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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 68

Single Item

Album of manuscript verse by Caroline de Crespigny, Thomas Medwin and other contemporary English and German poets, with some original drawings and watercolours

Caroline de Crespigny’s album is made up predominantly of original autograph verse by herself, Thomas Medwin and the German poets they encountered and translated. Tipped in, pinned or loosely inserted are also original drawings and watercolours, together with cut-outs and press cuttings, and one music manuscript. As far as it has been possible to establish, her own verses are unpublished. A number of other pieces remain unidentified.
Shelfmark: MS. 11916
Extents: 1.0 volume
Dates: 1838-1861, n.d.
Single Item

An alchemical discourse on the Philosopher's Stone and kindred subjects

An alchemical discourse on the Philosopher's Stone and kindred subjects
Shelfmark: MS. Fr. d. 3
Extents: 106 pages
Dates: Written A.D. 1675 by J. C
Single Item

'Ane apologie for Herrodott. Written orriginallie in French by [Henri Estienne] and translated into English' ['by a person of qualitie'-crossed out]

'Ane apologie for Herrodott. Written orriginallie in French by [Henri Estienne] and translated into English' ['by a person of qualitie'-crossed out]
Shelfmark: MS. Don. e. 54
Extents: 256 pages
Dates: Early 17th century

Archive of Anne Ridler and Vivian Ridler

Correspondence and papers of the poet and writer Anne Ridler (1912-2001) and her husband Vivian Ridler (1913-2009), printer to the Oxford University Press and founder of Perpetua Press.
Extents: 5.596 Linear metres (81 boxes)
Dates: 1836-2011, n.d.; Majority of material found within 1927 - 2011

Archive of Arturo and Ilsa Barea

Correspondence and papers of Arturo and Ilsa Barea.
Extents: 8.0 Linear metres (56 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1900-2018, bulk c. 1930-1970

Archive of Enid Starkie

Archive of Enid Starkie, literary critic, author and fellow of Somerville College, Oxford.
Extents: 6.55 Linear metres (95 boxes)
Dates: 1879-1985, n.d.

Archive of Ethel Sidgwick

Archive of Ethel Sidgwick
Extents: 1.28 Linear metres (16 boxes)
Dates: 1876-1960

Archive of Frederick Louis MacNeice

Papers of the poet and playwright Frederick Louis MacNeice (1907-1963), with papers of Hedli MacNeice, née Anderson (1907-1990)
Extents: 10.17 Linear metres (76 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1917-1989; n.d.

Archive of Gilbert Murray

Archive of Gilbert Murray (1866-1957).
Extents: 61.82 Linear metres (562 boxes)
Dates: 1837-1960

Archive of Joanna Richardson

Correspondence and papers of Joanna Richardson, 1928-2008, biographer, translator and French literary critic.
Extents: 1.54 Linear metres (22 boxes)
Dates: 1925-2007, n.d.

Archive of Joanna Trollope

Archive of Joanna Trollope (born 1943), writer, including literary and personal papers, [1908]-2019.
Extents: 5.26 Linear metres (109 boxes)
Dates: [1908]-2019; Majority of material found within 1952-2019

Archive of John Hodgkin

Archive of John Hodgkin
Extents: 1.59 Linear metres (27 boxes)
Dates: 18th-20th century

Archive of John le Carré (David Cornwell)

Literary archive of author John le Carré (David Cornwell)
Extents: 137 Linear metres (918 boxes)
Dates: 1951-2020

Archive of John Masefield

The archive of the poet, novelist and playwright John Masefield (1878-1967), Poet Laureate from 1930-1967.
Extents: 7.188 Linear metres (135 boxes)
Dates: 1901-1968

Archive of Lily Dougall

Papers of Lily Dougall (1858-1923), novelist and religious author, 1869-1926.
Extents: 6.86 Linear metres (18 boxes)
Dates: 1869-1926

Archive of William Beckford

Papers of William Beckford (1760-1844), author
Extents: 17.6 Linear metres (176 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: 1515-19th cent., n.d.

Ballard Collection

George Ballard's manuscript collection.
Extents: 8.36 Linear metres (76 boxes)
Dates: 16th-18th century

Books and papers of James Blish (1921-75)

Books and papers of James Blish (1921-75), science fiction writer.
Extents: 44.1 Linear metres (441 physical shelfmarks)
Dates: c. 1936-77

Canonici Manuscripts

Manuscripts of Matteo Luigi Canonici, Jesuit.
Extents: 146.08 Linear metres (1328 boxes)
Dates: 8th-18th century
Single Item

Catalogue of an unidentified library, mainly of books published 1800-50 on English literature and European history

Catalogue of an unidentified library, mainly of books published 1800-50 on English literature and European history
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. b. 110
Extents: 139 Leaves
Dates: 1800-1810

Filtered By

  • Language: French X
  • Indexed subjects: Literature X

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Indexed subjects
Literature 31
20th century 26
17th century 25
19th century 21
18th century 18
16th century 13
Humanities 12
English literature 9
French literature 9
Poetry 8
x - 15th century 8
13th century 6
14th century 6
x - 12th century 6
21st century 5
Classical literature 5
English poetry -- 20th century 5
Literature -- Translations 5
Novelists -- 20th century 5
Religion 5
∨ more
English literature -- 20th century 4
English poetry 4
Literature -- 20th century 4
Poets 4
x - 11th century 4
Antiquarians 3
Authors -- 20th century 3
English language 3
Law 3
Letters 3
Liturgies 3
Novelists 3
Theology 3
University of Oxford 3
x - 10th century 3
x - 9th century 3
Authors 2
Authors, Classical 2
Authors, English 2
Biography 2
Commonplace books 2
Diaries 2
Dorset (England) 2
Durham (England) 2
English Literature 2
English literature -- 19th century 2
English poetry -- Women authors 2
Essex (England) 2
France 2
France -- History 2
Gloucestershire (England) 2
Great Britain -- History 2
Great Britain -- Topography 2
Greek literature 2
History 2
Ireland 2
Letters -- 20th century 2
London (England) 2
Northamptonshire (England) 2
Oxfordshire (England) 2
Philosophy 2
Publishers and publishing 2
Royal family 2
Sermons 2
Sussex (England) 2
Universities and colleges 2
Wiltshire (England) 2
Women authors, English -- 20th century 2
Worcestershire (England) 2
x - 8th century 2
Account books 1
Alchemy 1
Anabaptists 1
Animals 1
Art 1
Art, British -- 20th century 1
Artists 1
Authors, Irish -- 20th century 1
Autographs -- Collections 1
Bedfordshire (England) 1
Berkshire (England) 1
Bible 1
Bible -- O.T. -- Psalms 1
Bible. -- N.T. -- Gospels 1
Bibliography 1
Book collectors 1
Book design 1
Books 1
Books -- Catalogs 1
Books and reading 1
Books of hours 1
Buckinghamshire (England) 1
Calligraphers 1
Cambridgeshire (England) 1
Catalogs, Book 1
Cheshire (England) 1
Children's literature 1
Christianity 1
Christianity -- 20th century 1
Classical literature -- Study and teaching 1
∧ less
Indexed names
University of Oxford 3
Starkie | Enid | 1897-1970 | scholar 2
Aesop | c.620–564 BC | fabulist and storyteller 1
Bachet | Claude-Gaspard | 1581-1638 | Sieur de Mériziac | mathematician and littérateur 1
Ballard | George | 1705-1755 | Antiquary 1
Barea | Ilsa | 1902-1973 | nee Pollak | Austrian writer and translator 1
Beaumont | fl 1688-1730 | Nonconformist 1
Beckford | William | 1760-1844 | Author, MP, and Art Collector 1
Beckford | William | 1760-1844 | author, MP, art collector 1
Bennet | Sir | John | 1552/3-1627 | judge 1
Blish | James Benjamin | 1921-1975 | writer 1
Blunden | Edmund Charles | 1896-1974 | poet 1
Bracton | Henry de | c 1210-1268 | Judge, Chancellor of Exeter Cathedral 1
Bywater | Ingram | 1840-1914 | Regius Professor of Greek at Oxford 1
Canonici | Matteo Luigi | 1727-1805 | Jesuit 1
Charles II | 1630-1685 | King of England, Scotland and Ireland 1
Charlett | Arthur | 1655-1722 | Master of University College Oxford 1
Chaucer | Geoffrey | c 1340-1400 | Poet 1
Cherry | Francis | ? 1665-1713 | Nonjuror, Antiquary, and Collector of MSS. and Coins 1
Church of England | Diocese of London | Consistory Court 1
∨ more
Cockburn | Sarah Caudwell | 1939-2000 | pseudonym Sarah Caudwell | barrister and novelist 1
Cornwell | David John Moore | 1931-2020 | writer, pseudonym John le Carré 1
Cournand | André Frédéric | 1895-1988 | physician and physiologist 1
Crespigny | Caroline Champion de | née Bathurst | 1796-1861 | poet 1
Crynes | Nathaniel | 1686-1745 | Fellow of St John's College, Oxford 1
D'Orville | Jacques Philippe | 1696-1751 | Classical Scholar 1
Dodds | Eric Robertson | 1893-1979 | classical scholar 1
Douce | Francis | 1757-1834 | Antiquary 1
Dougall | Lily | 1858-1923 | novelist and religious author 1
Doyle | Sir | Arthur Conan | 1859-1930 | Knight, author, physician and criminologist 1
Elizabeth I | 1533-1603 | Queen of England and Ireland 1
England and Wales | Exchequer 1
England and Wales | Royal Navy 1
Estienne | Henri | 1528-1598 | Printer and classical scholar 1
Eton College 1
Fairfax | Thomas | 1612-1671 | 3rd Baron Fairfax | politician, general, and Parliamentary commander-in-chief during the English Civil War 1
Fenelon | Francois de Salignac de la Mothe | 1651-1715 | Archbishop of Cambrai 1
Fenwick family 1
Fitzwilliams | John | fl 1600-1699 | Nonjuror 1
Flecker | Herman James Elroy | 1884-1915 | poet and playwright 1
Fleming | Robert | ? 1660-1716 | Presbyterian Minister 1
Fosbroke | Thomas Dudley | 1770-1842 | Antiquary 1
Foster | (Myles) Birket | 1825–1899 | painter and illustrator 1
French Protestant Church 1
Gaignieres | Francois Roger De | 1642-1715 | French genealogist, antiquary and collector 1
Gardner | Stanley | 1921-1996 | headmaster and writer 1
Gautier | Théophile | 1811-1872 | French writer 1
Gentili | Alberico | 1552-1608 | Italian jurist 1
Gentilis | Scipio | 1563-1616 | Professor of Law at Altdorf 1
Gough | Richard | 1735-1809 | antiquary 1
Grenville | Denis | 1637-1703 | Jacobite Archbishop of York | also known as Denis Granville 1
Gronovius | Jacobus | 1645-1716 | classical scholar 1
Gunning | Peter | 1614-1684 | Bishop of Ely 1
Hawes | Samuel | fl 1694-1700 | Nonjuror 1
Hearne | Thomas | 1678-1735 | Antiquary and Nonjuror 1
Henri IV | 1553-1610 | King of France and Navarre 1
Hodgkin | John | 1857-1930 | Bibliophile 1
Holman | William | d 1730 | Essex Antiquary Congregational Minister 1
Holmes | Arthur | fl.1918 | poet 1
Inglis | Esther | 1571-1624 | calligrapher and minaturist 1
Kafka | Franz | 1883-1924 | Writer 1
L'Estrange | Hamon | 1605-1660 | theologian and historian 1
Lewis | John | c 1700-1799 | Minister of Margate 1
Livius | Titus | ? 59 BC-AD 17 | Roman historian 1
Locke | John | 1632-1704 | philospher 1
MacNeice | Antoinette Millicent Hedley ('Hedli') | 1907-1990 | nee Anderson | singer and actress 1
MacNeice | Frederick Louis | 1907-1963 | poet and playwright 1
Mandeville | Sir | John | d 1372 | travel writer 1
Marsais | César Chesneau | du | 1676-1756 | lawyer, philosopher and writer 1
Martin | Louis Aimé | 1786-1847 | 1
Masefield | (Isabel) Judith | 1904-1988 | book illustrator 1
Masefield | John Edward | 1878-1967 | poet and novelist 1
Medwin | Thomas | 1788-1869 | biographer of P.B. Shelley 1
Millot | Pierre | fl. 1646 | translator 1
Molé | Mathieu | 1584-1656 | 1
Montagu | Montagu | 1787-1863 | Captain RN, Author, and Autograph Collector 1
Murray | George Gilbert Aime | 1866-1957 | classical scholar and internationalist 1
Murray | Mary Henrietta | d 1956 | Lady 1
Nedam | James | fl 1532-1543 | Royal Surveyor of Works 1
Neve | John Le | 1679-1741 | Antiquary 1
Ogazón | Arturo Barea | 1897-1957 | Spanish journalist, broadcaster and writer 1
Ovidius Naso | Publius | 43 BC-AD 17 | Roman poet 1
Pasley | Sir | John Malcolm Sabine | 1926-2004 | 5th baronet | German scholar and literary critic 1
Passe | Crispijn | van de | b. 1564 | drawer 1
Pepys | Samuel | 1633-1703 | MP, Diarist, Public Servant, Antiquary 1
Phillipps family | baronets | Middle Hill 1
Phillipps | Sir Thomas | 1792-1872 | Baronet | Antiquary, and Collector of MSS and Books 1
Pigott | Harriet | 1775-1846 | Traveller and Writer 1
Pluvinel | Anthoine | de | 1552-1620 | first of the French riding masters and influencer of modern dressage 1
Price | Daniel | fl 1685-1706 | Dean of St Asaph 1
Raleigh | Alice | fl. 20th century | Sir Walter Raleigh's sister 1
Rawlins | Thomas | 1620-1670 | Medallist and Playwright 1
Rawlinson | Richard | 1690-1755 | Antiquary and Nonjuror 1
Richardson | Joanna | 1925-2008 | scholar 1
Ridler | Anne Barbara | 1912-2001 | née Bradby | poet and writer 1
Ridler | Vivian Hughes | 1913-2009 | printer, typographer and scholar 1
Roach | Richard | 1662-1730 | Anglican clergyman 1
Robinson | John | 1650-1723 | Bishop of London 1
Rosny | (Antoine Joseph) Nicolas | de | 1771-1814 | writer 1
Saint-Ouen | L. de (Laure) | 1784-1850 | author 1
∧ less
English 41
Latin 21
German 19
Italian 15
Spanish; Castilian 11
Dutch; Flemish 8
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 7
Greek, Modern (1453-) 4
English, Old (ca.450-1100) 3
Arabic 3
Danish 3
Portuguese 3
Welsh 3
Catalan; Valencian 2
Chinese 2
Czech 2
Irish 2
Hebrew 2
Japanese 2
Norwegian 2