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General correspondence, Ellicott – Ely, 1830-1881

Dep. Hughenden 126/3
Held at the Weston Library

  • Request

Including letters from:

  1. Ellicott, Charles J. bp of Gloucester & Bristol, 1860-1877, 12 items
  2. Elliot, Sir George, 1875-1880, 40 items
  3. Ellis, C. Heaton, 1851, 1855, 2 items
  4. Ellis, George, 1867, 1 item
  5. Ellis, H., 1856, 1 item
  6. Elmsley, Lord: see Lygon in Dep. Hughenden 135/1
  7. Elphinstone, Sir James, 1859-1880, 14 items
  8. Ely, Marchioness of, 1865-1875, 11 items


  • Creation: 1830-1881


190 Leaves

Language of Materials

  • English


Dep. Hughenden 126/3