Verse, [1710?]-[1808], n.d.
MS. Eng. d. 3884
- (fols. ii-viii) an index of contents
- (fol. 1r) verse commencing 'sov'reign of love, nor own we less thy pow'r' by Simon Harcourt, [1710?]
- (fol. 1r) verse commencing 'when lansdown vews the fierceness of my flame' by Simon Harcourt, [1710?]
- (fol. 1v) verse commencing 'close, close the volume and no more engage' by Simon Harcourt, [1710?]
- (fol.1v-2r) verse commencing 'it thunders & we now may boast' by Simon Harcourt, [1710?]
- (fol. 2r-v) verse commencing 'dear Harry if any' by Simon Harcourt, [1710?]
- (fol. 3) verse commencing 'the fiercest beasts their homage yeild' by Simon Harcourt, n.d.
- (fol. 4r) verse commencing 'the sacred canvass and the sacred rhime' by Simon Harcourt, n.d.
- (fol. 5r) verse commencing 'dear Harry if any' by Simon Harcourt, [1710?]
- (fol. 5v) verse commencing 'while yet ye war in doubtfull ballance hung by Simon Harcourt, n.d.
- (fol. 5v) verse commencing 'when lansdown vews the fierceness of my flame' by Simon Harcourt, [1710?]
- (fol. 6) verse titled 'To Mr Prior - upon his invitation to town' by Simon Harcourt, n.d.
- (fol. 7) verse commencing 'here mayst thou see me, ere the trady sun' by Simon Harcourt, n.d.
- (fol. 8r) verse titled 'The Toilet" by Simon Harcourt, n.d.
- (fol. 8v) verses titled 'To the Honorable Mr-' and 'Struggle' by Simon Harcourt, n.d.
- (fol. 9r) verse commencing 'chast Celia judge & judging own how strong' by Simon Harcourt, n.d.
- (fol. 9v) verse titled 'Upon ye Ly P- painting' by Simon Harcourt, n.d.
- (fol. 10) verse commencing 'when rash erostratus at fame aspird' by Simon Harcourt, n.d.
- (fols. 11-13) verse titled 'Astrop Wells, 1719, addressed to the honourable Thomas Harvey esq.' by Simon Harcourt, 1719
- (fol. 14) song, commencing 'as Damon languished at my feet', composed by Lady Julia Noel for Viscount Carbury, n.d.
- (fol. 15) '54th psalm paraphrased to the tune of the Easter Hymn' by Martha Vernon-Venables, n.d.
- (fols. 17-19) various verses and songs titled 'Imitations from the French' by unidentified, n.d.
- (fols. 20-3) verse titled 'On leaving Spaw' by Henry Temple, 2nd Viscount Palmerston, addressed to Elizabeth Harcourt, Viscountess Nuneham, and Miss [Frances?] Poole, 1766
- (fols. 24-5) verse titled 'Ode to Friendship' by Henry Temple, 2nd Viscount Palmerston, n.d.
- (fols. 26-7) verse titled 'On Beauty' by Henry Temple, 2nd Viscount Palmerston, n.d.
- (fol. 28) verse commencing 'oftimes in friendship's semblance drest' by Henry Temple, 2nd Viscount Palmerston, n.d.
- (fol. 29) epitaph for Charlotte, Countess of Dysart by Horatio Walpole, in an unidentified hand, n.d.
- (fol. 30) verse 'wrote on Pam's holding a telescope, & thrown into the Dutchess of Grafton's lapp at Loo, the night before she left England' by Horatio Walpole in an unidentified hand, n.d.; verse 'written by Ld Ch-d placed in the Parlour of Sir William Stanhope's house, that was Mr Pope's at Twickenham' by [ Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield?], n.d.
- (fols. 31-2) verse commencing 'when gentle Thames rowls back his silver streams' by Philip James Wharton, Duke of Wharton, n.d.
- (fol. 33) verse titled 'A riddle' by David Garrick in an unidentified hand, n.d.
- (fol. 33v) verse commencing 'Sir this will inform you I'm not in your debt' by Mrs Malbon, n.d.
- (fol. 34r) verse commencing 'your pinks, your tulips live an hour' for Walter Clark by Horatio Walpole, 1773
- (fol. 34v) inscription by William Mason for a pedestal to mark the site of Walter Clark's death in the flower garden at Nuneham Park, Aug. 1784
- (fols. 35-6) verse by David Garrick 'On leaving Chatsworth having had a dispute the preceding evening with Lord John Cavendish on the merits of Shakespeare' in an unidentified hand, n.d.
- (fol. 37) epitaph for William Hogarth commencing 'farewell great painter of mankind' by David Garrick, n.d.
- (fols. 38-9) verse titled ' Garrick's wedding' attributed to Edward Moore, n.d.
- (fol. 40) verse commencing 'with gallant Onslow second in command' by [Thomas Onslow, Viscount Cranley?], n.d.
- (fol. 41) verse titled 'A catalogue of comforts for two sisters & mothers in law' by unidentifed, n.d.
- (fols. 42-3) verse titled 'Verses upon the honourable Stephen Fox written by the honourable C.J. Fox & the honourable Richard Fitzpatrick', n.d.
- (fol. 44r) verse commencing 'we are little Airy Creatures' attributed to Jonathan Swift, n.d.; verse commencing 'a word that consists of three letters alone', by unidentified, n.d.
- (fols. 46-7) verse, for Mrs Crewe, commencing 'when the loveliest expression to feature is joynd' by Charles James Fox, in an unidentified hand, n.d.
- (fol. 48-9) verse, for Lady Egremont, commencing 'virtue and fame the other day' by George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton, 1761
- (fol. 50) verse commencing 'father of mercies deign to hear' by George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton, n.d.
- (fol. 51) verse, for Lord William Gordon, titled 'The caution - by a friend' by Lady Anne Lindsay, n.d.
- (fols. 52-3) verse titled 'The removal of the village' by William Whitehead, n.d.
- (fols. 54-5) verse titled 'The old woman's tree' by William Whitehead, n.d.
- (fols. 56-9) verse titled 'The flower garden - a eclogue' by William Whitehead, 1770
- (fol. 60) verse, for Lady Spencer, commencing 'queen of the sports, you deign to grace' by William Whitehead, in an unidentified hand, 1778
- (fol. 61) verse, for George Simon Harcourt, Viscount Nuneham, commencing 'we laundry maids at Nuneham' by William Whitehead, in the hand of Elizabeth Harcourt, Viscountess Nuneham, 1772
- (fols. 62-3) 'Verses occassioned by the death of Walter Clark, florist - written in the flower garden at Nuneham' by William Whitehead, [1784]
- (fols. 64-5) verse, concerning the death of Lancelot"Capability" Brown, commencing 'clos'd are his toils, the fatal shaft has flown', by William Whitehead, [1783]
- (fols. 66-7) verse, for Georgiana Spencer, Countess Spencer, commencing 'the dames of Greece & Rome when glory's charms' by William Whitehead, n.d.
- (fols. 68-9) verse commencing 'here shall our ling'ring footsteps oft be found' by William Whitehead, n.d.
- (fol. 70) verse commencing 'can this be Nuneham's liberal shade' by William Whitehead, n.d.
- (fols. 71-2) verse, for a memorial to William Mason at Nuneham Park, commencing 'these roseate bowers, these sun-bright glades' by Sir Brooke Boothby, May 1796
- (fol. 73) verse on Mark VII 31 by Francis Wrangham, n.d.
- (fol. 74) verse on John XX 24 by Francis Wrangham, n.d.
- (fols. 75-8) verse titled 'The search for content' by Thomas Wilson, n.d.
- (fols. 79-80) verse 'written at that part of the grounds at Nuneham, where the rewards of industry are annually distributed among the inhabitants of the village' by unidentified, n.d.
- (fol. 81) verse commencing 'thy years have flown on rapid wing' by Joseph Dacre Carlyle, n.d.
- (fols. 82-3) 'Part of an old ballad' concerning James Francis Edward Stuart, 'The Old Pretender', by unidentified, n.d.
- (fols. 84r) verse, concerning the American War of Independence, commencing 'each morn the chafing dishes round' by Dr Vansittart, n.d.
- (fol. 84r-v) verse, concerning the American War of Independence, commencing 'Upon a Tressel Pig was laid' by Dr Vansittart, in an unidentified hand, n.d.
- (fol. 85) verse titled 'The French Version of the ten Commandments' by unidentified, n.d.
- (fols. 86-7) verse titled 'A chapter in logick' by unidentified, n.d.
- (fols. 88-9) verse commencing 'I lately thought, no man alive' by unidentified, n.d.
- (fol. 90) verse 'written improptu in a box at Covent Garden theatre when Mrs Siddons had finished her address on taking leave of the stage' by Thomas Erskine 1st Baron Erskine, n.d.
- (fol. 91) verse titled 'On a beautiful young lady with an impediment in her speech, & remarkable for sweetness of disposition' by ? Nares, n.d.
- (fol. 92) verse 'hung on the boughs of a venerable wallnut tree which overshadows the burial ground of Mr Waller in Beaconsfield church yard' by unidentified, n.d.
- (fols. 93-4) verse titled 'The diversions of Purley' by unidentified, n.d.
- (fol. 95) verse titled 'Ecclesiastical Joy', concerning Edward Venables-Vernon's appointment as Archbishop of York, by Mrs [Kobett?], [1808]
- (fols. 96-8) ballad commencing 'of all the men I ever saw' by John West, 2nd Earl de la Warr, n.d.
- (fol. 99) verse, for Sir Joshua Reynolds, commencing 'hope not my Mary's charms to trace' by John West, 2nd Earl de la Warr, n.d.
- (fols. 100-1) verse titled 'The maids of honor' by John West, 2nd Earl de la Warr, n.d.
- (fols. 102-3) verse titled 'The maid of honor's answer to Lord de la Warr's farewell' by Charles Townshend, n.d.
- (fol. 104) song commencing 'fair hebe I left with a cautious design' by John West, 2nd Earl de la Warr, n.d.
- (fols. 105-6) verse titled 'Goodbye and howd'ydo' attributed to William Robert Spencer, n.d.
- (fol. 107) verse titled 'Fragment of an oration' by George Canning, n.d.
- (fol. 108) copy of verse in the hand of Edward Jerningham, concerning Isabella Markham, commencing 'whence comes my love, o hearte disclose' by John Harington, 1564
- (fol. 109) verse, for Anne Berry on the the loss of the nest of cupids, commencing 'the many loves that o'er thy bosom stray' by Edward Jerningham, n.d.
- (fol. 110) verse commencing 'the Arts improve in this aspiring age' by unidentified, n.d.
- (fols. 111-12) verse titled 'New games at St. Stephen's chapel' by unidentified, n.d.
- (fol. 113) verse titled 'March of intellect in Ireland' by unidentified, n.d.
- (fols. 114-15) verse titled 'The proper epithet' by unidentified, n.d.
- (fol. 116) epigram 'written at the time when a tax was laid on receipts when Mr Fox was minister' by Mrs Walsingham in the hand of Elizabeth Harcourt, Countess Harcourt, n.d.
- (fol. 117) verse, for Elizabeth Carpenter, commencing 'the high flown kiss and studied verse' by Anne Talbot, Dec. 1800
- (fol. 118) verse commencing 'to horse to horse my comrades say' by Charlotte Chetwynd Talbot, Countess Talbot, n.d.
- (fol. 119) verse 'on Lord Nuneham having his arms painted on his chariot without a coronet' by Charlotte Chetwynd Talbot, Countess Talbot, n.d.
- (fols. 120-1) copy of an epitaph by Hersell inscribed upon the monument to Mary, Countess Talbot in the church of Barrington, Gloucestershire, n.d.
- (fols. 122-3) verse 'addressed to Mrs North upon her asking why she was graceful, by George Lyttelton, 1st B Lyttelton, n.d.
- (fols. 124-5) verse, on Lord Guilford, commencing 'though darkness o'er the sight may roll' by Anthony Morris Storer, n.d.
- (fols. 126-7) verse titled 'The gentleman's skull' by unidentified, n.d.
- (fols. 127-8) verse titled 'The lady's skull' by unidentified, n.d.
- (fol. 129) verse commencing 'oh thou for whom my lyre I string' by unidentified, n.d.
- (fols. 129-30) prose riddles by William Mason, n.d.
- (fols. 131-2) verse, for Elizabeth Anne Linley, commencing 'uncouth this moss covered grotto of stone' by Richard Brinsley Sheridan, n.d.
- (fol. 133) address of George Selwyn to the electors of Gloucester put into verse by R. Fitzpatrick, 1786
- Creation: [1710?]-[1808], n.d.
135 Leaves
Language of Materials
- English
MS. Eng. d. 3884
- From the Collection: Harcourt | Edward William | 1825-1891 | politician (Person)
- From the Collection: Harcourt | Edward | 1757-1847 | formerly Venables-Vernon | Archbishop of York (Person)
- From the Collection: Harcourt | Elizabeth | d 1826 | nee Venables-Vernon | wife of 2nd Earl Harcourt (Person)
- From the Collection: Harcourt | George Granville | 1785-1861 | formerly Venables-Vernon | MP, Barrister (Person)
- From the Collection: Harcourt | George Simon | 1736-1809 | 2nd Earl Harcourt (Person)
- From the Collection: Harcourt | Lady | Anne | 1761-1831 | nee Leveson-Gower, later Venables-Vernon | wife of Edward Harcourt (Person)
- From the Collection: Harcourt | Matilda Mary | 1804-1876 | nee Gooch, later Venables Vernon | wife of William Venables Vernon Harcourt (Person)
- From the Collection: Harcourt | Simon | 1714-1777 | 1st Earl Harcourt | politician (Person)
- From the Collection: Harcourt | Simon | c 1661-1727 | 1st Viscount Harcourt | Lord Chancellor (Person)
- From the Collection: Harcourt | William | 1743-1830 | 3rd Earl Harcourt | Field Marshal (Person)
- From the Collection: Harcourt | William | Venables Vernon | 1789-1871 | Canon of York, chemist (Person)
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