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'Itala Sangallensis' etc., Written about 1840 by C. Tischendorf

MS. Lat. bib. d. 3
Held at the Weston Library

  • Request
  1. [II. 15] (fol. viii) 'Itala Sangallensis', transcript of the St. Gall fragments of the Gospels Mark and Matthew cited as n
  2. [II. 16, 17] (fol. 17) 'Italafragmente aus Sangallen', transcripts of the St. Gall fragments of Mk. xvi. 14-20 and John xi. 16-44 cited as (o) and (p) respectively
  3. [II. 19] (fol. 28) Collation of Codex Parisianus 11955, olim Sangermanensis, of the Vulgate, Walker's codex (a)
  4. [II. 21] (fol. 38) Collation and partial transcript of an unidentified St. Gall MS. of st. Mark
  5. [II. 22] (fol. 59) 'Sangallensia', transcripts etc. of St. Gall fragments of st. Luke (cod. 1394), st. John (cod. 60), Pauline epistles (codd. 70, 908), Acts (cod. 2)
  6. Artt. (a), (b), (c) have been printed in Old Latin Biblical Texts no. 2 (1886)


  • Creation: Written about 1840 by C. Tischendorf


85 Leaves

Language of Materials

  • English


MS. Lat. bib. d. 3

Other Finding Aids

Falconer Madan, et al., A summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the Quarto series (7 vols. in 8 [vol. II in 2 parts], Oxford, 1895-1953; reprinted, with corrections in vols. I and VII, Munich, 1980), vol. VI, no. 36208

Physical Facet

On paper


10 1/8 × 8 5/8 in.

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom