, n.d.
Single Item
Letters to Professor James Sutherland
Letters to Professor James Sutherland.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 8375
Extents: 1 box
Single Item
Letters to Walter de la Mare from Helen Thomas
31 manuscript letters from Helen Thomas (widow of the poet Edward Thomas) to Walter de la Mare, 1907-1945.
Shelfmark: MS. 16127
Extents: 1 box
Single Item
Letters to Walter Hooper from Sister Penelope Lawson and Chad Varah
Letters to Walter Hooper from Sister Penelope Lawson and Chad Varah.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 6859, fols. 3-6
Extents: 4 Leaves
Single Item
Letters to William Wordsworth from James Bean, Charles Daubney, Shute Barrington, William Mansell and Samuel Glasse
Letters to William Wordsworth from James Bean, Charles Daubney, Shute Barrington, William Mansell and Samuel Glasse
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. lett. c. 493, fols. 93-101
Extents: 9 Leaves
1799-1811, n.d.
Single Item
Lightly amended carbon typescript by Reginald G. Sims, subsequently published as The Sayings and Doings of T. E. Lawrence (Fleece Press, c.1994)
The Sayings and Doings of T. E. Lawrence by Reginald G. Sims
Shelfmark: Dep. d. 995
Extents: 40 Leaves
Jan 1937
Filtered By
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Additional filters:
- Indexed subjects
- 20th century 537
- Literature 261
- English literature -- 20th century 122
- English literature 91
- 19th century 73
- Letters 60
- Poetry 59
- Humanities 53
- 21st century 36
- Poets 32
- English Literature 31
- English poetry -- 20th century 31
- Literature -- 20th century 29
- Authors -- 20th century 23
- Children's literature 17
- English poetry 17
- Poems 17
- Authors 16
- Correspondence 16
- Novelists -- 20th century 15
- Playwriting -- Drama 15
- Letters -- 20th century 14
- Manuscripts 12
- Religion 12
- 18th century 10
- English literature -- 19th century 10
- Novelists 10
- Literature -- Translations 9
- Classical literature 8
- Essays 8
- Lectures and lecturing 8
- Literary criticism 8
- 17th century 7
- Art 7
- Biography 7
- Poetry -- 20th century 7
- War poetry 7
- Women authors, English -- 20th century 7
- 16th century 6
- Authors -- 19th century 6
- Authors, English -- 20th century 6
- History 6
- Journalism 6
- Music 6
- Poets -- 20th century 6
- Poets, English -- 20th century -- Correspondence 6
- Childrens literature -- 20th century 5
- Diaries 5
- Diaries -- 20th century 5
- English language 5
- German literature 5
- University of Oxford 5
- University of Oxford -- Intellectual life 5
- World War, 1914-1918 5
- Academic writing 4
- Art, British -- 20th century 4
- Artists 4
- Authors, English 4
- English poetry -- Women authors 4
- Germany 4
- Greek literature 4
- Photographs 4
- Publishers and publishing 4
- Publishing 4
- Sermons 4
- Spanish literature 4
- Theater -- England 4
- Africa 3
- Africa -- Description and travel 3
- Africa -- History -- 20th century 3
- Agriculture -- Kenya 3
- Anthropology 3
- Autobiography 3
- Basque literature 3
- Bodleian Library 3
- Children's stories, English 3
- Cricket 3
- Dissertations, Academic 3
- England -- Television and Film -- 20th century 3
- English poetry -- 21st century 3
- Fantasy fiction 3
- French literature 3
- Illustration of books 3
- Illustrations 3
- Ireland 3
- Kenya -- History -- 1895-1963 3
- Land settlement -- Kenya 3
- Oxford (England) 3
- Philosophy 3
- Photography 3
- Pioneers -- Africa, East 3
- Politics and Government 3
- Radio broadcasting -- Great Britain 3
- Scholars 3
- Science fiction 3
- Theater 3
- University of Oxford -- Societies, etc. 3
- Art, British -- 20th century -- Exhibitions 2
- Authors, English -- 19th century 2
- Autographs 2 ∧ less
- Indexed names
- Lewis | Clive Staples | 1898-1963 | writer 54
- Auden | Wystan Hugh | 1907-1973 | poet and writer 13
- Lawrence | Thomas Edward | 1888-1935 | Soldier, Author, and Archaeologist known as Lawrence of Arabia 12
- Tolkien | John Ronald Reuel | 1892-1973 | philologist and author 11
- Blunden | Edmund Charles | 1896-1974 | poet 10
- Williams | Charles Walter Stansby | 1886-1945 | author 10
- Larkin | Philip Arthur | 1922-1985 | poet 9
- Mare | Walter John de la | 1873-1956 | author and poet 7
- Cary | Arthur Joyce Lunel | 1888-1957 | Author 6
- Masefield | John Edward | 1878-1967 | poet and novelist 6
- Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | Poet Laureate 5
- Pym | Barbara Mary Crampton | 1913-1980 | Novelist 5
- University of Oxford 5
- Benson | Edward Frederic | 1867-1940 | author 4
- Coghill | Nevill Henry Kendal Aylmer | 1899-1980 | literary historian 4
- Dodds | Eric Robertson | 1893-1979 | classical scholar 4
- Dodgson | Edward Spencer | 1857-1922 | Bascologist 4
- Grahame | Kenneth | 1859-1932 | writer and secretary of the Bank of England 4
- Greene | Henry Graham | 1904-1991 | novelist 4
- Lambert | Jack Walter | 1917-1985 | literary critic and editor 4
- MacNeice | Frederick Louis | 1907-1963 | poet and playwright 4
- Sayers | Dorothy Leigh | 1893-1957 | playwright, author and humanist 4
- Spender | Sir | Stephen Harold | 1909-1995 | Knight | poet 4
- Amis | Sir | Kingsley William | 1922-1995 | Knight | novelist and literary critic 3
- Chambers | Edmund Kerchever | 1866-1954 | Sir | Knight and English Scholar 3
- Chapman | Robert William | 1881-1960 | English Scholar and Editor 3
- Clark | Andrew | 1854-1922 | Clergyman and Antiquary 3
- Coppard | Alfred Edgar | 1878-1957 | writer 3
- Cornwell | David John Moore | 1931-2020 | writer, pseudonym John le Carré 3
- Hooper | Walter McGehee | 1931-2020 | literary advisor 3
- Huxley | Elspeth Josceline | 1907-1997 | née Grant | author and journalist 3
- Lambert | Catherine | nee Read | b. 1918 | vocal coach 3
- Lewis | Cecil | Day- | 1904-1972 | poet and novelist 3
- Murdoch | Dame | Iris | 1919-1999 | novelist and philosopher 3
- Pitter | Ruth | 1897-1992 | poet 3
- Poynton | Arthur Blackburne | 1867-1944 | Greek scholar 3
- Starkie | Enid | 1897-1970 | scholar 3
- Wain | John Barrington | 1925-1994 | writer and poet 3
- Aldiss | Brian Wilson | 1925-2017 | writer 2
- Aldwinkle | Stella | fl 1954 2
- Alighieri | Dante | 1265-1321 | poet 2
- Barfield | Owen | 1898-1997 | author and poet 2
- Beddoes | Thomas Lovell | 1803-1849 | poet and physiologist 2
- Belloc | Joseph Hilaire Pierre | 1870-1953 | writer and historian 2
- Betjeman | Sir | John | 1906-1984 | Knight | Poet Laureate and writer 2
- Binyon | Laurence | 1869-1943 | Poet and art historian 2
- Bladen | Peter | 1922-2001 | Poet 2
- Bridges | Mary Monica | 1863-1949 | née Waterhouse | wife of Robert Bridges 2
- Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | poet laureate 2
- Coles | Jenny | nee Joseph | 1932-2018 | writer 2
- Deneke | Clara Sophie | 1847-1933 | Author 2
- Deneke | Helena Clara | 1878-1973 | German scholar 2
- Dodds | Annie Edwards | 1886/7–1973 | née Powell | lecturer in English at Reading University 2
- Flecker | Herman James Elroy | 1884-1915 | poet and playwright 2
- Gibson | Wilfrid Wilson | 1878-1962 | Georgian poet 2
- Gosse | Sir | Edmund William | 1849-1928 | Knight | poet, biographer and literary critic 2
- Grahame (née Thomson) | Elspeth | 1862–1946 2
- Grahame | Elspeth S | 1862-1946 2
- Greene | Vivien | 1904-2003 | collector 2
- Hardie | Frank Martin | fl. 1926-1977 | author 2
- Heaney | Seamus | 1939-2013 | Poet and Lecturer 2
- Henrey | Madeleine (Mrs Robert Henrey) | 13 Aug. 1906–25 April 2004 | authoress 2
- Hermogenes | 161-180 | of Tarsus, Greek rhetorician 2
- Hewitt | William Graily | 1864-1952 | Novelist and calligrapher 2
- Jennings | Elizabeth Joan | 1926-2001 | poet 2
- Kafka | Franz | 1883-1924 | Writer 2
- Kennedy | Ludovic Henry Coverley | b 1919 | Writer and Broadcaster 2
- Montgomery | Robert Bruce | 1921-1978 | Composer and writer as Edmund Crispin 2
- Moore | Edward | 1835-1916 | Principal of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford 2
- Needham | Rodney | 1923-2006 | Anthropologist 2
- Newman | John Henry | 1801-1890 | theologian and cardinal 2
- Oxford University Writers' Club. 2
- Ridler | Anne Barbara | 1912-2001 | née Bradby | poet and writer 2
- Sassoon | Siegfried | 1886-1967 | poet 2
- Shakespeare | William | 1564-1616 | Dramatist 2
- Shelley | Mary Wollstonecraft | 1797-1851 | née Godwin | writer 2
- Shelley | Percy Bysshe | 1792-1822 | poet 2
- Shelley | Sir | Percy Florence | 1819-1889 | 3rd Baronet 2
- Spender | Natasha | 1919-2010 | née Litvin | concert pianist 2
- Stallworthy | Jon (Howie) | 1935-2014 | poet and literary critic 2
- Streatfeild | Mary Noel | 1895-1986 | author 2
- Swinburne | Algernon Charles | 1837-1909 | poet 2
- Thwaite | Ann Barbara | 1932 | née Harrop | biographer 2
- Thwaite | Anthony | b. 1930 | poet and writer 2
- Treby | Ivor | 1933-2012 | poet, gay literary activist and Michael Field researcher 2
- Trollope | Anthony | 1815-1882 | novelist 2
- Wells | Herbert George | 1866-1946 | novelist 2
- Wordsworth | Christopher | fl. 1910 2
- Abbott | Claude Colleer |17 April 1889–17 Sept. 1971 | Professor of English Language and Literature in the University of Durham, 1932–54, Emeritus Professor, 1954 1
- Acland | Sarah Angelina | 1849-1930 | Fellow of Royal Photographic Society and Royal Society of Arts 1
- Adams | Richard George | 1920-2016 | Author 1
- Adcock | Arthur St John | 1864-1930 | Novelist 1
- Adcock | Marion L | fl 1879-1890 1
- Algarotti | Francesco | 1712-1764 | Poet and scholar 1
- Amis | Martin Louis | b 1949 | author 1
- Anderson | J G C | fl 1901 1
- Aristotle | 384-322 BC | Greek philosopher 1
- Arlott | (Leslie Thomas) John | 1914-1991 | writer and broadcaster 1
- Armiger | Miles Christian | fl. 20th century 1
- Ashbaugh | Dennis | 1946- | Artist 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 527
- French 26
- German 21
- Latin 13
- Italian 11
- Spanish; Castilian 8
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 7
- Dutch; Flemish 6
- Chinese 4
- Polish 4
- Russian 4
- Czech 3
- Danish 3
- Japanese 3
- Welsh 3
- Basque 2
- Greek, Modern (1453-) 2
- Croatian 2
- Norwegian 2
- Swedish 2
- Afrikaans 1
- Arabic 1
- Catalan; Valencian 1
- Estonian 1
- Finnish 1
- Irish 1
- Hebrew 1
- Portuguese 1
- Scots 1
- Swahili 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more
∨ more