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Treatises, chiefly astronomical and alchemical, Written in the 13th century in England

MS. Selden Supra 76
Held at the Weston Library

  • Request

Treatises, chiefly astronomical and alchemical:

  1. Fol. 3. 'Liber magistri Rogeri Hereford de iudiciis astronomicis', beg. 'Quoniam regulas artis': some leaves are wanting after fol. 5: at fol. 7 is a note on making almanacs, etc.
  2. Fol. 10v. 'Liber de tribus generalibus iudiciis astronomie ex quibus cetera omnia defluunt, editus a magistro Rogero Hereford', in three books with prologue: beg. 'Quoniam circa tria fit omnis astronomica considerado': at fol. 19v is a note adapted to the latitude of Hereford.
  3. Fol. 20. 'Liber de motibus planetarum', beg. 'Inuestigantibus astronomie raciones', a Theorica sphaerae perhaps by Grosseteste.
  4. Fol. 31. 'Doctrina equacionis omnium planetarum', beg. 'Primo sumantur anni collecti'.
  5. Fol. 41. 'Liber de institucione vniuersitatis', i.e. on the proper principles of an organized society or state: beg. 'Omnis homo naturaliter desiderat': two leaves are lost after fol. 42.
  6. Fol. 47. 'Theoreica [sic] arcium magicarum', beg. 'Omnes homines qui sensibilia'. This is a work by Alkindus, sometimes called from its earlier chapters 'de radiis stellarum'.
  7. Fol. 61. 'Liber graduum', gradus being defined on fol. 64v as 'intencio primordialis alicuius proprietatis [sc. caliditatis etc.] ... ultra suum contrarium in dupla [etc.] ... proporcione'.
  8. Fol. 69v. 'Liber de uulgari iudicio sermonis', beg. 'Quoniam plurimi hominum uulgari rerum intellectu': a treatise on the value of assertion.
  9. Fol. 74. Many alchemical recipes: the first is 'Scorpium recentem confractum in alcara, scilicet in fornace'.
  10. Fol. 109v. A treatise on omens from sculptured gems: beg. 'In nomine Domini hic est liber preciosus magnus atque sacratus siggillorum coelez [= coelatorum ?] quem fecerunt filii Israel in deserto secundum motus & cursus siderum'. On fols. 113v-115 are some half-erased notes.
  11. Fol. 116. An alchemical treatise: beg. 'Michi uidetur dicere quod annussadir dum subleuatur aceto semper adequetur', the reference is to sal ammoniac.
  12. On fol. 46v is an early 16th cent. list of surnames of thirty-eight monks: identified by dr. R. L. Poole as of St. Swithun's, Winchester.


  • Creation: Written in the 13th century in England


126 Leaves

Language of Materials

  • Latin


MS. Selden Supra 76


Old Selden mark = 76

Other Finding Aids

Falconer Madan, et al., A summary catalogue of western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the Quarto series (7 vols. in 8 [vol. II in 2 parts], Oxford, 1895-1953; reprinted, with corrections in vols. I and VII, Munich, 1980), vol. II, no. 3464

Custodial History

A Winchester book: see above.

Manuscript 3479 acquired by the Bodleian Library

Physical Facet

On parchment; somewhat soiled, with illuminated capitals, etc.


8 7/8 × 7 in.

Repository Details

Part of the Bodleian Libraries Repository

Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG United Kingdom