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CPS pamphlets, 1985-1986

PUB 108/1-28

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  1. PUB 108/1 - Trust the Tenant: devolving municipal housing, by Alex Henney, 1985;
  2. PUB 108/2 - Qualgos just grow: political bodies in voluntary clothing, 1985;
  3. PUB 108/3 - Technical schools: a tale of four countries, by Fred Naylor, 1985;
  4. PUB 108/4 - New light on Star Wars: a contribution to the SDI debate by Prof R.V. Jones with a preface by Lord Thomas of Swynnerton, 1985;
  5. PUB 108/5 - Greening the Tories: new policies on the environment, by Andrew Sullivan, 1985;
  6. PUB 108/6 - Put pits into profit: alternative plan for coal, by Keith Boyfield, 1985;
  7. PUB 108/7 - Pilot Paper No. 1: The ancient mariner and the old sailor: delights and uses of the English language, by Peter Vansittart, 1985;
  8. PUB 108/8 - Pilot Paper No. 2: Trials of Honeyford: problems in multicultural education, by Andrew Brown, 1985;
  9. PUB 108/9 - Spring Address: Terrorism and tolerance: flaws in the liberal tradition, by T.E. Utley, 1985;
  10. PUB 108/10 - Summer Address: Monetarism and Morality, by Brian Griffiths, 1985;
  11. PUB 108/11 - Autumn Address: Gentrification or growth: cultural causes of economic failure, by Sir James Goldsmith, 1985;
  12. PUB 108/12 - Winter Address: Morality, Politics and Law: reflections of a conservative, by Lord Hailsham, 1985;
  13. PUB 108/13 - Annual Review: Work of the study groups and the working parties, 1985;
  14. PUB 108/14 - Equity for everyman: new ways to widen ownership, by John Redwood, 1986;
  15. PUB 108/15 - A case for coherence: assumptions and aims for British foreign policy, by George Urban, 1986;
  16. PUB 108/16 - Business still burdened: more regulations for the scrapheap, by Teresa Gorman, 1986;
  17. PUB 108/17 - Employment examined: the Right approach to more jobs, by Cyril Taylor, 1986;
  18. PUB 108/18 - NHS: the road to recovery, by Hugh Elwell, 1986;
  19. PUB 108/19 - Beveridge revisited: new foundations for tomorrow's welfare, by Stephen Davies, 1986;
  20. PUB 108/20 - Every adult a share-owner: the case for universal share ownership, by Shirley Robin Letwin and William Letwin, 1986;
  21. PUB 108/21 - Lets into leases: the political economy of rent deregulation, by Martin Ricketts, 1986;
  22. PUB 108/22 - Pilot Paper No. 3: The wealthy wellfairs: how to care for the rich, by Oliver Knox, 1986;
  23. PUB 108/23 - The Templeton Lecture: Shares for all: steps towards a share-owning society, by Sir Nicholas Goodison, 1986;
  24. PUB 108/24 - Summer Address: The Unfinished Task: the Conservative record in perspective, by Ronald Butt, 1986;
  25. PUB 108/25 - Autumn Address: To spur, not to mould: government and industry in the late 1980s, by Leon Brittan, 1986;
  26. PUB 108/26 - Winter Address: Morality and markets: gospel of an economist, by Lord Harris of High Cross, 1986;
  27. PUB 108/27 - Winter Address: The new capitalism: personal ownership and social progress, by David Howell, 1986;
  28. PUB 108/28 - Annual Review 1986: achievements and aims: the past and future year, 1986.


  • Creation: 1985-1986


1 box

Language of Materials

  • English


PUB 108/1-28

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

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Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom