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Correspondence and papers of William Vernon Harcourt, 1817-71, n.d.

MS. Eng. d. 3873

  • Request

The volume is labelled 'Gas furnace and scientific letters' and comprises:

letters from William Vernon Harcourt to:

  1. (fols. 153-4) Lord ?, Feb. 1832
  2. (fols. 155-6) Sir John Herschel, n.d.

letters to William Vernon Harcourt from:

  1. (fols. 1-3) W.B. Hudson, May 1819
  2. (fols. 4-8) James Hudson, Oct. 1832, Dec. 1836
  3. (fol. 9) John J. Barry, May 1819, with (fols. 10-11) comments on Barry's letter by Vernon Harcourt.
  4. (fols. 12-17) William Jory Henwood, Sept. 1829, Jan. 1832
  5. (fols. 18-19) George Young, Jan. 1825
  6. (fol. 20, 28-9) H. Prichard, Sept. [1831], Nov. 1835, with (fols. 21-7) an essay by Prichard titled 'Remarks on the application of philosophical & physical researches to the history of the human species, n.d.
  7. (fols. 32-3) John Hasleton, Oct. 1817
  8. (fols. 34-42) Eaton Hodgkinson, Mar.-June 1833, May 1836
  9. (fol. 43) John Donkin, July 1833
  10. (fols. 44-54, 56-65) Bryan Donkin, Jan. 1834-May 1836, Dec. 1843-Jan. 1844, with (fols. 66-9) plans of gas furnaces [by Donkin?], Dec. 1843, Dec. 1851
  11. (fols. 70-1) Peter Barlow, Sept. 1831
  12. (fols. 74-7) Edward Turner, Oct. 1832, May 1833
  13. (fol. 78) H.W. Hird, Mar. 1833
  14. (fols. 79-80) W. Frend, June 1833
  15. (fols. 81-2) Sharpe, Roberts & co, Apr. 1833
  16. (fol. 83) unidentified, Apr. 1836
  17. (fol. 84) Johnson Mattley, Sept. 1851
  18. (fols. 94-100) G. Biddle, Aug. 1851-Apr. 1852
  19. (fols. 110-11) M. Hubbock, Nov. 1831
  20. (fols. 112-37, 140-3) James Finlay Weir Johnston, Nov. 1831-Jan. 1836
  21. (fol. 144) ? Gilbert, Feb. 1830
  22. (fols. 145-8) [V. Forster?], May 1832
  23. (fols. 149-50) R.W. Fox, Jan. 1832
  24. (fols. 162-6) John Stevens Henslow, Aug. 1833
  25. (fols. 167-8) Henry James Brooke, June 1834
  26. (fols. 169-70) Leonard Jenyns, Dec. 1834
  27. (fols. 171-2) ? P. Water, n.d.
  28. (fol. 173) ? Schumacher, July 1835
  29. (fols. 174-5) John Yelloly, Sept. 1835
  30. (fols. 176-9) Humphrey Lloyd, May 1835, n.d.
  31. (fols. 180-2) unidentified, Dec. 1836
  32. (fols. 183-212) James Yates, July 1832-May 1833, May 1835-Mar. 1836
  33. (fols. 213-14) G.B. Green[sough?] Nov. 1832
  34. (fol. 215) Stephen Peter Rigaud, Dec. 1832
  35. (fols. 216-22) Francis Baily, June 1832-Dec. 1833, May 1836
  36. (fols. 223-6) William Henry Fitton, June 1832
  37. (fols. 227-9) Robert Brown, June 1840, Feb. 1846
  38. (fols. 230, 232) George Rennie, Sept.-Dec. 1833
  39. (fol. 236) William West, Dec. 1845
  40. (fols. 237-8) John Edward Gray, June 1851
  41. (fols. 239-40) William Robert Grove, Oct. 1862

letter to Matilda Vernon Harcourt from:

  1. (fols. 241-4) Joseph Munby, Apr. 1871

with letters to John Phillips (appointed keeper of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society by Vernon Harcourt) from:

  1. (fols. 30-1) unidentified, July 1829
  2. (fols. 72-3) Edward Turner, July-Aug. 1832
  3. (fols. 138-9) James Finlay Weir Johnston, Oct. 1834
  4. (fols. 151-2) George Hunsley Fielding, July 1832
  5. (fols. 157-9) unidentified, Aug. 1832
  6. (fols. 160-1) John Stevens Henslow, Aug. 1833
  7. (fol. 231) George Rennie, Aug. 1833

and other papers comprising:

  1. (fols. 85-6) 'Description of drawing of a gas-furnace', n.d.
  2. (fols. 87-93) printed copy of Vernon Harcourt's Report on a gas furnace for experiments on vitrification and other applications of high heat in the laboratory, 1845
  3. (fols. 233-5) paper on Oxfordshire soil and stone types, July 1839


  • Creation: 1817-71, n.d.


251 Leaves

Language of Materials

  • English


MS. Eng. d. 3873

Separated Materials

News cutting concerning the poisons bill, 1885, which was found loose at fol. 2 is now MS. Eng. c. 7568, fol. 48.

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom