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Showing Collections: 81 - 100 of 132


Manuscripts of John Selden

Manuscripts of John Selden
Extents: 40.48 Linear metres (368 boxes)
Dates: 8th-18th century

Marshall Manuscripts

Marshall Manuscripts
Extents: 17.27 Linear metres (157 boxes)
Dates: 9th-17th century
Single Item

A Martyrology, based on and abbreviated from the work of Usuardus

A Martyrology, based on and abbreviated from the work of Usuardus, written in about A.D. 1500 in Westphalia.
Shelfmark: MS. Add. A. 283
Extents: 93 Leaves
Dates: written in about A.D. 1500 in Westphalia

Massey Manuscripts

Miscellaneous manuscripts collected by Richard Middleton Massey, 15th-17th century.
Extents: 1.54 Linear metres (14 boxes)
Dates: 15th-17th century
Single Item

A medley of Greek pieces

A medley of Greek pieces, written in about A.D. 1500.
Shelfmark: MS. Auct. T. 6. 5
Extents: 289 Leaves
Dates: written in about A.D. 1500

Meerman Manuscripts

Manuscripts collection of Jan Meerman.
Extents: 6.49 Linear metres (59 boxes)
Dates: 10th-17th century

Mendham Manuscripts

Mendham Manuscripts, 15th-17th century, almost entirely connected with the Council of Trent.
Extents: 4.07 Linear metres (37 boxes)
Dates: 15th-17th century

Microfiches of Legal Manuscripts

Microfiches of Legal Manuscripts.
Extents: 7.41 Linear metres (73 boxes)
Dates: originals dated c.1300-1834

Microfiches of Yale Law School Legal Manuscripts

Microfiches of Yale Law School Legal Manuscripts.
Extents: 1.0 Linear metres (10 boxes)
Dates: originals dated 1346-1645, copies dated 20th century
Single Item

A miscellaneous collection of papers, chiefly copies or drafts of deeds relating to the University or Colleges of Oxford

A miscellaneous collection of papers, chiefly copies or drafts of deeds relating to the University or Colleges of Oxford
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Oxon b. 39
Extents: 105 Leaves
Dates: Written in the 13th-18th century
Single Item

Miscellaneous documents and letters in Latin and French, some fragmentary, apparently from a Paris lawyer's office

Miscellaneous documents and letters in Latin and French, some fragmentary, apparently from a Paris lawyer's office, late 15th-early 16th century.
Shelfmark: MS. French c. 7
Extents: 81 Leaves
Dates: Late 15th-early 16th century

Miscellaneous Documents relating mainly to Norfolk and Suffolk

Miscellaneous Documents relating mainly to Norfolk and Suffolk, 15th-17th century.
Extents: 0.33 Linear metres (3 boxes)
Dates: 15th-17th century
Single Item

Miscellaneous Norfolk papers

Miscellaneous Norfolk papers, partly Norwich city records
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Norfolk c. 2
Extents: 130 Leaves
Dates: Written in the 15th-18th century

Montagu Manuscripts

Manuscripts collected by Captain Montagu, 15th-19th century.
Extents: 3.52 Linear metres (62 boxes)
Dates: 15th-19th century
Single Item

'MS. Scraps', chiefly about English antiquities

'MS. Scraps', chiefly about English antiquities
Shelfmark: MS. Top. gen. c. 23
Extents: 120 Leaves
Dates: Written in the 15th-18th century
Single Item

'MS. Scraps', relating to London

'MS. Scraps', relating to London
Shelfmark: MS. Top. London c. 4
Extents: 28 Leaves
Dates: Written in the 15th-18th century

Normandy Papers

Papers including 357 documents relating to the financial administration of Normandy, including receipts for payment of wages and for other services, and orders for the collection of taxes, 1357-1511; 27 assessments for the payment of fouage (hearth tax) and other levies in various parishes in Normandy, 1369-1536; and a scheme of building work to be carried out in the church of Capelle-les-Grands, Normandy, 1444.
Extents: 385 shelfmarks
Dates: 1357-1536

North Manuscripts

Miscellaneous manuscripts owned by North. The manuscripts include English, Latin and Norman French (Anglo-Norman).
Extents: 5 shelfmarks
Dates: 13th-16th cent.
Single Item

Notebook of Sir William Dugdale

Notebook of Sir William Dugdale.
Shelfmark: MS. Dugdale 52
Extents: 192 Leaves
Dates: c.1133-1627
Single Item

Papers and treatises, chiefly by or relating to John Gunthorpe, Dean of Wells

Papers and treatises, chiefly by or relating to John Gunthorpe, dean of Wells
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 587
Extents: 231 Leaves
Dates: Made up of several MSS. written in the 15th and 16th century in England

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  • Indexed subjects: 16th century X
  • Indexed subjects: x - 15th century X

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Indexed subjects
17th century 98
14th century 70
18th century 66
13th century 53
x - 12th century 41
19th century 40
20th century 23
x - 11th century 23
Oxfordshire (England) 15
x - 10th century 15
Antiquarians 14
Literature 14
Manuscripts, Greek 10
Religion 9
x - 9th century 9
Buckinghamshire (England) 8
Deeds -- England 8
Theology 8
Correspondence 7
Greek literature 7
∨ more
Berkshire (England) 6
Legal documents 6
Manuscripts 6
Medicine 6
Gloucestershire (England) 5
Liturgies 5
Manuscripts, Latin 5
Norfolk (England) 5
Saints 5
Sermons 5
Yorkshire (England) 5
x - 14th century 5
x - 8th century 5
Astronomy 4
Great Britain -- History 4
Ireland 4
London (England) 4
Suffolk (England) 4
Surrey (England) 4
Accounts 3
Bedfordshire (England) 3
Classical literature 3
Derbyshire (England) 3
France 3
Genealogy 3
Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 3
Hampshire (England) 3
Herefordshire (England) 3
Italy 3
Kent (England) 3
Lawyers 3
Lincolnshire (England) 3
Local history 3
Manors -- England 3
Manuscripts, Anglo-Norman 3
Manuscripts, Medieval 3
Music 3
Northamptonshire (England) 3
Royal family 3
Warwickshire (England) 3
Wiltshire (England) 3
Worcestershire (England) 3
Antiquities 2
Astrology 2
Authors, Classical 2
Beaurepaire (England) 2
Charters 2
Courts, manorial 2
Devon (England) 2
Diplomatic and consular service -- British 2
Dorset (England) 2
Essex (England) 2
Fathers of the church 2
France -- Description and travel 2
Great Britain -- Topography 2
Heraldry 2
Hertfordshire (England) 2
History 2
Italy -- Description and travel 2
Letters 2
Manors -- England -- Oxfordshire 2
Manuscripts, English (Middle) 2
Manuscripts, English (Old) 2
Mathematics 2
Nottinghamshire (England) 2
Oxford (England) 2
Philosophy 2
Poems 2
Romances 2
Rutland (England) 2
Science 2
Shropshire (England) 2
Staffordshire (England) 2
Turkey -- Description and travel 2
21st century 1
Account books 1
Alton (Staffordshire, England) 1
Ashley 1
∧ less
Indexed names
University of Oxford 3
Brocas | family | Beaurepaire 2
Dugdale | Sir | William | 1605-1686 | Knight | antiquary and herald 2
Pole | Reginald | 1500-1558 | cardinal and archbishop of Canterbury 2
Theocritus | c 300 BC-260 BC | Greek poet 2
Allin | Sir | Thomas | 1612-1685 | Knight | Admiral 1
Amand | James St | 1687-1754 | Antiquary 1
Anselm | 1033-1109 | Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury 1
Anstis | John | 1669-1744 | herald, antiquary, and MP 1
Aquinas | Thomas | 1225-1274 | Dominican friar, philosopher, Catholic Priest 1
Aristotle | 384-322 BC | Greek philosopher 1
Ashmole | Elias | 1617-1692 | Antiquary and Astrologer 1
Aubrey | John | 1626-1697 | antiquary, topographer 1
Augustine | d 604 | Saint, first Archbishop of Canterbury 1
Bacon | Roger | ? 1214-1294 | philosopher 1
Bandinel | Bulkeley | 1781-1861 | Bodley's Librarian 1
Barlow | Thomas | 1607-1691 | Bishop of Lincoln 1
Bernard | Edward | 1638-1696 | Astronomer and Scholar 1
Bertie | Earls of Abingdon 1
Birrell | Augustine | 1850-1933 | author and statesman 1
∨ more
Bodleian Library | University of Oxford 1
Booker | John | 1603-1667 | Astrologer 1
Bowyer | Sir | George | 1811-1883 | 7th Baronet | Lawyer, MP 1
Bradbrooke | William | fl. c. 1903 1
Bramston | Sir | John | 1611-1700 | Politician and autobiographer 1
Brewster | William | fl 1715 1
Brocas | Bernard | d 1400 | of Beaurepaire 1
Brocas | Johanna | d 1429 1
Brocas | Prudence | 1617-1661 1
Brocas | William | d 1456 | of Beaurepaire, MP, and Sherriff of Hampshire 1
Bruce | John | 1802-1869 | Antiquary 1
Brus | Robert de | ? 1078-1141 1
Butler | James | 1390-1452 | 4th Earl of Ormond | called the White Earl 1
Caesar | Julius | 1558-1636 | Sir | Knight Judge 1
Caley | John | 1763-1834 | archivist, antiquary and secretary to Record Commission 1
Canonici | Matteo Luigi | 1727-1805 | Jesuit 1
Carew | George | 1555-1629 | Earl of Totnes | statesman 1
Carpenter | William Boyd | 1841-1918 | bishop of Ripon 1
Chandlings Farm | Kennington (England) 1
Cherry | Francis | ? 1665-1713 | Nonjuror, Antiquary, and Collector of MSS. and Coins 1
Chrysostom | John | 347-407 | Saint 1
Church of England | Diocese of Canterbury 1
Church of England | Diocese of Norwich 1
Company of Butchers and Poulterers | Oxford 1
Company of Cordwainers | Oxford 1
Company of Mercers, Grocers and Woollen Drapers | Oxford 1
Company of Tailors | Oxford 1
Cooke | William | 1757-1832 | legal writer 1
Cope | A. D. | fl. 1909 1
Cottle | Wyatt | fl. 1810 | vicar of Cholsey 1
Cromwell | Oliver | 1599-1658 | Lord Protector 1
Crynes | Nathaniel | 1686-1745 | Fellow of St John's College, Oxford 1
D'Orville | Jacques Philippe | 1696-1751 | Classical Scholar 1
Dee | John | 1527-1608 | Mathematician and Astrologer 1
Digby | Sir | Kenelm | 1603-1665 | Knight | Author Naval Commander and Diplomat 1
Dillons | solicitors | Dublin 1
Dodsworth | Roger | 1585-1654 | Antiquary 1
Douce | Francis | 1757-1834 | Antiquary 1
Doxapatres | Joannes | fl 11th century | of Constantinople, monk 1
Doyle | Charles William | 1770-1842 | Sir | Knight General 1
Doyle | family | Bramblestown, County Kilkenny 1
Egypt | British Protectorate. 1
Elizabeth I | 1533-1603 | Queen of England and Ireland 1
Elizabeth of York | 1466-1503 | queen consort of Henry VII 1
Elliot | Gilbert | 1800-1891 | Dean of Bristol 1
Ellis | W Paterson | fl 1889-1901 1
Eusebius of Caesarea | 265-339 AD | historian of Christianity, exegete, and Christian polemicist 1
Ewelme Almshouse Charity 1
Fairfax | Thomas | 1612-1671 | 3rd Baron Fairfax | politician, general, and Parliamentary commander-in-chief during the English Civil War 1
Fell | John | 1625-1686 | Bishop of Oxford 1
Finch | Robert | 1783-1830 | Antiquary 1
Fleury | André-Hercule | de | 1653-1743 | Cardinal 1
Forman | Simon | 1552-1611 | Astrologer 1
Forrest | Sir | George William David Starck | 1845-1926 | Knight | historian 1
Gaignieres | Francois Roger De | 1642-1715 | French genealogist, antiquary and collector 1
Gardiner | Sir | James Whalley S. | 1788-1851 | 3rd Baronet of Roche Court, Tackley and Cuddeson 1
Gardiner | family | baronets | Roche Court 1
Gentili | Alberico | 1552-1608 | Italian jurist 1
Gentilis | Scipio | 1563-1616 | Professor of Law at Altdorf 1
Gibson | Edmund | 1669-1748 | Bishop of Lincoln and London, jurist and antiquary 1
Gisburne priory | Yorkshire 1
Goring Priory 1
Gough | Richard | 1735-1809 | antiquary 1
Gravius | Theodoricus | fl 1630-1641 | Astrologer 1
Gray's Inn 1
Great Britain and Ireland | Foreign Office 1
Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Foreign Office 1
Gunthorpe | John | d. 1498 | Dean of Wells 1
Harcourt | Aubrey | 1852-1904 1
Harcourt | Edward William | 1825-1891 | politician 1
Harcourt | Edward | 1757-1847 | formerly Venables-Vernon | Archbishop of York 1
Harcourt | Elizabeth | 1657/8-1724 | nee Spencer, later Anderson | wife of 1st Viscount Harcourt 1
Harcourt | Elizabeth | d 1826 | nee Venables-Vernon | wife of 2nd Earl Harcourt 1
Harcourt | Family | Nuneham Courtenay 1
Harcourt | Family | Stanton Harcourt 1
Harcourt | George Granville | 1785-1861 | formerly Venables-Vernon | MP, Barrister 1
Harcourt | George Simon | 1736-1809 | 2nd Earl Harcourt 1
Harcourt | Lady | Anne | d 1664 | nee Waller | wife of Sir Philip Harcourt 1
Harcourt | Lady | Elizabeth | d 1713 | nee Lee | wife of Sir Philip Harcourt 1
Harcourt | Lewis | 1863-1922 | 1st Viscount Harcourt | politician 1
∧ less
English 101
Latin 84
French 25
Italian 25
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 19
Greek, Modern (1453-) 15
German 9
English, Old (ca.450-1100) 7
Arabic 7
Spanish; Castilian 7
Dutch; Flemish 6
English, Middle (1100-1500) 6
Hebrew 6
Russian 5
Portuguese 4
Church Slavic; Old Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church Slavonic 3
French, Old (842-ca.1400) 3
Persian 3
Scots 3
Coptic 2