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Occasional Papers, 1989-1999

PUB 674/1-29

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  1. PUB 674/1 - DELORS versus 1992? A review of the cost of social harmonisation in the European Community, by Professor B.C. Roberts (Occasional Paper 1), c. 1989;
  2. PUB 674/2 - Europe: Fortress or Freedom?, by Doctor Brian Hindley (Occasional Paper 2), c. 1989;
  3. PUB 674/3 - Britain and the EMS?, by Doctor Martin Holmes (Occasional Paper 3), c. 1989;
  4. PUB 674/4 - Good Europeans?, by Alan Sked (Occasional Paper 4), Nov 1989;
  5. PUB 674/5 - A Citizen's Charter for European Monetary Union, by Roland Vaubel, Francisco Cabrillo, Antonio Martino, Pascal Salin (Occasional Paper 5), Dec 1989;
  6. PUB 674/6 - Is National Sovereignty a Big Bad Wolf?, by Stephen Haseler, Kenneth Minogue, David Regan, and Eric Deakins (Occasional Paper 6), Feb 1990;
  7. PUB 674/7 - The Common Agricultural Policy: An expensive lesson on the dangers of harmonisation by regulation, by Richard Howarth (Occasional Paper 7), Mar 1990;
  8. PUB 674/8 - A Europe for Europeans, by Francois Goguel, Pedro Schwartz, Manfred Neumann, Wolfram Engels, Kenneth Minogue, Manfred Streit (Occasional Paper 8), Apr 1990;
  9. PUB 674/9 - A Proposal for European Union, by Alan Sked (Occasional Paper 9), May 1990;
  10. PUB 674/10 - Mrs Thatcher, Labour and the EEC, by Martin Holmes (Occasional Paper 12), Feb 1991;
  11. PUB 674/11 - Master Eurocrat - The Making of Jacques Delors, by Russell Lewis (Occasional Paper 13), Apr 1991;
  12. PUB 674/12 - The Erosion of Democracy, by Niall Ferguson, Kenneth Minogue, David Regan (Occasional Paper No. 14), Jun 1993;
  13. PUB 674/13 - Address to the 5th anniversary of the foundation of The Bruges Group, by Lord Tebbit of Chingford (Occasional Paper No. 15), Feb 1994;
  14. PUB 674/14 - All Those In Favour: The British Trade Union Movement and Europe, by John Sheldrake (Occasional Paper No. 16), Jul 1994;
  15. PUB 674/15 - The Conservative Party and Europe, by Martin Holmes (Occasional Paper No. 17), Nov 1994;
  16. PUB 674/16 - Speaking Out on Europe, by Christopher Gill MP (Occasional Paper No. 18), Apr 1995;
  17. PUB 674/17 - Worlds Apart, by Bill Jamieson (Occasional Paper No. 19), c. 1995;
  18. PUB 674/18 - From Single Market to Single Currency: Evaluating Europe's Economic Experiment, by Martin Holmes (Occasional Paper No. 20), Aug 1995;
  19. PUB 674/19 - Delors, Germany & the Future of Europe: Articles & Reviews 1989-95, by Russell Lewis (Occasional Paper No. 21), Oct 1995;
  20. PUB 674/20 - The Party's Over: Labour and the European Union, by Dr Chris Rowley (Occasional Paper No. 22), c. 1996;
  21. PUB 674/21 - The Conservative Conference and Euro-Sceptical Motions 1992-95, by Martin Ball (Occasional Paper No. 23), c. 1996;
  22. PUB 674/22 - Professor A.J.P. Taylor on Europe: The Historian Who Predicted the Future, researched by Jonathan Collett (Occasional Paper No. 26), Jan 1997;
  23. PUB 674/23 - John Major and Europe: The Failure of a policy 1990-7, by Martin Holmes (Occasional Paper No. 28), May 1997;
  24. PUB 674/24 - Is Europe Ready for EMU? Theory, Evidence and Consequences, by Mark Baimbridge, Brian Burkitt and Philip Whyman (Occasional Paper No. 31), Apr 1998;
  25. PUB 674/25 - Reviewing Europe: Selected Book Reviews 1991-7, by Martin Holmes (Occasional Paper No. 30), May 1998;
  26. PUB 674/26 - Aiming for the Heart of Europe: A Misguided Venture, by John Bercow MP (Occasional Paper No. 33), Dec 1998;
  27. PUB 674/27 - Conservative MEPs and the European People's Party: Time for Divorce, by Jonathan Collett & Martin Ball (Occasional Paper No. 36), Jun 1999;
  28. PUB 674/28 - The Bank that rules Europe? The ECB and Central Bank Independence, by Mark Baimbridge, Brian Burkitt & Philip Whyman (Occasional Paper No. 37), Jul 1999;
  29. PUB 674/29 - Alien Thoughts: Reflections on Identity, by Helen Szamuely, Robert W. Cahn & Yahya El-Droubie (Occasional Paper No. 38), Oct 1999.


  • Creation: 1989-1999


1 box

Language of Materials

  • English


PUB 674/1-29

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

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Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom