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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 103

Single Item

An 'Apostel', i.e. Slavonic Epistle Book in its usual form

An 'Apostel', i.e. Slavonic Epistle Book in its usual form
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 942
Extents: 443 Leaves
Dates: Written in or shortly before A.D. 1557 at Kholmogory, in Russia
Single Item

Articuli ... ecclesiae Anglicanae (London, 1575) interleaved with a copy of the English version of the 1562 articles

Articuli ... ecclesiae Anglicanae (London, 1575) interleaved with a copy of the English version of the 1562 articles
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. e. 111
Extents: 50 Leaves
Dates: 1720
Single Item

Bernardini Ochini Sene[n]sis de Christo sermo ex Italico in Latinum conversus

'Bernardini Ochini Sene[n]sis de Christo sermo ex Italico in Latinum conversus,' written in the middle of the 16th century by Queen Elizabeth I.
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 6
Extents: 42 Leaves
Dates: written in the middle of the 16th century by Queen Elizabeth I

Calendar and index of the first Hereford Cathedral Dean and Chapter act book

Calendar and index of the first Hereford Cathedral Dean and Chapter act book
Extents: 0.2 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: 1973-1974 (original 1512-1566)
Single Item

A careful certified copy of the original 'Decretum Vnionis Ecclesie Latinae ac Grecae, cum subscriptionibus ...'

A careful certified copy of the original 'Decretum Vnionis Ecclesie Latinae ac Grecae, cum subscriptionibus ...'
Shelfmark: MS. Gr. th. a. 1 (R)
Extents: 1 roll
Dates: Written in A.D. 1526 at Florence
Single Item

Catena from the Fathers of the Church on the second part of the Psalter

Catena from the Fathers of the Church on the second part of the Psalter
Shelfmark: MS. Auct. E. 1. 5
Extents: 306 Leaves
Dates: 16th century, beginning
Single Item

Catena on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans

Catena on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans
Shelfmark: MS. Auct. E. 2. 20
Extents: 236 Leaves
Dates: 16th century
Single Item

A collection of medical receipts, prayers in case of illness

A collection of medical receipts, prayers in case of illness
Shelfmark: MS. Add. B. 1
Extents: 48 Leaves
Dates: Written in the 16th century
Single Item

Collection of religious Latin writings by Nicholas Hickett

Collection of religious Latin writings by Nicholas Hickett
Shelfmark: MS. e Mus. 182
Extents: 263 Leaves
Dates: Written about A.D. 1570 by Nicholas Hickett (?)
Single Item

Collection on the Council of Florence

Collection on the Council of Florence, in Greek, written in Italy in the second half of the 16th century.
Shelfmark: MS. Gr. misc. c. 6
Extents: 123 Leaves
Dates: Second half of the 16th century
Single Item

Commentaries on the Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes

Commentaries on the Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes
Shelfmark: MS. Auct. E. 2. 17
Extents: 293 Leaves
Dates: 16th century
Single Item

'Commentarii ad Secundam Secundæ d. Thomæ, editi a religiosissimo doctore Francisco Pereira e societate Iesu Eboræ anno Domini 1584'

'Commentarii ad Secundam Secundæ d. Thomæ, editi a religiosissimo doctore Francisco Pereira e societate Iesu Eboræ anno Domini 1584'
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 128
Extents: 363 Leaves
Dates: Written in A.D. 1586 at Evora (?) in Portugal
Single Item

'Commentarii editi a patre religiosissimo doctoreque sapientissimo Sebastiano Barradas in sacrosancta Iesu Christi Evangelia'

'Commentarii editi a patre religiosissimo doctoreque sapientissimo Sebastiano Barradas in sacrosancta Iesu Christi Evangelia'
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 112
Extents: 200 Leaves
Dates: Written about A.D. 1585 at Evora (?) in Portugal
Single Item

A commentary on Quaestiones xxix-cxiv of the Prima Pars Summae Theologiae of st. Thomas Aquinas

A commentary on Quaestiones xxix-cxiv of the Prima Pars Summae Theologiae of st. Thomas Aquinas
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 114
Extents: 495 Leaves
Dates: Written in A.D. 1573 in Spain in more than one hand

A commentary on Romans I-XVI

A commentary on Romans I-XVI
Extents: 0.44 Linear metres (4 boxes)
Dates: 1550-1600
Single Item

'Contiones tam de Tempore quam de Sanctis, ab Aduentu Domini usque ad Pentecostem'

'Contiones tam de Tempore quam de Sanctis, ab Aduentu Domini usque ad Pentecostem'
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 14
Extents: 578 Leaves
Dates: Written late in the 16th century
Single Item

Copies, in two gothic hands, of orders and rules relating to monastic orders in Spain

Copies, in two gothic hands, of orders and rules relating to monastic orders in Spain, 16th-17th century, and letter from Cardinal Lorenzo Campeggi, 1535.
Shelfmark: MS. Spanish d. 5
Extents: 17 Leaves
Dates: 16th-17th century
Single Item

A copy of a treatise de Sacramentis

A copy of a treatise de Sacramentis
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 629
Extents: 287 Leaves
Dates: Written in 1599-1600 in England
Single Item

A copy of some Latin statutes of King's college, Cambridge

A copy of some Latin statutes of King's college, Cambridge
Shelfmark: MS. e Mus. 87
Extents: 54 Leaves
Dates: Written in the 16th century in England

Cromwell Manuscripts

Manuscripts collected by Oliver Cromwell.
Extents: 2.64 Linear metres (24 boxes)
Dates: 11th-16th century

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  • Indexed subjects: 16th century X
  • Indexed subjects: Religion X

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Indexed subjects
17th century 25
18th century 18
Literature 18
Theology 17
19th century 15
20th century 10
Church records and registers 10
Greek literature 9
x - 15th century 9
Oxfordshire (England) 7
Letters 5
Prayers 5
Sermons 5
13th century 4
14th century 4
Manuscripts, Greek 4
Papacy 4
x - 12th century 4
Church 3
Church records and registers -- England -- Oxfordshire 3
∨ more  
Indexed names
Church of England 10
Harris | C. G | Oxfordshire Family History Society 3
Luther | Martin | 1483-1546 | theologist and reformer 2
Argentine | Richard | 1510/11-1568 | schoolmaster and Church of England clergyman 1
Bellarmine | Cardinal | Robert | 1542-1621 | Jesuit and Cardinal of the Catholic Church 1
Cambridge University 1
Campeggi | Lorenzo | 1474-1539 | cardinal 1
Cecil | William | 1591-1668 | 2nd Earl of Salisbury 1
Chrysostom | John | 347-407 | Saint 1
Ciruelo | Pedro | Sanchez | 1470-1560 | Mathematician, astrologer and philosopher 1
Cox | Richard | 1500-1581 | bishop of Ely 1
Cromwell | Oliver | 1599-1658 | Lord Protector 1
Day | George | c 1502-1556 | bishop of Chichester 1
Edward VI | 1537-1553 | King of England and Ireland 1
Elizabeth I | 1533-1603 | Queen of England and Ireland 1
Felle | Robert | fl 1509-1510 1
Frangipani | Fabio | Mirto | 1514-1587 | Papal nuncio and cardinal 1
Gennadius II | c.1400-c.1473 | Patriarch of Constantinople 1
Gilpin | Bernard | 1517-1583 | Archdeacon of Durham 1
Goadby | Frank Reginald Lindsay | 1899-1985 | Brigadier Historian of Standlake 1
∨ more
Gunthorpe | John | d. 1498 | Dean of Wells 1
Heath | Nicholas | 1501-1578 | administrator and the archbishop of York 1
Henry VIII | 1491-1547 | King of England and Ireland 1
Hereford Cathedral 1
Hickett | Nicholas | fl. 1570 1
Higgs | John | fl. 1571 | Vicar of Highley 1
Holmes | Robert | 1748-1805 | Biblical Scholar 1
Hyde | Edward | 1609-1674 | 1st Earl of Clarendon | Lord Chancellor 1
Inglis | Esther | 1571-1624 | calligrapher and minaturist 1
James | Thomas | ? 1573-1629 | Bodley's Librarian and Sub Dean of Wells 1
Joseph II | 1360-1439 | Patriarch of Constantinople 1
Klontzas | Georgius | 1540?-1608 | artist and illuminator 1
Latymer | William | 1498/9-1583 | Dean of Peterborough and biographer of Anne Boleyn 1
Lesley [Leslie] | John |1527–1596 | bishop of Ross, historian, and conspirator 1
Libri | Guillaume | 1803-1869 | Professor of Mathematical Physics 1
Mary I | 1542-1587 | Queen of Scots 1
Mendham | Joseph | 1769-1856 | Anglican Clergyman, Controversialist, and Historian 1
Montagu | Edward | 1602-1671 | 2nd Earl of Manchester 1
Nowell | Alexander | c. 1516/17–1602 | dean of St Paul's 1
Parkine | Robert | fl 1554-1556 | Parson of Adwick-le-Street, Doncaster 1
Paul IV | 1476-1559 | Pope 1
Philip II | 1527-1598 | King of Spain, King of Portugal, King of Naples and Sicily, King of England and Ireland (jure uxoris) 1
Plusiadenus | Johannes | Bishop of Methone 1
Pole | Reginald | 1500-1558 | cardinal and archbishop of Canterbury 1
Probatares | Emmanuel | fl. 16th century 1
Savile | Sir | Henry | 1549-1622 | knight | mathematician 1
Schwayckofer | Johannes | fl. 1534 | Benedictine monk 1
Sheldon | Gilbert | 1598-1677 | Archbishop of Canterbury 1
Smith | George | fl. c.1593-1609 | notary public 1
Southwell | Robert | c 1561-1595 | Jesuit and poet 1
Spencer | Robert | 1641-1702 | 2nd Earl of Sunderland | nobleman and politician 1
Sulmona | Paul de Caputgrassis | de | fl. 1414 | Papal collector 1
Theodoret | 393-457 | of Cyrus | influential theologian of the School of Antioch, biblical commentator and Christian bishop of Cyrrhus 1
Tomson | Laurence | 1539-1608 | politician, author, and translator 1
Whethamstede [Whethamstead, Bostock] | John [Johannes] |c.1392–1465 | scholar and abbot of St Albans 1
Winchester College | public school 1
Wolsey | Thomas | 1470/1-1530 | Royal minister, archbishop of York, and cardinal 1
∧ less
Latin 45
English 40
Greek, Modern (1453-) 12
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 5
Spanish; Castilian 5
German 3
Italian 3
Slavic languages 3
Church Slavic; Old Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church Slavonic 1
English, Middle (1100-1500) 1
French 1
Multiple languages 1
Portuguese 1
Russian 1