Box 603609920
Contains 1 Result:
Ninth International HLA Workshop, Munich, West Germany and Vienna, Austria, 7-15 May 1984, 1979-1984
Folder 1: Manuscript notes and papers on cloning Apr-May 1984
Folder 2: Correspondence and papers relating to the UK Tissue Typing Research Group, organisation of the Eighth Workshop, and projects and studies for the Ninth Workshop, 1979-83. Includes donor data
Folder 3: Correspondence, papers and manuscript notes relating to the UK Tissue Typing Research…
Found in:
Papers of Sir Walter Bodmer
Visits, conferences and workshops
HLA and Histocompatibility Workshops
Ninth International HLA Workshop
Shelfmark: MS. Bodmer 1092 ( =Res.)
Extents: 1 box (3 folders)