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Showing Collections: 261 - 280 of 415


Records of Oxford Companies and Trade Guilds Collected by Frederick Joseph Morrell

A collection of the records of Oxford companies and trade guilds of the mercers, grocers, cordwainers, tailors, butchers, and poulterers, collected by Frederick Joseph Morrell. The collection includes records of: The Company of Cordwainers, including ordinances, royal charters, minutes, and accounts, 1260-1846 The Company of Tailors, including election and order books, ordinances and…
Extents: 25 shelfmarks
Dates: 1260-1852

Rigaud Manuscripts

Manuscripts of S.P. Rigaud, including transcripts, summaries of lectures, and papers relating to Edmond Halley.
Extents: 2.31 Linear metres (21 boxes)
Dates: 16th-19th cent.

Risley Papers

The Risley papers consist of: Barber papers, including title deeds to lands in Adderbury and Milton, Easington, Calthorpe, Banbury, Grimsbury, Neithrop, Wickham, South Stoke and Fritwell (Oxfordshire); Hexton, Kingswalden, Offley, Lilley, Wandon End and Kensworth (Hertfordshire); and Shefford, Camton and Luton (Bedfordshire); as well as to certain property in London, and a few deeds relating to other…
Extents: 79 shelfmarks
Dates: 1486-1910

Roe Manuscripts

Manuscripts collected by Sir Thomas Roe.
Extents: 3.30 Linear metres (30 boxes)
Dates: 10th-17th century
Single Item

Rolls of the manor of Finmere, Oxfordshire

Rolls of the manor of Finmere, Oxfordshire
Shelfmark: Dep. b. 190
Extents: 1 box
Dates: 1565-1625

Rubbings of monumental brasses collected by Major Owen Evans

Extents: 7.98 Linear metres (119 boxes)
Dates: n.d. [20th cent.?]

Rylands Manuscripts

Manuscripts collected and compiled by W.H. Rylands.
Extents: 15.17 Linear metres (205 boxes)
Dates: 16th-20th century

Saibante Manuscripts

Greek manuscripts from the library of Giovanni Saibante (fl 1732).
Extents: 5.72 Linear metres (52 boxes)
Dates: 10th-17th cent.

Savile Manuscripts

Savile Manuscripts
Extents: 6.72 Linear metres (62 boxes)
Dates: 15th-17th century
Single Item


Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. c. 27
Extents: 30 Leaves
Dates: Written in the 16th-18th century

Selden Manuscripts

Correspondence and papers of John Selden, with some manuscripts owned by him.
Extents: 4.95 Linear metres (45 boxes)
Dates: 1598-1655

Sheldon Papers

Volumes chiefly owned by, and many written to, Archbishop Gilbert Sheldon, 16th-18th century.
Extents: 0.77 Linear metres (7 boxes)
Dates: 16th-18th century

Shelley Manuscripts and Relics (additions)

Literary notebooks and papers, correspondence and other papers, portraits and relics of Percy and Mary Shelley, with further materials of their family and circle, including earlier and contemporary estate documents of the Shelley family and related families, and later secondary materials.
Extents: 82 shelfmarks and 37 objects
Dates: 1577-1992 (predominantly 18th-20th cent.)
Single Item

Sir Thomas Bodley's letters to Dr. Thomas James

Sir Thomas Bodley's letters to Dr. Thomas James
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 699
Extents: 338 Leaves
Dates: Written A.D. 1599-1612 by Sir Thomas Bodley
Single Item

Some letters and documents by, or connected with, Sir Thomas Bodley

Some letters and documents by, or connected with, Sir Thomas Bodley
Shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 699*
Extents: 130 Leaves
Dates: Written in A.D. 1570-1613 chiefly by sir T. Bodley

St. Amand's Adversaria

St. Amand's Adversaria
Extents: 7.37 Linear metres (67 boxes)
Dates: 15th-18th century

Sutherland Manuscripts

Manuscript volumes in the Sutherland collection, written in A.D. 1550-1849.
Extents: 0.88 Linear metres (8 volumes)
Dates: 1550-1849

Tanner Manuscripts

Thomas Tanner's collection of manuscripts, 10th-18th century.
Extents: 56.87 Linear metres (517 boxes)
Dates: 10th-18th century

Theological and Devotional works

Roman Catholic theological and devotional works.
Extents: 3.3 Linear metres (33 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 16th - 19th cent.
Single Item

Thirty-nine sermons or drafts of sermons

Thirty-nine sermons or drafts of sermons, written in about 1590-1617.
Shelfmark: MS. Add. A. 89
Extents: 246 Leaves
Dates: written in about 1590-1617

Filtered By

  • Indexed subjects: 16th century X
  • Indexed subjects: 16th century X
  • Indexed subjects: 17th century X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Indexed subjects
17th century 408
16th century 405
18th century 282
19th century 205
20th century 118
x - 15th century 98
Humanities 87
Parishes -- England -- Oxfordshire 69
14th century 62
13th century 50
Oxfordshire (England) 47
x - 12th century 37
Literature 27
Religion 25
Church records and registers 23
Antiquarians 22
x - 11th century 21
Letters 20
Correspondence 16
x - 10th century 15
∨ more
Theology 13
Buckinghamshire (England) 12
Genealogy 12
Music 12
Politics and Government 11
Great Britain -- History 10
History 10
Local history 10
Manuscripts, Greek 10
Deeds -- England 9
Parishes -- England 9
Poetry 9
x - 9th century 9
Berkshire (England) 8
Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 8
Great Britain -- Topography 8
Law 8
Manors -- England -- Oxfordshire 8
Gloucestershire (England) 7
Heraldry 7
Ireland 7
Legal documents 7
Manors -- England 7
Manuscripts 7
Norfolk (England) 7
Sermons 7
Yorkshire (England) 7
Courts, manorial 6
Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 16th century 6
Greek literature 6
London (England) 6
Manuscripts, Latin 6
Medicine 6
Northamptonshire (England) 6
Accounts 5
Astronomy 5
Church records and registers -- England -- Oxfordshire 5
Church records and registers -- Oxfordshire 5
Derbyshire (England) 5
Essex (England) 5
France 5
Hampshire (England) 5
Herefordshire (England) 5
Lincolnshire (England) 5
Liturgies 5
Music -- Manuscripts -- 19th century 5
Royal family 5
Staffordshire (England) 5
Suffolk (England) 5
Surrey (England) 5
Wiltshire (England) 5
x - 8th century 5
15th century 4
Bedfordshire (England) 4
Cambridgeshire (England) 4
Classical literature 4
Dorset (England) 4
Italy 4
Motets 4
Speeches, addresses, etc. 4
Sussex (England) 4
Universities and colleges 4
Warwickshire (England) 4
Anthems 3
Autographs 3
Charters 3
Devon (England) 3
Diplomatic and consular service -- British 3
Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 17th century 3
Hertfordshire (England) 3
Kent (England) 3
Lawyers 3
Letters -- Collections 3
Manors -- England -- Lincolnshire 3
Manuscripts, Medieval 3
Middlesex (England) 3
Music -- Manuscripts -- 18th century 3
Nobility -- Great Britain 3
Spain 3
Worcestershire (England) 3
∧ less
Indexed names
Goadby | Frank Reginald Lindsay | 1899-1985 | Brigadier Historian of Standlake 51
Church of England 17
Elizabeth I | 1533-1603 | Queen of England and Ireland 6
University of Oxford 6
Cecil | William | 1520-1598 | 1st Baron Burghley | Statesman 4
Society of Genealogists 4
Ashmole | Elias | 1617-1692 | Antiquary and Astrologer 3
Bodley | Sir | Thomas | 1545-1613 | Knight | diplomat, scholar, and founder of the Bodleian Library 3
Eustace| E | fl. 1980 3
Harris | C. G | Oxfordshire Family History Society 3
Palestrina | Giovanni Pierluigi da | 1525?-1594 | composer 3
Sidney | Sir | Philip | 1554-1586 | Knight | Soldier, statesman, and poet 3
Aldrich | Henry | 1648-1710 | composer 2
Aquinas | Thomas | 1225-1274 | Dominican friar, philosopher, Catholic Priest 2
Aristotle | 384-322 BC | Greek philosopher 2
Attorney General of Ireland | Ireland 2
Barlow | Thomas | 1607-1691 | Bishop of Lincoln 2
Bernard | Edward | 1638-1696 | Astronomer and Scholar 2
Bodleian Library 2
Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | Poet Laureate 2
∨ more
Brocas | family | Beaurepaire 2
Butler | James | 1610-1688 | 1st Duke of Ormonde | soldier and statesman 2
Byrd | William | c 1540-1623 | musical composer 2
Carte | Thomas | 1686-1754 | historian 2
Charles II | 1630-1685 | King of England, Scotland and Ireland 2
Company of Tailors | Oxford 2
Davies | Sir | John | 1569-1626 | Knight | Attorney General of Ireland and Poet 2
Devereux | Robert | 1566-1601 | 2nd Earl of Essex | statesman 2
Donne | John | 1573-1631 | Dean of St. Paul's and poet 2
Dugdale | Sir | William | 1605-1686 | Knight | antiquary and herald 2
Ewelme Almshouse Charity 2
Ferrabosco | Alfonso | 1543-1588 | composer 2
Fitzwilliam | Sir | William | 1526-1599 | Knight | Lord Deputy of Ireland 2
Gibbons | Orlando | 1583-1625 | composer 2
Heber | Richard | 1773-1833 | MP, Book Collector, and Classical Scholar 2
House of Lords Record Office: the Parliamentary Archives 2
Hyde | Edward | 1609-1674 | 1st Earl of Clarendon | Lord Chancellor 2
James VI and I | 1566-1625 | King of Scotland, England and Ireland 2
Laud | William | 1573-1645 | Archbishop of Canterbury 2
Leland | John | c 1506-1552 | Antiquary 2
Lord Deputy of Ireland | Ireland 2
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland | Ireland 2
Middleton | Charles | c. 1650-1719 | 2nd Earl of Middleton | statesman 2
Montagu | Edward | 1625-1672 | 1st Earl of Sandwich | admiral 2
Nairne | David | fl 1720 | Secretary to the Pretender 2
Neve | Peter Le | 1661-1729 | herald and antiquary 2
Perez | Antonio | 1540-1611 | Spanish statesman and secretary of King Philip II of Spain 2
Pergolesi | Giovanni Battista | 1710-1736 | composer 2
Radcliffe | John | 1650-1714 | Physician 2
Shakespeare | William | 1564-1616 | Dramatist 2
Tallis | Thomas | c 1505-1585 | composer 2
Tanner | Thomas | 1674-1735 | Bishop of St Asaph and antiquary 2
Taverner | John | c 1490-1545 | composer 2
Theocritus | c 300 BC-260 BC | Greek poet 2
Tye | Christopher | ? 1497-1572 | composer 2
University of Oxford | Christ Church 2
Wharton | Philip | 1613-1696 | 4th Baron Wharton 2
Wharton | Thomas | 1648-1716 | 1st Marquess of Wharton 2
Willis | Browne | 1682-1760 | Antiquary and Numismatist 2
d'Astorga | Emanuele | 1680-1757 | composer 2
Albinoni | Tomaso Giovanni | 1671-1750/1751 | composer 1
Allegri | Gregorio | 1582-1652 | composer and singer 1
Allen | Mrs. E. M. | fl. 1901-1962 1
Allin | Sir | Thomas | 1612-1685 | Knight | Admiral 1
Amand | James St | 1687-1754 | Antiquary 1
Amcotts | wine and fish merchant | London 1
Anderton | H. I. | fl. 1917 1
Anderton | family | of Lostock 1
Anerio | Felice | c 1560-1614 | composer 1
Anselm | 1033-1109 | Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury 1
Anstis | John | 1669-1744 | herald, antiquary, and MP 1
Arkwright | Godfrey Edward Pellew | 1864-1944 | bibliographer of 16th-18th century music 1
Arne | Thomas Augustine | 1710-1778 | composer 1
Ashhurst family | of Waterstock 1
Ashhurst | Gladys | fl 1930-1947 1
Ashhurst | Sir | William Henry | 1725-1807 | Knight | Judge 1
Ashhurst | William Henry | 1778-1846 | MP 1
Askew | David | fl. 1800-1899 | of Pallinsburn, Northumberland 1
Asquith | Herbert Henry | 1852-1928 | 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith | statesman 1
Atye | Sir | Arthur | d. 1604 | Knight | Academic and politician 1
Aubrey | John | 1626-1697 | antiquary, topographer 1
Augustine | d 604 | Saint, first Archbishop of Canterbury 1
Aveling | H. F. | fl. 1926 1
Awbery | John | fl 1700-1799 | Fellow of New College, Oxford 1
Bach | Johann Christian | 1735-1782 | composer 1
Backhouse | William | 1593-1662 | alchemist and antiquary 1
Bacon | Dame | Elizabeth | c.1541-1621 | also Elizabeth Doyley and Elizabeth Periam | aristocrat 1
Bacon | Roger | ? 1214-1294 | philosopher 1
Bacon | Sir | Francis | 1561-1626 | Viscount St Alban, was lord chancellor, a politician, and a philosopher 1
Bacon | Sir | Nicholas | c. 1543-1624 | 1st Baronet | Lawyer and administrator 1
Baj | Tommaso | c 1650-1714 | composer and singer 1
Baker | Samuel | fl. c.1690 1
Ballard | George | 1705-1755 | Antiquary 1
Bandinel | Bulkeley | 1781-1861 | Bodley's Librarian 1
Barker | Hugh | d 1632 | lawyer, Dean of the Court of Arches 1
Barnard | Francis Pierrepont | 1854-1931 | Archaeologist, Historian, and Numismatist 1
Bartleman | James | 1769-1821 | singer (bass) 1
Bassani | Giovanni Battist | c 1650-1716 | composer 1
Bates | Thomas | fl. 1677 | musician 1
Batten | Adrian | d 1637 | English composer 1
∧ less
English 367
Latin 139
French 38
Italian 38
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 22
Greek, Modern (1453-) 15
Spanish; Castilian 14
German 12
English, Old (ca.450-1100) 9
Arabic 7
Dutch; Flemish 7
English, Middle (1100-1500) 7
Hebrew 7
Russian 6
Portuguese 5
Welsh 5
Icelandic 3
Persian 3
Scots 3
Church Slavic; Old Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church Slavonic 2