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Monday Club pamphlets, 1962-1989; n.d.

PUB 117/1-18; PUB 117/20-52; PUB 117/59

  • Request


  1. PUB 117/1 - A Realistic Approach to Present-Day Problems, n.d.;
  2. PUB 117/2 - Bury the Hatchet, Africa Group, Mar 1962;
  3. PUB 117/3 - A Clear and Solemn Duty, Africa Group, Oct 1962;
  4. PUB 117/4 - Memorandum. The Common Market, Oct 1962;
  5. PUB 117/5 - Memorandum. The Common Market, Oct 1962;
  6. PUB 117/6 - You, Your Children, Your Job, Your Home, Your Umbrella, Home Group, Dec 1962;
  7. PUB 117/7 - Strike Out or Strike Bound, Jul 1963;
  8. PUB 117/8 - Conservatism Lost? Conservatism Regained, Oct 1963;
  9. PUB 117/9 - Automation, Jan 1965;
  10. PUB 117/10 - A Monday Club Memorandum on Immigration Into the UK - typed memo, Feb 1965;
  11. PUB 117/11 - The Role of Subversion in Foreign Affairs, Jun 1965;
  12. PUB 117/12 - The Role of Subversion in Foreign Affairs, Jun 1965;
  13. PUB 117/13 - A Europe of Nations - a practical policy for Britain, 1965;
  14. PUB 117/14 - The Wreckers: Communist Disruption in British Trade Unions, by Frederic Abbot, Mar 1966;
  15. PUB 117/15 - Housing, Monday Paper No. 2, by the Housing Study Group of the Monday Club, Oct 1966;
  16. PUB 117/16 - Europe - Should Britain Join?, Oct 1966;
  17. PUB 117/17 - Economic Affairs, Monday Paper No. 3, Oct 1966;
  18. PUB 117/18 - Rhodesia: A Minority View, the speeches of Lord Salisbury, Julian Amery, Stephen Hastings, Patrick Wall, John Biggs-Davison, Gerald Sparrow, Jun 1966;
  19. PUB 117/20 - Europe: Faith not Despair, by John Biggs-Davison MP, May 1967;
  20. PUB 117/21 - Leasehold Enfranchisement, by the Housing Study Group, Feb 1967;
  21. PUB 117/22 - Land - Ours or Theirs?, by Michael Carter, Jun 1967;
  22. PUB 117/23 - Money - Yours or Theirs?, by the Monday Club Taxation Group, Sep 1968;
  23. PUB 117/24 - Who Goes Home? - Immigration and Repatriation, by Georg K. Young, May 1969;
  24. PUB 117/25 - Rhodesia - Those Foolish "Five Principles", by Tim Keigwin, c. 1970;
  25. PUB 117/26 - Why the Monday Club? - Saving Britain from Socialism, a summary of basic aims and principles, Policy Document Series No. 1, by Clive Buckmaster, c. 1970;
  26. PUB 117/27 - Once upon a time..., by Stephen Hastings MC MP, Feb 1970;
  27. PUB 117/28 - Capital - Yours or Theirs?, by the Monday Club Taxation Group, Chairman A.P. Leslie, Feb 1970.

Also comprises file PUB 117/29 - The Conservative Dilemma, by Victor Montagu, c. 1970. Includes three 3rd programme broadcasts:

  1. The Idea of Commonwealth.
  2. A Compassionate Society.
  3. Consensus Politics.

Also comprises:

  1. PUB 117/30 - A Defeatist America, by Tom Stacey, Apr 1970;
  2. PUB 117/31 - Plane Talk - A Report on British Aviation Policy, by Richard E. Gardner and David W. Wragg, prepared by the Monday Club Aviation Group, c. 1970;
  3. PUB 117/32 - Ireland, Our Cuba?, by Jeremy Harwood, Jonathan Guinness, and John Biggs-Davison MP, Dec 1970;
  4. PUB 117/33 - Standing Room Only - The Population Problem in Britain, by Geoffrey Baber, Feb 1971;
  5. PUB 117/34 - Responsible Trade Unionism, by Ralph I. Clarke, Oct 1971;
  6. PUB 117/35 - Education and the Permissive Society, by Clive Buckmaster, 1971;
  7. PUB 117/36 - Housing Shortage - the Real Tory Solution, by the Monday Club Housing Study Group, Jul. 1971;
  8. PUB 117/37 - Some Uncivil Liberties, by Sam Swerling, Sep 1972;
  9. PUB 117/38 - Towards a Solution, by Julian Amery, 1974;
  10. PUB 117/39 - Rhodesia and the Threat to the West, by Julian Amery, John Biggs-Davison, Stephen Hastings, Harold Soef, Patrick Wall, Nov 1976;
  11. PUB 117/40 - Local Rates... A Viable Alternative, by Cllr. Brian Costello, c. 1976;
  12. PUB 117/41 - Europe: The Unguarded Legacy - A Conservative approach to European Unity, by the Monday Club European Policy Group, 1977;
  13. PUB 117/42 - Monday Papers No. 5, In Place of Community Land, by David Rowell, 1978;
  14. PUB 117/43 - A Time for Youth - The Report of a Conservative Party Study Group on Youth Politics, Jun 1978;
  15. PUB 117/48 - South Africa and the West, A Case for Concern, by Julian Amery, John Carlisle and Richard Stallabrown, 1978;
  16. PUB 117/44 - Monday Papers No. 9, Lords Reform: Why Tamper with the House of Lords?, by Lord Sudely, n.d.;
  17. PUB 117/45 - Towards Industrial Sanity - Draft Aide-Memoire to HMG, Oct 1979;
  18. PUB 117/46 - Towards Industrial Sanity - An Aide-Memoire presented to the Prime Minister by the Monday Club, Mar 1980;
  19. PUB 117/47 - The Conservative Party and the Common Market, by David Storey and Teddy Taylor MP, Jul 1982;
  20. PUB 117/49 - The British Churches - A Spiritual Fifth Column, by Bernard Smith, Sep 1983;
  21. PUB 117/50 - Monday Club Fact Card, Facts on Immigration from the New Commonwealth and Pakistan since 1951, Oct 1983;
  22. PUB 117/51 - Could Anything Undermine the 'Thatcher Revolution'?, by David Storey, Chairman of the Monday Club, preface by Teddy Taylor, Mar 1989;
  23. PUB 117/52 - Recall to Greatness, by John Murray, c. 1989;
  24. PUB 117/59 - Defence, by Anthony Courtney, Chairman of the Wiltshire Branch of the Monday Club, Jun 1982.


  • Creation: 1962-1989; n.d.


1 box

Language of Materials

  • English


PUB 117/1-18; PUB 117/20-52; PUB 117/59

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom