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Audio-cassette recordings of broadcasts by Alun Gwynne Jones, Baron Chalfont, 1967-1995

MS. 12172/27
Held in our offsite storage facility


  1. Cassette labelled "17/11/77 Part 2 of Lord ?Chalfont's interview with Ken Zeilig CBC on Fascism"
  2. Cassette labelled "Radio Authority: Lord Chalfont on Classic FM 13.1.93"
  3. Swiss Radio International cassette labelled "Technorama 4.7.94 Montreux Radio Symposium"
  4. Cassette labelled "A Sound Authority? Lord Chalfont interviewed by Bevan Jones 22nd January 1991 Museum of Moving Image Cinema"
  5. Unlabelled TDK cassette tape
  6. Wear FM cassette labelled "Lord Chalfont interview 30/9/93"
  7. Cassette labelled "World Service phone-in John Ruddock Lord Chalfont 7/10/84 Part one. Part 2. 'It's Your World'"
  8. Cassette labelled "Classic Report with Margaret Howard"
  9. Cassette labelled "INR press conf."
  10. Cassette labelled "RTHK Radio 3 'Hong Kong Today' January 26, 1989. Interview with Lord Chalfont"
  11. Cassette labelled "Nuclear disarmament. Nuclear disarmament (in Russian)"
  12. Cassette labelled "The Radio Programme Series 11 Prog 1 Lord Chalfont Tx. 3.6.90 5.6.90"
  13. Cassette labelled "Lady Porter - LBC 2200-2400 6.9.93 Both sides"
  14. Unlabelled TDK cassette tape
  15. Cassette labelled "Jack Steinberg Memorial Service 3/10/91"
  16. Cassette labelled "Pretoria 18-20 Oct 1976"
  17. Cassette labelled "A: BBC World Service 14.1.89. B: Lord Chalfont interview with Belinda Artingstoll BBC Radio Cumbria 13/7/95"
  18. Cassette labelled "BBC nuclear debate"
  19. Cassette labelled "Lord Chalfont. BFN - 1984"
  20. Unlabelled TDK cassette tape
  21. Cassette labelled "A: Tape no 2 Nov 29-Dec 29 1967 (inc Common Market). B. Tape no 3 January 1969"
  22. Cassette labelled "No: CLN47 810B798. Title: You the Jury"
  23. Cassette labelled "Third Ear 25-1-89 Lord Chalfont Giliian Reynolds. Producer: Julian Hale. Radio 3 TX 25-1-89 Dur 23'30""
  24. Cassette labelled "Bath University lecture 2 Mar 1982"
  25. Unlabelled Hitachi cassette tape
  26. Cassette labelled "1-175 Haksar & High Comm. 176-373 - Mrs Gandhi"
  27. Cassette labelled "27-28 Nov 1967"
  28. Cassette labelled "The Jamestown Foundation National Public Radio Dec. 7, 1985"
  29. Cassette labelled "Lord Chalfont - at CBC Nov. 17/77 on Fascism"
  30. Cassette labelled "Celebrity Choice - Lord Chalfont Radio Wales"


  • Creation: 1967-1995


1 box

Language of Materials

  • English

Conditions Governing Access



MS. 12172/27