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Showing Collections: 3381 - 3400 of 3630


Two Photograph Albums of N.R.R. [not identified]

Two Photograph Albums of N.R.R. [not identified], containing photographs of scenes in England and Europe.
Extents: 0.10 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: late 19th century

Two Photograph Albums of the Maxse Family

Two Photograph Albums of the Maxse Family.
Extents: 0.10 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: [c. 1859-1883], 1904-1907

Two photographic portraits of Alice Liddell by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson

Photographic portraits of Alice Liddell by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson [Lewis Carroll], 1858-1860.
Extents: 0.5 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: 1858-1860
Single Item

Two photographs of Thomas Cooper and a printed memorial card

Two photographs of Thomas Cooper (1805-1892) and printed memorial card.
Shelfmark: Dep. e. 333
Extents: 3 items
Dates: n.d. [19th century]

Two pieces of music transcribed for the Library by J. C. Büdinger

Two pieces of music transcribed for the Library by J. C. Büdinger, written in A.D. 1882.
Extents: 0.22 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: 1882

Two plans of land in Jericho, Oxford

Two plans of land in Jericho, Oxford, showing lots to be sold by auction, 1824, 1829.
Extents: 0.22 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: 1824, 1829

Two recipe books

Two 19th-century notebooks containing culinary recipes.
Extents: 2 boxes (0.10 Linear metres)
Dates: 19th century
Single Item

Two reports drawn up, partly written and (in the case of the first) signed by mr. W. H. Bliss

Two reports drawn up, partly written and (in the case of the first) signed by mr. W. H. Bliss
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. c. 58
Extents: 29 Leaves
Dates: Written in A.D. 1889
Single Item

Two sculptors' notebooks bound in one volume

Two sculptors' notebooks bound in one volume
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. misc. f. 383
Extents: 195 Leaves
Dates: 1692-1738
Single Item

Two songs, holograph, by Franz Peter Schubert

Two songs, holograph, by Franz Peter Schubert
Shelfmark: MS. Don. c. 1
Extents: 4 Leaves
Dates: c. Jan 1826
Single Item

Two volumes containing a catalogue of black-letter and other books printed before 1600 in the possession of William Bayntun of Gray's Inn

Two volumes containing a catalogue of black-letter and other books printed before 1600 in the possession of William Bayntun of Gray's Inn
Shelfmark: MSS. Eng. misc. e. 80-81
Extents: 1 box
Dates: c. 1768-1770

Two Volumes of Coats of Arms of English Families

Two Volumes of Coats of Arms of English Families, 1829.
Extents: 0.10 Linear metres (2 boxes)
Dates: 1829

Two volumes of services in score with figured bass for the organ

Two volumes of services in score with figured bass for the organ, copied late 19th cent., owned and annotated by J. S. Bumpus.
Extents: 0.22 Linear metres (2 volumes)
Dates: 1760-1806, n.d.

Two volumes of sketches to illustrate old Oxford, collected by Herbert Hurst

Two volumes of sketches to illustrate old Oxford, collected by Herbert Hurst about 1900.
Extents: 2 shelfmarks
Dates: Collected about 1900

Twyne Manuscripts

Transcripts, extracts and notes relating to the university and city of Oxford, made by and for Brian Twyne.
Extents: 3.30 Linear metres (30 boxes)
Dates: 16th-17th century
Single Item

A type-written copy, by the rev. H. E. Salter

A type-written copy, by the rev. H. E. Salter
Shelfmark: MS. Top. gen. c. 26
Extents: 1 box
Dates: c. 17th-19th century
Single Item

Typed transcript, 1930, of the diary for 1815-17 of Lord Robert Edward Henry Somerset

Typed transcript, 1930, of the diary for 1815-17 of Lord Robert Edward Henry Somerset.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. d. 140
Extents: 62 Leaves
Dates: 1815-17
Single Item

Typed transcript, 1977-1989, by Mrs. E.M.B. Young of the parish registers for Shiplake, Oxfordshire, 1639-1850

Typed transcript, 1977-1989, by Mrs. E.M.B. Young of the parish registers for Shiplake, Oxfordshire, 1639-1850.
Shelfmark: MS. Eng. c. 2042
Extents: 184 Leaves
Dates: 1977-1989
Single Item

Typed transcript, 1987, of parish registers and diocesan records, 1508-1836, for Sotwell, Oxfordshire, formerly in Berkshire

Typed transcript, of parish registers and diocesan records for Sotwell, Oxfordshire, formerly in Berkshire
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Berks. c. 69
Extents: 37 Leaves
Dates: 1987
Single Item

Typed transcript, 1987, of parish registers and diocesan records, 1508-1837, for Appleford, Oxfordshire, formerly in Berkshire

Typed transcript, of parish registers and diocesan records for Appleford, Oxfordshire, formerly in Berkshire
Shelfmark: MS. Top. Berks. c. 65
Extents: 56 Leaves
Dates: 1987

Filtered By

  • Language: English X
  • Indexed subjects: 19th century X

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Indexed subjects
19th century 3596
20th century 1125
18th century 780
Humanities 478
17th century 433
Letters 417
Literature 229
Music 224
Oxfordshire (England) 209
16th century 208
Religion 188
Antiquarians 137
Letters -- 19th century 132
Oxford (England) 123
Parishes -- England -- Oxfordshire 117
Poetry 112
Diaries 105
Music -- Manuscripts -- 19th century 95
Correspondence 86
History 80
∨ more
Church records and registers 78
Diaries -- 19th century 70
Genealogy 64
Berkshire (England) 61
English literature 55
Maps -- Great Britain 51
India 44
Poets 44
Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 20th century 43
21st century 42
English literature -- 19th century 42
Theology 41
Manuscripts 40
x - 15th century 40
Local history 39
Ornithology 39
Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 19th century 38
University of Oxford -- Examinations -- Music 38
Birds 37
Great Britain -- Topography 37
Photographs 37
Politics and Government 37
Sermons 36
Drawings 35
Universities and colleges 34
Accounts 33
Library catalogs 30
Art 29
Lectures and lecturing 29
Authors 27
Diaries -- 20th century 27
Parishes -- England 27
14th century 26
Church 26
Composers -- England -- Manuscripts 26
Buckinghamshire (England) 25
Commonplace books 25
Account books 24
Biography 24
Medicine 24
London (England) 23
Autographs 22
Heraldry 22
Politicians 22
Universities and colleges -- England -- Oxford 22
13th century 21
Bodleian Library 21
Church buildings 21
Church of England -- Clergy 21
Great Britain -- Army 21
Historians 21
Church records and registers -- England -- Oxfordshire 20
Drawing 20
Bibliography 19
Libraries 19
Science 19
World War, 1914-1918 19
Antiquities 18
English poetry 18
Geography 18
Northamptonshire (England) 18
Voyages and travels 18
Anthems 17
Great Britain -- Politics and Government -- 19th century 17
Ireland 17
Law 17
Piano music 17
Royal family 17
Booksellers and bookselling 16
Composers -- Correspondence 16
Diplomatic and consular service -- British 16
England 16
English poetry -- 19th century 16
France -- Description and travel 16
Hampshire (England) 16
Legal documents 16
Photography 16
Publishers and publishing 16
University of Oxford 16
Architecture 15
∧ less
Indexed names
University of Oxford 90
Goadby | Frank Reginald Lindsay | 1899-1985 | Brigadier Historian of Standlake 70
Church of England 66
Bliss | Philip | 1787-1857 | Antiquary and Editor 24
Clark | Andrew | 1854-1922 | Clergyman and Antiquary 18
Conservative Party 18
Rhodes | Cecil John | 1853-1902 | imperialist, colonial politician and mining entrepreneur 18
Phillipps | Sir | Thomas | 1792-1872 | Baronet | Antiquary, and Collector of MSS and Books 17
Ruskin | John | 1819-1900 | author, artist, and social reformer 17
Bodleian Library 16
Bridges | Robert Seymour | 1844-1930 | Poet Laureate 15
Bryce | James | 1838-1922 | Viscount Bryce | jurist, historian and politician 15
Nichols | John Bowyer | 1779-1863 | printer and antiquary 15
Wilberforce | Samuel | 1805-1873 | Bishop of Oxford and Winchester 14
Great Britain | Colonial Administrative Service 13
Pusey | Edward Bouverie | 1800-1882 | Canon of Christ Church Oxford 13
Douce | Francis | 1757-1834 | Antiquary 12
Harris | C. G | Oxfordshire Family History Society 12
Acland | Sir | Henry Wentworth | 1815-1900 | 1st Baronet | physician 11
Gladstone | William Ewart | 1809-1898 | statesman 11
∨ more
Gough | Richard | 1735-1809 | antiquary 11
Wilberforce | William | 1759-1833 | MP, Philanthropist 11
Bandinel | Bulkeley | 1781-1861 | Bodley's Librarian 10
Madden | Sir | Frederic | 1801-1873 | Knight | antiquary and palaeographer 10
Coxe | Henry Octavius | 1811-1881 | Librarian, Palaeographer, and Antiquary 9
Nichols | John Gough | 1806-1873 | Printer and Antiquary 9
Nicholson | Edward Williams Byron | 1849-1912 | Bodley's Librarian, Poet, and Celtic and Biblical Scholar 9
Bennett | Sir | William Sterndale | 1816–1875 | Knight | composer 8
British South Africa Company 8
Conservative Party | Conservative Central Office 8
Disraeli | Benjamin | 1804-1881 | Earl of Beaconsfield | statesman 8
Froude | James Anthony | 1818-1894 | historian 8
Lee | Frederick George | 1832-1902 | Theologian and Antiquary 8
Madan | Falconer | 1851-1935 | Bodley's Librarian, palaeographer and bibliographer 8
Southey | Robert | 1774-1843 | poet, journalist, and biographer 8
Villiers | George William Frederick | 1800-1870 | 4th Earl of Clarendon | statesman 8
Austen | Jane | 1775-1817 | Novelist 7
Buckland | William | 1784-1856 | Dean of Westminster, geologist 7
Buckler | John Chessell | 1793-1894 | Architect and Antiquary 7
Church of England | Bishops 7
Church of England | Diocese of Oxford 7
Collier | John Payne | 1789-1883 | Shakespearean scholar and forger, antiquary, and journalist 7
Conservative Party | National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations 7
Edgeworth | Maria | 1768-1849 | novelist and educationist 7
Jowett | Benjamin | 1817-1893 | Master of Balliol College, Oxford 7
Macray | William Dunn | 1826-1916 | Rector of Ducklington, Antiquary, and Archivist 7
Müller | Friedrich Max | 1823–1900 | Sanskritist and philologist 7
Newman | John Henry | 1801-1890 | theologian and cardinal 7
Noble | Mark | 1754-1827 | Biographer, genealogist, and antiquary 7
Ouseley | Sir | Frederick Arthur Gore | 1825–1889 | 2nd Baronet | Professor of Music at Oxford University 7
Oxford University | New College 7
Parker | George | fl 1869-1897 | antiquary and Clerk of the Schools, University of Oxford 7
Percy | Thomas | 1729-1811 | Bishop of Dromore and antiquary 7
Shelley | Percy Bysshe | 1792-1822 | poet 7
Society of Genealogists 7
Woolner | Thomas | 1825-1892 | Sculptor and Poet 7
British Records Association 6
Buckler | John | 1770-1851 | topographical artist, architect, and antiquary 6
Gilpin | William | 1724-1804 | Clergyman, educationist, biographer and topographer 6
Hunt | James | 1795-1857 | Oxfordshire Antiquary 6
Hurst | Herbert | 1834-? 1914 | Oxford Antiquary 6
Jones | John Collier | 1770-1838 | Rector of Exeter College Oxford 6
Keble | John | 1792-1866 | Vicar of Hursley and Tractarian poet 6
Lugard | Frederick John Dealtry | 1858-1945 | Baron Lugard of Abinger | colonial administrator, soldier and author 6
Malone | Edmond | 1741-1812 | literary scholar and biographer 6
Parry | Sir | Charles Hubert Hastings | 1848-1918 | Knight | composer and musical writer 6
Swinburne | Algernon Charles | 1837-1909 | poet 6
University of Oxford | Christ Church 6
Watts | C G | Parish Registrar 6
Wood | Anthony | 1632-1695 | Antiquary 6
Acland | Sarah Angelina | 1849-1930 | Fellow of Royal Photographic Society and Royal Society of Arts 5
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 5
Asquith | Herbert Henry | 1852-1928 | 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith | statesman 5
Bartholdy | Jacob Ludwig Felix | Mendelssohn- | 1809-1847 | composer 5
Beddoes | Thomas Lovell | 1803-1849 | poet and physiologist 5
British Museum 5
Buxton | Sir | Thomas Fowell | 1786-1845 | 1st Baronet | Philanthropist 5
Church of England | Diocese of Winchester 5
Clare | John | 1793-1864 | Poet 5
Edgeworth family | Edgeworthstown 5
Great Britain and Ireland | Foreign Office 5
Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Foreign Office 5
Handel | George Frederick | 1685-1759 | musical composer 5
Hearne | Thomas | 1678-1735 | Antiquary and Nonjuror 5
Hinton | Henry | 1749-1816 | Oxfordshire Antiquary 5
Horsley | William | 1774-1858 | composer 5
Keble | John | 1745-1834 | Church of England clergyman and poet 5
Liberal Party 5
Malone | Edmond | 1741-1812 | Critic and Author 5
Milner | Alfred | 1854-1925 | Viscount Milner | statesman 5
Mozart | Wolfgang Amadeus | 1756-1791 | Austrian composer 5
Nichols | John Gough | 1806-1873 | printer and antiquary 5
Nichols | John | 1745-1826 | printer, author and antiquary 5
Oxford University | Exeter College 5
Peacock | Thomas Love | 1785-1866 | Satirical novelist and poet 5
Proctor | Robert George Collier | 1868-1903 | bibliographer 5
Pusey | Edward Bouverie | 1800-1882 | Church of England clergyman and theologian 5
Russell | John | 1792-1878 | 1st Earl Russell | statesman 5
Salter | Herbert Edward | 1863-1951 | Historian 5
Shelley | Mary Wollstonecraft | 1797-1851 | née Godwin | writer 5
∧ less
Latin 170
French 114
German 73
Italian 55
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 25
Spanish; Castilian 18
Greek, Modern (1453-) 17
Arabic 11
Russian 11
Dutch; Flemish 10
Chinese 8
Portuguese 8
Hungarian 7
Welsh 7
Irish 6
Hebrew 6
Swedish 5
English, Old (ca.450-1100) 4
English, Middle (1100-1500) 4
Multiple languages 4