Digital surrogate of poster: 'EDUCATION IS THE BEST ESCAPE ROUTE from a life of poverty. THROUGH OXFAM, YOU CAN HELP PEOPLE TO GET AN EDUCATION, SO THEY CAN FULFIL THEIR POTENTIAL', with a black and white photograph of two school children holding globe and a clock. Image as background, green overlay at bottom, black and white text. Part of The Oxfam Friends Scheme: Education now series.
Digital Work

Digital Object
Link to digital surrogate
- Creation: n.d. [c.1995]
General Note
420 x 300 mm
- Records produced by Oxfam's communications function | Records relating to communication with the public, 1948-2012 | Posters, 1960-2006 and n.d. | Poster: 'EDUCATION IS THE BEST ESCAPE ROUTE from a life of poverty. THROUGH OXFAM, YOU CAN HELP PEOPLE TO GET AN EDUCATION, SO THEY CAN FULFIL THEIR POTENTIAL', with a black and white photograph of two school children holding globe and a clock. Image as background, green overlay at bottom, black and white text. Part of The Oxfam Friends Scheme: Education now series., n.d. [c.1995]
Repository Details
Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository
Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom
Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom