Treatises, chiefly astronomical and alchemical, Written in the 13th century in England
Treatises, chiefly astronomical and alchemical:
- Fol. 3. 'Liber magistri Rogeri Hereford de iudiciis astronomicis', beg. 'Quoniam regulas artis': some leaves are wanting after fol. 5: at fol. 7 is a note on making almanacs, etc.
- Fol. 10v. 'Liber de tribus generalibus iudiciis astronomie ex quibus cetera omnia defluunt, editus a magistro Rogero Hereford', in three books with prologue: beg. 'Quoniam circa tria fit omnis astronomica considerado': at fol. 19v is a note adapted to the latitude of Hereford.
- Fol. 20. 'Liber de motibus planetarum', beg. 'Inuestigantibus astronomie raciones', a Theorica sphaerae perhaps by Grosseteste.
- Fol. 31. 'Doctrina equacionis omnium planetarum', beg. 'Primo sumantur anni collecti'.
- Fol. 41. 'Liber de institucione vniuersitatis', i.e. on the proper principles of an organized society or state: beg. 'Omnis homo naturaliter desiderat': two leaves are lost after fol. 42.
- Fol. 47. 'Theoreica [sic] arcium magicarum', beg. 'Omnes homines qui sensibilia'. This is a work by Alkindus, sometimes called from its earlier chapters 'de radiis stellarum'.
- Fol. 61. 'Liber graduum', gradus being defined on fol. 64v as 'intencio primordialis alicuius proprietatis [sc. caliditatis etc.] ... ultra suum contrarium in dupla [etc.] ... proporcione'.
- Fol. 69v. 'Liber de uulgari iudicio sermonis', beg. 'Quoniam plurimi hominum uulgari rerum intellectu': a treatise on the value of assertion.
- Fol. 74. Many alchemical recipes: the first is 'Scorpium recentem confractum in alcara, scilicet in fornace'.
- Fol. 109v. A treatise on omens from sculptured gems: beg. 'In nomine Domini hic est liber preciosus magnus atque sacratus siggillorum coelez [= coelatorum ?] quem fecerunt filii Israel in deserto secundum motus & cursus siderum'. On fols. 113v-115 are some half-erased notes.
- Fol. 116. An alchemical treatise: beg. 'Michi uidetur dicere quod annussadir dum subleuatur aceto semper adequetur', the reference is to sal ammoniac.
- On fol. 46v is an early 16th cent. list of surnames of thirty-eight monks: identified by dr. R. L. Poole as of St. Swithun's, Winchester.
- Creation: Written in the 13th century in England
126 Leaves
Language of Materials
- Latin
MS. Selden Supra 76
Old Selden mark = 76
Other Finding Aids
Falconer Madan, et al., A summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the Quarto series (7 vols. in 8 [vol. II in 2 parts], Oxford, 1895-1953; reprinted, with corrections in vols. I and VII, Munich, 1980), vol. II, no. 3464
Custodial History
A Winchester book: see above.
Manuscript 3479 acquired by the Bodleian Library
Physical Facet
On parchment; somewhat soiled, with illuminated capitals, etc.
8 7/8 × 7 in.
Repository Details
Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository
Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom